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Chapter 7: The trial

Shortly after the incident the guards came and put us in chains and we got sent back into the same cell after we settled down I noticed Gobta was still sleeping upside down. "Are you seriously still sleeping!"

Nothing he still slept so I just ignored him.

Suddenly Kaijin started to apologize which started a whole it's not your fault but I still feel bad conversation.

But then I had to ask. "Why does he hate you so much, did you hurt his mom or something?"

He looked at me, "what it's the first thing that came to me."

"It's not that, it was a while ago I was in the king's service and he was my second, from day one he never liked me.

you see I'm from a common family and he's an aristocrat and didn't see me worth my title.

We where assigned a project and it failed the magisoldier failed and went up in smoke, he pinned the blame on me he even payed off my men so I got released from my position." He let out a breath, "maybe me leaving this city will help him."

I doubt it men like him never change, I thought.

"If I'm honest I don't think he's a bad guy, he's a hard worker and passionate about his work." Then he stood up and looked at me with his hand out.

"On that note, I want to say thank you for having me."

Garm stood up. "Well hold on for a second if your talking Kaijin your taking me." The other two agreed.

"We are a package deal."

Kaijin looked at them. "You guys."

Garm looked at me. "Well Rimuru will we get in your way if we tag along?"

I was quite for a second. "After some hard thinking I guess I can deal with you guys, but you all better be ready to work because I definitely have plenty for you all."

All of them. "No problem."

Garm. "Hard work has never been a problem for us."

Myrd just nodded, ok that really is getting annoying. We talked for a while until they decided to go to sleep.

Just laying here is so boring, I miss sleeping.

(Great Sage can you find a way for me to sleep.)

(Answer; I will start to work on finding a way for you to sleep.)


I waited and waited but never went to sleep or get a notification saying she found a way.

Why can't it be easy.

I looked on the ground at Myrd and noticed that even sleeping he makes no noice.

There was a sudden pop I looked towards the ceiling and noticed Gobta finally woke.

"Umm my lord are we in trouble?"

"You finally woke up I thought I'd have to carry you out."

"Can I please get out of here."

"You're not involved in this so either you call your wolf or wait for me to leave."

"That's not fair my lord."

He kept squirming and making noise so I covered his mouth and neck in thread, "I shouldn't forget you when I leave your fine."

The next day we got lead into a large room with only the court and guards lined along the wall.

When we were placed on one side of the room I looked over to see Vesta all bandaged up like he got hit by a car or something to that effect.

Moments later the Hero King Gazel Dwargo entered and everyone went to one knee I just looked around and said to myself I'm down to one knee I promise.

Once the king sat down someone announced "you may rise."

And now I've risen.

In this kingdom no one is allowed to speak unless the king gives you permission so we were given a proxy.

And might I say I'm very angry at the moment I'm sitting here listening to bull shit he's spinning a lie about how we beat the crap out of the Minister while he's enjoying a drink.

Then Vesta came forward to beg the king to give us the worst punishment possible.

I think Kaijin got this guy all wrong he's a terrible person all around, bought our guy off and made his injuries look worse just to get rid of Kaijin, despicable.

A few minutes later a old man with a long beard spoke. "I'm here to announce the punishments, Kaijin the main offender you're hereby charged with 20 years of forced labor in the mines, then his accomplices will be charged with 10 years of forced labor in the mines, that's all."

You better be joking, there's no way I'm doing forced labor in a mine I'll break whoever tries that.

Finally the king spoke. "Wait! Kaijin old friend have you been well?"

It was silent.

The old man spoke. "Speak the king is talking to you."

"Yes my king I've been doing well and I'm glad to see you also in good health."

"That's good to hear, are you at all interested in rejoining my ranks?"

Darn there goes my help.

"Sorry my king I have to deny."

There was small talk all over the place.

The kings voice boomed. "Quiet! might I ask why you don't wish to rejoin."

With his head held high. "I already offer another my allegiance, and my word is my honor and I couldn't break it even if you order me to break it."

Radom guard. " insolence!" All the guards pointed there weapons at us.

I'm touched.

The king sat straight. "Alright I see.

I'm going to announce my verdict, Kaijin and his accomplices are herby exiled from this land, effective immediately.

Get out of my sight At once."

I'm perfectly fine with exile, we were going to have problems if they tried to force me to do work.

I looked at the king again, and notice he kinda looks sad, he must of really liked Kaijin.

I look at Kaijin and notice tears in his eyes, now I feel bad for being excited.

We were allowed to head back to Kaijins shop to pack some belongings but when they walked back outside I quickly went back inside and used Predator on everything and put it in my storage area of my tummy, I would have done the whole building but that would look weird.

At the gate Kaijin brother and other guards sent us off by decreeing we are banned and not to set foot back in the city.

Then we made our way back to the others in the woods.

As we made it to the tree line Ranga came running out and started to lick me like crazy. "Stop it, stop it Ranga in fine and right here."

"I'm just so happy you're safe master."

Kaijin looked terrified and pointed at Ranga. "Tha that's a Direwolf we should run."

"No there's no need we are safe with them, this is my pet Ranga, say hi."

He walked closer to them and grew bigger. "Don't ever hurt master or you'll deal with me."

"Stop that Ranga they are harmless." I looked at the 4, I was going to apologize bit they passed out due to fear.

I looked at Ranga and scolded him before going over to the others.

"Glad you made it back safe my lord, you get what you wanted?"

"Yes, I'll introduce you later due to them being out, but I got the best so we are set.

Help them onto a Tempest wolf and let's take off."

As we where about to take off we heard a yell from the Kingdoms direction. "Hey, wait on me, I'm coming."

I looked over to see Gobta, I totally forgot about him, but I am surprised he summoned his wolf.

"Hey Gobta, I'm glad you made it out and summoned your wolf, I'm proud you did your task."

"That was a task my lord?"

"Of course I didn't forget about you, I wanted to see if you could overcome the odds and you passed with flying colors."

Of course I forgot I'm glad he's gullible.

Then we set off back to the Goblin village.

I love riding the wolves they can go up to what would be 60 mph, it's like riding a motorcycle again it's amazing.

I looked at the others then the passed out Dwarfs.

Maybe it's a good thing they are out, the others aren't having as good of a time as I am.

During one of our stops I showed Ranga the new Black Lightning skill for two reasons, one to show him what to strive for and to test the skill out it sounds powerful and I haven't used it yet and I want to.

Note to self don't use skill without caution.

It blew up a bolder and the surrounding land with little power put in it.

After that we made it all the way back, the Dwarfs woke up not to far away from the village.

I hopped off and looked around. "I'm glad to be back."

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