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33.33% Fate/Monster of the Abyss / Chapter 6: Fairy Queen Morgan

Chapter 6: Fairy Queen Morgan

When casting a spell, one has to connect to the meaning behind the spoken chant. Words contain power. Magic is the realization of said power.

'I don't think I have a talent for magic. That is Yue's specialty. But! I work hard, long and efficiently, to achieve the desired outcome. This time is no different. I have never used summoning magic, yet I am sure I will succeed. Remember me, focus not on the words but on the meaning, bring out the power behind them'

After pumping up himself and doing last-minute check-ups on the surrounding barrier, catalyst, and magic circle, the man started the incantation.

"Let my blood and magic be the essence.

Let your soul and the Throne be the foundation

Let obsidian black be the color I pay tribute to Gaia and Alaya

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.

Your body shall serve under me.

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail

If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

Yet, though, if serves with thine eyes clouded in chaos

Thou, if bound in the cage of madness.

I am he who commands these chaos

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,

Come forth from the ring of restraints,

Protector of the Holy Balance!"

He gave his all to the task. It was the most exhausting thing he had done in a while. The more he spoke, the more contained energy condensed, the brighter emanating light became. The moment the aria ended, he felt it. No, not the pain and darkness that would have consumed any normal human for staring so intently at such blinding source of light. He felt the connection establish between himself as the Master and the summoned Servant. The proof of it, a Master's Command Spells, was etched onto his flesh. Curiously, they manifested not on his hand but in the middle of his chest as a lightning tearing through a circle that is inclosing it

When the light ceased, a beauty appeared in the middle of the magic circle. She had long pale blond hair that almost looked silver with a tinge of blue with two strands of it enframing her face, a pair of braids going through her temples, and with the rest of it tied with black ribbon into ponytail. Pair of pearcing sky blue eyes that instantly started to analyze him in return. Black with blue ornaments body suit(?) and white robe attached to it by blue bow-knots. 170 cm (5'6") in height. Her face and figure reminded Hagime about the sleeping in Avalon King Arthur, who is a girl here somehow. The woman before him, despite being Vivian's counterpart, didn't hold resemblance to his friend. Tea-loving Lady of the Lake had this warm and welcoming motherly aura around her, while the Fairy Queen in front was not someone to kindly ask and tenderly guide. No, emanating dark regal aura, she gave off an impression of a tyrant, someone cold and ruthless, someone you have to follow every order to the letter or you will face a harsh punishment, not a light scolding.

"So you have summoned me. Caster, Morgan. The Queen on Fairy Brittain and the one who continuously curses panhuman history. If you have no issues with a condition, I will lend you my power. There's no changing the fact that I am a queen. As such, I expect you to work properly as my vassal. Or would you rather be treated as my husband instead?" Seamingly finished scrutinizing him, she introduced herself and made a rather interesting proposition.

'Wow! Just wow! Some interesting choice you give me here. You know what? I will even ask about it?'

"And what does being your husband entail?"

"There is just one thing I seek from my husband.

('Ok. So far, so good.')

Offer your everything to me.

('What the...? I am quite sure I have a deadpan expression right now.')

... You can't call that a single thing?

('It's not where the problem lies.')

No, it's just a single one, isn't it. It's a very simple one."

Silence. She finished. That was all she had to say. It was her stance.

'I am not sure why she acts like this. Isn't she supposed to be a smart, scheming type? What's up with this behavior? Reading her information through Evolution Magic will be a headache, so Master's privilege it is.'

~~~~~ • ~~~~~

Morgan [Caster]

Strength: A-

Endurance: B+

Agility: A-

Mana: EX

Luck: A+

Noble Phantasm: EX

Class Skills

Madness Enhancement: C

Magic Resistance: A+

Item Constraction: EX

Territory Creation: B+

Fairy Eyes: A+

Personal Skills

Charisma of Yearning: B

Protection of the Lake: A

From the Ends of the World: A

Noble Phantasm

Lordless Camelot: EX

~~~~~ • ~~~~~

'Ah! She has a vision related skill. That explains things. Being able to read the fake public information about me must have put me in the "lesser being" category. She hasn't checked her stats yet, it seams.'

"Before I give you any kind of reply, check your status."

His expression during this short amount of time traversed from dubious to wondering, to that of a realization. Coupled with his ambiguous words, this show of emotions made Morgan frown. Then she decided to listen and do as she was told. The result came as a surprise. A very welcoming one at that. But, it raised some questions, the main being 'How?'. Morgan was clearly stronger. Wrong. Now, she is at the strongest she has ever been. Yet her Master is this weak. Things don't add up. But so what? She is the Fairy Queen. She won't take back her words.

'Really? You clearly caught onto that something is extremely wrong, yet you persist in speaking from the position of power. Haaa...'

"Ok. Let's do it the hard way."

Using Spatial Magic to separate this place from the outside world, white-haired red-eye young man dressed in dark gray costume stopped concealing everything about him.

"Since you have told me your True Name, it is only fair I do the same. I am Hagime Shigo. Monster of the Abyss, de facto ruler of Tortus and ally of Gaia on equal grounds. And. I. Am. Master. Here. I am not even that interested in the Grail. It is you who is given an opportunity. I allow you to ask me for anything since you are my Servant, but no one, absolutely no one, is allowed to order me. Now, get up. It is unsightly for a Queen to cower on the ground."

The moment he released his magical reserves, that pressure alone made her extremely uncomfortable. But the more he spoke, the worse it became. On the word "Here." she collapsed on the ground, unable to hold herself anymore despite her efforts. This made her realize that even her newly acquired A+ Magic Resistance and high stats don't do much except keeping her alive. The thought was engraved into her mind that it was he, who stood before her at that moment, the one superior all along. Something terrifying as an apex predator. A monster. And she is nothing against him. The command she obeyed was not out of pride of the Fairy Queen but out of the pure instinct. Only the moment he retrieved his aura and concealed his presence did the existential dread vanish.

'Gaia mentioned that I can be considered a living Servant and can use my skills, but for goodness sake... Isn't 『Ruler of Monsters: EX』 a little too powerful? For it to bring down a mighty Fairy Great Mother of Gaia in a matter of seconds without signs of recovery is... I have no words. The main factor for it to work is to owerpower the will of an opponent by my own will. And said opponent must be considered a monster. I bet almost everyone else will faint on the spot from just the initial exposure Morgan endured. I hope she is okay. We have a Holy Grail War to win, so I better check up on her.'

Coming closer to a dazed Morgan, Hagime placed both of his hands on her shoulders and made her look into his eyes. "Snapp out of it, Morgan. If you really want me to be your husband, then you must earn it. I don't let just anyone into my heart. Only when we are able to watch each other backs in all aspects I will consider your proposal for real. Now, however, you can call me however you want. Well, without anything outrageous, please."

A determined look appeared on the fairy's face. Intuition told Hajime that it was not about winning the Holy Grail War.

'The future promises to be hectic. That's for sure.'

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