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44.44% A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) / Chapter 32: Chapter 26

Chapter 32: Chapter 26

"Bha! Are wars fought this far east always so…bland?"

"L-Lord Odin!" His petulant white-haired Valkyrie cried in admonishment to his left, "You can't just go saying things like that! The Gods of this country are watching!"

"Well maybe if they don't want me saying that, they should go fight wars better!" Odin huffed, "Not like you can call this scuffle a war, too much fighting in barriers, not enough destruction in the human realm."

"L-Lord Odin!" His Valkyrie damn near screeched.

To which he merely grunted, not even looking at her as he reached up and rubbed a finger to his ear.

"You know," He began offhandedly, "if you put as much effort into finding a boyfriend as you did nagging and screeching at me, you wouldn't still be a virgin right now."

He zoned out the consequent sputtering denials, self-shaming, and sobbing that followed his remark.

As he does.

And for once, it wasn't just because he usually does! He's focusing on something far more important right now.

Though poor Slepnir, he could feel his eight-legged steed give the girl the stink eye from here.

They did just arrive in Kyoto after all, well, just outside Kyoto, what with the big barrier up and about and such.

Not like it was truly keeping someone of his or even his Valkyrie's caliber contained within, should they choose to enter.

But still, he's not so much of an ass as to ruin the work of a Magician so randomly, it's good work!

Regardless, Odin focused, looking primarily through his magic 'eye', it glowing dully as he peered through every single barrier attempting to bar his sight.

Truly, visiting this country didn't end up being a total waste of time, it would seem.

He isn't much informed about the gods this far east, but they must be incredibly cultured to have their supposed virgin shrine maiden - mikos, they're called? - running around wearing such form-fitting robes.

It's like the perfect fix of airy and showing just enough to spark the imagination and get the blood pumping!

Odin let out a light giggle as he watched some random miko purify another creature, a, ah…Yokai? Right.

Purify a Yokai, some horned troll thing, her ample bust swaying every which way, thighs out and glistening with sweat as she does…

Perhaps he should have taken a look at this part of the world sooner, hmm?

Oh! Speaking of, that's not even talking about the Yokai themselves!

The troll things, they're ugly as shit, not a single knocker amongst them, but there are a few others.

Dog girls. Cat girls. Fox girls. Who knew this country had such a smorgasbord of beautiful creatures?

Somehow, the ears make the melons right below that much more enticing.

Ah. Almost makes up for his favorite club around these parts, Boobs, Bath, and Beyond, being closed.

Or the fact that he couldn't find that stupid crow, Azazel, anywhere.

The original reason he even came to this country in the first place.

Oh well. He didn't find a body, so he was pretty sure the Fallen Angel was alive. Somewhere.

Not his problem anymore.

Especially if the dusty bastard was going to run off without telling him anything.

Odin paused briefly in his surveying as he felt a wave of heat wash over them, the suddenness so pronounced it made his 'bodyguard' stand at attention.

She couldn't tell, but he could feel it. See it in the heat as it travels in the wind.

Divine power. Different from his and the Norse's own, but is very familiar at the same time.

Where did that come from?

With his eye, he followed the trail straight back to an area where the residual energies in the area told him a barrier had recently broken down.

Granted, he probably didn't have to use his eye to find the source, the same area was also covered in a blanket of mist, rolling out much slower than the heat wave before it and much more visible.

"Ooohhhh~? Heeheehee~!" Odin exclaimed, more in shock than anything lewd, but it was still there.

He didn't expect to find some reincarnated cat girl with absolute slammers making out with the guy who killed the Juggernaut Driving red dragon.


"Lord Odin…" Much to his mounting annoyance, he could feel the Valkyrie's gaze leveling back onto him, "What are you doing with that eye of yours!" She accused heatedly.

Well, there's nothing better than the truth, hmm?

"Watching a lovely couple get it on, something you wouldn't understand even if it hit you with a God Class Rune-style explosion." Odin vapidly remarked.

"Wha!? L-Lord Odin! That's not—"

And zoned out, once again.

Much better.

Now then, where was he? Right.

Damn, are those big ol' tiddies!

Well, that and Odin thinks he is starting to figure out what's going on here.

Basically? It boils down to demigod bullshit, or whatever this country calls them.

The massive troll corpse behind the two leads him to believe that was the leader of the troll thing, and that they are after him specifically.

Well. Was.

Kind of hard to continue a hunt when your leader's dead.

