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82.75% Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic / Chapter 24: Friend

Chapter 24: Friend

It had been a week since Jace had first sparred and spoken with Cregan, and he was surprised at how much he liked the northern boy. They shared many interests, including history and the higher mysteries. Today, they were in the library, searching for any readings about the North.

They had been discussing the creation of the Wall, White Walkers, Greenseer kings, and wargs. They'd also talked about the Valyrian Freehold, and Jace had even shared his experiences in Valyria. The library was vast, filled with rows upon rows of ancient tomes and scrolls. The boys walked through the aisles, occasionally pulling out a book to examine its contents before putting it back. They discussed each discovery animatedly, their voices hushed out of respect for the quiet atmosphere.

"Have ye found anythin' interestin' yet?" Cregan asked, glancing over at Jace.

"Not yet, but I have a feeling we're close," Jace replied, scanning the titles on the shelves.

After some time, Jace pulled out a thick, dusty book. "Queen Alysanne," he read aloud. "This could be something."

Cregan's eyes lit up. "My great-grandfather Alaric Stark was the one to greet her when she came North."

They carried the book to a nearby table and sat down. Opening it, they found it to be a journal. The pages were filled with neat, flowing script. They skimmed through the entries, reading about Alysanne's life.

"Look at this," Jace said, pointing to a passage. "She mentions Saera Targaryen and how much she misses her deeply. The death of her other daughters affected her greatly."

Cregan nodded, leaning closer to read. "Aye, it must've been hard for her."

As they continued, they reached the part detailing Alysanne's journey North. One entry caught their attention:

*Today, we reached the Wall. I commanded Silverwing to fly beyond it, but she refused. No matter how much I commanded her, she would not go. It is the first time she has ever disobeyed me.*

Jace and Cregan exchanged glances, the significance of the passage clear.

"Why do you think her dragon refused?" Cregan asked, intrigued.

Jace pondered the question. "I don't know. Dragons are fierce and mostly obedient to their riders. For one to refuse an order... There must be a reason."

"Perhaps it sensed the magic of the Wall," Cregan suggested. "There are old tales that say the Wall is enchanted, built to keep out more than just men."

Jace nodded thoughtfully. "It's possible. I've heard similar stories. The Wall is a barrier against dark forces, and maybe dragons are affected as welll."

They continued reading, fascinated by Alysanne's descriptions of her journey and the North. She wrote about the harsh landscape, the cold that seemed to seep into one's bones, and the resilience of the people living there. Her observations painted a vivid picture of the land beyond the Wall.

Jace looked up from the book, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "I'd like to see the Wall myself someday."

Cregan smiled. "Ye're welcome to visit Winterfell and the Wall anytime. We'd be glad to have ye."

"Thanks, Cregan. I might just take you up on that offer," Jace said, grinning.

They continued discussing the Wall and its mysteries, their conversation drifting from one topic to another. Jace shared more of his experiences in Valyria, recounting the strange and eerie encounters he had there. Cregan listened intently, his fascination growing with each tale.

"If magic can still exist in Valyria, then perhaps it's still alive in the North as well," Jace mused.

Cregan nodded. "Aye, I believe it is. There are many old legends in the North, stories of ancient powers, Greenseers and Wargs. Some say the old gods still watch over us." As they scanned the shelves, their conversation turned to their childhoods.

"I've got a bastard sister, Sara," Cregan said, pulling a dusty book from the shelf. "I miss her. She wanted to come with me to King's Landing, but my father wouldn't allow it. Says you Southerners have a stick up your arses when it comes to bastards."

Jace chuckled, shaking his head. "You won't find any such stick inside of me. Your sister would be welcome just the same as you."

Cregan grinned appreciatively. "Good to hear. She's a good lass, deserved to see more of the world."

Not finding anything else useful they left the library with Alysanne's journal in hand, Jace felt the need to share something personal. "You know, there are rumours that my brothers are bastards. It's something my family's had to deal with for years."

Cregan looked at him, understandingly. "That must be rough. People and their wagging tongues."

"Yeah, it can be," Jace replied.

