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Chapter 4: Chapter : 3 : The Strike of Big Brain Y/N!

After one week in Azur Lane base...Y/N was accepted as a good commander by many shipgirls and he was able to planned renovation on most of the girls' room which make them feel much more comfortable with the dorms. Meanwhile Y/N can be seen being lectured by Wales on how to handle himself in the battlefield.

Wales: You made a mistake over here and also here too.


Wales: Language Commander...

Y/N: Why am I always having mistakes in every tests!?

Wales: It's because you have a really bad choices of words?

Y/N: Well damn I should improve my writing a bit.

Wales: It's not your writing that keep casuing mistakes. It's because you keep writing impossible things that makes no senses. For example, you keep talking about beating the Sirens up by yourself. And then over here, you keep writing about how you can mount a Anti Aircraft guns... by yourself.

Y/N: Hey I was thinking about going on a sortie with you guys and put my knowledge in how to manage a fleet to a test.

Wales didn't say anything and think for a while and then decided that he would needs a improvement for himself.

Wales: Well... there's a siren outpost 100 miles away from our base. And we'll see how you manage your fleets carefully.


Wales: Please... don't yell out suddenly Y/N...

Y/N: Who am I going together with?

Wales: Well as for the Vanguard I will assign Cleveland, San Diego, Bremerton and Baltimore. The backlines will be supported by Miss Enterprise, New Jersey, Hood, and me cuz I will need to see how you handle yourself.

Y/N: Aye aye teacher!

Wales: Please stop calling me like that.

Y/N: Aye aye Co-worker!

Wales: Just... *sighs* Nevermind.

Y/N: So we will go sailing tommorow?

Wales: Yes indeed.


Wales: Prepare your belonging and I will gives you a list on what you should brings alongside with you to the sortie,Got it?

Y/N: Got it!

Wales: Good then today's lesson is over. Let's get to sortie tommorow.

Y/N: Then I'm off to my room.

On the next day Y/N can be seen packing the things he needs for sortie. And then he packed them all up and goes to the port where he will sat off with rest of the girls. When he arrives at the port he saw Bremerton along with Baltimore being excited to go on the sortie along with her sister.

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( Meet Bremerton! One of my favorite shipgirls in Eagle Union. )

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( Meet Baltimore! Also one of my favs in Eagle Union. )

Bremerton: Sis! Don't cha feel excited on this sortie to destroy the siren base?

Baltimore: Of course I am! Who won't be more happy to kick Sirens' ass right?

Y/N: Yo wassup Baltimore and Bremerton! You two are already excited to go on a sortie?

Bremerton: Hell yeah we do! Things get really boring just dealing eith Sakura Empire everyday!

Baltimore: Commander! I heard that Enterprise and New Jersey will be also in the sortie Fleet too! Is that right?

Y/N: Yes and also will have 4 Main ships for the backline support so you guys as the Vanguard ships will be safe!

???: Commanderrrr let's go and sortie!

From a distance, A cheerful voice can be heard rushing towards the port and anyone in Eagle Union can recognize who she is just by hearing her voice.

( Image )

( San Diego a.k.a "Shark Bait" )

When Y/N looks to the direction of the voice, he saw San Diego carrying the things she needs but she could not balance herself at the same time due to how heavy her stuffs were. So Y/N decided to give her a hand.

Y/N: Hey let me help you carry those stuffs.

San Diego: Thanks a bunch Commander!

Y/N: These things are way too heavy Sandy. What did you put in there?

San Diego: Oh it's just my clothes, toothpaste, Videogames, Music discs-

Y/N: Wait a minuite I'm gonna have to stop you right there Sandy. You do know that the sortie will lasts long only for at least 5 hours right?

San Diego: Eh?

Y/N: It would only takes us about 2 hours to get there if we go full speed ahead with 50mph.

San Diego: Ohhhh I see! Then I guess I will just go back and put those stuffs back in my dorm!

Y/N: Nevermind just brings them all along since I don't want you to walks all the ways back to your dorm.

San Diego: Yay Commander is the best!

Bremerton: Heyyy! Let me help you carry em too!

Baltimore: Also counts me in!

While they were carrying all Sandy's stuffs, An Aircraft Carrier ship is summoned at the port and it was Enterprise. As the ship was summoned, she herself also came down from there to look for the members of the Sortie fleet. When she noticed Y/N carrying Sandy's heavy "things" by himself she decided to go and help him.

Enterprise: Commander let me carry them for you.

/N: Nah I'm good Enty! I'm stron-

Before Y/N could finished what he was saying, Enterprise took the things he was carrying with such a fast speed and carry them all to her Ship without a single problem by herself. and when she was boarding her ship she looks back at Y/N and says something.

Enterprise: We are setting off soon. The rest of the fleet members are waitng for us from at least 1 mile away from the port.

Y/N: Aye... then let's set off towards the sea. Sandy, Bremerton, and Baltimore you three stay on Enterprise's ship for now. You three will be deployed once we are 10 miles away from Sirens' outpost got it?

All three of them: Got it!

Y/N: Good then let's go full speed ahead!