He's not too sure why, but it could be practically anything.

When you have the Greeks as a next door neighborhood, he means that quite literally.

Also, that mist is clouding up a whole chunk of the city, and any of those trolls that waltz on in appear to fall over dead or very debilitated in moments if they aren't fodder.

Then they die shorter afterward regardless.

Was the mist the cat girl's creation then? A spell of hers? Impressive work.

Turning his attention back to the two, he watches amusedly as the boy reaches into his robe, and pulls out a very smashed phone.

Much to the boy's bland look and his cat girl's cackling.

Ah, to be young and dumb once more.

"...L-Lord Odin…" The still distressed voice of his 'bodyguard' broke into his thoughts once more, as her tone gained a serious edge to it.

Odin huffed indignantly, the glow in his 'eye' dimming as he tapped his walking stick to the ground, "My sixth sense is working just fine, Rossweisse." He notes as he turns around.

He glosses over his Valkyrie, who at some point fell to her knees in her crying.

Truly, he'll never understand.

How can someone not get a boyfriend with a body like that!? It's absurd!

He wouldn't outright mention it, of course, the girl is supposed to be smart, but out of all the valkyries he believed she was probably the most beautiful as they come.

And in her Valkyrie Uniform? That practically shows off those thighs and exorbitant chest? He'd say she's downright desirable, even!

Yet she still manages to muck it all up!

Honestly, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

Patting down his robe and adjusting his hat slightly to be a tad more presentable, Odin looked at what his Valkyrie was staring at.

That being, the massive pink fox lounging on top of his carriage, just a few paces behind them.

Even without his senses, he could tell immediately what kind of being this was, just by the fact that Slepnir didn't turn and try to nip at her.

Only a deity would cow Slepnir in such a way. Or, whatever they call it here. Spirits? Spirit Gods? Something like that.

"It took you long enough to acknowledge my presence, old man." The fox started amusedly in a very feminine voice, "Enjoying the show too much, hmm?"

"Meh," Odin waved off with his stick, "not much of a show, was it?"

Thank whatever Chief God in this country that the fox responded before his Valkyrie could start screeching.

The fox chuckled slyly, before jumping off the top of the carriage and landing lightly before them.

"No, no I suppose not." She answered wistfully, "Then again, it was not so much a show, but the beginning of one."

"Ho?" Odin raised an eyebrow, "Is that why you sat here watching, like the rest of you gods, rather than cleaning up the mess?"

The fox smirked, before standing and shifting into a much more feminine form to match her voice.

It took everything in the Chief God's power to not immediately zero in on those knockers.

Seriously, are the shrine 'maiden' uniforms just one big cock tease here!?

This wasn't helped by the fact that as soon as the deity took a female form, his Valkyrie whirled on him and glared.

Oh, ye of little faith.

"In a sense." The goddess sauntered up to them, waving a hand to the Kyoto barrier, "I suppose the closest comparison that would make you Norse folk understand would be the conflict between the Aesir and Vanir. This is meant to be a first step toward solving the issues between two opposing sides."

Ah. Odin did notice, although he wasn't exactly paying attention to the fighting specifically, but at times humans and those Yokai were fighting together against the trolls.

He only made note of it, because the two sides didn't seem to work together well, not due to a lack of incompatibility in Odin's mind, but because they just didn't understand how.

It got a good chuckle out of the old man, the awkwardness of the two sides.

So, if what this goddess is saying is true, then the humans here…servants of gods, and these spirits, Yokai, don't like each other much, eh?

So this entire thing is basically…ugh.

"Politics." Odin groaned aloud in realization.

No wonder it was so boring!

Well. Maybe the fight with that big guy would have been fun to see, but he missed it.

The goddess nodded with a sly smirk across her face, "In essence, yes."

Well. He can at least respect the method. The first step to getting two sides to stop killing each other?

Find someone else to kill instead!

Flimsy as it is as a foundation, it's a foot in the door to lay something better down later.

Ugh. Now he's thinking about politics again. It's giving him stress headaches already!

This type of shit is exactly why he left ruling Asgard to his sons and fucked off to travel and work on outside relations rather than internal!

With a huff, Odin looked at the goddess, "Well, you clearly know who I am, but not us, you." He tapped his stick against the ground and rubbed his long gray beard in faux thought, "Who might you be, oh Eastern Goddess?"

