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27.67% Depravity to it's finest / Chapter 75: Sasori's Heart

Chapter 75: Sasori's Heart

Sasori and her daughter Yui were standing outside the room, Sasori was feeling anxious and nervous thinking about how to make Alex give up on her daughter. 

Soon door was opened by a beautiful middle aged women, almost the same age as Sasori, this women had long black hair done in a braid and was smiling slightly while looking at Sasori and Yui. 

But for Sasori's shock, this women was without even an inch of fabric on her body, her plentiful and firm breasts stood proud in front of her, while her dripping pussy was still leaking her love juices. 

Before Sasori could say something, her daughter Yui hugged the naked women in front of her, as if they were long-lost friends. 

"Aunt Yaeko! I'm back, you were having fun with Alex-Sama, right? " Said Yui happily. 

Yaeko also gave a hug to Yui, as she then looked at Sasori. 

"You must be our Yui's mother, seems our first meeting has been quite awkward for you, let me introduce myself, I'm Yaeko, my master's faithful maid, please come inside, " Courtesised Yaeko with a bow. 

Before Sasori could come out of her shock, she was pulled inside the room by her own daughter, while Yaeko closed the door behind. 

"Mom, I will have you meet Alex, you will like him as well, " Said Yui with smile, pulling her mother's hand. 

Sasori had no choice but to follow as she went on the inner side of the room. 

But there what she came upon made her once again, pleasantly stunned. 

A handsome foreigner man no...a boy was sitting on the bed, like an emperor, his aura so strong and divine that Sasori had an urge to kneel before him. 

The boy was comple naked, and had another beautiful women in his lap, who was kissing his chest and back in submission. 

As Yui had mentioned Alex was really beyond handsome, his body was muscle packed and perfect like a divine statue made by Gods themselves. 

Sasori had thought Alex might be some old geezer with ugly features and had seduced her baby girl with devious scenes and sweet talk. 

But she had misunderstood by a lot, Alex had no need to decieve her daughter his face could make any chaste women naked for him. 

Even she herself was feeling her heart beating fast as she looked at Alex, his perfect body and his simply divine cock! 

Alex's cock was huge, Sasori never knew that cock could be this big in reality, she was terrified! 

How had this huge thing gone inside her baby girl's small and tiny pussy. 

Sasori blushed as she imagined that cock going inside her own pussy, but she removed those thoughts and tried to regain her footing and confidence. 

But shock lasted for a little time as she saw her baby-girl happily diving into the boy's embrace. 

"Alex-Sama! I missed you! " Cheered Yui, as she took in the manly smell of Alex's chest, she felt energized. 

Alex didn't let the chance go, as his hands went to Yui's ass above her jeans, holding her perfectly and bringing her mouth for a passionate and vulgar kiss. 

The kiss soon ended, as Alex said, " I also missed my Yui, but you seem to have brought someone with you. "

"Yes! Alex-Sama, this is my mom, I brought her with me, " Yui started enthusiastically but in the end she became shy. 

How could she not? She was introducing two person she loved the most to each other! 

Sasori, now came to herself completely, she remembered why she came here clearly! It was to save her baby girl! 

Yes Alex wasn't like she imagined at all, but still her Yui was still a child, she was more mature than girls her age because of things she went through, but Sasori as a mother couldn't allow Yui to get into sexual relationship this early. 

"I'm Yui's mother Satou Sasori, " She said plainly, looking at Alex in eyes. 

Alex was amused, as he thought that this women was really naive, she didn't understand her position at all. 

"I'm Alex Yamamoto, the prince of Yamamoto Clan, " Said Alex with a amused smile. 

Sasori was shocked for a moment, as she didn't imagine for Alex to have a such a huge and formidable background. 

Sasori gritted her teeth, knowing that Alex was trying to intimidate her, she as well knew that she was overstepping her boundaries by acting so freely. 

But she didn't know any other way than this to increase her value and make Alex exchange herself for her daughter. 

