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Chapter Two

The sound of boots hitting the concrete floor sounded around in the narrow corridor.

I took heavy breaths, controlling my breathing to last longer in this hellhole.

Finally, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, just past that point should be our objective, just get the scientist and we can leave.

Finally, me and my squad burst through the door into a small room. My eyes darted around frantically, searching the room for any abnormalities.

Wooden boxes were stacked on each other around the room, and at the end of it, sat our objective, a man that was tied to a chair, oddly quiet with a bag over his head.

My senses went on high alert, and I'm sure that so did everyone else.

Slowly, with a pistol in my hand, we went forward. I motioned toward the boxes and two of my squad members went to check them for anything that would risk our safety.

I and the last member reached the scientist and surrounded him from each side, checking for anything odd. I narrowed my eyes at the man's neck...

It was purple and could be bruising but I doubt that any bruise formed like a circle around the neck.

I reached for the bag that was covering his face and pulled it off and my suspicions were confirmed. The man was dead.

I scowled, the whole operation was for nothing, and we lost two men for nothing at all. The most baffling thing was we killed our way here, and for what?

My head snapped back toward the two that were checking the boxes when I heard a faint click that echoed around the room.

"Get down!"

I tackled the man that was nearest to me, bringing him to the ground as flames exploded from the boxes.


My eyes snapped open and I took a deep breath.

I blinked at the unfamiliar roof for a moment before remembering where I was. Releasing a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I sat up quietly and swung my legs off the bed.

Standing up, I walked over to the door and opened it.

The door was well-oiled, I'd give David that.

Walking downstairs quietly, I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of water. Walking into the living room with the cup in my hand, I spotted Dave that was holding a can of beet and watching TV that had the latest gym match.

He looked over to me and waved me over to sit on the sofa.

Without a word, I walked over and sat down, leaning back into the comfy seat that seemed uncomfortable only because I was stiff as a board.

We watched the TV for a few minutes, no words being exchanged between us before I finally asked.

"How did you do it?"

I could see David look over at me with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you get used to all of this? It seems so impossible right now."

He stared at me, not answering my question as I patiently waited for his answer before a sigh reverberated around the living room.

"I won't lie to you, it was hard. At first, I was Bar jumping, trying to cope until my brother pulled my head out of my ass. Then I met Isabella, and she helped me a lot. She was patient, understanding, and caring-"

He took a drink from his beer can and sighed.

"-It never really goes away, Adam, you just deal with it better. The best advice I can give you is what my niece told me. Try to make more good memories so that the bad ones don't bother you anymore."

I blinked. A kid said something like that? Man, kids, these days are getting wiser. And I am getting older... Oh fuck I'm getting older.

I took a sip of the water and tried to relax, failing miserably.

This was my life now...


The next morning was uneventful, and I was contemplating leaving.

I didn't want to overstay my welcome but I had nowhere to go.

Maybe I could go back to my hometown and buy a house there but the question was... was it even available? It was a small town so it was most likely fully occupied.

With slight trepidation, I took out my phone and looked up houses on sale. Looking up houses for sale I read over a few choices...

Ah... nope.

There were no houses for sale. Slightly disappointed, turned off the screen and dropped my head down. Where do I go now?

I could still go there, it would be nice to visit Granny, but it's been nine years since I've seen her in person, and six since I've cut off any contact.

Huffing out an irritated breath, I pondered on my situation...

My situation was shit.

Standing up, I walked toward the door, digging a small rectangular box out of my pocket.

Opening the door, I walked out and sat down on a bench next to the entrance. Opening the top of the box, I grabbed a cigar.

Taking out a lighter from my pocket, I flicked the steel and held the tip of the cigar in front of the flame, and took a deep breath.

The sensation of smoke entering my lungs was calming, even though I knew what it did to my body... Eh, I would just Heal Pulse it later.

The cigar in my hand slowly got smaller and smaller as I contemplated what to do next when the sound of the door opening grabbed my attention.

David walked out, sitting next to me without a word, passing me a can of beer. Raising an eyebrow, I grabbed the can and looked at him like he was crazy.

"It's six in the morning."

I pointed it out, yet despite that, I cracked it open and took a sip. Not like I gave a shit, it was six in the evening somewhere in the world.

"It's a special occasion."

The older man shrugged and I passed him my box of cigars, but to my surprise, the one who offered me my first smoke declined my offer.

"I quit, can't smoke around the kid and Isabelle isn't really a fan of the smell."

I gave an understanding nod and looked out toward the rising sun...

Man, this would look so gay from the outside prospective.

Discarding the thought I took a another sip.

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