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Chapter 5: The Awakening of My Power

In the hidden leaf village of Konohagakure,

nestled amidst lush greenery and rolling hills, I, Ryuji Hatake, (Ryo) had been diligently honing my ninja skills under the guidance of my father, the esteemed Sixth Hokage, Hatake Kakashi.

Every day, I immersed myself in rigorous training, determined to grow stronger and prove myself in this new world of chakra and shinobi.

Today was no different. The sun's rays gently filtered through the leaves as I ventured out to the nearby forest. The tranquility of the woods offered me the perfect backdrop for my practice.

I swung my woodern branch with precision, mimicking the movements I had seen in the training grounds. The sound of leaves rustling in the breeze and the occasional chirping of birds accompanied my every strike.

My mind wandered back to the stories to my old one of my tales of heroic missions, daring adventures, and the friends and rivals who had shaped their live. Someday, I hoped to walk a path just as impactful as my friends in kaimi.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, my stomach growled, reminding me of the need to hunt for my evening meal.

Survival in the ninja world required not just mastery of techniques but also the ability to fend for oneself. With determination in my heart, I delved deeper into the forest in search of prey.

With determination in my heart, I ventured deeper into the forest, searching for animals to face in combat. I soon stumbled upon a river flowing towards the North, where I felt the presence of various creatures approaching.

Armed with a kunai I had found in my house, I spotted a fox and swiftly killed it with a precise strike. Making sure it was dead, I turned around, only to face a beast with a powerful and muscular body—a wolf with piercing eyes and an imposing presence.

"It's a wolf, damn it!" I exclaimed, immediately getting into a defensive posture.

Surprisingly, the wolf seemed more interested in the fox's lifeless form than attacking me.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I decided to test my abilities and threw the fox towards the wolf, while simultaneously closing in on it with my impressive speed.

The wolf was caught off guard by my sudden approach, and I used my kunai to deliver a fatal blow before it could react. "When I stabbed him with the kunai, I used the Lightning Blade kunai.

I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't used it," I pondered, still amazed by the surge of power I felt during the fight.

Despite my victory, I sensed that more wolves were lurking in the bushes, attempting to ambush me. Realizing that it was best to confront them in an open space, I strategically threw the corpse of the wolf near the bush to lure out the rest of the pack.

As the herd of wolves emerged from the bush, their piercing gazes locked onto me. Swiftly dodging their ferocious charges,

I retaliated with my

Horse → Tiger or Snake → Ram or Tiger → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger.

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu

engulfing one of the wolves in flames. Maintaining a safe distance, I continued to fight them off with water bullets, a jutsu that seemed to come naturally to me.

However, the battle took a toll on my energy, and I started feeling the pace of the remaining wolf slowing down. My chakra was depleting rapidly, and I knew I had to end it quickly.

My senses keen and my steps cautious, I was fully aware of the dangers that lurked within the woods.

However, nothing could have prepared me for what lay ahead. Suddenly, with a primal snarl, a pack of wolves pounced from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with hunger.

As the wolves closed in, their snarls and growls blending into a cacophony of danger, my body moved on instinct alone.

I swung my kunai in arcs, attempting to fend off the relentless predators, but their numbers and ferocity were overwhelming.

Despite my best efforts, I found myself getting backed into a corner. Every strike I made seemed to keep a few at bay, but they always regrouped, more determined than ever to tear me apart.

My heart pounded in my chest, and my breaths came in ragged gasps as I tried to maintain my composure amidst the chaos.

The forest around me blurred into a frantic frenzy of motion and noise. I could feel the wolves' hot breath on my skin, their claws scratching against my clothing.

My body trembled with adrenaline and fear, and yet, a part of me refused to give up.

But just as I felt myself slipping, the darkness closing in, something extraordinary happened. It was as if time itself froze, and an unseen force lifted me from the ground.

In that moment, I felt weightless, as though I was being cradled by an otherworldly presence.

