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11. Ride home

Robert managed to bring Kali and Dottie with him as both were a bit hesitant to fight a monster. After convincing them he didn't wait any longer and told May to go home.

"Don't worry this monster isn't very powerful, Dottie can easily fight with this creature with bare hands while Kali can confuse him using your powers. And you just have to protect Mom and not kill anyone, okay?" Robert again asked.

Kali and Dottie nodded to his words "So can you tell us what this monster looks like?" Dottie asked curiously even Kali was curious as both of them hadn't seen a monster ever.

"Why tell? When I can show you what this creature looks like?" Robert said with a smile "Let me come in the back so it's easy to explain" He quickly got up from his seat and moved back in between both of them, while May face's turned ugly she knew what method Robert was talking about.

Kali and Dottie look curiously at him "So how can you show us something that only you saw?" Kali asked "With my powers my lady, you just have to just have to touch my head with your head to see the image" Robert said.

He tried to put his hands on their neck while pulling them closer, but his movement was a bit too intimated. His hands seized her cheeks while ran into their hairs which were a bit rough. Slowly reaching their neck and pulled them closer.

Both Kali and Dottie were too stunned to even protest, by the time they reacted their faces were close to Robert's. Looking at him so closely made both of them blush while being mesmerized by his azure blue eyes growing them in his beauty.

Even Robert is embarrassed by his actions, he always kisses Nany, May and Karen in this way making him repeat himself. Blood rushed into his cheek making him blush, Kali and Dottie who were near saw his blush and had a thought to tease him seeing his looks but were blocked by someone.

"*Cough* *cough*..." May couldn't help but cough to distract her son who was being harassed by two hungry wolves. Yes, in May's eyes, any girl coming near her son is just a hungry woman.

"... so I will start now" Robert quickly said while transferring his mental energy to Kali's and Dottie's brains. Dottie who wasn't familiar with such energy didn't notice it at first but Kali easily caught this energy as she used it.

Soon an image of the monster was formed in her, 2 meters long with a slim body shape, long fingers with sharp edges, no eyes or ears while a slimy mucus covered the entire body.

The same image formed in Dottie's mind after a few seconds. After confirming that both saw the monster, he withdrew his hands, disappointing both girls, but only Dottie showed it while Kali tried to hide.

"Let's hold this position for a few more minutes," Saying she jumped on Robert. May who was this turned angry and took a sharp left turn making everyone move to the right, Robert was pressed between the two of them.

'They are still soft...' Robert thought as his head was pressed by their boobs from both sides, he wanted to stay like this but May called him "Baby why don't you come in front, sometime I don't remember roads right?" Although she was asking her voice was more demanding.

"Fine" Robert sighed and got in front while Dottie and Kali noticed the strange relationship between the mother and son. But they don't know much about it, so they didn't raise a question about it.


After reaching home he showed both of them around with their own room. Kali and Dottie were shocked to see many house applications in this house were different from what they had seen before.

"What's this?" Dottie pointed at a rectangular metallic box, Robert noticed that she was pointing at the washing machine "This is a washing machine which I have modified, you just have to set the timer while the machine does every job. From washing, and rinsing to drying them" Dottie's eyes shined while heard this.

"Why is your T.V. so flat?" Dottie like a curious child asked "Well the previous version of T.V. took too much space, so modified it... it's not a big deal" Robert said with a flat look while putting his pinky finger in his ear.

'It is a big deal!!' All the ladies in the house shouted in their heads, May sighed at her son's ethics but was proud at the same time. When she discovered his intellect she thought he would grow into an arrogant guy but got scared for nothing.

Robert from the start was humble and never had an arrogant look or looked down on anyone making her happy. The only thing which made her dissatisfied was that her son had too much charm making many girls fall for him, which wasn't liked by her.

While Kali understood that this little guy wasn't kidding when he said that he would help us. After seeing all the things in his house she can really see that and hoped that this was the right decision.



"Okay Mom goodbye and don't wait for my dinner, I won't be coming tonight" Robert said to May who was fixing his black jacket. He wore black jeans pants with a white T-shirt with a black jacket on it, making himself look good.

After all, today might be turned into a special event with Nancy, and he wants to set the mood so they can have what they want for a long "Yes, but don't cause too much trouble for Nancy. And no drinks for you kid" May said lovingly while giving a warning.

"Yess... now can you let me go," Robert said tiredly as May was still holding his jacket which was already fixed. To which May stiffly let go of his jacket, she didn't know why but this time she felt something was different.

Like she will miss something important about her son "Robert you-" Before she could say anything she was kissed by Robert, as his tongue entered her mouth. They didn't notice two pairs of eyes seeing them from the living room.

"Don't worry mom. Nothing will happen" From her surface thoughts Robert knew he had to do something or May wouldn't let him go today, so he kissed her. "Okay," May couldn't say anything as she was still mesmerized by the kiss.

"Bye Kali, Dottie," He said to the two girls sitting in the living room with just a T-shirt and shorts. They didn't bring any clothes with them so could only wear May's clothes "Bye" Both said with a blush which wasn't noticed by him.

After Robert exited the house, May went to the kitchen in a happy mood "Hey don't you think that letting Robert go out at night with a teenage girl" Kali asked curiously.

"Why? I mean Nany is his cousin, so he won't make a move on her. So I don't have to worry" May said happily while Kali and Dottie had sweat on her naive thoughts.

They want to shout telling her that her own son is seducing his own mom. What aren't the chances he seduces his cousin too? But they couldn't voice their thoughts as they didn't know much about May, Robert or the girl named Nancy.


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