They walked through the grand halls, their footsteps echoing softly. They talked about the things they used to do as kids. Cregan spoke about the long winters in the North, and how he and his siblings would play in the snow and build forts to pass the time. Jace shared stories of his own, like the first time he flew on Vermax.

"What's it like, having a dragon?" Cregan asked.

"It's... amazing," Jace said, his face lighting up. "It's like nothing else. The power, the freedom, it's like being part of the sky."

As they walked, they reached a balcony overlooking one of the gardens. Leaning on the railing, they looked down and saw Aegon and Aemond having lunch with the Tyrell and Lannister daughters.

"I can't stand them," Jace muttered.

Cregan snorted. "They look like a bunch of poncy pricks." Without warning, Cregan reeled his head back and spat off the balcony. The spit landed squarely on Aegon's head.

"What in the seven hells?" Aegon shouted, looking around in disgust. "A bird must've shit on me!"

The girls moved away from him, clearly repulsed. Jace and Cregan couldn't hold back their laughter, trying to muffle it with their hands but failing. Jace quickly pulled Cregan away from the railing so they wouldn't be seen. They both fell to the ground, laughing uncontrollably.

"That was great!" Jace gasped between laughs.

Cregan grinned, wiping tears from his eyes. "I couldn't help it. He just looked like he needed it."

Jace finally caught his breath, still chuckling. "You've got some nerve, Stark. Spitting on a Royal Prince, how scandalous."

"Treasonous behaviour no doubt," Cregan said with a grin.

As their laughter died down Jace sat against the stone wall with Cregan next to him. He found it strange laughing like this, he didn't think he'd ever be able to laugh this way again. A small part of him wondered if it was possible... to go back to the person he was before; another part of him wondered whether he deserved to. A thump to his shoulder drew him out of his thoughts making him look over at Cregan. "Sara does that every time she catches me brooding... says I think too much," he said.

"Stop thinking about life and start experiencing it... she'd say," he continued.

Jace chuckled "Sounds like a wise woman," he replied.

Cregan barked out a laugh "You wouldn't say that if you'd met her, girl is more crazy than me!"

Jace laughed before standing up with Cregan, looking over the balcony and seeing that Aegon and Aemond had gone. Jace decided to take that advice and stop thinking about what he did and didn't deserve and just experience this for what it was.


The rest of the day was filled with fun and mischief for Jace and Cregan. They decided to explore more of the Red Keep, eager to find new ways to entertain themselves. They started by sneaking into the royal kitchens, moving quietly to avoid detection. The cooks and servants were busy preparing the evening feast, which gave the boys the perfect opportunity to grab some food. They snatched bread, cheese, and dried meats, stuffing their pockets with the stolen goods.

"This is a feast fit for kings," Jace whispered, grinning.

Cregan chuckled. "Aye, but better when it's pilfered."

They found a secluded spot in the gardens and sat down to enjoy their stolen snacks. As they ate, they shared more stories from their childhoods, laughing at each other's antics and mishaps. Despite their usually stoic natures, the companionship brought out their lighter sides.

"I can't believe you actually tried to ride a bear cub," Jace said, shaking his head.

Cregan laughed. "Aye, it wasn't my brightest moment. Nearly lost an arm to the mother. What about you? Any near-death experiences?"

"Too many to count," Jace replied, smirking. "But none as ridiculous as that."

They finished their food and decided it was time for a prank. Jace led the way to the stables, where they collected some fresh horse manure. The smell was awful, but their laughter helped them bear it. They carried the foul load to Aegon and Aemond's chambers, carefully placing it just inside the doors.

"This will be a great watch," Jace whispered, stifling a laugh.

They hid around the corner, waiting for the inevitable reaction. It wasn't long before Aegon's door opened, followed by a loud shout of disgust.

"Seven hells! What is this filth?" Aegon's voice echoed through the hall.

Aemond's equally outraged voice joined in. "Who did this? I'll have their head!"

Jace and Cregan fell to the floor, laughing so hard they had to cover their mouths to keep from being heard. Tears streamed down their faces as they heard the continued shouts and retching from Aegon and Aemond.

