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26.19% Depravity to it's finest / Chapter 71: The Perfect Date

Chapter 71: The Perfect Date

"Good morning mom! " Greeted Alex happily, while leaning into Hikari's soft bosom. 

"Good morning my son, " Hikari also hugged back with a pleasant smile. 

Alex and Hikari then separated after which Alex didn't forget to taste Hikari's lips with a slight peck... Hmm.. Strawberry... 

Alex licked his lips and then looked back at Kai, who was frowning in displeasure, she was feeling jealous from seeing Alex kissing Hikari. 

Both Hikari and Kai personally knew each other, as representatives of two strongest Clans in the country, they had quite a few business deals. 

Even though they weren't close, they weren't cold to each other as well. 

"Mom, this is my wife, Kai, " Alex introduced Kai to Hikari and then motioned Kai to greet his mother. 

Kai even though felt jealous, she acknowledged that Hikari was Alex's stepmother, but she wasn't Alex's wife! 

She didn't want to greet Hikari nicely, but then she thought that Alex would think that she was mannerless and be disappointed in her, so she decided to greet Hikari. 

" Hello, madam Hikari... " Kai greeted Hikari not as the representative of Kageyama Clan, after all they weren't in a right place. 

"You don't need to be so polite, we both love Alex and you're my daughter-in-law... My son is lucky to have such a beautiful wife, " Laughed Hikari, while going forth to give Kai a friendly hug. 

Kai also awkwardly reciprocated the hug, as this was the first time that she was being hugged by someone as a fellow women. 

After the hug, Hikari said goodbye to Alex and Kai, telling them to enjoy their time, she even teased Kai slightly, which made this maiden blush in embarrassment. 

"Look, I brought these for you Kai, " Said Alex showing the dress that he had ordered. 

Kai looked at it and was feeling weird, as the dress Alex ordered was very cute. 

It was sleeveless pink colored one piece dress, it had beautiful design and soft fabric. 

Kai had never worn anything this feminine, she only wore boyish clothes like shirt, pant and traditional eastern male outfits which hid her womenly figure nicely. 

"This... I can't wear this... " Kai said feeling shy, she didn't know how she will walk around in this dress. 

What if the wind blew her skirt up? 

What if the strap fell? 

Kai looked down at her large bosom... 

The fabric of this dress was soft but also thin, she was also embarrassed thinking how this dress will hold back her ample breasts. 

"Don't worry, you will look great, we are going out after this so go, wear it! be quick, okay? " Encouraged Alex. 

"No! I'm not wearing this outside, no means no, " Kai resisted fiercely, but her heart had already surrendered, she couldn't fight against Alex for long. 

She went into bathroom to change. 

Alex didn't know what was wrong with these women, Kai was literally naked just now and now to wear clothes she went inside washroom? 

Where was logic here? 

But then after two minutes, he heard Kai's voice calling for him. 

"Alex... Come here, " Said Kai, her voice irritated. 

"Coming wifey! " Said Alex cheerfully. 

Inside, Kai was unable to close her back zip, her long blonde hair made it only harder for her. 

She in the end had no choice but to ask for Alex's help. 

Alex entered the washroom, where Kai was standing before the mirror. 

Only one glance at her and he felt that she was divinely beautiful, this cute dress suited her the very best. 

"Hey! Help me... What are you doing? " Kai felt irritated, she turned around and seeing Alex standing there motionlessly looking at her made her embarassed. 

She removed her hand from her hair and arranged them nicely and then asked shyly, "How do I look? " 

"You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen, you're like a fairy that descended to this earth for me, you're so cute that I want to always protect you, your white skin, your beautiful features, your shy countenance makes me fall for you again and again... I'm the luckiest man to have you as my wife, " Alex said all of this very slowly. 

He made sure to emphasize on each word, which caused the profound effect on Kai, who by the end of Alex's words had turned around while hiding her blushing face. 

"You! You! You are teasing me right? " Pouted Kai, when had this head of the giant Clan ever pouted in front of someone. 

Love changes everyone, Kai was the same, her feminine side which she always kept hidden, now came out for Alex, because she trusted him and loved him already. 

