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41.17% Depravity to it's finest / Chapter 112: Roselyn

Chapter 112: Roselyn

"Where the fuck is that dumbass!? " Yelled out a beautiful young girl seating in a tavern. 

She was wearing a one piece battle robe and skin tight leggings. Her perfectly curvy figure could be admired as she sat there with a irritated frown on her face. 

But everyone around just glanced at this beautiful girl and then looked away at their own works. 

This girl had overwhelming background and at the same time she was also overpowered. 

Creating problems with her was asking for death. 

But what made them even more afraid of even taking a peek at her was actually her boyfriend. 

That devil like man was a true devil. 

Just 2 days ago he had beaten a group of adventures to death until they begged while crying because they just said somethings about this girl. 

And before that a man was actually chopped into pieces because he tried to touch her. 

Some more time passed, as the girl only became more and more irritated. 

But, just then a man wearing a black mask and black robe entered the tavern. 

The aura he gave out reeked of death and destruction, while his eyes held slight killing intent as he even as much as looked around. 

But suddenly his eyes softened, as they fell upon the beautiful girl from before. 

"Apologies Rose. Due to some unavoidable circumstances I couldn't be here on time, " The man apologized in a tone that was slightly foreign. 

But, just now the girl which was cursing so loudly looked at the masked man and stood up. 

"You are so late Chang! Do you even know since when I'm waiting for you here? " The girl called Rose cutely pouted. 

The masked man looked at the girl, as he nodded. 

"I'm sorry for being late, but I brought a gift for you, " Said the masked man called Chang as he pushed a box wrapped in colorful packing into Rose's hand. 

"What is it? " Asked Rose.

"You will find out soon, let's go we are late, " Said Chang, while taking Rose's hand. 

Rose blushed slightly, as her hand was held by Chang. 

She had actually met this man 2 years ago... 

At that time while travelling, she was attacked by assassins. 

She only survived by the stroke of luck, as at that time a man rescued her. 

His name was Xiao Chang. 

After that he had left directly without even talking to her. 

But as if the fate had something else destined for them, they met once again after some time. 

This time as well his appearance made his presence become engraved in her mind and heart.

Slowly they discovered that they both were actually looking for the same thing. 

The brainwashing and mind control hexes... 

So, they decided to band together. 

And that was how their small two-group team was created. 

But slowly in these two years, Rose had started falling for this foreign man. 

She had not for once seen his face, but she knew that below it was the man who made her heart flutter like a young maiden. 

After all that she had gone through, she had come to cherish this true love... The love in which she hadn't fallen due to some brainwashing. 

But she never managed to confess, as she knew that Chang will not accept her... 

He was clearly not interested in her as a romantic partner. 

He only looked at her as if she was very important to him... Like a sister... 

"These are the ruins of the famous necromancer through the history. We will for sure find some research material, " Said Chang bringing her out of her thoughts. 

The ruins were quite a far away and they had to use teleportation scrolls to reach there. 

It took some time for them to find that place. 

Rose looked at Chang and nodded, he was the one who normally led the group as he was better suited for it. 

Rose had never seen Chang's face, as he had said that he couldn't show his face due to his identity. 

While chatting, both of them followed into ruins which was actually a dangerous set up. 

"These things seem like as if it's a tomb, " Said Rose. 

"Yeah, we're tomb robbers right now, " Replied Chang. 

Like this both of them followed while being alert. 

Chang suddenly asked, " So, how are things going with your little brother? "

Rose suddenly turned silent, " Don't you know? We haven't been talking much... And besides he's irritating... Why are you asking about him? "

"Nothing specific, I just wanted to know... " Replied Chang. 

"I see... Chang... " Said Rose as she stopped. 

"Hmm, yes? " Change as well asked. 

"Actually I wanted to tell you something... " Said Rose without meeting Chang's eyes. 

This was now Chang's turn to be silent... 

He knew these eyes... 

"Chang... I always wanted to tell you... " Continued Rose. 

"... Actually... I... Actually I... " She stuttered. 

Chang was now literally stunned, not expecting Rose to act like this. 

As expected, he was Alex and had used a spell to turn himself a little older. 

The main reason he took Chang's mantle was so that he could know the reason for her hatred and then solve it. 

But, slowly he found out that Rose wasn't ready to reconcile at all. 

So, before even he knew... The situation progressed and now Alex couldn't stay away from this sister of his. 

He also knew that Rose had actually fallen for this fake identity of his. 

But, he now had no confidence to decieve her. He didn't want to. 

She was his sister... All he wanted was for her to say sorry for all hateful words she ever said to him and then reconciliation of their familial relationship. 

That was all Alex wanted. 

But he was now in a deep shit here. 