"Gods that was funny," Cregan gasped between laughs.

Jace agreed, his sides aching from laughter.

With their spirits high, they decided to take their fun into King's Landing. They donned simple cloaks and hoods to disguise themselves and slipped out of the Red Keep. The bustling streets of the city were alive with activity.

"Let's find a tavern," Cregan suggested.

They found a lively tavern near the market square, the sound of music and laughter spilling out into the street. They pushed their way inside and found a table in the corner. Jace ordered two ales, and they settled in, soaking up the atmosphere.

"This is much better than those boring lunches I had to sit through," Cregan said, raising his mug.

"Perhaps you're just too much of a savage," Jace joked, clinking his mug against Cregan's.

Cregan took a big gulp of the ale and made a face. "This is real drink," he said, thumping his mug down on the table. "None of that fancy wine."

Jace laughed, taking a sip of his own ale. "It's certainly... different."

As the night wore on, Cregan got rowdier, singing along with the tavern's musicians and telling exaggerated tales of the North. Jace joined in, laughing and enjoying the carefree atmosphere. They shared more drinks and talked about their dreams and plans for the future.

"I want to see the Wall someday," Jace said, his eyes bright with excitement. "I want to see the North and all its mysteries."

"You will," Cregan promised, slapping him on the back. "And I'll be there to show you."

The tavern was filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of mugs. Jace and Cregan, both well into their cups, were no exception to the merriment. They had been singing along with the tavern's musicians and sharing exaggerated tales when the night took an unexpected turn.

A short, skinny man at the bar, clearly annoyed by the noise the boys were making, approached their table. His eyes were bloodshot, and he reeked of cheap ale.

"Keep it down, you little shits," he slurred, shoving Cregan hard enough to send him sprawling to the ground.

Jace's temper flared instantly. He stood up, swaying slightly, and glared at the man. "Oi! You can't just push him like that!"

The man sneered. "What're you gonna do about it, little lord?"

Cregan scrambled to his feet, his face flushed with anger and drink. "I'll fucking thump you!"

The two boys charged at the man together, their movements uncoordinated and clumsy. Jace swung a wild punch that glanced off the man's shoulder, while Cregan attempted to tackle him, only to stumble and nearly fall again.

The man laughed harshly, easily sidestepping their attacks. He grabbed Jace by the collar and lifted him off the ground, shaking him. "Is that the best you've got?"

Cregan, seeing his friend in trouble, lunged at the man's legs, wrapping his arms around them and trying to bring him down. The man staggered but kept his grip on Jace. Desperate, Jace kicked out, catching the man in the shin. The man yelped and loosened his grip.

Jace dropped to the floor, landing awkwardly but quickly scrambling back up. Together, he and Cregan pushed the man, causing him to stumble back into a table. The patrons around them shouted in surprise, creating a chaotic scene.

The man regained his balance and swung a fist at Cregan, who ducked just in time. Jace took the opportunity to grab a nearby mug and smash it against the man's fist. The man howled in pain, clutching his injured limb.

"Get him!" Cregan shouted, his eyes wild with excitement.

The boys advanced again, their punches and kicks landing haphazardly but effectively. The man tried to fend them off, but he was overwhelmed by their combined assault. Jace, noticing a ceramic pot on the table, grabbed it and lifted it high.

"Cregan, move!" he yelled.

Cregan ducked out of the way just as Jace threw the pot at the man's head. The pot shattered with a loud crack, and the man crumpled to the floor, unconscious. The tavern fell silent for a moment, everyone staring at the scene in shock. Then Jace and Cregan, breathing heavily and grinning like fools, raised their fists in victory.

Their raucous party spilt out into the street, and with mugs in hand, both Jace and Cregan stumbled down the cobblestone paths of King's Landing. The night air was cool, but their faces were flushed with drink and laughter.

"You know what?" Jace slurred, his voice thick with ale. "I think we should join the melee."

"Huhh?" Cregan replied, equally slurred and confused.

"The tournament! We should apply... and win!" Jace declared, the statement punctuated by a loud burp.

