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The Number Five The Number Five original

The Number Five

Author: James_Hill_4251

© WebNovel

1. Nightmarish life

Well, fuck me; I could feel the blood slowly surrounding and draining from my body as I lay here. My best friend was looking at me with shock in his eyes. I am bringing it back to help you learn more about my ugly-ass friend and me. Five years ago, I was only a fifth-grader when the accident happened. My name was five, and I and the other subjects were used as test subjects. They were tormenting us to trigger our abilities. Every subject had their ability, and forty-four had the power to control and communicate with animals. Thirty-six can destroy electrical fields as long as he sees them, and fifty-eight? Well, she has the power to accelerate the process of death. But I guess she didn't use her power in the experiment, so they took her to the flood. A flood is when they throw themselves into a pool of water. The pool of water has a small window to use its power to escape. I had never experienced the flood. I guess that they were waiting on my power to first come out to throw me in it. The only way I knew of this was because the Auos would say stuff while passing by. Every time the Auos would pass by they would never have the Number they had with them. Each time they would drag them by I knew that, it would be the last time I would ever see them. Rats would casually wait for my return from my experiments. I was glad they were there, it felt as if I had family waiting for me. I did have a problem with the rats, while I was recovering from my wounds. The nats, fleas would start to eat at my wounds.I have gotten used to my jealousy towards the rats that habited my cell. They had more freedom than I did. I can't remember the last time I saw sunshine or even felt the rain falling onto my frail broken body. Sometimes when the Auos would drop me off at my cell, the rats would charge at them. They would just brush them off, that made me feel worthless knowing that rodents are stronger than me.I don't count the times I've seen it through the experiments because that was not freedom. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a mother that could comfort me during this time on my left.the closest I had to that was when rats would cover me up during the winter, to warm me up. During those moments all the beating, and mental torture would fade away. As if it didn't happen at all for their warmth was something I was missing in life. When I first met them it was shortly after they gave me my name. I was only six at the time, the size of the rats were the size of my thighs. They hissed at me forcing me into a small corner in the cell. After experiment forty eight my right ankle was cut off at an angle where some of the bone could be seen. While falling heading first, I put my hands down to brace my fall, due to the amount of weight on my body. The fall snapped my right index and ring finger, also my left thumb. My cries could be heard throughout the whole building, during my cries that rats felt sympathy for me. While crying laughter would follow after, I stayed quiet due to this. They cuddle me next to me to try and take the pain I was feeling away. I had shown a smile that came from happiness. In reality I was not happy in the slightest, it wouldn't matter if I should tell them my true feelings. The pain wouldn't change, the amount of torture they would have caused me would have stayed the same. Most times I couldn't help but show emotions due to the pain. The worst emotion was sadness. Simply because it made me feel more vulnerable. Even if I was tired or couldn't stand, they would feed me. Only on days where visitors would come by, it would be days maybe weeks between visits.I guess that they wanted to show off their property. I remember when they showed another kid in front of me. My emotions ran high knowing that she didn't not want to be here. I tried talking to her explaining that this place was nothing. But pure pain, mixed with corruption. Her face didn't seemed to faze after the information I told her. Once she appeared in this place I knew that I had to do everything in my power to draw more attention to myself. So that she didn't have to endure their wicked ways, kid after kid I drew more and more attention on my self. With all that attention drawn to me the experiment's became more vile.The Reason why I smile in this place is to take away the attention from the other to focus on me.I know that down deep inside that it seems selfish of me. A father that can show me what it means to be a man, all so teach me simple things every child needs to know how to do. The more I smiled the less I showed emotions towards any thing else, when my bones would pierce through my skin my face showed a smile. While being beating with batons, my smile would soon match the same as the Auos. I didn't even notice that I was doing so. Depending on how bad the pain was I would break the smile. after the third day of them running trails on me the feelings in my legs were gone, a way of torture they done was just the let m.

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