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Chapter 3: Chapter : 2 : Meet the shipgirls!

3rd person POV:

You can see Y/N who was now given a commander uniform and is being escorted to his so-called dorm by Enterprise and NJ but for some reason he's walking in front of them instead of them leading the way.

Enty: Y/N- wait no Commander why are you leading the way in front of us if you don't even know where your dorm is?

Y/N: Good question Enty! The reason I'm leading the way is because I don't wanna creep you both out by following you from behind.

Enty: Who taught you all these things Commander?

Y/N: Well it's my Grandma who taught me all this gentleman stuffs. *sniffs*

Y/N suddenly stops at his track as he remembers a core memory.

Here comes Flashback chan!

14 years old Y/N can be seen talking to his Grandma as she wants him to get a girlfriend at school.

Y/N: I'm telling you Grandma! No girls in school would talk to a socially awkward guy like me and NO! I am not getting a girlfriend!

Grandma: Ohh so you got...

( Image )

Y/N: Grandma... we are not talking about this TOPIC again!

Grandma: Ohh so you are hurts by the truth I just told you right now?

Y/N: ( Image )

Grandma: Alright alright I'll just respect your decision on ending our bloodline with you...SO MY DEAR GRANDSON!



Y/N: Grandma I think we should refrain ourselve from yelling like that from now on...

Grandma: Yeah yeah go tell that to the wall! I am still young you hear me!? I will be literally the only No.1 grandma to you! Anyway, let's start today's "How to be a good gentleman " lesson. Open your notebook!

Y/N: Aye aye grandma!

As the lesson went on,The memory started to fade away from Y/N's head slowly...

Flashback chan please stayyy!

Enty: Commander? Commander!

NJ: Hello Commander? Are you there?

As Enty and NJ tries to knock Y/N back to his senses... He somehow started to tears up.

Enty: Oh no- NJ did you hit him too hard!?

NJ: No I didn't! I was just tapping his head lightly alright?

Y/N: She was the best.

Enty: Uhh may I ask who's the best you were talking about Commander?


Enty and NJ: AHHHHHH!

Enty and NJ suddenly got frightened by Y/N yelling out of nowhere.

Y/N: She was the one who taught me more useful things than the school did to me!

Enty: O-Oh I see! So while you were thinking about your Grandma we decided to carry you all the way to your dorm!

Enty said it with a proud smug and while she was being proud of it,Y/N saw an opportunity to headpats the Lucky E and go straight for it right away! Which caught Enterprise offguard causing her to blush at it... While also NJ is finding it amusing to see new behaviors from the Grey Ghost who always used to have a stern face.

Enty: Don't pat me like that!

Y/N: But you are enjoying it tho.

Enty: Give me proofs then!

Y/N: You are not letting my hand go from your head...

Enterprise instantly realizes thst she's the one not letting him go so she starts to get really embaressed at her behavior and immediately let go of his hand but she suddenly got a sad face cuz she got no more headpats.

Y/N: I'll give you more headpats in the future and btw...

Enty: Y-Yes?

Y/N: Is this my dorm?

Y/N said that as he was pointing at the door right infront of him which says "Azur Lane Commander's Room". Y/N stares at it for a moment and then immediately YEET it.

Enty: C-Commander! Why did you throw your nameplate away?

Y/N: Meh too much gold and way too shiny for my taste! New Jersey and Enterprise!

NJ: Yes? (Wait how did he know my name?)

Enty: Yes? (Is he about to give a speech?)

Y/N: From this day fourth! You shall call me only by my name and never refers to me as Commander! You two shall treat me as equally as rest of you! No gold nameplates! I want a normal wooden nameplate just like you girls have!

Enty and NJ didn't say anything as they just smile and nods at him.

Y/N: Thank you for your understanding ladies!

As Y/N opens his dorm room he suddenly saw something really beautiful...

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SFX:*Door slams close*

Enty: C-Commander! Don't scares us like that!

Y/N: *sigh* Enty please answer my question honestly alright?

Enty: Umm o-okay...

Y/N: Is everyone else's dorm look the same as mine?

Enty: It's...uh...

NJ: Miss Heroine won't be honest with her words so I'll answer it to you Y/N! No they aren't look alike as most of our dorms are small compares to the Commanders room and also we don't much things to decorate our rooms with aswell...

Y/N: Who used to be in charge in this base?

NJ: Don't worry you seems like you are angry at him for sure! Butttt he's dead so you don't have to go around finding a way to kill him.

Y/N: Oh such great news! And what time is it?

Enty: Oh it's 11:25am!

Y/N: Then I still got time to bake pizzas to celebrate my arrival!

Enty: Yay!Let me lead you to the cafeteria!

Y/N: Let's goo Enty you lead the way!

Both except NJ: Yaaayyyyy.

