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Chapter 4: Chapter four

Nathalia had always been dedicated to her studies in order to enhance her company, completely oblivious to the fact that the owner of Li electronics had returned, let alone his preferences and dislikes.

Miss Hu felt a mixture of embarrassment and anger; she was uncertain of what to do. She could hardly resist the urge to slap that man with all her might.

Just as she was about to step back into the elevator, Mr. Li interjected.

"Next time you wish to have a discussion with me, I suggest avoiding dressing like a slob, you scum."

Everyone witnessed the scene, yet no one could hear a word.

He had gone too far, insulting her by calling her scum and a slob at the same time.

She couldn't bear it any longer, her fury boiling over.

Raising her right hand, she struck Mr. Li's perfectly chiseled jaw with force.

For a few seconds, the air stood still as the menacing aura surrounding boss Li transformed into one of murderous intent.

Had someone looked closer into his eyes, they would have noticed his pupils trembling.

_Who on Earth is this woman? Was it simply ignorance of his status or did she have a death wish?

What had she done? She had sealed her own fate._

Lu thought to himself.

She hurried back to the elevator, only to find that it was no longer in operation, leaving her with no choice but to take the stairs.

Lu Min followed his boss down, his eyes piercing the other boss's secretary with a glare.

As soon as the two intruders had departed, the image on the large screen vanished.

Everyone felt anxious and concerned, for if the boss was angry, they would all face the consequences.

They hadn't done anything wrong, yet they would pay for someone else's ignorance.

How could she dare to present herself at a company like Li electronics without researching the boss's likes and dislikes?

She appeared ghost-like, and those who had witnessed the encounter shot angry glances her way.

"Who did she think she is?

She has no right to come into our company and slap the boss."

Even though their boss wasn't the most sociable person.

Ever since he returned from his long trip in the United States, the company had achieved nothing but increased popularity and wealth.

"Nathalia, wait!"

Lu Min struggled to keep up with her, well aware that when Nathalia was in this state of mind, no one could halt her.

Even the onlookers gazing at her made no difference to her.

Her main objective was to go home, get some rest, and forget about this dreadful day.

Of course, her house was several miles away.

Lu Min grew tired of chasing after her and decided to continue on his own path. It hadn't been an easy day for him either.

Nathalia's lack of money was unknown to him; otherwise, he would have offered assistance. The following day, they were anticipating a wave, and he had to return home to prepare.

On the opposite side...

"In an hour, I want her in my presence," Li stated firmly, repeating his order twice. This time, he was willing to go as far as kidnapping her in order to civilize her.

"What type of woman is Nathalia?" Nik wondered.

Li Senpai sat in his office, pondering about her, absentmindedly stroking his jaw that had been grazed by the trash. It was the first time someone had dared to slap him, and he wondered if she had the guts to replicate the action when he would teach her a lesson.

"Boss, I found this in the elevator," Secretary Liang reported, holding a damaged black bag.

"Dispose of it," Li commanded with his usual cold and indifferent tone, tossing a tissue at him along with his order.

"Take that with you as well."

On the highway, an imposing young woman dressed in white moved ahead, oblivious to the onlookers. Seeing a moving ghost was not an everyday occurrence, so the children fantasized about her. Some screamed, while others watched in fascination.

With a sudden sound, a black car blocked her path, preventing her from moving further.

"Get in the car!" the person inside screamed.

When would this day come to an end? Now, someone wanted to abduct her. Little did he know, Miss Hu was prepared for such situations, having learned Kung Fu from her father when she was young.

The man in the car, wearing a black hoodie and a face mask to hide his appearance, ran out of patience and approached her with a knife.

"Get in!" he demanded.

The highway was nearly empty, as nobody seemed to notice what was happening, occupied with their own driving.

With a swift movement, Nathalia disarmed the kidnapper and successfully targeted his vulnerable groin area, inflicting pain with a kick. If Nik had known about her true strength despite her delicate appearance, he would have brought more reinforcements.

He held his wailing brother, limping towards his vehicle, and quickly drove off to the nearest hospital.

Nathalia was just a few steps away from her home.

The Hu family mansion was vast and beautiful, emanating a sense of tranquility to anyone who took the time to admire it. It boasted an impressive garden and a pool.

She stood at the gate, incessantly ringing the bell with anger.

In response to the disturbance, a flurry of housekeepers swiftly descended, prepared to confront the individual responsible.

"Could it be Miss Nathalia?"

An air of astonishment engulfed the housekeepers upon witnessing her current state of being.

Traditionally, Miss Nathalia arrived home in the crimson Audi gifted by her father.

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