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55.37% Depravity to it's finest / Chapter 139: Bullying Emma

Chapter 139: Bullying Emma

Alex and Emma were just about to leave the mansion when they found Minami standing in front of them leaning against the wall. 

"Tsk, I waited for so long, " She said with her eyes closed while folding her hands. 

She then acted irritated and stood straight with her hands folded below her breasts. 

Alex almost wanted to whistle, as he looked at the way Minami was dresses. 

She was wearing a short red one piece dress that only went upto her thighs, leaving her long slim legs bare and beautiful. 

She seemed to have done some make-up. As even her beautiful black hair were cascading down gently with elegance. 

Seeing Alex scanning her upside down, Minami's irritated facade went away. 

She shyly looked down unable to make an eye contact with the man she loved so dearly, but seeing Alex making a quick escape without even greeting her made her shocked and surprised. 

" W-Wait!? " She was shocked, as she ran behind him.

More than once was she about to fall down because of high heels she wore, for Alex to admire her legs. 

But fortunately her step-sister cum lacky Emi was there to help her. 

Minami still followed Alex fast enough and soon caught upto him at the parking. 

" I'll drop you to college! " She yelled with flushed face, so that Alex could hear her. 

Alex was amused seeing the eldest Princess of Yamamoto Clan acting like a bootlicker in front of him. 

Well, he couldn't blame her as she was already brainwashed to love him unconditionally. 

So, Alex just plainly said, " I'm getting late for the first day. Be quick or you'll be punished. "

Minami ordered Emi to bring her car here, while throwing her car key to her, " Take my Dranz-180. Act fast! " 

She was like a cat whose tail was stepped upon by Alex's hurried words. 

Emi didn't dare to waste any time, but she was sure irritated seeing her madam, the Eldest Princess of Yamamoto Clan, the CEO of Fragrance Beauty acting like an obedient dog to the man who she had beef with just some days ago. 

Alas, she couldn't do anything to Alex or Minami, as her position in family was not high enough to even say a thing against them. 

She just ran to get Minami's luxurious sports car, which she only ever used for high end functions and parties. 

On the other hand, Minami just stood where she was while trying to act beautiful, high and mighty. 

As she politely smiled at Alex, saying, " Good morning Alex. "

She didn't forget to bend down slightly so that Alex could get glimspe of her feminine assets which weren't covered by anything but her one piece dress. 

But surprisingly for her, Alex just ignored her and started flirting with Emma. 

He now wasn't retrained by anything in Yamamoto Clan. 

No prick was gonna come to him, acting cocky even if he did something here. 

Entire Yamamoto Clan was his now! 

So, he already had a hand around the waist of Emma who was blushing brightly while having a pleasant conversation with him. 

As for Minami... He just ignored her feeling amused at seeing her try to act as usual. 

For someone like Minami, who always lived on the top of ladder, she was accustomed to having everyone praising her and bootlicking her here and there. 

But Alex wanted Minami to be his licking dog, following him around while trying to please him. 

He wanted her to know, that in the eyes of other men she might be a Godess. But, in front of him she was just one of his pets with whom he was gonna play whenever he wants. 

Minami was almost about to cry, as Alex completely ignored her. 

She felt heartbroken seeing Alex who took her first time and still was acting like this to her. 

She wanted Alex to notice her, she wanted him to praise her. 

She had even worn such a sexy skirt for him while doing make up for more than an hour. 

She also waited for Alex early, as she knew that he will be leaving for College. 

She wanted to pounce on Emma who was hoarding all of Alex's attention. 

But, last night she and her mother had decided to make an alliance with Emma and Elsa. 

She wanted to be on good terms with Emma but now she wished nothing more than to eat her alive. 

So, without being able to do anything she was almost about to cry and even Alex noticed that he had gone a little too far with a ojou-sama like her. 

Only reason she wasn't crying outright was because they were in open where many people could see her. 

Her pride won't allow her to cry here.

Well Alex didn't care even if she cried, heck he would rather prefer if she cried, as he would enjoy humiliating her more. 

But, ust then Emi came in front of them in a dashing sports car which could take away breaths from any car enthusiast. 