The Goddess hummed, "Inari Okami, I suppose by technicality, I am the overseer of the Earthly Kami here in Japan." She bowed lightly, "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Odin of the Aesir, despite your rather…unannounced arrival to our shores."

Aw shit.

He forgot to send a notice, didn't he?

Odin let out an uneasy smile, as his Valkyrie bowed, "This here is Rossweisse," he pointed his stick at her, "one of the Valkyries, and my bodyguard."

"Pleased to meet you, Lady Inari!" Rossweisse affirmed with a nod.

Can talk to powerful deities, no problem, but still not men eh?

Oh, that's a good one! He'll save that for later!

Inari's smile widened, "Pleased to meet you as well. Now, would you two please come with me? I'd like to talk…if you don't mind."

Odin huffed, "Talk, huh? About what?"

"Your many, many, unlisted visits to Japan to spend exorbitant amounts of money in clubs relating to female mammaries, for one."

Odin froze.

How did she know about that!?

The fox goddess's eyes sparkled with mirth, "Oh don't worry, you did pay rather handsomely in the end…we Kami couldn't be mad about that, but, you know? While we're at it…we have been meaning to talk to the Norse about some diplomatic matters. You wouldn't mind, right?"

"I…suppose not?" Odin wearily sighed out.

"Wonderful!" The goddess clapped her hands together, "Please, follow me you two!"

Ugh. This cheeky minx.

Also, his Valkyrie better stop giving him that 'I told you so!' look right now or he swears by his father, he'll leave her here in Midgard as soon as he gets the chance!

~ A New Sun ~

"MMMM! MMNMHH! MMMHH!" Muffled screams and shouts attempt to reach me, but are blocked by the ball gag stuffed in her face.

Now. Normally, in this situation? I'd say kinky.

But the way Kunou is wriggling and writhing around on the bed, glaring at me like she's trying to set me on fire with her mind alone is kind of ruining the mood, not going to lie.

Even with her being tied up in such a way to bold the 'B' in BDSM, it just ain't working for me.


"Oi." I turn and look over my shoulder, at Uzume, who's cowering behind me, "Why's she got the gag in her mouth? I didn't gag her before I left…"

She nodded rapidly, "She tried to bite when I tried to feed her, so I kinda panicked! Eheh." Uzume chuckled nervously and looked away like she was having trauma flashbacks.

Kuroka crawled up onto the bed, and started sauntering towards Kunou on all fours, "Say, darling~! When are you going to tie me up like this, nyah~?"

Amusedly, Kunou looked at her, widened her eyes, and started trying to worm away from the reincarnated Nekoshou post haste.

She didn't move, at all.

"Probably tonight, after everything blows over," I state plainly, going over and grabbing Kunou's gag, "seriously…can't wait for all the meetings and shit I'm going to have to do after this."

Kuroka grinned like a loon, "Can't wait, darling~!" She purred out, plopping down right next to Kunou and proceeding to pet the fluffy tails.

Well. Someone sounds like they want to be bred.

Not like I don't reciprocate, but really, I'm just not looking forward to going around and using Ibaraki's head as my stick in my big stick diplomacy strategy.

A man can only take so many meetings and talking before he wants to cut or stick his dick in something.

With a snort, I pull the gag out of Kunou's mouth.

"Ghhaa!" She cries out, twisting around as much as she can to look at Kuroka, "Let go of my tails you bimbo cur!"

"Neeoow!" Kuroka meowed out happily in denial.

Kunou clicked her tongue, growling, before turning to me.

"And you!" She started, without pointing, but only because she was tied up, "Untie me at once so I can burn you alive!" She seethed out, "How dare you leave me here, tied up like! L-Like! This! All night! I-I wanted to help! And you did this!" she started slamming her head against my stomach repeatedly, "I hate you! IhateyouIhateyouIhateIhateyou!"

I merely stared down at her, blankly.

It's at times like this when I realize, at her core? She is an insanely spoiled princess.

Correction time?

After several seconds of her doing all that on repeat, I put my hand on her head and ceased her movements.

I start by telling her plainly, "No."

Kunou flinched at my tone, but did narrow her eyes back at me, "No?" She parroted back at me, "But, Mother—!"

"No." I denied once more, even flatter.


My eyes narrow, and in the next instance, I'm leaning over her, my hand on her head, holding her down lightly against the bed.

"YIP!" She squeaks, her own eyes widening as she beholds my form above her, she even freezes up completely.

