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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A Mysterious Rebirth

In the aftermath of his defeat, Hajun found himself standing at the crossroads of existence, surrounded by an ethereal glow. Before him stood a divine figure—the God of the Celestial Realms.

"You have fallen from grace, Hajun," the God spoke with a voice that resonated with both compassion and authority. "Your once noble heart succumbed to darkness. But I see potential in you yet."

Hajun's eyes narrowed, a mix of anger and curiosity. "What do you want from me, divine one? I have nothing left to offer."

The God's countenance remained serene. "I offer you a chance at redemption. In the ninja world of Boruto, a grave threat looms—the Otsutsuki.

They threaten to bring chaos and destruction to that realm. I think you are the right person to make a difference.

Go there, and save the world from their malevolence. If you save this world from those Otsutsuki, I will transmigrate you back to your own world"

Hajun was taken aback by the god's words. He couldn't believe that he had a chance to return to his own world, but the condition of not using his power there worried him.

His power was what had defined him, and he had relied on it in countless battles. How could he face the Otsutsuki without it?

"But... without my power, how can I possibly defeat the Otsutsuki?" Hajun asked, his nerves showing.

The god smiled reassuringly. "Fear not, Hajun. While you may not have your original power, I will grant you a power from another universe, that of Xiao."

Hajun's curiosity was piqued. He had heard tales of other universes and their powerful beings, and Xiao was one such formidable figure. He wondered what kind of power he would receive.

As if in response to his thoughts, a radiant light enveloped Hajun, and he felt a surge of energy flowing through him. It was a different kind of power, unfamiliar yet invigorating.

The god continued, "Xiao's power is that of an adept warrior, capable of swift and precise strikes.

His abilities allow him to move with incredible speed, strike with immense force, and harness the power of Anemo."

Hajun listened intently, realizing that this new power could be his key to facing the Otsutsuki. He embraced the gift, feeling the potential it held.

"With this power, you will have a chance to confront the Otsutsuki on equal and high footing," the god assured him. "But remember, Hajun, it is not just power that will guide you. It is your resolve, your determination, and your heart that will truly make you strong."

Hajun nodded, his determination reignited. He knew that his journey back to his world wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to face any challenge that came his way.

"I understand," Hajun said firmly. "I will use this power to protect that world and defeat the Otsutsuki."

The god smiled warmly. "You have always been a warrior with a strong heart, Hajun. Now go, embrace your new power, and fulfill your destiny."

With newfound confidence, Hajun stepped forward, ready to embark on his next adventure. As he left the realm of the god, he felt a sense of purpose coursing through him.

He was determined to protect his world, his friends, and all that he held dear.

And so, armed with the power of Xiao, and guided by his indomitable spirit, Hajun ventured forth, ready to face whatever awaited him in his own world. The path ahead was uncertain, but he knew that with his resolve and the support of his will, he would find a way to overcome any obstacle and bring peace to his world once more.

[Note/: Actually this Xiao is a character from Genshin impact ]

Hajun hesitated, torn between the darkness that consumed him and the glimmer of hope that the God offered. The weight of his past transgressions pressed upon him, and he longed for absolution.

The God continued, "You carry the burden of your actions, but you also possess the strength to rectify them. Embrace the path of redemption, and you shall find a chance at forgiveness."

With a heavy heart, Hajun accepted the God's offer. The world of Boruto awaited, and within its lands, he would face his greatest test.

As my eyes slowly adjusted to the blinding light, I couldn't help but question my current existence.

My memories were a haze, and the last thing I recall is having a conversation with Kami-sama

Since waking up in this strange place, the tunnel of light had led me to an unfamiliar realm, far from the life I once knew. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to follow the ethereal path laid before me.

The journey felt like an eternity, a surreal experience unlike anything I could have imagined.

There were no angelic hymns, only a world enveloped in hues of red, and the echoes of cries and strange sounds pierced my ears. It was as if I had entered an entirely different existence altogether.

As I tried to say something, the only sound that escaped my lips was a cry, a sound befitting an infant. Yes, somehow, I had been reborn into this realm as a baby.

It was both bewildering and strangely amusing.

Despite the disorientation of being a newborn, my mind remained surprisingly clear. I could understand the language spoken around me, which was a reassuring sign amid the uncertainty.

Gradually, my infant eyes grew accustomed to the light, and I could finally see the figures before me. A man with long, greying hair and thick glasses stood in front, resembling a doctor.

Oddly enough, we weren't in a hospital but rather in a dimly lit room .

He observed his mother, a lovely woman exuding a gentle, motherly aura. She was a fair skinned, slender woman with brown eyes and straight, dull green hair.

And The joy in his father's eyes was evident, though his expectations of a newborn's abilities elicited eye rolls.

Hajun marveled at his father's charisma and features. He was typically depicted as a tall, lean man with spiky silver hair and a headband that covers his left eye.

His most distinguishing feature is his mask, which conceals the lower part of his face, leaving only his eyes visible.

Hajun couldn't help but admire his parents.

This man, my assumed father, gazed at me with a warm look in his eyes, his eyes brimming with tears of joy. "Hi little Man, I'm your Papa.

Can you say papa? " he exclaimed with a hopeful anticipation.

Both my mother and the self-proclaimed doctor rolled their eyes at his enthusiasm. "Honey, he was just born," my mother chuckled, finding amusement in my father's eagerness.

The following weeks were a new form of torture for me. I had little control over my limbs, and my movements were limited to flailing my tiny arms and legs around.

The lack of motor control frustrated me, and I longed for the days when I commanded power and respect as a public figure.

However, I quickly realized that as a baby, my abilities were limited to reflexes. When someone touched my palm, my hand would involuntarily grasp their finger.

It wasn't a gesture of affection, merely an instinctive reaction. Even excreting my waste was beyond my control; it seemed I was not yet the master of my own body.

Despite the initial challenges, I embraced the journey of growth. Each passing day brought new discoveries and experiences. I observed my parents' interactions, absorbing the world around me through my infant eyes.

As I explored this strange world, my curiosity knew no bounds. Although memories of my past life flickered in the depths of my mind, they remained elusive, overshadowed by the novelty of my present existence.

Embracing the present, I found joy in the simplest of things. The love and care my parents showered upon me nurtured a sense of belonging and contentment.

In their warm embrace, the tunnel of light that had brought me here became a distant memory.

As time passed, I grew stronger and more aware of my surroundings. I might have been reborn into this world, but a part of me carried the wisdom and experiences of my past life.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the future unfolded before me like an unwritten story. I was determined to make the most of this new life, cherishing the love and affection of my family.

My journey as Hajun had just ended and begun as Ryo Hatake and who knew what destiny awaited me in this world of possibilities?

Whatever the future held, I was ready to embrace it wholeheartedly, armed with the memories of my past and the wonder of the present.

And After I kill the Otsutsuki. I am going back to my own world. "Wait for me", Otsutsuki

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