They all decided to stayed on Enterprise's aircraft carrier and sat off from their port towards the sea.

A few minuites later they reached the meeting point where they meet up with rest of the fleet members and they decided to do a strategic meeting on Enty's ship.

Y/N: Remember girls... This is a stealth mission.

Every girls in the room nod at his words.

Y/N: To do this stealth mission we will...

The girls suddenly started focusing with serious aura at his words.


While the Eagle Union girls cheered at his dumb attitude while Hood just keep smiling with a sweatdrop and Wales was facepalming.



Wales sighs and decided that this is a rare happy moments she might never see again in this war in the future so instead of scolding Y/N, She just let him have his ways around planning the strategies.

90 miles away Sirens' outpost. Y/N puke,resulting for the girls to got worried about him but he was just trying to breakdance on the flight deck which cause Motion Sickness...

70 miles away from Sirens' outpost. Because of the waves constantly hitting the Aircraft Carrier,Sandy was shake off from the Aircraft Carrier resulting in Bremerton and Bremerton rushing to the rescue.

40 miles away from Sirens' outpost. The storm in the sea interferes Hood while she was drinking the tea and spill the tea all over herself,making her quite upset.

20 miles away from Sirens' outpost. New Jersey and Cleveland had a thumb battle...It was epic.

10 miles away from Sirens' outpost. The girls started to summons each of their ships into the sea water. Checking their ammunitions and making sure their turrets are functioning properly.

1 mile away from Sirens' outpost. Y/N decided to uses his radio to communicates with the girls.

Y/N: Girls we are almost near the Sirens' outpost and once we can see it clearly we'll blast the shit out of em.

Hood: Commander... please refrain yourself from using these words that are quite ru-


The others except Wales: YEAH!

Hood: Nevermind...

When the Sirens' outpost becomes visible through the mists Y/N orders the rest of the fleet to not engage with the Sirens yet since thye might have unpredictable weapons being developed and told Enterprise to send a scout plane.

Y/N: Are we there yet?

Enterprise: Not yet.

Y/N: Are we there yet?

Enterprise: *sighs* Not... yet.

Y/N: Are we ther-

Enterprise: Not Yet.

Y/N: Oh okay damn chill out Enterprise.

Enterprise: Wait I see something.

Wales decided to contact Enterprise through the radio.

Wales: Grey Ghost What does the scout plane sees over?

Enterprise: The base is somehow heavily guarded by most of the Siren ships and we need to be carefu-

Y/N: New Jersey go and wakes those motherf*ckers up for me.

NJ: Okie dokie~

NJ blasts a huge shells on the Sirens' outpost and with sheer luck it hits the ammunitions warehouse inside the Sirens' outpost,resulting it to explodes creating mass destruction.

Y/N: Enterprise,send your bombers there and bomb the whole base. Wales,Hood you two will fire artillery shells on the base along with New Jersey. Cleveland,Sandy,Bremerton and Baltimore will stays here and take out any mass product siren ships approaching us. Let's destroy those bastards!

The Girls: HAI!

The girls were on high fighting spirits under Y/N's commands doing as he said and following the plan accordingly.

After 30 minutes of constant shelling and bombardments. The Sirens' outpost turns to nothing but ashes. The girls were exhausted after the battle and needs a lot of rest due to how tiring it was to defend themselves and Y/N from bombers and torpedos.

When they were returning to their port. This time Y/N decided that it would be the best to use Wales's battleship to go back to base since it might be faster and they can immediately alerts the rest of the fleet members when they are under attack.

Y/N and Wales can be seen on the ship's bridge having tea together.

Wales: Y/N.

Y/N: Yah?

Wales: You did a really great job there. Congrats on your first victory.

Y/N: Haha it was thanks to you girls, We were able to destroy the Sirens' outpost...I barely did nothing.

Wales: No Y/N. Our fighting spirits were high because of you in the battlefield. You, As our commander can boasts the morales of all the shipgirls and you should keep in mind that no one got hurts during your first mission.

Y/N: Well I'm gonna remember that compliment of yours forever.

Wales: I'm glad that you will remember it.

And just like that, they were able to make it back to the port safetly without any problems.

The next morning...

It was already 9 AM and Y/N can be seen still in his bed sleeping like a log and a knock on his door was heard.

Y/N: *snores*

The person tries to knock again but still got no response by Y/N. As the person gets a little bit unpatient she decided to kicks the door open which startled Y/N.


Y/N instantly shut up when he saw Sheffield standing on the doorstep.

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( Maid with no panties( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Sheffield: Master, You are late for your breakfast. You have to attends a tea party this afternoon and a lot of paperworks to handle by "yourself". And Lady Wales requ-

Y/N: Yeah I'm going back to sleep.

Sheffield did not say anything and approachs his bed and the suddenly grab both of his legs and drags him all the way to his office.


Sheffield: No.

Y/N: You're so harsh I just wanted a long rest after yesterday!

Sheffield: You have works to do today so please stop whinning Master.

Y/N: NO!>:(

Y/N then proceeds to get dragged to his office by Sheffield and he have to works his ass off till the rest of the day.

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