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25.36% Depravity to it's finest / Chapter 69: Kai

Chapter 69: Kai

"It is such a shame that you had to hide this spectacular body of yours all these years Kai, I really pity you, " Said Alex, as his lecherous hands moved all over Kai's pleasing curves. 

"Stay away from me demon! " Kai, who never in her life had been touched by a man was feeling defiled with Alex's touch. 

When had the head of the Kageyama Clan fallen in such humiliating and compromising situation. 

Her naked body weakly fell in Alex's hand, as his touch stimulated her lust slowly. 

Kai didn't like this situation at all, she was raised as a man and being touched by another man in sexual way, made her feel obnoxious. 

"Hehe, I like the way you try to resist this lust that is gnawing at your virgin body, " Laughed Alex, while stroking Kai's ample breasts. 

He was now really wondering that how this women had hidden these mountains all those times. 

But just then he felt something amiss, as he jumped back quickly. 

Alex then looked at Kai threateningly. 

"Hehe, no need to be so defensive you demon, I'm merely a projection of my real self, " A melodius voice rang inside the room, as a beautiful women materialized from Kai's body. 

The women was having a foreign beauty with long blonde hair and voluptuous body covered in green long gown, which had a long cut on one side of the waist showing off her milky white thigh and long leg. Her breasts were huge as some part of her deep clevage was visible, while her huge asscheeks were forming an impression on her one piece gown, which was overworking on all sides. 

She looked like a fairy, but her countenance was solemn, as she looked at Alex with hatred and anger. 

"Mom! " Yelled Kai in surprise as tears of happiness from seeing her mother flowed out. 

Her mother was her strength, everything she knew and had learnt was because of her mother who guided her in difficult times, when she had almost given up. 

Alex quickly made some deductions and understood that this women was one of the unknown threats he was facing in this world. 

"I suppose you are the one who sent Kai after me, " Said Alex casually while looking at the women's sexy body that was spilling out of her dress. 

"Yes, let's make a deal, let my daughter go and I will tell you about everything that I know, " Pleaded the women while ignoring Alex's lecherous gaze. 

"You know, before saying anything you should introduce yourself, " Said Alex while seating on the bed and taking Kai in his arms. 

"Don't touch my daughter!! " The women's eyes we're red as she saw her daughter being played like a toy in Alex's hands. 

But Alex didn't stop as he played with Kai's breasts, while kissing her neck. 

"If you want your daughter to be safe and sound then answer my questions obediently, " Said Alex, his hand now went towards Kai's pussy. 

"Ah~No~" Kai who was feeling weird from her breasts felt Alex going to her private part, she subconsciously flinched, while bringing her body deeper into Alex's embrace. 

"O-Okay, just don't touch my daughter... " Said women accepting that she had no choice. 

Her daughter was in Alex's hands and she was the one on weaker side in this negotiation. 

"Introduce yourself and tell me how you knew about me, " Asked Alex, his hand which was going to Kai's pussy stopped while resting on her smooth stomach. 

"I'm Freya Isenberg, Kai's mother and the former Saintess of Godess of Light, Euphemia... Years ago it was told in the prophecy that in future there will come a day, when a demon will arrive in this world and I was supposed to eradicate this demon. Some days before I and Kai got this divine message from Godess saying that demon was here and that's how we found you, " Answered Freya who was Kai's mother. 

"... And we are not the only ones who got this message, there are others... I will tell you about them if you let my daughter free, " Completed Freya. 

Hearing Freya's words everything became clear... 

As he had thought, Freya and Kai were safety mechanism of this world, if the Player doesn't complete the objective that he was given. 

It's normal for some players to play around in this world with their powers, so The World's Will made this arrangement. 

It was now activated in full swing, as Alex wasn't playing around here, he had changed his objective completely, he was going to conquer this world! 

"Mom.. No... We can't betray the Godess... " Said Kai in Alex's arms while breathing roughly. She knew how powerful Godess Euphemia was, mortals like herself were nothing more than bugs for those divine beings.

Freya didn't say anything to her daughter, but her will was firm, she was ready to go against anything for her daughter. 

"Sigh, thanks for the info... Anyway, I will not let Kai go, she's already my women... " Sighed Alex. 

"No! Please don't do that, just let my daughter go, I will take her place... She knows nothing, if you make me your slave, it will be more helpful, " Begged Freya. 

"Mom... " Kai now had tears in her eyes, seeing her mother giving herself up for her, she felt sorrowful. 

"I see, so you know that I can brainwash women as I want... Then why did you even send Kai to me? " Asked Alex feeling confused... No.. 

He now understood. 

"It's because the demon that was prophesied wasn't supposed to be as strong as you, he only supposively had a skill to brainwash women who he has sex with... Kai and I had made ample preparations and the chance of you leaving alive was slim while the chance of you capturing Kai was none. " Said Freya, even she was surprised when she saw Alex defending against all those weapons. 

"I understand now... I won't brainwash your daughter... But I want her to be my women, " Said Alex. 