"Why will I? Do you not think I'm the luckiest guy to have you as my wife? " Asked Alex while placing his head on Kai's shoulder while looking at her in the mirror. 

"Shut up! Who's your wife? Help me with that zip and then get out! " Kai yelled with a red face, to which Alex laughed loudly. 

He took the chance and brought Kai in a soft hug. 

Both Alex and Kai looked each other in the eyes, Alex's hands were circled around Kai's waist, while Kai's hands were in front of her bosom. 

Her lips looked inviting, while her eyes which bore into Alex's were filled with anticipation. 

Alex slowly leaned in to take Kai by her lips, her lips parted slightly while she closed her eyes waiting for lips of her lover to take hers. 

Both of their lips touched intimately, as Alex's grip around Kai's waist tightened, while Kai wrapped her hands around Alex's neck slowly. 

Both lovebirds fell in the world of their own, as they each caressed, rubbed and tasted each other's lips, falling into the emotional eutopia of euphoria. 

This wasn't the passionate kiss, it was just the affirmation of their feelings for each other, oath of their hearts, fire of love that was burning in their core. 

It didn't contain lust, it contained affection, the affection that they held for the one they loved and desired. 

Soon both of their lips parted, as Alex gave a sudden peck at Kai's nose and then pulled back, his one hand still around Kai's waist. 

Kai felt awkward as she was just a minute ago pouting at Alex, but next moment as soon as Alex took her in his arms, she lost all of her anger, only her love for him remained. 

She turned around and looked at herself in the mirror, her face was blushing, while her soft pink lips were glistening. 

She slowly touched her lips feeling the lingering touch of Alex's lips, which made her smile slightly. 

She looked at Alex, who similarly was looking at her with a smile. 

Her smile quickly faded away, as she returned to her pouting spree and ordered Alex to help her dress up. 

"As you say my lady, " Alex said and helped Kai dress up completely. 

"You look cute, " Praised Alex as he looked at Kai who was looking at herself in mirror. 

Her pink one piece dress went slightly above her knees, it was sleeveless and showed Kai's smooth white arms. 

While her beautiful and seductive long legs were also bare, below which she was wearing matching sandles, which she was having problems to get accustomed to. 

Basically Kai now looked very cute and beautiful and this dress suited on her the best. 

This was completely opposite to her normal dress-up. Her usual clothes hid almost every part of her body, while this cute exposed her feminine side openly. 

Kai herself smiled inwardly at Alex's praise, but didn't show anything outside. 

She acted as if she was forced to wear this and asked Alex, " What now? Can I remove this? " She asked in anticipation. 

"No, we are now going out, " Said Alex. 

"Where? " Asked Kai her eyes we're shining. 

"On the date! " Alex replied cheerfully. 

"Where? " 

"On the date! " Said Alex once again. 

"What!? You are teasing me! " Said Kai and looked away pouting. 

Both mother and daughter are so similar, Alex thought. 

Kaede was really very similar to Kai in temperament like naughty little girl, while Kahori was calm and mature, may be Kazuma was like his mother Kahori. 

Thinking about Kazuma, Alex felt real pity for him... 

He was ntred completely, after his girlfriends and mother even the women who was his dad figure was now fucked by Alex. 

"What are you thinking?! " Just as Alex was busy in his fantasies, Kai brought him back to his senses. 

She could see that Alex was thinking about something disgusting and she knew that it was about her. 

"Nothing, let's go, " Smiled Alex, as he pushed his hand in front of Kai. 

Kai shyly extended her hand and like a royal lady took Alex's hand. 

Both of them entwined their fingers, as they left the room for their date. 

Once out in open, Kai was feeling overly shy. 

She never had worn skirt in open, so she was feeling awkward.

Kai was a very beautiful women, she looked young, hot and sexy. This caused everyone passing by to look at her. 

Kai felt angry and wanted to tear these people who looked at her this way, she gritted her teeth and was almost about to give a verdict to kill them all. 

Alex laughed seeing Kai acting like this and held her waist tightly bringing her in his arms. 