"Chang... I will only say this once... You have been with me in times when I needed you. You supported me emotionally and showed me that I wasn't alone in this world. Your presence here with me brought a new sunshine in my life. Talking with you makes me feel alive while being cared by you becomes my wish... So I wanted to tell you... "

But before Rose could end her long speech suddenly something happened. 

Alex who was thinking about how to salvage situation, stopped thinking and with haste turned around. 

Just then a spear of darkness came out of the darkness pointing directly at Rose. 

It was too late! 

Alex had no choice, but to take the spear on his hand. 

It pierced directly through his hand and disappeared making a bloody wound appear on his hand. 

"Chang! Are you alright? " Rose asked worriedly. 

"Don't move! " Alex yelled as dozens of more spears came out. 

But this time Alex was ready as he swiftly moved around and destroyed them with his sword. 

But this wasn't the end, as suddenly weird monsters started coming out from the ground beneath them.

"These are undeads! Don't get infected by their miasma! " Alex yelled our while carrying Rose in one hand. 

He now had no time to hide his skills, as this situation had turned into a life and death situation with Rose around. 

As her brother, he couldn't let her get harmed! 

He waved his sword killing skeletons but more appeared in their places. 

The way back was completely filled with skeletons, their sheer number enough to make Alex feel tensed. 

He tried using teleportation spell, but it was blocked. 

Even other magic skills except dark magic was being blocked. 

He could only rely on sword techniques and move forward. 

"Chang let me down, I'll hold them down, " Said Rose seeing the situation. 

"Shut up Rose, I can't let you get harmed even if I die! " Said Alex.

Rose suddenly felt warm in her heart, she really hadn't chosen a wrong man. 

But just then she felt aura of death suddenly increasing around them. 

She looked forward to see a statue filled with dark flames, glaring at their direction. 

"C-Chang... Look there, " Said Rose. 

Alex nodded, " That is inheritance ground. "

He increased his pace of running, while his sword kept moving and slashing through skeletons. 

When they reached at the inheritance ground Alex put Rose down and turned towards the sea of skeletons surrounding them from all directions. 

The inheritance ground was at the centre of the gloomy hall while there were dozens of tunnels pointing here. 

"Rose, start the ceremony. Only then will we be able to leave. I'll protect you, " Said Alex. 

Rose nodded while feeling fearful, the number of skeletons was rapidly increasing. There were now thousands of them around. 

She tuned around to statue and sat down, taking one last look at Chang, who was killing skeletons in hundreds, his every slash destroyed hundreds of them. 

She didn't manage to confess her love yet, so they had to get out of here alive, Rose decided. 

She suddenly heard a soft feminine voice, " Traveller from another World. I'm the fragment of Godess of Death. Pass your own trial and only then you will live. "

Rose's mind suddenly went blank as her consciousness was transported somewhere else. 

The first day when she substituted Rose in this world. 

"The legacy of the Godess of Death has been hidden in this time period. Find this place to complete the trial, " The soft voice once again said as it disappeared. 

Rose acted quickly, she found that every little information about the inheritance was erased from her mind. 

She had to look for it anew. 

That was the trial... Simple. 

She looked for her Master, as she was the one who told her about this inheritance. 

Her Master had said that this inheritance was actually passed down through their lineage. 

But, when she asked for it. Her Master told her that she never heard about anything like this. 

Rose was shocked. 

After that she spent months going through every document in their place, but still came out with nothing. 

Her Master was right, there was no such info here. 

Then why did she lie to her in future? 

Like this years passed, but Rose couldn't find anything. 

She was now feeling disappointed in herself. Chang was there fighting for her life and she was acting useless here.

She now decided it was impossible to find that place like this. 

She decided to keep an eye on her Master. 

So, the day came when she brought back Alex to her home. 

She still kept an eye on her Master. 

And a year after that the same thing happened. 

She met with Chang by her own volition, she once again fell in love. 

Her Master gave her the map of the ruins while feeling shocked. 

"How did you know I will give this to you? " She asked. 

Rose didn't reply but asked, " Who gave this to you Master? " 

Her Master turned silent, " I can't say... "

Rose heard this as her eyes turned teary... 

"Alex gave this to you right? " She asked. 

Her Master just mechanically stared at her. As if the answer wasn't something she was supposed to say. 

Throughout this life, she had looked at things from another perspective. 

She had already gotten suspicious that Chang was actually Alex. 

And now this... 

"Why is he playing with me? " She asked with a tearful tone filled with hatred and at the same time confusion. 

She left towarda the inheritance ground and soon found it. 

This way the trial was concluded. 

The scene outside came out. 

Chang --- no Alex was standing beside Rose, while uncountable skeletons surrounded them. 

There was a huge wall of dead skeletons that was being crossed by the flood of skeletons. 