As Ryo , closed his eyes and focused his mind. The wind stirred around him, carrying a soft melody that seemed to sing in harmony with the beating of his heart.

With a deep breath, he released all doubts and allowed the power of Xiao to consume him.

As the wind swirled around Ryuji, he felt a surge of energy course through his veins. His body trembled with the force of the Anemo element, and he could feel his spirit intertwining with the ancient wind spirit.

In a burst of light, his eyes opened, revealing a brilliant cerulean glow. Xiao had fully embraced the power of the Anemo adeptus, and his presence seemed to transcend the mortal realm. His feet left the ground as he levitated, carried aloft by the power of the wind.

With a flick of his wrist, Xiao summoned a tempest of wind, forming a swirling vortex that encircled him. The gusts grew stronger and faster, until they became a raging tornado of power. Leaves, rocks, and debris were caught up in the whirlwind, dancing around him like ethereal companions.

Suddenly, a group of formidable adversaries emerged from the shadows, drawn by the incredible display of power. Their eyes widened in awe and trepidation as they beheld the awe-inspiring sight before them - Xiao, the Anemo adeptus, now the embodiment of the wind itself.

Without a word, Xiao unleashed the 1/100 part of the wind power upon the wolfs.

The tornado roared to life, hurtling toward them with furious intensity. The force of the winds sent them sprawling, their weapons useless against the might of the Anemo element.

Xiao darted through the tempest, his movements a blur of speed and grace. With each strike, the wind howled in approval, echoing his power and determination.

His adversaries were no match for the fury of the wind, as they struggled to keep their footing and defend against his onslaught.

With a flourish, Xiao summoned blades of wind to strike at his enemies from all directions. They were trapped within the cyclone, unable to escape the relentless assault of the elements. One by one, they fell, overpowered by the might of the wind and the skill of the Anemo adeptus.

As the last adversary crumpled to the ground, defeated and awe-struck, the winds began to subside.

The glade once again fell into stillness, and Xiao floated gently back to the ground. The cerulean glow in his eyes began to fade, but the power of the Anemo adeptus still thrummed within him, a force that could not be contained.

Ryo's Pov:

But just as I felt myself slipping, the darkness closing in, something extraordinary happened.

It was as if time itself froze, and an unseen force lifted me from the ground. In that moment, I felt weightless, as though I was being cradled by an otherworldly presence.

The wolves' frenzied movements seemed to slow to a crawl, their snarls fading into a distant echo. I looked around in awe and confusion, unable to comprehend what was happening. It was as if I had been transported to another realm, a place where time and reality were distorted.

Then, like a flickering flame, my consciousness dimmed, and the world around me blurred into darkness. My body went limp, and I lost all awareness of my surroundings. It was as if I had slipped into a dreamless slumber, where even the memories of the relentless wolf attack were wiped away.

When I finally came to, I found myself lying on the forest floor, the sunlight filtering through the leaves above.

My body felt weak and sore, as if I had been through an ordeal but all my injuries were healed and yet I couldn't remember what had transpired. The memories of the wolf attack were shrouded in a haze, as if they belonged to someone else.

Confused and disoriented, I slowly got up, leaning against a nearby tree for support. My mind was a jumble of questions and uncertainty.

Was that Xiao's power by any chance?

As I stood there, trying to make sense of what had happened, I felt a strange sensation within me. It was like a faint echo, a lingering presence of something powerful. I couldn't quite put it into words, but it felt familiar, as if I had encountered it before.

As I made my way back to the village, my thoughts were consumed by the enigmatic event in the forest. I couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary had occurred, something beyond the realm of normal comprehension.

But for now, the answers eluded me, lost in the depths of my subconscious.

All I could do was carry on, continuing my journey as Ryuji Hatake, the fallen champion reborn in this world of chakra and ninjutsu.

The mysteries of Xiao and its connection to my past would have to wait, as I focused on uncovering the truth behind the power that had saved me from the jaws of the wolves.

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