"Your Mother sends you out of Urakyoto specifically to avoid everything, no?" I ask, coldly.

"I-I…" She starts stuttering, trailing off into a non-answer.

"See, your Mother, ultimately, didn't send you to help me. She sent you here to keep you safe." I continue unperturbed, "Don't get it twisted Princess, I know you're just as stubborn as I am, so I knew you'd push it. That's why I tied you up because, like me, you'd do something stupid if I didn't.

I huff, looking down into her ears, "Now that the situation has passed, I can handle this bit."

"H-Handle…w-what?" Kunou stumbled out, a growing blush spreading across her cheeks as I forced eye contact.

"You aren't told no very often, are you?"

"I…w-what?" Her eyes divert from my own, "What does t-that have to…?"

I sigh, deeply.

It's just as I feared.

"The spoiled Princess to a T, aren't you?" I more so state rather than ask.

"H-Hey! That's n-not—"

I cut her off with a simple hush.

"See that? The talking back constantly? Mhmm. That's stuff spoiled Princesses do." I explain as if I were talking to a nine-year-old.

She tries frowning, scowling, at me even, but with her blush, it only looks like adorable pouting to me.

"So," I continue unperturbed, "let's nip that in the bud, yeah?"

"H-Huh?" I lean my face down closer to hers, "H-HUH!?"

"Listen very closely," I began deeply, nigh huskily, "from here on out? When I say no, it means no, okay, Kunou?"

"M-Mmm!?" She squirms underneath me uselessly, her blush growing rapidly.

"No fighting. No back talk." I continue regardless, "Don't make me think I have to do this again, you here? Or next time, I skip straight to the punishment. You hear?"

"H-Hnmmggh! Y-Yess…" Kunou confirms in nigh desperation as her ears pin to her head.

"Good." Leaning down ever so slightly closer, I whisper, "Don't make me have to be your Daddy…" I let out a low trailing huff before pulling back.

Only to find both Kuroka and Uzume staring at me.

Both of them are blushing like mad, with Uzume looking away, and Kuroka grinning from ear to ear.

Kunou, meanwhile, stared at me with her mouth halfway open, just as red as the other two.

She wiggled back and forth, specifically her lower body, trying to rub her legs…no, her thighs…together desperately.

Then, Kuroka spoke, aptly conveying my thoughts on everyone in this room with a single word.

"Horny~!" Kuroka stated hotly, looking at me with slits in her eyes, leaning down with her ass in the air like she was ready to pounce at me.

"V-Very…" Uzume chimes in, clenching at the bottom of her uniform.

Meanwhile, Kunou let out a very muffled breathy groan. Or maybe it was a moan? As she tried to rub her thighs together, before promptly looking at anywhere but me.

I, meanwhile, deadpan at all of them.

Son of a bitch.

Okay. This one is on me, to be fair, but still.

Making sure to keep my cat in the corner of my vision as she wiggled and narrowed her eyes on me, I reached down and untied Kunou, who once she was free, practically smashed her legs together and rolled away from me.

As soon as she did, Kuroka pounced.

My eyes flickered, and Kuroka damn near froze mid-jump to my sight.

I plopped down on the bed, my eyes swirling as I caught Kuroka by the nape and held her on my lap.

"You stop that!" I admonished, swatting her right on the ass on reflex.

"Nyaaahh~!" She moaned deeply, jiggling her hips as she did, "Harder Daddy~..." she purred sensually.

Behind me, Kunou squeaked again, and Uzume let out a soft half groan half gasp.

My eyebrow twitched, even as Nori Junior threatened to rise and poke her stomach.

Fuck. She's into being spanked. I made it worse.

Also, turns out I like being called Daddy. A lot, judging by Nori Juniors sudden need to make himself known.

Double fuck.

"A-Ah, Nori…?" Uzume sort of called, stifling a breath as she clenched onto her skirt shakily, "Your eyes…changed again?" She asked, desperately trying to change the subject.

Huh? Did they?

Kuroka looked back at me, a continual soft purr rumbling in the back of her throat, "Hmm~! They did…four pupils~? Did that happen during the fight, nyah~?"

Four pupils? So, three tomoe then? When did it…?

Hmm. Maybe it was after I got turned into a baseball.

Seemed like the appropriate time, I just didn't notice after because Ibaraki was kind of getting throttled by everything else at the time.

"I…suppose?" I try hesitantly.