Rose's body was completely unharmed, while Alex's body was riddled with bloody injuries. 

He had created a shield surrounding him and her, but whenever it got breached due to some projectile attacks, he would take them upon his own body. 

Rose was stunned as tears flowed down her eyes. 

"Why!? Why!? Why go so far? Just to play with me? " Her heart was hurting with each increasing injury on Alex's body.

She hated him now not for being Alex. But for lying to her. But she also loved him. 

"Isn't he interesting? " Suddenly the same soft voice spoke. 

Rose's voice turned frosty, " What is this Asteria? "

"Hehe, you guessed? Yes this is me. This was the most I can do to help you. This scoundrel has changed his identity to scam you. Now with you staying here he most likely will be killed without mission being completed. "

"I couldn't interfere directly, but now that you know this. You can simply stay in trial as he gets killed by those undeads, " Said Godess Asteria. 

Rose said nothing as she looked on... 

Her heart frozen... 

But on the outside the scene only became more chaotic. 

There were now too much skeletons, that even Alex was getting tired. 

He looked back and seeing that Rose still wasn't out he kept fighting. 

He killed... He killed... He killed. 

Hours went by. 

But still Rose wasn't awake. 

Alex now understood that something was wrong. 

But he couldn't do anything. 

All of his skills were blocked. 

If he opted to bypass the law, then this world will be destroyed along with it will be killed not only Rose but also everyone else including his mother, his Master, Rachel, Daisy and Eliza. 

"Damn... " He cursed. 

His voice cracked, " I'm sorry Rose... Sister... " 

Rose felt a crack forming in her frozen heart, as she heard Alex's helpless voice. 

He suddenly turned around and unleashed the devastating wave in all directions destroying all skeletons in one go. 

But more came in the place of the ones who died. 

"I lied to you... I just wanted to know you... In this life I only wished... "

Asteria snorted, " It doesn't matter what he does. This array has already reached the bounds of this world's limits. It's impossible to get out alive. "

But suddenly the world started cracking.. 

Alex's eyes turned calm as he stabbed his sword beside Rose.

More swords appeared forming another array around Rose's body. 

"That's mana-hindrance array... What is he doing? " Asked Asteria confused. 

"Rose perhaps you can't hear me. I know how much you hate me and the same time love me. I'm glad I ever got to meet you in this life. Perhaps I'll die today and will forget everything in my next life. But I still thank you for last two years. I got to know you. So I'm happy, " Said Alex as he turned around. 

Suddenly Mana in the air started churning. 

Death miasma started mixing with Mana. 

The air started cracking with fluctuations. 

Rose said with small voice, "He's destroying his core with miasma... "

But a light then flashed through her eyes as if she had made the decision. 

She turned to Asteria, " I conclude this Trial, I'm going out. "

"W-What? Are you an idiot?... " But before Asteria could continue Rose disappeared. 

Asteria was stunned, she didn't have authority to stop Rose. 

"Chang wait! " Said Rose as she woke up. 

"R-Rose... You... Are.... Safe... " Said Alex with relief. 

Rose then tried to stop all skeletons. 

But she found out that she was unable to. 

A voice echoed in whole ruins. 

"You traitorous bitch, die along with this bastard then, " The soft voice was now laced with killing intent. 

"Chang, get out of here, I can still hold them off for some time, " Said Rose as death miasma came out of her body stopping all skeletons in their places. 

Alex turned to her and stopped her, " Don't exert yourself. You will die, if you fought against that entity to control these skeletons, " Said Alex as he stopped her. 

But... Slap! 

"Who the fuck are you to order me around!? I'm your big sister, so listen to me! Do you understand you little dumb shit?! " Rose cursed as tears streamed down her face. 

Alex was shocked... For the first time ever had Rose acknowledged him as someone related to her. 

He laughed loudly, " Hahahaha. "

Rose didn't know what happened, she just stared at Alex... 

"Nothing... I'm just too happy, " Alex then waved his hand as Rose was completely restrained at the same place. 

"I'll not let you die. And... I'll not die... I'll for sure come back for you and everyone. So for now goodbye, " Alex said as a huge teleportation array manifested. 

His mana core got destroyed, as the air around him condensed, except at the place where Rose was restrained. 

He slowly removed his mask. 

Rose looked at the face that perviously, she so much hated or perhaps even now she did. 

But at the same time, she held affection for this person. 

"Chang had something to ask you... When I come back, will you be my girlfriend Rose?" Asked Alex as he disappeared. 

Along with everything in his vicinity. 

Rose was the only one there, at the centre of the huge crater that spanned for miles. 

The ruins were completely gone, as silence pervaded.

She sobbed loudly, while muttering, " Yeah, so come... Back to... Me... "

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