" Alex... Please let my daughter go, she is still young and it's her age to study , " Said Sasori not looking away from Alex. 

"Oh, don't worry aunt Sasori, I have given my Yui admission in one of the best schools, " Replied Alex still smiling. 

"That's not it, just stay away from Yui, we will go far away from here, I beg you, I don't want my daughter to go through the same thing I went through, " Sasori's eyes were pleading but at the same time firm, as if she was ready to fight Alex if he didn't agree. 

"Aunt Sasori, you are truly naive... I really pity you, Yui told me everything about you... Your determination and love for your daughter is truly admirable, but you are still naive. But that's why, I like you... No... Your determination and pure will has already made a place for yourself in my heart. So, I will let your daughter go... If you take her place of course, " Smirked Alex. 

"You promise? " Asked Sasori, she was already ready to exchange herself for her daughter. 

"Noo! A-Alex-Sama, you're joking right? I won't go away from you, I can't, I love you, I did as you told me, I brought my mom here, " Said Yui with tears, she couldn't believe that Alex was leaving her. 

"Shut up Yui! I told you to persuade your mom to become my women, but you failed, I'm disappointed, I have already tasted you, so it's time for me to try your mother, " Smirked Alex at Sasori, as he removed Yui from his lap. 

"Yaeko handle her," Ordered Alex, to which Yaeko quickly subdued Yui who was crying and flailing. 

Sasori on the other hand gritted her teeth fiercely, her eyes were spewing out fire of hatred as she looked at Alex. 

She could almost see the figure of her husband in Alex, all of her lifetime of hatred poured down on Alex, as she saw her baby girl in similar situation as her. 

"You also are a monster! A devil! Dogs like you shouldn't be left alive at all! " Yelled Sasori with tears. 

"Stop spouting nonsense and strip! " Alex waved his hand, as he looked at Sasori's body with lust.

"No! Not before my daughter, let her go first, " Sasori didn't want her daughter to see her in this shameful act. 

"Not happening, I will have her watch me fucking you, if you don't want to then the door is there, I will still have your daughter to enjoy then, " Said Alex while smirking. 

"Alex-Sama... Please let mom go... I will stay with you, I will perform better, I will bring more women for you, " Yelled Yui in desperation, but then Yaeko closed her mouth with a gag that was used by Alex previously on her. 

Sasori looked at her daughter, who was mumbling desperately to stop her, she felt gratified as her determination to save her baby-girl only multiplied. 

But she didn't know that Yui was really desperate, desperate to stay with Alex, she was already brainwashed and not being Alex's women was akin to death to her. 

Sasori's shaky hand slowly went to her uppermost button of her brown blouse, as even after her strong determination tears welled up in her eyes. 

She slowly removed her topmost button as her clavicle and white bra strap became visible, next she opened her next button causing the skin above her breasts to be seen, next third button caused her white bra to come in the view which was holding back her large breasts, soon one after another buttons got removed as Sasori's cute belly button as well became exposed. 

But now Sasori started hesitating, as she had to remove her blouse completely, but it was just for a small moment. As she removed her long blouse completely. 

Her skin was snow White, but it had lots of scars and scratches, all over her stomach, hands and back, showing the violence she had gone through. 

For the first time in Sasori's whole life, someone other than the perprator of these scars had seen her scars now. 

Sasori didn't hide them, as she wanted to show to Alex that she was already used ugly women without any value. 

"Y-You can't go back on your promise... Once I become your women, you will let my Yui go right? " Asked Sasori shakingly. 

"Wear your blouse again, " Ordered Alex with a solemn tone. 

"W-What? " Sasori was bewildered. 

"Get dressed, I need to come back here before the midnight, " Said Alex his tone sharp, a suit materialized on his body naturally. 

It was still afternoon, Alex took a fashionable nice car and forced Sasori and Yui to get into it. 

Sasori had no way to deny, as she sat down in the two seater car beside Alex feeling confused, Yui also sat down beside her on the same seat, the seat was big enough for both of them, as their build wasn't that big. 

