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When I had watched the Truman show movie when I was young, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Truman. Something about his forced smile and catch phrase as he left through the stage door exit. Right after saying his catch phrase, it was just a few frames, but I saw it. The look of a man that had lost everything he held dear, walking into the unknown. 

How sad was that? How scary was that? How truly fucked up was that? When everybody heard his catch phrase it sparked joy for them because they had heard it a million times as Truman grew up, but to Truman, how did he see things?

Truman had finished his test's long ago and was just about to fall asleep when the 'sun' suddenly rose up into the sky even though night had just started. Shortly after, Truman now wide away watched as his best friend Marlon, His Mom, and others he knew ran to the house and started to comb through it looking for and calling out for him. 

"What am I seeing? What is all of this? Why does it seem like they can't see me? Am I really invisible?" asked Truman.

I nodded my head at his last question. "This is your life Truman, since the day you were born, you have been nothing but entertainment to these people. These people are all actors. That includes your friends, your mom, the girl you like, and even your not so dead father."

Trumans eyes began to look a little crazy as he listened to me speak. " there has to be another explanation. This is all just an elaborate joke that Marlon put you up to. GOOD JOB! YOU GUYS SURE GOT ME WELL!, YOU CAN ALL STOP NOW....GUYS...guys...Why aren't you stopping? I caught you.."

I felt bad about destroying his false world, but I doubted if given the choice he would continue to live a false life instead. Even though I was sure he understood by now, I pulled up a holographic video that replayed my earlier conversations and interactions with the other actors on the set. The videos showed the extra talking to me about the show and then how we all got set up for him to arrive at the Ice Cream shop earlier. 

Truman looked on with both sadness and anger. "...So my life was a joke. I was just too stupid to realize." 

Because I believed I understood his current feelings, I offered Truman some help. "I can slaughter them all if you would like."

Truman did a double take as he looked at me. "W-What What the heck man. No, I just want to go. I want to get out of here." 

I shrugged my shoulders. Truman was a better man than me. Just watching these people made me want to kill them all. How could they happily treat a persons life like this? It made me think of my father and brother and how I was just another source of entertainment for them. A play thing to pick on when they got bored. They would soon regret those days. Just like them, I held a mean grudge.

I looked down at the lost person in front of me. "Would you like to say your goodbyes? I can assure you that nobody would stop you if you want to leave with me here. We can leave anytime and these people would be powerless to do anything about it. You will likely never see any of them ever again." 

Truman nodded his head. "Yes, I think I would have regrets if I didn't at least say goodbye, to me they were people I loved and cared about, even if they only saw me as a job."

Hearing Trumans words I sighed before tapping his com badge turning him visible to the people around him. Instantly Trumans mother spotted him and came running to him. "Honey, where were you, we were looking everywhere for you. I got worried and called others to help find you."

Truman looked at the woman he called mother his whole life wondering if his real mom was somewhere out there and also if this woman ever loved him at all. "Oh really? Did you give the sun a call to look for me as well?"

The mom looked flustered. "Oh that? It's a cosmic anomaly, it's been everywhere on the news." As if on queue a car drove by slow enough for Truman to hear the radio as it talked about the solar abnormalities.

Not wanting to hear anymore of their deceit and lies, I made myself visible and then opened a portal behind us that went to the Stargate Universe. Everyone around went silent with shock, even Truman was taken by surprise, but tried not to show it. 

"Truman who is this strange person? Is he the one putting all the weird ideas into your head?" Asked the mom as she tried to pull on Trumans arm to get him away from me and the portal. I was starting to get more annoyed the more I watched and so I spoke up. "Truman, let's go. Wrap it up." 

I lightly pushed the mom away from Truman and blocked their way as Truman turned around and started walking to the portal. "This is the way out of here?" asked Truman a little scared of the Portal in front of him.

I nodded. "Yes, once we go through that portal, we will be out of this place and into the real world."

Truman started walking again once he heard my words, only to stop when he was right in front of the portal. Turning around, he looked at the people he had loved and cared about all these years and held back his tears as he spoke. "Ah, In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night." His big bright smile was tainted by the sadness in his eyes, betraying his true emotions as he didn't want to leave the people he loved with a bad taste in their mouth.

Until the end he only wanted to make others happy. Turning around without waiting for their response, He walked through the portal. His shoulders slightly hunched, his head looking down, and unknown to everyone, a couple of tears running down his face. 

I followed behind him before also stopping in front of the portal. "Truman will never be back to entertain you sick fucks, but maybe I will. You better hope I can forget about my anger towards you. Just know that Truman spared your world today. The next time I come here I better see shrines erected of Truman all over this damned world as the savior of humanity." 

After saying this, I pulled out my lightsaber and cut one of the female extras in half long ways and watched as both sides of her body fell to two different places and then walked through the portal feeling a bit better. I could swear I heard the screams behind me as they realized what had happened. This was what happy endings were supposed to look like in my opinion. 

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