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50% Wheel of fortune / Chapter 2: Escape

Chapter 2: Escape

In the midst of an endless void, where shadows danced and whispered secrets, Ria stood alone. The oppressive darkness enveloped her, a cocoon of uncertainty and anticipation. And then, like a flicker of light amidst the abyss, a brilliant, ethereal wheel materialized before her—The Wheel of Fortune.

Its presence radiated an otherworldly aura, its spokes adorned with symbols that seemed to hold the wisdom of the ages. Ria's heart raced, a mixture of awe and trepidation coursing through her veins.

"As I said before a chance "

The wheel began to spin, its rotations fluid and hypnotic. Multicolored orbs of light emerged, dancing around the wheel in a dizzying display. Each orb pulsed with its own unique hue, a tantalizing promise of the power it held.

"now, seeker," a voice echoed within Ria's mind, melodic and enigmatic. "To claim the power that you seek, you must make a choice. Catch the orb that resonates with your heart's desire."

Ria's gaze darted between the orbs, her mind racing as she tried to decipher their significance. She felt a pull, a connection, and her instincts guided her toward an orb that shimmered with a myriad of colors, like a kaleidoscope of dreams.

Without hesitation, she reached out, her fingers brushing against the surface of the chosen orb. A surge of energy coursed through her, an overwhelming rush of sensations that bordered on ecstasy and agony. The very fabric of her being trembled as the power of illusion dreamer began to intertwine with her essence.

It was as if her mind was expanding, her consciousness stretching to accommodate the newfound abilities. But with the power came a price—a searing pain that reverberated through her like a thunderous symphony. Ria gasped, her body trembling as she clung to the orb, unwilling to relinquish her grip.

In that timeless void, moments felt like eternities, and the pain was both a crucible and a test of her resolve. She gritted her teeth, her knuckles white as she clung to the orb with all her might. Images flashed before her eyes, memories of her past, her dreams, and the promise of a future free from the chains of slavery.

The Wheel of Fortune remained silent, its presence a steady anchor amidst the tumultuous storm raging within Ria's mind. It was as if the very cosmos were laid bare, her existence intertwined with the fabric of destiny.

Just as Ria felt her strength wane, as if her mind would shatter under the strain, the pain began to recede. The orb's brilliance dimmed, and Ria lowered her hand, her breath ragged and labored. She felt the power of illusion dreamer coursing through her, a symphony of illusions and dreams that was now hers to command.

The Wheel of Fortune's voice resonated once more, a soothing balm amidst the aftermath. "You have chosen well, seeker. The power of illusion dreamer now rests within you. Embrace its potential and wield it wisely."

Ria's gaze lifted to the wheel, her eyes alight with determination. "I will," she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of her newfound resolve.

As the brilliant orbs dissipated and the wheel's glow began to fade, the void itself seemed to recede, returning Ria to the realm of reality. The memory of that transcendent encounter lingered, imprinted on her very being.

With the power of illusion dreamer pulsing within her, Ria stepped forward, ready to face the challenges that awaited her. The pain she had endured, the choices she had made—they were all part of a journey that would shape her destiny and forever bind her to the enigmatic Wheel of Fortune.

(two days later)

The slave ship's belly was a realm of shadows and despair, where the scent of brine mixed with the acrid tang of desperation. Ria crouched in a hidden corner, her illusionary dreamer power allowing her to mimic the appearance of a lifeless corpse. Clad in rags, her raven-black hair matted and face smeared with dirt, she blended seamlessly with the ship's cargo.

Amidst the hushed whispers of the enslaved, Ria caught wind of the crew's plans. A crewboy named Tomas was tasked with disposing of the "dead weight" overboard, a grim duty that presented a chance for her escape.

As the crew's footsteps approached her hiding spot, she held her breath, heart pounding in her chest.

Tomas's rough voice echoed in the shadows. "Alright, you maggots, help me with this one. Gotta toss 'em over before they start stinkin' up the place."

The enslaved prisoners stirred, their shackles clinking softly. Ria's fingers clenched into fists, every muscle in her body tense as she prepared to execute her daring plan.

As Tomas approached her, she could feel his cold, calculating gaze on her form. She allowed her illusionary power to distort her features further, to cast the image of death's cold grip upon her. Tomas hesitated for a moment, then nodded to the others.

"Grab his legs," he ordered, a glint of unease in his eyes. "Let's be done with this."

Ria held her breath as the crewboys lifted her "lifeless" form. The shifting of their weight as they moved her towards the ship's railing was a nerve-wracking dance that could spell her salvation or doom.

Tomas's grip faltered, his fingers brushing against her wrist, her skin cool to the touch. Her heart raced, fear and anticipation coursing through her veins. She tightened her illusion, veiling her body in an ethereal shroud of deathly pallor.

"Careful with that one," Tomas muttered, his voice a mixture of unease and reluctance. "Something don't feel right about it."

The crewboys exchanged uneasy glances, but the allure of their captain's rewards overshadowed their trepidation. Ria's pulse quickened as she felt the salty breeze grow stronger, heard the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the hull, the ship's railing drawing closer.

Just as Tomas leaned over the railing, poised to heave her overboard, Ria struck. With a sudden burst of energy, she lunged forward, her illusionary power fueling her strength. Her fist connected with Tomas's jaw, the impact sending shockwaves through her body.

Tomas staggered back unconscious, his eyes wide with shock. In that moment, Ria seized the opportunity. Swift as a shadow, she snatched his cloths and shoved him with all her might.

He let out a yelp of surprise as he teetered on the edge, then plummeted into the dark abyss below.

The crewboys shouted in alarm, chaos erupting in the hold as they rushed to the railing, their attention diverted from the cargo. In the midst of the commotion, Ria dragged the unconscious boy into a quite spot the entire thing of her and Thomas falling into the sea was an illusion cast on the other boys she hastily donned Tomas's clothes, before dragging him away and throwing him overboard for real this time her heart racing as she hoped her disguise would hold.

Adrenaline surged through her veins as she staggered to her feet, stumbling out of the shadows and into the flickering lantern light. Her illusion hid the panic that churned in her chest, the fear that she might be discovered at any moment.

"Oi, where's that boy?" she shouted her eyes scanning the hold with false suspicion.

"He fell off with that girl!" one of the boys said

'Good they think that I am one of them ' Ria thought "How !?" she asked a little too loudly

"She wasn't dead she "as he explained the other crewmen gathered attracted by the commotion

After listening the other crewman grumbled and turned away, his attention drawn to the chaos at the railing. Ria's heart raced, and she shuffled awkwardly towards the exit, praying her disguise would carry her to freedom.

As she climbed the steps to the upper deck, every footfall was a symphony of tension and hope. Her heart hammered in her chest, her thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Freedom was tantalizingly close, but so was the danger of discovery.

Her escape had begun, a perilous journey filled with challenges and the unknown. Ria was no longer a slave—she was a crewboy on a ship that would lead her to places she had only dreamed of. With each step, the weight of her past began to lift, replaced by the anticipation of what lay beyond the horizon.

Under the silver moonlight, the seaport of Artona bustled with the vibrant energy of commerce and adventure. Ships from distant lands docked along the harbor, and the salty breeze carried with it the tang of possibility. Amidst the clamor and the crowd, a figure moved with purpose.

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