Kai was stunned, as were all men, they looked at Alex in jealousy, the cute Godess was already defiled, they thought. 

Alex and Kai first went to a movie. 

Kai had never seen a movie before in the theater, rather she actually hadn't seen any movie in her whole life. 

She was very interested in seeing a movie, so she followed Alex while holding his hand in anticipation. 

Alex hadn't booked the whole theatre this time, as he did with Kaede's date. 

He wanted to have some sneaky fun, so public was necessary. 

The movie started... 

It was once again some bullshit story about romance that was missing. 

Alex was bored soon and then focused on Kai who was watching the movie in full concentration. 

Alex thought once again that both Kaede and Kai were really similar, even the way they watched movie was similar. 

Alex and Kai were seating on the last row, he had booked this whole row for privacy. 

Using his arrangements, Alex pulled Kai in his lap. 

Kai was surprised, as next moment she found herself in Alex's lap. 

"Hey, someone will see us... " Kai said nervously. 

"You have fun with movie, I will have fun with you, " Alex said as his hand sneaked up from Kai's skirt. 

Kai was shocked as she felt Alex's hand roaming all over on her body, she now understood why Alex made her wear this skirt. 

But soon her shock was gone, as she focused on stopping her moans which were leaking out. 

Alex was using his experience efficiently, as he played with Kai's body very well. 

His hands were quick as they first unhooked Kai's bra while he quickly removed, her panties were soon gone as well. 

Kai couldn't do anything as her undergarments were taken away from her in quick succession. 

Her body was at Alex's mercy completely, she was now only in her pink cute dress which did little to hinder Alex's devious hands. 

Alex circled his fingers around Kai's breast while his other hand went inside her pussy, feeling her already wet garden. 

"My wife is such a pervert, you're already wet, " Whispered Alex in Kai's ear, on which he then started nibbling. 

Kai wasn't in any condition to reply, she gritted her teeth while also using her hand to cover her mouth to stop herself from moaning out loudly. 

The whole of theatre was filled with people and it would be too embarrassing if these people saw Alex and Kai having their fun. 

But soon Kai wasn't able to control her lust, as the dam of pleasure broke down, as her pussy watered like a waterfall. 

Alex's hand turned wet, as Kai's pussy overflowed. 

Alex brought his fluid covered hand to his mouth and made Kai look at him, while he drank her sacred honey. 

He then kissed her passionately while letting her taste her own natural honey, while at the same time taking the feel of her cute tongue. 

After that Alex let Kai watch movie silently. 

After the movie Kai pouted all the way as she refused to even talk with Alex in anger. 

She couldn't believe that Alex played with her vulnerable self, while she couldn't do anything but get played. 

Yes, she got pleasure of her own, but still she didn't like what Alex did, she wanted him to apologize to her sincerely. 

Humph! A sincere apology is the least he can do for his dear wife! ... Thought Kai. 

Subconsciously now she had already started thinking of Alex as her own, her thoughts about killing him were gone who knows where. 

But now as she remembered her goal, she felt that Alex was very cunning, he almost made her forget her aim because of his sweet talking. 

She had to kill him and then free himself! 

But next second these thoughts were gone, as she found herself in Alex's arms in princess carry while all over her were white clouds. 

She looked down and all she could see were whites of clouds. 

"W-Where are we? " She asked in panic. 

"This is my way to say sorry for forcing you, by giving you the best experience of your life, we are in the sky! " Said Alex, as he let Kai down slowly. 

Kai was fearful at first, but when she found out that she was safe, she looked around curiously. 

"How are we flying Alex? " Kai asked with curious eyes. 

"This is my skill, I can create anything that I know of, come with me, I made something special for you, " Said Alex as he started walking towards a specific direction. 

Kai also followed, her eyes twinkling with curiosity and anticipation. 

You say where was her will to kill Alex? 

Actually she had left that idea behind already, she was just angry at Alex before and was throwing tantrum... It was just that, her tantrums were quite dangerous. 

Soon, Kai's eyes widened in disbelief as she came upon a gigantic, magnificent and glamorous castle made of ice. 

