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8% Anything but an Extra / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Caught in the MC’s Shadow

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Caught in the MC’s Shadow

After what felt like an eternity, Enryu broke the silence between them. "How does someone with your effort end up in Zero class?" he asked, his voice carrying a tone of genuine curiosity.

David looked at him, his golden eyes gleaming with a certain defiance. "How does someone as skinny as you beat up a group a grade higher than them?" He retorted.

There was silence again, this time charged with a new sense of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of their individual struggles. But before they could say anything more, the sound of the bell echoed through the grounds, signaling the end of their break.

Elysia was, by all accounts, stunning. Her emerald eyes shimmered with vivaciousness, framed by long, curled lashes. Her auburn hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves, the sun casting an ethereal glow on her. Her lips, painted a soft pink, were curled into a smile that had won over many. Yet behind that captivating beauty hid a dark, manipulative personality, a well-kept secret known only to those who had been burned by her charm.

She sauntered up to Enryu, her every move calculated to allure. But Enryu was not the naive young man she thought him to be. He had been through her deception, felt the sting of her betrayal. He wasn't going to fall for her charade again. As she reached him, extending her hand to touch his arm, he moved swiftly. His hand came up, and he slapped her across her face.

The sound echoed throughout the field, followed by a stunned silence. The smile fell from Elysia's face, replaced by a look of shock and hurt. Her hand moved to her cheek, her eyes welling up with unshed tears.

Enryu's cold voice cut through the silence, "Stay away from me, Elysia." His words were final, leaving no room for debate.

David's mind raced as he processed the situation. This was exactly the Enryu he had written about, the Enryu who had been betrayed, who had regressed and was now forced to relive his past. His assertiveness, his coldness, his resolution - these were all characteristics that defined the Enryu that had experienced too much of the world's cruelty.

As Mavis rushed to Elysia's aid, David could only watch. He was familiar with Mavis's character - handsome, powerful, backed by a family as influential as the Jupiter's. But he also knew of his future betrayal of Enryu.

When Mavis glared at Enryu and lashed out, Enryu's response was swift and cold. "I suggest you stay out of my business, Mavis."

Mavis eyes narrowed "It's against the rules for me to use my powers on a freshman but for you I'll make an exception."

"Rules or no rules, I don't care," Enryu retorted, his cold eyes meeting Mavis's heated glare.

"Oh, really?" Mavis retorted, a dangerous smirk on his face. "I didn't think you would be that reckless."

"I'm reckless? Says the one who's defending someone for a simple slap," Enryu shot back.

Mavis seethed, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. "Elysia didn't deserve that. You've gone too far, Enryu."

Meanwhile, the bullies' gazes flickered over to David, their expressions darkening. As the tension between Enryu and Mavis grew, so did the hostility directed at David. They were clearly displeased with him for associating with Enryu, but their current focus was on the escalating situation in front of them.

David decided to take action, not wanting to attract any more trouble. He grabbed Enryu's arm, pulling him aside. "Enryu, you need to calm down."

Enryu scoffed, shaking off David's hold. "I can handle myself."

"I'm not questioning your ability to handle yourself," David shot back, his eyes serious. "But this isn't the way to go about it. You're offending people left and right. You're making things harder for yourself."

"I don't care," Enryu responded dismissively.

"But you should," David insisted. "You can't just make enemies out of everyone. You need to be smarter about this, beat them at their own game."

Enryu looked at David, his eyes narrowed. "And who are you to tell me what to do? I don't even know you."

David swallowed, feeling a pang of regret. Indeed, Enryu didn't know him. He didn't know that David was the one who created him, the one who controlled his fate. But that was something David couldn't reveal. Not now, at least.

Enryu remained silent for a moment, considering David's words. Despite the initial resistance, it seemed like Enryu was beginning to realize that his actions had far-reaching consequences, and not just for him.

"What if Elysia brings her dad into this? What then?" David pushed, hoping to get Enryu to see reason.

"You may be strong, but you're still just a student. And we're in this together, whether you like it or not."

David's words hung in the air as Enryu considered them. The silence between them was tense, a stark contrast to the chaos that was unfolding just moments ago. David's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for a response. He knew that he had made his point, but whether or not Enryu would listen, was another matter entirely.

Finally, Enryu broke the silence, his voice quiet but carrying a certain weight. "You're right, David," he admitted. "I've been... reckless. I'll need to rethink my strategy."

David exhaled, relieved. It seemed that his words had gotten through. For now, at least. As he turned to leave, he couldn't help but think about the path that lay ahead. They were navigating dangerous waters, and any misstep could lead to disaster.

Just as David was about to walk away, Enryu called out to him, "David."

He paused and turned back to look at Enryu, raising his eyebrows in question.

"I'll need your help," Enryu admitted, his gaze serious.

Before David could reply, the bell rang, indicating the end of their break. As David watched Enryu walk away, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

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