As soon as Car stopped, Minami went inside frontseats. 

Even though it was a sports car it had changeable backseats. 

Causing the Car to become four seater and two seater as one wished. 

Alex shrugged his shoulder and entered in the backseat. Followed by Emma who seemed quite tensed as she was late for college. 

But as soon as he sat inside the Car, he was slightly surprised as sobbing Minami attacked him and hugged him tightly. 

Her lips found his making Emi as shocked as fuck. 

Emma also was slightly shocked but she knew that Minami and Alex had had a sexual relation. 

"Why!? Did I do something wrong?? Please don't ignore me..." Mumbled Minami while kissing Alex. 

Alex entertained Minami for few seconds and then he ordered to Emi who was too shocked to say anything, " Drive to National College. "

Emi just nodded like a chicken and started driving while taking peeks at her respected sister and Alex making out. 

Alex of course wasn't impolite enough to not touch the food served in his plate, as he kissed Minami passionately while caressing her body all over. 

10 minutes passed and Emi somehow managed to drive the Car to the gate of National College while hearing the moans of Minami who was getting fucked like crazy. 

In the end Alex just snapped his finger and his disheveled clothes became as good as new. 

Minami was in even worse situation, as her dress was completely messy and she was sprawled on the seat like a puppet without strings. 

Her dreamy gaze was enough to make one wonder as if she was some drug addict and not the respected princess of the Yamamoto Clan. 

Alex got out of the car leaving Minami to fend for herself. 

A guy who was walking away while fanatically looking at the luxurious sports car caught the glimpse of Minami sprawled on the seat in suggestive position.

He was shocked to see the Godess of his dreams in such a position. 

His eyes went to the foreigner man who got out of the car and couldn't believe what he saw. 

As one of the Campus Belle of their college followed the black haired foreigner. 

All people around also looked at Alex shocked. 

" Wow! Isn't that Emma, who is that foreigner? " 

" He's handsome! Who is he? "

" Damn! I wanna talk to Emma, but I don't wanna die... "

" She's so hot and sexy... But she never talks to anyone. "

" Shuu! You got no chance with her until you wanna offend her father who will kill you. "

The whispers went around Alex and he caught some of them. 

Alex found out that his Emma was a Campus Belle! 

Well, she's a sexy foreigner babe with curvy figure that one could die for and also she has that innocent personality and face contrasting her figure. 

How could a straight man not find her attractive!? Even straight girls might need to question their own preferences as they looked at Emma. 

But, now this Campus Belle had eyes only for Alex. She won't even look at other men. 

Alex was like a shining star in her lonely life, he was the one who brought her out of that loneliness. 

Emma also knew what Alex was capable of, he was a real immortal, he knew magic! 

All men in comparison to him were nerfed out cockroaches! 

She couldn't even take her eyes off Alex right now. 

Alex and Emma were already late and Emma kept bugging him to go faster while holding his hand. 

Alex understood that she was one of those model students who liked to do everything by schedule. 

Alex off course gave a zero fuck about all that. 

As the reason he was here was for Arisu, his real target in this World. 

She wasn't in the college yet, as she was four years younger than him right now. 

But she was studying in same campus and Alex could find her here as she was student council president of the National school! 

Alex walked casually with pouty Emma who didn't wish to be late. 

Alas, they were late. 

The lecture had already started. 

It was about Business management something... 

But, Alex wasn't interested in it as there was something more interesting in his front. 

Alex went inside the classroom without even asking for permission from the female teacher who was engrossed in teaching and sat down on an empty seat in back. 

All students were stunned, seeing an unknown foreigner barging in. 

Only the elegant teacher had an anger written on her beautiful face as she glared at Alex for disturbing her Class. 

Emma who was standing still at the door, also entered inside as she didn't wish to leave Alex alone to get scolded. 

The teacher was even more angered this time, but seeing Emma her anger quitened down like water was poured upon fire. 

This girl was one of the Princesses of Yamamoto Clan! 

Even if she had hundred times more guts she won't dare to lash out on the Princess of one of the Behemoths of Sakura Country. 

