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31.94% A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) / Chapter 23: Chapter 19

Chapter 23: Chapter 19

"Hmm. Well. Can't say I expected that reaction." I state, plainly, while staring up at the ceiling.

Uzume, still sitting in my lap, deadpans at me as she replies, "You don't say?"

The reaction?

Kuroka, having flung herself up and onto the ceiling, clinging to it upside down.

Somehow. Probably magic. Because I know she doesn't have real claws!

Her hair stands on end and her pupils are dilated, she lets out a low, terrified hiss down at us as her ears pin to the back of her head.

"Kuroka." I call up, blandly, "Kitty. Get down from there."

She hisses at me, not an angry hiss, but like a threatened hiss. Scared.

I frown. "I will come up there you, don't make me!"

"You know, besides the Mating Season," Uzume muses aloud, "Nekomata and Nekoshou don't take behavioral patterns from normal cats otherwise."

"So she's faking it." I simplify.

"Yeeeep~!" She pops out cheerily.

Kuroka blinks, and points at Uzume, "You bitch, nya~!"

As Uzume fakes a dramatic gasp, I call out once more, this time a touch more firmly.

"Kuroka. Down girl."

"No!" She fires back, clinging to the ceiling tighter, "I don't wanna! You can't just spring that on me like this, I'm not ready!"

"Bullshit," I spat out right back, "you just want the free, dramaless cuddles from your sister to continue, Chom-chan!"

"So what if I do!?" She fired back, "It's been years, okay!? I miss her! At least like that, I can be around her! Get affection from her! Hug her…" she trailed off brokenly, "I don't want that to end."

I sigh, patting Uzume on the back to grab her attention before pointing to the kitchen.

Giving a curt nod, Uzume hopped off my lap and lightly jogged off.

I stand up from my seat, staring at her firmly, "That's part of why we need to get this out of the way, so you don't become attached to seeing her like that, so you don't start thinking that is the only way to see her."

Slowly, I start floating up to her.

Kuroka avoids my gaze, her tails swaying weakly.

"But what if it is." She mutters quietly.

"It isn't." I state succinctly.

"But we have other stuff to do." She tries again, straining slightly.

"It can wait." I state once more, "The Yokau called something over for me, that'll happen in a few days. We can't stop that, and the West Yokai aren't going to become violent overnight."

I finally reach her, putting a hand on her head.

"We have time, and I'd rather use it to, firstly, get this over with before we end up pushing it back because something happens," I huff out, "and second, prepare for when that something does happen."

"With training?" Kuroka adds, almost amused.

I nod sagely, "So she learns. Don't forget the copious amounts of sex too!"

And at that, she rolls her eyes, and a phantom of a smile thinly forms as she leans into my hand more.

Only for it to slowly fade once more into a broken, sad frown.

"Nori-kun," she turns to me, eyes misting over rapidly, "please don't make me…if she doesn't believe me…I don't know what I'd do…" she pleads through slowly forming tears.

Which I reach up and slowly wipe away, with a soft smile.

"Then I guess you better be very convincing and show her just how sorry you are, right?" I gently respond to her, cupping her cheek with my hand, "Kuroka. You can't keep doing this forever. Hiding away, not saying anything. It's not good for you. And it's especially not good for Shirone. She needs to know."

I reach up, gently pulling her off the ceiling and into my arms, "You need to at least try." I finish softly into her ear.

Kuroka wraps her arms around me, barring her face into my chest as she clings onto me, almost desperately.

"I know." She mutters against me, barely audible, "Please don't make me."

"If I don't, kitty, you'll eventually come up with some hair-brained scheme," I gently pat her back with a playful smirk, "like, say, oh I dunno. A plan to ambush and kidnap your sister and force her to be a family again because talking sucks and is hard?"

She balls her fist before bringing it down upon my chest with absolutely no strength whatsoever.

"Shut u-up, you stupid man!" she cries indignantly, "That was one time, one time!"

"Ho?" I snorted, "Pretty sure the chair leg I ripped off to smack you with when you suggested it way back would say otherwise."

A buzz signaling pain strikes and sticks to my chest.

Blinking, I slowly look down.

Only to find Kuroka has sunk her fangs into the space between my pectorals like some sort of heaven-damned vampire!