"Why not? We're probably the best here," Cregan said, raising his mug to the sky and nearly toppling over.

They laughed and sang as they staggered through the streets, their voices echoing in the night. Jace started an off-key rendition of a bawdy tavern song, and Cregan joined in, their arms draped over each other's shoulders for support.

"We're the lords of... the night!" Jace sang, his words blending together. "The best fighters in... the land!"

Cregan laughed heartily, nearly spilling his drink. "Aye! We'll show 'em all!"

They were so caught up in their drunken revelry that they didn't notice the shift in their surroundings. The buildings became more dilapidated, the streets narrower and dirtier. They had unknowingly wandered into Flea Bottom, a place where unsavoury eyes watched their every move.

From the shadows, a group of rough-looking men emerged, their gazes predatory. Jace and Cregan were oblivious, still singing and stumbling along. Suddenly, the men rushed out, moving swiftly and silently.

Before they knew what was happening, sacks were thrown over their heads, cutting off their vision. They struggled, panic setting in as they tried to fight back.

"Let go of me!" Jace shouted, his words muffled by the sack.

"Get off!" Cregan yelled, thrashing wildly.

Their struggles were met with sharp blows to the backs of their heads. Pain exploded in their skulls, and everything went dark as they were knocked unconscious. The last thing they heard was the sound of sinister laughter and the feeling of being dragged away. The street fell silent once more, the night swallowing the scene of their capture. All that remained were their discarded mugs, rolling away into the darkness.


(When the Stark Party arrived)

A week earlier, the Stark party had arrived in King's Landing after a long voyage by ship from White Harbor. Amidst the activity, no one noticed the barrel in the corner of the ship's hold that began to rustle and rock back and forth. With a final push, the barrel tipped over, and a young girl tumbled out, her wavy black hair cascading around her stormy grey eyes. She was around thirteen and wore thick woollen clothes, entirely unsuited to the warmer southern weather. This was Sara Snow, Cregan Stark's bastard sister. She had followed her brother's party to White Harbor and had stowed away on the ship, determined not to be left behind.

"Think they'll leave me behind? Like fuck they will," she muttered in her crass northern accent, dusting herself off.

Sara retrieved her bow and a dagger from the barrel, items she had kept close during the long journey. "Bloody fucking barrel. Bloody cunting father and bloody bastard Cregan," she grumbled, checking her belongings to make sure nothing was damaged.

As she slipped off the ship, her anger simmered beneath the surface. "I'm definitely gonna take a piss in his drink for leaving me behind," she mumbled to herself, navigating the docks with a determined stride.

Sara managed to keep a low profile for a few days, exploring King's Landing and enjoying the amazing sights and food. She was resourceful and used to fending for herself, even in unfamiliar territory. However, her luck ran out when she wandered into the wrong part of the city. Late one night, while she was skulking through the alleys of Flea Bottom, a group of men spotted her. They were the same unsavoury characters who would later capture Jace and Cregan. Sara, didn't go down without a fight. She brandished her dagger, her eyes flashing with defiance.

"Stay back, you filthy cunts!" she spat, swinging her blade at the nearest man.

But they were too many, and despite her fierce resistance, they overpowered her. One of the men grabbed her wrist, twisting it until she dropped the dagger. Another man delivered a swift blow to her stomach, knocking the wind out of her and bringing her to her knees.

"Get a sack over her head," one of them ordered.

Sara struggled, kicking and cursing, but it was no use. A rough sack was thrown over her head, and she was dragged away, her muffled shouts echoing in the narrow alley. They knocked her unconscious, her last thoughts a mix of anger and fear.

(AN: So we have Jace making friends with Cregan a lot sooner than in Canon and perhaps even Sara Snow? Anyway who has kidnapped them, what plans do they have. Will Jace survive? Probably. One day I'm going to straight-up murder one of my protagonists and that'll just be it, that'll be the ending. Maybe it'll be Jace? Maybe Thorfinn? Maybe Jon #1 Jon #2 and Jon #3. Yep that's right I have 3 fics with Jon as the protagonist. Soon to be 4 if you keep up with my AN. Most of you don't 🗿. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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