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100% TO/TVD:The Dark Incubus / Chapter 15: Errands

Chapter 15: Errands

Alex lays on his back on the bed alone in silence. His thoughts wandered back to the moments he and Alexa had last night. He went over everything that happened last night.

From them carrying Bonnie home to her grandma, To Alexa finally revealing to Bonnie that they were cousins surprising her. Then the immediate joy Bonnie and her grandma, Shiela had hearing the reveal.

Shiela, because she finally got back her other granddaughter, and Bonnie because she finally had another family member she could depend on and talk to about her personal issues, the ones she couldn't talk to her friends about. The fact that she and Alexa were already friends and the same age only served to increase her joy.

Then the conversation the three ladies had which lasted for hours, of them getting to know each other better and forming a bond. Alex remembers just sitting there watching them in silence with a smile on his face at how happy they seemed.

Sadly the little Bennett reunion came to an end. Then he remembers the conversation he and Alexa had on the way home.

How she told him that she was leaving him in Mystic Falls, to go to some place Qetsiyah told her about. When he asked her why she needed to go and why he couldn't come along?

She replied that she was doing it because she loved him and wanted to help him however she could, and to do that she would need to have complete control of her magic. As for why he couldn't come well qetsiyah had forbidden her from bringing him.

His mind couldn't help but repeat those three magic words she had told him "I love you" While it wasn't the first time she had told him, last night it just felt different.

Both of them had said it to each other multiple times before but he knew neither of them ever meant it.

At least he didn't until last night when he felt that she really meant it. Those words brought back a feeling he had lost 20 years ago when his mom died. A feeling that made his heart feel full for the first time in twenty years.

He recognized that feeling as love something he gave up on twenty years ago as he sat beside his dying mother. He remembered as he held her hands in her final moments, he remembered her heavy breathing as she desperately tried to get some air in her lungs.

He remembered her weak shaky voice. A voice that he will always remembered, a voice that spoke those three magic words in his first few minutes on earth and her last few moments. "I love you" was the last words his mother said before she lost her battle with cancer.

At the young age of six, he vowed to find a cure for cancer so no other child had to go through the pain he did. He eventually fulfilled that promise.

He also vowed to never throw those words around meaninglessly and he kept that promise as he never said it to a girl in his past life. Alexa was the first girl after his mom to hear those words and while he didn't mean it at first, he now did.

He moves past those sad moments to his final moments with Alexa last night. Remembering how they made love. How they poured out all the love they had for each other.

Forming a bond between each other that would last for eternity never to be broken. That bond was represented by a mark that both of them had, to show they belonged to each other. (Feel free to suggest some pics that you think would look cool)

Now his thoughts arrived back to the present. Alexa was now gone on her journey and he was now alone again. This time however he didn't plan to keep himself locked up in a lab, he planned to enjoy his life.

Maybe even go back to high school not to study but to do all the fun things he missed but that was something that could wait, Right now he had more important matters to deal with.

What you may ask? Well everyone was busy getting an ingredient for the spell except him. Malcolm and a group of sired vamps were busy getting the werewolf venom. Qetsiyah was busy modifying the spell to include the added ingredients.

Alexa was helping Qetsiyah with the spell because Emily refused saying "I will not take part in creating this monster" and no one could blame her everyone else had to gain something from it except her.

Now it was just him, the person they were doing it for. He laid there trying to figure out how he could help them out. He quickly remembered something, Qetsiyah's talisman.

Something she said she would need to make the spell more powerful. He would also need something from it, her blood. He knew where it should be but he wasn't sure if it was there yet.

He was still ready to take a risk. So hoping out of bed already dressed for the day. He grabs a random car key off the dresser before sprinting down to the garage.

Pressing the car key a white Aston Martin DB9 lights up. Wasting no time he hops in the car to go on his way.


Alex pulls up to the gates of Whitmore College stopping because it was closed. Soon a man dressed in guards uniform walks up to the car and knocks on the door. Rolling down the window Alex reveals himself with a sunglass on his face.

"Sir ID please" the guard says stretching out his hand. Smiling Alex lightly slides his glasses down to reveal his piercing blue eyes "You already have it" he says using his form compulsion.

"I already have it" the guard repeats in a dazed tone. "Yes, now open the gates" Alex says causing the guard to turn a round and walk back to his post. The gate opens the gate and Alex drives inside, he quickly finds the parking lot and parks the car.

Getting out he looks around for a minute before he spots a lone female student walking. He walks up to her and asks "Could you direct me to professor Shane's office?" with a smile. Dazed by his smile the girl responds giving him directions.

Getting what he wanted he thanks her and turns to leave but she stops him saying "Hey can I get your number". Turning back to her he responds "No, you will forget seeing me and you will continue on your way" he says compelling her. (I'm a use that from now on)

He then turns back to follow her instructions. Soon enough he finds himself Infront of an office with a sign on the door that reads "Professor shane".

Knocking on the door Alex hears "Come in" so he pushes the door open. He comes face to face with a curly black haired man "Yes may I help you, are you a new student?"the man asks.

"No I'm not, Can I ask you something mr.shane?" Alex asks. "Yes" The man responds.

"Did you recently stumble up on a necklace that looks like this" Alex asks holding up a pre drawn picture of qetsiyah's talisman.

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