She didn't know Alex, but now seeing Emma sitting down beside him, she had to quell her anger forcefully. 

Even though this was National College, under the control of Government, the Government was actually under the control of Top 4 Clans! 

Going against those clans was simply asking to be fed to fishes.

The Women didn't say anything and started lecture again as if nothing happened. 

The students as well didn't say anything, as this partiality was quite normal in this World. 

Alex tsked, thinking that this was one of those famous faceslapping scenes. 

But Emma fucked it up.. 

So, Alex decided to play with Emma who was giving him a stern glare. 

She quietly said, " Alex, you should respect your teachers. Don't do that again. Otherwise I'll be sad. "

She looked so cute while whispering that, that Alex wanted nothing less than to bully her. 

So, he sat with zero distance between them. 

If one of the students turned around and saw them, then they'll see that Alex was actually embracing Emma completely. 

His hands weren't idle as one of those went inside her jeans. He even used 'Touch of Pleasure' just for the fun of it. 

Emma yelped in shock and pleasure as Alex's hand touched her panty, but she didn't dare let out a high pitched sound that could alert anyone. 

She looked at Alex pitifully, but Alex just smiled sweetly making Emma's heart race. 

He said with his gentle voice, " I love you Emma... So, can I touch you? "

Alex's tone was so mesmerizing that Emma went in daze for a moment, as his close up face only increased intensity of her emotions. 

But she snapped out, saying, " N-Not here... We're in class... "

Alex said pitifully, " I have already disabled those cctvs and no one will see us until you don't make any sound... But, I can't control myself anymore... Perhaps because of what Minami did in Car... "

Alex said so while increasing intensity of his playfulness. 

He had no thoughts to do something extra here, except bullying her. 

But, he had to at least give a good reason. 

Alex made sure that others won't hear a thing with his skill. 

Except the beauty who was teaching at the front. 

Alex had his eyes upon this women since the Class started. 

The Women as well glared at Alex while not making it obvious. 

She as a teacher, didn't like how Alex was acting so frivolously in her Class. 

But, seeing the Princess of Yamamoto Clan acting so docile to him, only solidified her reason to not offend Alex. 

Soon, the class ended and Alex let Emma go. 

Emma was completely flushed red as she was forcefully made to cum twice in that long lecture. 

She just silently stood up and left for washroom as soon as possible. 

As for the teacher, she was gone. 

Alex wondered if his little act with Emma was so frightening that his sensei actually ran away. 

But his thoughts were interrupted as a handsome man with sharp features and long black hair came to Alex. 

" Hello. I'm Haruto Hikigaya. I'm the heir to the Hikigaya Family. Nice to meet you, " His voice was polite. 

Alex didn't want to associate with any guy, but he couldn't slap a smiling face. 

So, he nodded to the boy with a friendly smile. 

Everyone in the Class was looking in their direction, as they wondered who he was. 

Haruto was a friendly handsome guy in their class with strong background and he was also the Popular football player in college. 

So he was perfect to make friends with a newcomer like Alex. 

Alex introduced himself, " I'm Alex Yamamoto. "

This was all he needed to say, as everyone looked at him in even better light than before. 

But, they still didn't know that Alex was actually the Prince of the Clan. 

They were thinking that he was just small time member of the Clan. 

The news of him changing his surnames was only public to very high end families. 

And Alex could see that most of those high end family heirs were sitting silently without getting surprised by Alex's introduction as if they knew him already. 

Haruto was also the same, as he acted as if he already knew who Alex was. 

Alex exchanged some words with boys who surrounded him. 

He neither became too friendly nor was he cold. 

After saying some words, Alex left directly. 

He had seen some good preys in the Class, but first he needed to see the fishes that was needed now. 

As for Haruto who was left behind hanging, tsked in his mind. 

'How dare he touch my women!? '

He was so angry that he wished to kill Alex then and there. 

He had a crush on Emma for years, he even was on good lengths on her.

As they could be considered classmates and friends.

But he wasn't an idiot to go after Alex, who might have something that could snuff out him or even his family on a whim. 

Yamamoto Clan was not a joke, it had the power to make the ancient family like that of his a story. 

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