I stare down at her, positively offended.

She doesn't have time to react, I don't give it to her, as I grab her arms, a confused yelp emanating from her as I pull her up.

And return the favor, chomping down on her shoulder in much the same manner.


The mewling shriek, half indignant, half lewd, was glorious.

"You! Y-You! Norrriii!" She cries out, even as I let go of her shoulder.

"Yes. I am indeed Noriaki." I confirm blandly.

Just as she's about to make the mistake of biting me, again, Uzume's head pokes out from the kitchen.

"Alright, you two, how does breakfast sound?" She calls up, unsure.

I turn and smile back down at her, "Sounds lovely, Uzume, thank you!" I call back down, upbeat.

With a nod, Uzume pulls her head back in.

It's not long before the familiar scents of breakfast, such as bacon, eggs, pancakes, and such begin to waft up to us.

I watch as Kuroka shifts against me, her pupils dilating as the scent reaches her, and I simply chuckle.

Patting her on the back, I catch her chin with my finger and look down into her eyes.

"How about this? We eat as we discuss how we are going to go about doing this?" I offer simply.

"That…" she swallows thickly, "sounds lovely, and also…familiar?" she affirms, confused.

"It's much easier to talk shop over a good, hearty meal. It calms you down, relaxes you," I kiss her on the forehead and run my hand soothingly in her circles around her back, "helps you think, rather than freak, turns out."

She blushes mildly, before mumbling out a soft, sweet, and simple.


And going straight back to holding onto me.

Albeit, now it's like a tight hug rather than a desperate cling.

Much better than before.

"You'll get through this Kuroka," I speak softly into her ear as I descend back to the floor slowly, "I know you can do it."

Kuroka's ears perk and she snuggles against me harder, but otherwise, neither confirms nor denies my words.

But I know for certain.

It's only a matter of time.

~ A New Sun ~

It's mid-afternoon now.

After breakfast and our little planning session, we took a small cat nap until the afternoon, then set out to put The Plan™ into motion.

First things first? Buying stuff for a picnic!

That's right, the plan is a picnic!

See, food always smooths things over, but beyond that, there's the environment of all this taking place that's important.

I don't want to summon Koneko in my room, and the first thing she sees is Kuroka just sitting there.

That sounds like a great way to have the cat girl jump to conclusions.

Beyond that, the room being rather closed off doesn't help either, and would only help along the 'oh shit, I'm trapped' mentality.

Thus, a picnic.

A nice little picnic outdoors in Maruyama Park, to be precise.

The place is the foremost site for hanami, or flower viewing, in Kyoto.

Specifically cherry blossom viewing!

The time frame could be a bit better, admittedly, as the park is a tad more packed than I'd prefer.

Doesn't help that it's a weekend, either.

Still, finding a place somewhat private and away from everyone else wasn't the hardest thing in the world.

The most difficult part was setting up the picnic without Kuroka trying to stress eat all the food.

Pretty sure I spent more time holding Kuroka back from eating the pastries than actually getting anything set out.

I didn't have Uzume make anything for us this time around, instead, we went around picking out stuff from good stands and stores.

Ended up leaving Uzume home to rest, I practically ordered her to go back to bed since the moment she woke up, she jumped right back into work earlier.

This damn culture, I swear.

Moving on, the stage is finally set.

Now, it's all up to Kuroka to talk properly.

I sit, cross-legged on our picnic blanket, idly messing with my phone, waiting for Koneko to respond to my text.

Of course, I already contacted the little white cat after breakfast, and she was all for it.

I even told her there was someone I wanted her to meet, albeit I didn't specify who.

Still, she's expecting someone, and that's all that matters.

Beside me, Kuroka lay on her side, her head resting on one of my legs. She's unnervingly still, but it's easy to tell she's only like that because she is nervous.

I reach down and scratch her head absentmindedly, as we are in public somewhat, Kuroka has her tails and ears put away for right now.

With a hum, I suddenly ask, "You ready?"

"No." Is her almost instant reply, followed by a sigh as she sits up on her knees, "But…I don't have a choice anymore, do I?"