While both of them was hopping their way to cafetaria,NJ just smiles at the sight she have never see from someone she has admired a lot.

NJ: (I have never see Miss Heroine this happy around someone before except around her sisters and friends...He truly seems like a trustworthy person and a gentleman despite his aggressive behavior...Welp guess I'll risk myself trusting a guy then!)

NJ thought to herself and decided to follow and hop behind Y/N and Enty just like they do.

5 mins later...

Y/N,Enty and NJ can be seen in the cafeteria with Enty giving reasons to Nevada on why he's a good person and can be trusted with kitchen work.

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(Forgotten best girl and if only she have higher rarity,more people could've noticed her)

Nevada: Hmm alright then since it's the words from Grey Ghost I guess I can trust you..and also if you wants to make a Pepperoni pizza so much here's the ingrediants for you!

Y/N: Thank you very much for the ingrediants Miss Nevada-

As Y/N opens the bag he notices that it doesn't look like there's so much to give the whole base.

Y/N: Miss Nevada if you don't mind can I ask a question?

Nevada: Sure I don't mind just go ahead.

Y/N: Is our base suffering from food shortages or something?

Nevada: What!? No! It's just that most of the girls in the base have go out for patrols or sorties so there's only a few left to guard the base such as the Cleveland clsss cruisars and Miss New Jersey and Miss Enterprise.

Y/N: Oh that explains it! Now can you guys show me where the kitchen is?

Meanwhile Nevada decided to whispers and asks Enterprise a question.

Nevada: Are you sure that you didn't mistakenly hires a Chef as a commander?

Enty: No of course not! Besides we don't know how his food tastes like yet so let's wait for it!

As Y/N started to make the dough and then started to make Pepperoni pizza step by step and then...BOOM!

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Y/N: Here's the pizza for you guys!

NJ: Ohhh~what are these heart shapes for? Is it for me or Miss Heroine?

Y/N: Ah no it's actually just the way how I remember my Grandma made for me with those heart shaped pizza everyday so I just learned by her methods!

Nevada: That's so sweet of your grandma I wish I can meet her too!

Y/N: Don't wish for that.

Nevada: W-Why?

Y/N: She's up in the sky,on the heaven.

Nevada: O-Oh I see...

Y/N: Don't feel sad about it. She passed away long times ago.*mumbles* And she's probably judging me from heaven for getting no bitches.

Meanwhile in heaven...

Grandma: *sneezes* That virgin is definitely saying something about me and I am DEFINITELY taking anything he says as a compliment.

Back to current place...

Y/N: And btw why haven't the Cleveland class sisters arrived yet?(I'm gonna acts like I don't know them so they won't get confused at me knowing exactly who they are)

Enty: Oh don't worry about it Y/N they are always late to Cafeteria but on the bright side you got enough tim-

SFX: *Slamming the door open*

The door slamming noise cuts what Enty was saying and they suddenly saw the...ONE AND ONLY CLEVELAND CLASS!

Meet the Cleveland class!

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(Meet Clevebro!)

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(Meet Montpelier!)

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(Meet Denver!)

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(Meet Columbia!)

Y/N: (Why am I hearing TF2 song playing in my head when i saw them?)

Cleveland: WE ARE LATE!

Montpelier:But we made it in time!


Columbia: With big sis Cleveland we will never considered to be late!

Nevada: You guys are late for the lunch!

All Cleveland class: Eeeekk!

Nevada: And also thanks to the new Commander here the pizza is ready for all four of you!

Cleveland: W-Wait did you just say new commander?

Nevada: More like new chef and he's over there sitting together with Enterprise.

They all look at where Enterprise and sees her doing unusual things she have never done infront of them before.

Enty: Here Y/N say ahhnn~

Y/N: Ahhhnnn~ Mmm I never though it can be this delicious!

How he felt after saying that to his own cooking:

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NJ: Yes yes keeps praising yourself and thank you for this delicious meal btw!

Y/N: No problem NJ for I the great Chef Y/N shall make more for everyone in the future!

Enty: Alright enough with praising yourself! Here say ahhhnnn~

Cleveland: She...never acts like that before...

Montpelier: Did the famous Grey Ghost got brainwashed or something?

Denvar: A-Anyway she never do that things to a man like this before...

Columbia: This is a brand new discovary!

The other 3: Eh?

Columbia: What I mean is...Since someone like Enterprise trusts him it won't be a pain for us to risk trusting him unlike the previous Commander right?

Cleveland: Now that I've think of it you are probably right!

Montpelier: I dunno...

Denver: Cmon! He looks different!

Cleveland: Isn't everyone looks different?

Denver: Oh you are right haha.

And so the first day of Y/N's commander job begins with great amount of shipgirls trusting him from the first place! And a long journey awaits for him in the future to gains the trust of many more! Let us finds out in the next chapter of the story!

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