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Chapter 5: A not so welcome feast...

As Michael waded his way though the throngs of families going though rushed movements or heartfelt goodbyes. he took in the atmosphere, the faint up kick of magical aura from generations of young magical children experiencing the same feelings, resonating throughout the station.

finally making his way inside the train, Michael headed to the front to meet up with the conductor, as was asked of him by McGonagall in her most recent letter.

He found himself stopped Infront of the door toward the forwardmost section of the train, a bronze door with faint embellishments and a prominent closed eye. decisively he knocked on the door, the metal tone reverberating with a strange timbre. 

As quickly as he noted the tone did the eye glow and turn from a bronze depiction into an actual eye. "yes! what is it?!" spoke a rough and gravely voice through the door.

"greeting sir, the name Michael Veras, Vice headmistress McGonagall told me to talk to you before departure" he replied to the strange voice of who he assumed to be the conductor.

"Ha! well why didn't ya just say so, come in and join me!" the gravely voice returned with a slightly more jolly tone. immediately the bronze door turn silver and slowly creeped open with naught but a sound. standing behind it was a short wrinkled man with patchy and torn hair mixed in color of brown and aged grey. skin marred by age and scars, the most openly displayed one being the one crossing his left eye with faded pupil beneath it, and the other being the large gaping scar on his neck. 

"Name Rofar, just Rofar" He intoned as their hands met in a handshake, Michael's five digits to Rofar's three.

The two proceeded to sit down at the small table in the side of the room and got to chatting, "SO Veras pretty young for a professor aye, Id say your starting out just a bit younger than Mister Snape, he's Hogwarts current potions teacher if you didn't know... also the head of Slytherin after old sluggy left." 

"thanks Rofar, I'm hoping i am going to do well, haven't had much experience teaching proper, only some tutoring on the holidays here and there. and yeah pretty sure I remember snape, he was a hard to forget, the tall dour and hook nosed seventh year Slytherin that got into fights with the head boy of my first year at Hogwarts, a Gryffindor if i remember correctly."

"haha yeah, the Gryffindor and Slytherin rivalry never ends, and don't worry you'll learn how to teach in your own way, cant be worse than old binns, merlin was he a bore, even in my old age trying to remember his class nearly puts me to sleep." 

"sigh yeah, honestly i think binns teaching history ruin so many generations of magicals, because they could stay awake to learn of all the old generations mistakes."

"true that! personally experience his failed teachings myself." He grunted haphazardly pointing to his old scars. 

"how-" Michael began but was cut off.

 "How did i get these scars, bah! Blasted dark lords! lord and lady damn them!" he barked then pointed to his eye "this was a scar i got from Grindelwald himself, back in the day while i was still fighting the good fight, got into a tussle with his forces over in the Russian front with some old friends from durmstrang, we were winning on the front taking down 3 for everyone of us... until that monster of a wizard showed up. one single spell and he brought a flame of shadows that torched nearly half of the forces we had, lost 3 of my friends to that spell and barely made it out alive missing one of my eyes."

"this-" he said pointing towards his neck. "well this is from a tussle i had with some werewolves that fought alongside you-know-who, out number 3 to 1 i fought with all i had taking out one with a silver spike i transfigured out of the ground, while nearly missing a bite from the second whose eyes i cut with a dark cutting hex, before exploding his head as he missed his second blind charge. the third he was smart, took me by surprise by using the blind spot because of my eye, at the last moment i heard him and barely dodging his gaping infectious maw as it approached my neck, but sadly his claw didn't miss. in what i though my last moments I cast one of the darkest spells, the killing curse, its green writhing storm of magic struck true, he stilled madness and fury still in his eyes. with my last will and magic I apparated to St mungo's."

"as you can see I survived, but not without consequences, i was caught and tried for the use of the killing curse, seeing as i used it against the forces of the dark lord and on a werewolf, people the council view as cursed lessers, i was saved Azkaban but lot the right to a wand. leaving me no more than a squib in the eyes of many."

"thanks for telling me that, and thank you for all your service to our community! you did what you had to survive in troubled times and still fought for what was right, you did more than most and lost just a much" Michael stated with somber tone. 

"bah save an old warrior your drudgery I've already found my peace even if it just guided the new generations to a place of learning, it does good for these old bones. haha" Rofar rebutted with a cackling laugh that for a second seemed devoid of age and weight, much like the laughter that echo though the cabins on the train.

"anyway back to what you were called here for and not some old mans stories. McGonagall wanted me to inform you that you will have to take a carriage alongside the older students to the castle. well that it really don't know why that couldn't have been a short letter but the old cat has a thing for propriety i guess. well best get settled in you can either stay here or load into one of the cabins, going to be a seven hour trip as you can probably remember. Betty Brunswick, or the Trolley lady as the student affectionately call her will be around in a bit with some food and drinks in your in the need."

"I think your company would be much more appreciated on the long trip than an empty cabin or the madness of children, plus you probably have some more stories, and stories are a great way to tell history and how to avoid certain troubles, i know i might need some guidance with my track record haha!" Michael cheered bringing a small smirk to Rofar's face.

*knock knock*

"sigh... get in here already Betty, i know you have your key! you never go anywhere without it!"


a/n: the rage fuels me 

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