After that what happened shocked both Sasori and Yui, as Alex brought them back to their village, they were now afraid that Alex was about to send them back. 

Alex had already told Hikari to manage some things. 

Alex directly brought his car to where Sasori's ex-husband lived. 

After stopping his car, he broke the main door of the house and entered inside as Sasori and Yui entered fearfully, they had somewhat understood what Alex was doing. 

Sasori had a complex expression as she looked at Alex's expressionless face, as he yelled for everyone in the house to come out. 

The farm-house was very big and was inside the large farm land, Sasori's husband was head of the house and one of the richest people in the village. 

Beside them, Sasori's brother-in-law and his wife and their son and daughter was as well lived here, not to mention her husband's mother, who was also Yui's paternal grandmother. 

Sasori's ex-husband came running, as he heard the sound of something breaking. 

"How dare you! Do you know who I am? " Yelled the man who was Sasori's ex-husband, but then his eyes stopped at Sasori and Yui. 

"What the fuck, is this guy one of your customers!? And you brought him here to find trouble with me? Seems you need to be discipined more, " Yelled the man, as Sasori instinctively shivered in fear. 

But next moment this man couldn't scream anymore, as he was kicked in guts by Alex.

Sasori felt moved as she looked at Alex protecting her. 

Next, a middle aged man, a old women, two beautiful women one middle aged and one, and a cute little girl and boy around Yui's age came out. 

One of the women quickly went to check on the man who was kicked by Alex. 

Alex was surprised seeing two mature and one young beauty coming out, he looked back on his decision to move for Capital this soon, he couldn't miss cunts like these, can he? 

He could pass on the old women, but these other beauties were on his must fuck list! 

Alex didn't waste any time, as he quickly isolated this house from the village, so that no one will disturb him. 

A gun materialized in his hand as he pointed it at everyone, " All men on left and all women tell me your names. "

The everyone first became fearful, then shocked and then angry at Alex. 

The man who seemed to be Sasori's ex-brother-in-law tried to pacify Alex, " Sir, there must be some misunderstanding, please calm down... "

"Calm down your mother! do as I say or die, " Said Alex as he shot the man in his sole. 

The man yelled loudly in pain as blood flowed out of his leg, he held his leg and started crying loudly. 

Sasori's husband was smart, he quickly did as Alex said, bringing his brother as well as nephew with him. 

Alex then looked at the women in Satou family, threateningly. 

These women started trembling in fear, as they told Alex their names. 

The youngest girl was called Satou Asami, she was 15 years old and had small and petite body befitting her age. Her breasts and ass weren't that exaggerated and suited her body perfectly. She had a cute face and was wearing a shoulderless T-shirt and skirt that went upto her knees. Her whitish hands and slim legs could be admired openly. 

The next one was Asami's mother, Satou Izumi. She was also a beautiful women, wearing a blue kimono. Her boobs and ass were nice, only a little bit smaller than Sasori's. She had her black hair styled in a traditional bun and looked like a virtuous wife and mother. She was the wife of the man who was shot by Alex.

The next was a young hot women, Kana. But different from previous traditional beauty, this women looked sexy with a glamorous beauty. She was wearing a sexy T-shirt with her deep clevage open, showing some parts of her more than ample mounds and short pants which only covered her tight and huge ass, her thighs looked creamy while her sexily beautiful face made one want to fuck her mouth crazy. She was the young women who was having an affair with Sasori's husband. 

While the last women was a old women, her name was Satou Kotomi. Her features were nice and her face still had some of her old times glory. She had short hair which were done exquisitely. Her back was straight and Alex was sure that she was a lot older than she looked. Kotomi was also wearing a traditional kimono which hid her sagging breasts and perky behind. Her face had some wrikles but were hidden by her make-up and now she looked like a stern grandma taking care of her grandchildren. 

