It was a problem that everyone saw and felt. But sadly, there was no easy solution in sight. The first time my forces fought as one, there was a glaring difference between my people.
Normally that would be fine, but it was hard to rely on those who could not keep up with you.
"Wow! The Sirens are all battle junkies, huh? Hey! Keep up, little sisters! You're too slow!"
"It seems that we need to augment our special forces. This is unacceptable."
"Tsk. The rest of the army can't keep up. For the time being this is as close as we can get, I guess."
They girls and I noticed immediately. This was why the U.S. military created the Special Forces. Totally different from the other branches of the military, they were trained harder, but were able to fight on a level beyond the ordinary.
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Enjoy the read!
To God be all the glory!
Will return in May. Stay awesome everyone. Enjoy the read!