It was either that, or the danger horny Kuroka was emitting that triggered it. I certainly only noticed the improved kinetic vision then.

It better fucking not have been that!

Kuroka shrugged, "Oh well~! That's nice and all, Daddy~, but don't you have a little something else to do right now~?"

Kuroka wiggled her eyebrows, and her hips, as Uzume and Kunou whimpered in the background.

I click my tongue, muster all my willpower…and grab Kuroka by the nose!

She yelps and whines indignantly, trying to wriggle out of my grasp.

"That's right," I sigh deeply, "I have to get all our stuff ready to move into a proper place here in the city. I'll handle you two later." I responded with a huff, prompting both girls to whine, as I turned and looked at Kunou…who still wasn't looking at any of us.

"As for you, Princess. I think it's time we send you home for now, yeah?" I ask, damn well knowing her answer already.

"Mhmm!" She quickly affirms, muffled by…is she biting the bed sheet? "W-Wait!" Her head perks up, and I hear the fabric crack lightly as she lets go of it, "For n-n-now!?"

Oh, Kunou.

Poor, sweet, not so innocent anymore Kunou.

Do you think this is the last you'll see of us?

I still have to show you places outside Kyoto!

Beyond that, her mother is going to want to keep in touch, for sure.

I don't say any of that out loud, of course. I'll let her figure it out.

Thus I promptly turned away, back to my maid and cat girl.

"H-Hey!" Kunou called out, though I ignored her.

"Now then! Up and at 'em!" I pat Kuroka on the back, "I promise this new place will have plenty more space to do stuff in, shouldn't take long at all."

Kuroka crossed her arms, and pouted, "I'm going to hold you to that, nyah~!"

Uzume merely sighed, "Where is this new place then, Nori?"

Ah, I've been waiting for that question!

A grin splits my face just before I open my mouth.

~ A New Sun ~

The Kyoto Imperial Palace.

Honestly, it's easy to forget the place exists, and very easy to put it out of your mind.

Mostly because, for the past century or so, to the public? The palace hasn't been in use.

Beyond just the Emperor vacating the premises. All ceremonial functions have been moved to Tokyo. No welcoming foreign dignitaries in the Kyoto Palace, not even public tours.

See, after one of the buildings burned down for the umpteenth time back in the 50s, the Household Agency locked the place up for repairs, then just…never opened it back up after they finished.

Why is that?


As it turns out, this is the place my dear old Dad stayed for a time.

And now? So am I.

The old man didn't give it to me, mind, just like he didn't for my Dad, he can't do that.

But! What he did do was suggest I just waltz on up to the Household Agency building in Kyoto, flex a little bit of who I was, and see what happens.

Short story of that? We've got a new base that isn't an apartment building and is significantly larger than my place back in Kuoh.

Ah, all the buildings have fancy names, there's a lot of them, and I guarantee I'm not going to touch half of them.

Is it sad the only thing I was excited about was the several barrier areas to train? With each being specifically picked and made to train specific things?


We just met, and I feel like the old man knows me so well.

Straight up, I know he did something to make this happen because there's no way in hell me flexing my name carries that much weight yet.

Especially with the Agency.

I can go into further detail on places here when they become relevant, but for now, let's focus on where I'm at currently.

In particular, the Palace's Study Hall.

I wasn't surprised to find a mostly empty traditional Japanese building with nothing to really study, the palace in general hasn't been used in a while, and presumably for not long if what Uzume says is anything to go by.

She didn't even know Dad used this place for a time, so he either used it before he had the place near Kuoh built, and abandoned it, or used it for such a short time that Uzume forgot he even did.

Speaking of, she and Kuroka are part of the reason I'm here.

This building is right next to the Emperor's Residence, which those two are currently in to make sure everything is ready for…activities.

Judging by how horny they are though? It wouldn't shock me if their definition of ready was something like slapping down a bed and calling it a night.


So, I'm in here, away from them, seeing if that will calm down their horny.

It probably won't, but hey? A man can dream.

I'm also here, however, because I figured the studious building would be the perfect place to make a quick list of what to do now.

To be fair, the Court Room probably fits better since this is more of a planning thing, but I don't feel like walking halfway across the palace grounds for that right now.

So this will have to do!

I sit down in the middle of an empty room, barely even the sound of the wind passing through the cypress wood walls.

There isn't even a chair here, nor even shelves for scrolls or books to study, but this will be enough.