It was very beautiful, a seven colored rainbow was flying above it, while unicorns and pegasus played around near it. 

There was even a Griffin that was flying around. 

Alex took his seat on one of the most beautiful pegaseus , as he extended his hand for Kai. 

Kai was stunned while looking at this beautiful creature, she took Alex's hand and sat down in front of Alex, leaning upon his chest comfortably. 

She caressed this pegasus' white mane, to which it neighed in happiness. 

"She likes you Kai, " Said Alex translating the legendary creature's words. 

Kai also knew horseriding but seating on a horse that could fly was something entirely different. 

This was the dream of every girl and she now got to fulfill this wish of hers...with Alex. 

The pegasus flew in the sky, as now Kai could see all over the castle, it was even more beautiful from up above. 

She saw the larger crystal pond behind the castle, as well as the magnificent door, which was also made of ice and crystals. 

The Pegasus stopped before the door of the castle, where Alex first got down and then took Kai in his arms who jumped after him. 

Kai laughed in happiness, as she caressed this beautiful creature's head which flew away, leaving its masters alone. 

"Come inside our castle, my Queen, " Said Alex, pulling Kai by her hand. 

The castle was even more beautiful from inside, it had a vast grand hall, with stairs that went on both sides to upper floor. 

Kai and Alex then came to the room, which had a beautiful throne at its center. 

Alex made Kai seat on the throne, as a beautiful ice colored crown materialized in Alex's hands. 

Alex gently placed it on Kai's head, to which for Kai's surprise, her yellow dress was slowly dematerialized while a beautiful silver-blue robe took its place. 

With her natural beauty and charm, she looked like a real ice queen, beautiful and sharp. 

Alex's clothes as well changed into a royal robe that matched with Kai's. 

Both of them looked like a king and queen of this castle. 

Alex then showed Kai all around the castle. 

Kai's stone like heart had already started melting before and with this date, she had already lost her heart to Alex. 

As she looked at Alex, showing around the castle which he specifically made for her, everything melted in the background. 

Kai now could only see Alex and his gentle smile, as he did everything to show his love for her. 

May be it wasn't all bad to be someone's wife, she thought, she could have Alex to spoil her all the time. 

Kai slowly remembered her dream, she remembered how helpless she felt when Alex wasn't with her. 

She wanted to be with Alex forever, may be this was the freedom she was hoping for, the freedom to love. 

Right now everything was secondary for Kai, as these feminine feelings made her feel as if she and Alex were all alone in this world, for each other. 

She suddenly held Alex's hand, which made him stop speaking for a moment. 

He looked at Kai feeling confused while the love in his eyes wasn't diminished. 

Kai said slowly, "Say you love me. "

Alex smiled, it was the smile that Kai fell for, Alex's next words only made her feelings clearer, as he said, "I love you Kai. "

"Me too, " This time Kai's reply wasn't a simple 'I see', she replied wholeheartedly, she said from her core, "I love you too Alex. "

She by her own volition, brought her lips to Alex's, as once again both kissed each other before the beautiful sunset. 

Alex and Kai's kiss slowly and gently deepened, as the moonlight fell on them from the window. 

They both looked, as if they were made for each other, their grace and beauty only rivaled by each other's. 

After the kiss, both of them separated, as Alex now took Kai in princess carry and went to their bedroom in the castle. 

It was a beautifully designed in ice color, in the center of the room was a grand bed which was bathed in silent moonlight that flowed in from the window. 

Alex gently laid Kai on the bed, while removing her graceful robe, bringing her naked divine body which was a work of an art in his view. 

Her otherworldly beautiful face, her perfect curves and smooth white skin shined in the moonlight, as her charm only intensified. 

Alex caressed Kai's naked body slowly, while peering into her eyes, as if looking at her soul. 

Alex couldn't hold on any longer, as he dived down into Kai's lips, taking her as his. 

For the whole of the remaining night, loud and sensual moans of Kai leaked around as she reached to the new peak of pleasure, as she accepted her feelings. 

She now knew that Alex was the one for her, he was her life partner, her lover, her other part and her husband, who she will be of forever... 

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