"...Yes...Just don't use your skill on my daughter, I beg you, " Agreed Freya she didn't want to loose her only daughter. 

"Then please scram now, you don't want to disturb your daughter's wedding night, right? " Said Alex as he dismissed Freya. 

He didn't want to antagonize Kai and Freya as they will be his pawns while controlling this world like Hikari. 

He didn't believe in this The World's Will who had given him skill to subdue these women. 

It was rather better to make this women fall in love with him naturally rather than brainwashing her. 

Freya looked at her daughter Kai, as she said in her mind telepatically , " Kai... I was weak, that's why I couldn't protect you then and even now nothing has changed, I am sorry...I know this is unfair... But you need to become Alex's women, I'm sure he won't mistreat you, " Said Freya sorrowfully. 

"Mom... I'm not so selfish, I know how much you love me... I will find a way to kill this demon and everything will be alright, " Said Kai with determination, she only knew how to kill. 

"No! Just live your life as you want, killing Alex is impossible, he's too cunning and strong, even now he is on guard against us, " Said Freya in Kai's mind. 

"Sigh... As you say mom, " Kai agreed but deep inside she had her own plans. 

"Now if your chit-chat is done, please leave me and Kai alone, by the way, if you want you can join us mother-in-law, your son-in-law is quite fillial, I will take care good of you as well, " Smirked Alex at Freya. 

Freya blushed red as she looked at Alex's huge cock, that was roaring to go. 

She didn't say anything and just disappeared. 

"Hehe, at last we are now all alone my wife, " Said Alex as he touched Kai's breast. 

Kai winced in disgust, as her body that she always treasured was now in Alex's lap. 

Alex then turned Kai around to make her face him, as he then looked into her eyes with his trademark handsome smile, which caused even Kai's heart flutter slightly. 

But she then controlled her emotions and looked at Alex in defiance. 

Alex loved this expression on Kai and couldn't hold himself back, as his lips fell on hers. 

Kai resisted fiercely as she pushed her hands on Alex's chest, but then she remembered that she had to kill Alex. 

For that she needs to make Alex loose his bearing, only when he is unaware of his surrounding can she kill him. 

For that she had to seduce him and make him fall in the lust, that's when she will get her chance! 

Now she stopped resisting and started kissing Akex back as her lips rubbed on Alex's similarly. 

Alex smiled inwardly, while feeling Kai's soft pink lips. 

Alex's hand next went to Kai's asscheek which he gave a hard squeeze to. 

Kai felt humiliated as her ass was being groped by Alex, she opened her mouth to curse Alex. 

"You! " But just then Alex took this chance and invaded into Kai's mouth with his tongue. 

Kai was now even more indignant, as her both asscheeks were in Alex's hands while her mouth was being devoured by Alex. 

Alex's tongue quickly found Kai's cute little tongue and started its work to subdue her. 

Kai feeling Alex's tongue trying to subdue her, retaliated fiercely. 

Both Alex and Kai's tonguee swirled inside Kai's mouth as both of them drank each other's saliva passionately. 

But the result was clear in the end, as Kai's tongue lost the battle and was subdued by Alex's dominant one. 

Kai who was totally inexperienced couldn't make a stand, as she was pushed back again and again, in the end her tongue was totally in control of Alex's. 

This wasn't Kai's first kiss, but she never had kissed anyone passionately. 

Her kisses with Kahori were soft, tender and filled with gentleness, while Alex's kiss was rough and dominating. 

Alex rampaged freely inside Kai's mouth feeling every corner of it, her tongue was tasted by Alex in every way possible. 

Alex kept sucking on Kai's tongue, while tasting it from every side like a lollipop. 

Next Alex's hand reached inside Kai's pussy, which caused Kai to moan involuntarily. 

Kai tried to thwart Alex's hand away from her private part, but it was all futile, as Alex's fingers caused her to moan again and again shamefully. 

Soon Alex stopped, " You taste very good wifey, " He laughed, as he next planted Kai on the bed. 

Kai was someone who always wanted to be dominant, but now she couldn't say anything and was made to lie in position in which her breasts and pussy was in Alex's view. 

Kai even though was feeling lust, glared at Alex hatefully, this position was too shameful!

Alex then made Kai lie with her legs spread in 'M' position, taking look at her cute pussy. 

It was covered by blonde pubic hairs, under which was hidden her pink little vagina. 

Kai tried to close her thighs, as she felt ashamed of being seen by Alex in such position. 

But Alex forced Kai to remain such way, " You are beautiful women Kai, my wife. "

Kai didn't want to hear Alex calling her wife, but hearing him call her beautiful, she felt slightly good. 

"Don't look there, " Said Kai feeling shy, in her whole life she had never felt shy for something like this. 

"Hehe, let me taste you down here wifey, " Said Alex as he first unwrapped Kai's pink petals slowly with his fingers. 

He then dived down into this tasty looking pussy with his tongue, comparing her upper and lower mouth. Kai's pussy was already slightly wet and was leaking her honey. 