I pull my new phone from my robe, the brand spanking new one I just bought on the way to the Palace, and open the notes app, creating a new note.

This list is going to be extra objectives that I need or want to do from now until…

Huh. I think the next big event that I can have any real part in is the Hero Faction assault in Kyoto.

Searching my memory quickly, I find that the canon date for their attack is sometime in October.

Five months away.


Well, the whole thing with Odin and Loki showing up happened something like a month or two before that.

But without the Three Factions Peace Conference, I'm not sure how the Norse would even get the chance to want to form some sort of alliance with the Shinto.

So, I'll put that out of my mind for now unless further evidence proves me otherwise, and focus on the Hero Faction for now.

I snort at the notion as if I'm going to be given that much time to train to prepare for them.

I'll train and train like they'll show up tomorrow, but otherwise? Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

And keep a very close eye on Kyoto, much closer than Kuoh.

For obvious reasons, of course.

Though Kokopuffs may be a factor, though honestly, at this point?

If Akeno hasn't gotten over her daddy issues yet even after the thoughtful gift sent her way, then this timeline is doomed.

I don't want to have to spank her into accepting herself, but if she would, she would make dealing with the mad fallen rather trivial.

Alternatively, make Koneko into one punch cat, so if the guy shows up? Well, one punch cat.

Is it any wonder I like that second idea more?

I wrote down 'One Punch Cat(?)' before moving on.

Speaking of cats, I quickly add in, 'Figure out a method to purify Evil Pieces.' beneath that.

I have a few ideas in mind already, mostly relating to the light-based powers that I barely use.

Using them to help regrow that forest after the Vali fight is making me question just what else I could do with them.

That…goes for most of my powers, now that I'm thinking about it.

Most of the time, the usage of my powers has been rather simple.

Hit it with the pointy end! Or burning end! Or stuff some energy in their eyes!

That type of stuff.

My 'chakra' specifically, hoping for the greatest amount of time, I should be able to explore that, as well as finish up my swordsmanship.

I'm closest to completing and actualizing Sun Breathing properly, so I should probably jump on that first.

Ah, let's not forget my martial arts as well! I want to try rolling that into my swordsmanship as well at some point, combining blade and fist, but that's a much more future project.

And on, and on, my private storming session went.

So much easier when you don't have to deal with horny maids, cat girls, or fox girls.

Who'd have thought?

Yet, none of this is taking into account all the other shit I might get pulled into…either by Yasaka, the other big Yokai Factions, or the Clans.

Like Suzaku. I don't know if I'm going to like what she has planned for me.

Honestly, I'm just thankful that I get this short reprieve from them all for now.

Having told Kunou of where we're moving into, so she could tell Yasaka, who could tell everyone else who needed telling because my phone got smashed, that I need a little bit of time, a day or two to prepare to talk with everyone again.

I let out a weary sigh.

By prepare, I mean have copious amounts of victory sex.

Not that I'm not looking forward to it, it's just the part after that I'm not.

Hmm. Other shit I might get pulled into.

After a brief pause, I slowly add the following.

'How did Dad die, really.'

It's a suspicion of mine, that's been slowly building and building as time goes on.

If everything I've heard about him is true, then how did some random group of Fallen and Devils take him out?

Maybe, just maybe, I'm overthinking things. Even the best of the best could be taken out in a proper ambush, right?

Yet, still, something just isn't sitting right with me.

A shame then, that the only person supposedly left alive to see his death is also someone I…would rather not meet.

At least not for right now.

But I'll do it, at the very least.

It's the last thing the old man asked of me before my clone left Tokyo, after all.


I quickly add, 'Visit the old man regularly.' to the list with a smile.

Family, huh?

Maybe I should add seducing Koneko, Kunou, and Yasaka to the list as well?

Eh. Probably don't need to. Already been working on it. And it wouldn't surprise me if Kuroka starts pushing for it harder now that soybean is taken care of.

I blink as a familiar presence pricks my sensory range.

Then quickly bolts right toward my location.

She's not even trying to hide, is she?

With a wistful sigh, I save my little note and put my phone away.

Well, at least with this little interruption I know exactly what to focus on next, hmm?

I didn't even get to say a word as I turned, only to be given a face full of chest as Kuroka slammed into me.

Ah, I'm most definitely going to purify the fuck out of this cat.

So could this be considered first testing then?

Well, not technically the first, but any good science has to be tested repeatedly regardless~!

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