Alex liked all these females in Satou family, including the old women Kotomi, he had a hunch that her pussy as well will be top-class, but first he needed to take revenge for what these people had done to Sasori and Yui.

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Attention! So, I'm here to punish Satou family for their evil deeds, I have a witness here and will take charge of disciplining you people now, " Said Alex while looking at everyone. 

"Young man, don't go overboard, you don't know what Satou family is, our people will soon be here, then you won't even be able to leave in one piece, " Said the old women, Hitomi, her voice loud while her tone sharp. 

Alex felt that this women looked really sexy with that sharp tone of hers. This women wasn't old, but just ripe enough to get fucked by him. 

"Haha, no one is coming here, do you wanna know why? " Laughed Alex as a dark dome covered the whole house, making everything outside invisible. 

Everyone in Satou family was stunned seeing this show, including Hitomi. 

"Now do you understand? I'm not someone normal, what Satou family? I can make even this village disappear throuh the night without any repercussions, " Said Alex confidently. 

Just then Sasori's husband said, " What do you want? Money? I will give it to you, just keep that gun down, " Everyone including this man was terrified, as they knew that Alex wasn't hesitating to even shoot them. 

"I don't need money, I want to play a game, and you all will be participants, " Smiled Alex evilly. 

"W-What game? " Asked the youngest girl, Asami. 

"Let me explain, rules are simple, from the start, there are two groups one of males in Satou family and other of females. There will be rounds, in every round I will break one finger of one of the mens. The male chosen will depend on luck. Of course there is a way for men to not have their finger broken. For that they will have to choose one of the females in Satou family to take their punishment, the punishment will be different for females." Said Alex as he looked at women now. 

None of his participants spoke anything, as they couldn't. Alex had made them shut up and now they were listening attentively with horrified gestures. 

Alex continued, " There are two types punishments, women have freedom to choose which punishment do they want. The first type is in which the female particpant chosen by male one can choose to have sex with me, then she can leave the game along with 10 million dollars! "

The eyes of every women shined when they heard the amount of money, even though Satou family was rich, still the 10 million dollar was a huge amount. 

Especially Kana, the young women who was having an affair with Sasori's husband had her eyes shining with greed. 

But other women of Satou family felt that it wasn't right to sell their bodies for money. 

"The second type of punishment is that the women chosen by the male member can choose to get one whip slash by me, if the female particpant endures 5 whip slashes then she can leave the game as well, but then she won't get a single cent of reward, " Said Alex clearly. 

Seeing that he had everyone's rapt attention, he continued, " The game will be over when all the female members have sex with me, in this condition the remaining male participants will be killed by me. "

"There is one more way to end the game, if even one of the female participants leave the game by enduring 5 whip slashes, then also the game will be over without any deaths. "

"Third way to end the game is by having all the fingers of male participants broken by me, then also everyone can leave the game without any deaths, but then the whole property of Satou family will be confiscated without a penny left for you all. " Ended Alex his explanation. 

He also used his skill to make everyone understand that death threat and property confiscation threat wasn't a lie. 

Everyone looked at each other with horror etched on their faces, they knew that everything that was happening was real. 

Satou family members may even die in the Game! 

They understood, that ending the game by the first way was the worst case. Even if they might get 50 million dollars, there will be deaths. 

While ending the game by second way was easiest and safest. Even if they don't get money, they will all be alive. 

While third way was moderate, but still disastrous, Satou family will be then left without any money and living without money is impossible, especially for these people who had learnt the taste of money in the best way. 

Sasori as well thought this, as she felt scars on her body, which were made by these people, even if some didn't do it themselves, they just watched her suffering from the sides, taking pleasure in her misery. 

She looked at Alex with complex expression, she knew that Alex was doing this to take revenge for her. 

She felt her heart welling up with emotions, as she looked at Alex's evil and handsome visage, he looked like a demon Lord ready devour destroy everything. 

A handsome Demon Lord, who was evil and devious on the outside while kindhearted on the inside, thought Sasori. 

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