"Don't lick me, you're gross, " Said Kai while feeling the pleasure unknown. 

Her body jolted with a shock as Alex skillfully cleaned her lower mouth. 

It was the experience she never had taken in her life, the pleasure was totally new and caused her to abandon her dignity, as she started moaning slowly. 

"Ah~ "

Alex smirked as he felt Kai's pussy turning even moister, she had started feeling lust even more now. 

Kai's pussy was really good, her inner walls were smooth and tasty, and her honey was just the sweetest thing ever. 

Alex tasted Kai's pussy all over, as Kai herself drowned into her own lust. 

She now gripped Alex's head into her legs trying to feel the pleasure that was bringing her closer to her first ever orgasm. 

Some moments later, Kai's mind went blank as the feeling of never ever felt euphoria took over her being, driving everything into whiteness. 

Her pussy flooded with her honey which directly went into Alex's mouth. 

Alex feeling the tasty juice inside his mouth, gave Kai's pussy few more licks and then pulled out of it. 

He drank every last bit of tasty juice he had in satisfaction. 

"Wifey, you really are the best, " Said Alex as he looked at Kai's euphoric expression. 

Kai who felt the pleasure of orgasm for the first time, knew that she would loose herself if she cummed few more times. 

"No~ Not anymore... Let me go... " She said as her eyes still held the lust for more sex. 

"You aren't going anywhere wifey, not until I make you mine completely, " Laughed Alex, as he then kissed Kai once again. 

Soon he stopped when Kai had gained some of her strength and sanity back. 

"Kai, my wife, now I'm going to take your virginity, " Said Alex as he placed himself between Kai's legs. 

Kai who was now fully awake, heard Alex's words... As a women it was the greatest turning point in her life. 

She knew that today, she would loose her virginity that she had saved for all this time. 

Even though Kai never cared about these womenly feelings, right now she was feeling emotions that she never felt before. 

For any women, their first partner was very special. 

She looked at Alex, the person she was trying to kill and thought why was she trying to kill him? 

Because someone else told her? 

The thing Kai hated the most was being controlled, she wanted to be free... 

Will she be free after killing Alex? 

She had no idea... 

But just as she was thinking all this, she felt something poking into her pussy. 

She closed her eyes, as she had heard that the first time for any women would be painful. 

"Don't worry my wife, I'll be gentle, " She then heard Alex's gentle voice while feeling soft touch of his lips on her forehead. 

She opened her eyes to look at Alex's handsome face, his hazel eyes were staring at her with unbound gentleness and care. 

This small action of Alex's made Kai's heart flutter even more... 

As she said in a cute girly voice for the first time, "Y-Yes... Please be gentle... " She herself was surprised that she could say something this feminine and that's why looked away in shame while blushing. 

But then Alex made her look at him, as he said, " Look at me, as I make you my women Kai. "

Kai didn't say anything but she didn't look away, she stared into Alex's eyes as Alex stared into her. 

Both melted into a world of their own, as Kai's heart calmed down. 

For the first time in her whole life she felt this much at peace. 

Alex's eyes were deep, inside his hazel eyes was unending darkness, unending loneliness, unending pain and unending desire... 

Kai subconsciously placed her hand on Alex's face, as next moment she felt a striking pain of loosing her virginity. 

"Ahh.. " She moaned in pain, while closing her eyes, a tear of pain slipped out from her lovely eyes. 

Alex kissed Kai's cheek while licking away the drop of tear, as he said to Kai. 

"From today on you're my wife, forever and ever. " Said Alex his voice so gentle that it even melted Kai's stone like heart. 

She opened her eyes, as she looked at Alex with soft expression... 

This was the man who took her first time, someone she will remember forever. 

She opened her mouth, " Alex... " 

"Yes my dear wife? " Asked Alex. 

"I'll kill you... " She said with her plain firm voice. 

"You can try... But before that I will make you fall for me completely my dear wife, " Alex challenged with a smile. 

"Sigh, that's not happening, you're too naive for a demon, " Sighed Kai. 

"You shouldn't call your husband a demon, " Alex smiled. 

"I'm not your wife, you forced yourself upon me, " Said Kai looking straight into Alex's eyes. 

"Then I will continue forcing, I will force your heart to fall in love with me, " Said Alex with certainty. 

"Then die trying... " Looked away Kai. 

"I will gladly, if it's at my wife's hands, " Laughed Alex, as he gave a small peck to Kai's lips. 

Kai didn't resist this time, as she didn't know herself how she was feeling. 

She had this new sensation in her heart, as she looked at Alex, as if he was the one who she was looking for all this time. 

Even if she was acting all tough and strong, but deep inside may be she just wanted to be treated as a girl for her whole life. 

May be she wasn't looking for freedom, but she wanted to live as she really is, she wanted to live as her real self. 

Not the Kageyama Kai who her father wanted to make. 

She wanted to be Kai... Just Kai... The girl who fell for the demon. 

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