"Nope~!" I pop the word out cheerily and lean over to kiss her on the cheek, "Just remember what I told you, Kuroka. Don't fake anything, don't put on a mask, don't hide anymore." I say so incredibly softly, "Just state the truth, say what happened, honestly, and admit to it. She may not be happy to hear you're as big of an idiot as me, but I think it'll be mellowed somewhat by finding out her sister isn't a violent psychopath."

Kuroka pouts a little, crossing her arms and looking away.

"No one is as stupid as you, you stupid man, nya." She murmurs, I can practically hear the blush even though I can't see her face.

My phone dings and Kuroka's breath hitches as her body goes completely still.

I stare down at the screen, reading the message from the lock screen with ease.

After all, Koneko doesn't say all that much in a text.

"She's ready." I state aloud, giving Kuroka one last pat on the head, before pulling out Koneko's summoning slip, "Deep breaths, kitty. I promise this won't take too long, okay?"

Slowly, Kuroka finds it in herself to move. Stiffly, she turns to me and nods, swallowing thickly.

Pushing down the nervousness building in my stomach, I take a moment to breathe deeply, before tossing the slip out.

~ A New Sun ~

Koneko has decided she's never telling the others when she goes out.

Ever. Again.

As soon as she had told her President earlier this morning that Noriaki asked her out for a picnic, she regretted it.


Because, for the last several hours since morning, her redheaded bimbo of a King thought it was a great idea to get her to try on several different outfits.

All for her date.

Very fucking clearly, it wasn't a date. Judging by how he had indicated he wanted her to meet someone.

Koneko may not be the most…informed, about romance.

But she's fairly certain that doesn't happen on dates.

Yet, no matter how many bloody times she told her that, she just wouldn't let up.

It got worse when the perverted black-haired bimbo caught word and joined in!

All in all, she decided that by the start of next week, going stray is worth it.

Now, how to go about slipping holy water into those two's tea…

Oh. Don't forget to kick that useless smiling oaf of a Knight in the knob on the way out.

He just sat there, nodding along, always giving a thumbs-up the whole time, watching her suffer!

Although looking in the mirror now?

She wore a small pink hat and matching one piece blouse and skirt set, with a tanned yellow jacket over it. Long black and white striped socks for her legs, a pair of cute pink and white flats for her feet.

She guesses, begrudgingly, that the final outfit they settled on was kind of cute.

Kind of.

Not like she'd say that out loud.

The damn skirt is still too short for her tastes, but guess who's fault that is!?

Sighing, she looks down at her phone, seeing that Noriaki has yet to see her message.

At around the same time she told him she was ready, she also texted the rest telling her she was leaving.

Now, she's silently praying to any god that would listen to her that he summons her before the peerage inevitably tries to 'send her off' before then.

Which sounded like a great way to make her think straying now would be a good idea.

It was a close thing, though, as out in the hall she heard the running towards her room, instantly putting her on edge.

Then, just in the nick of time, she felt that familiar tug, and she let herself get pulled away, the summoning circle she haphazardly drew beneath her glowing to life as she did.

Her door flung itself open at exactly that moment, and the red-headed bimbo whined loudly as she was enveloped by that sweet, freeing light.

Of course, she also made sure to flip her off as she vanished.

She would have also told her to 'get fucked' as well, but it kind of slipped her mind at the moment.

Oh well, she'll do it later, then blame all her language on Noriaki being a bad influence.

Once the light around her faded, and she blinked the resulting spots out of her eyes, she was momentarily bedazzled to see just where exactly they were.

Sat atop a healthily flushed green plain, slightly elevated compared to the rest of the park.

From here, she could look out and see all the cherry blossom trees, see the blurred people gathered around and walking amongst the small veritable forest of them.

To say it was beautiful would be an understatement.

So, this is someplace in Kyoto, huh? Noriaki had told her he had come out here, though he didn't say why, and she didn't care either for the reason enough to ask.

Normally, she'd have to wait another year before going on the annual second-year field trip here.

She almost feels bad for the rest of her first-year peers.

Almost. They can suck it right now.

Turning to finally face her summoner, she finds him, sitting there leaning against a normal tree, a small smile on his face.

The rather large blanket and numerous food baskets sit underneath said tree, perfectly in the shade.

Ah, and there's someone else—

Golden eyes meet golden eyes.

Koneko freezes.

And simply…stares.

As does she. She doesn't know what she sees in those eyes.

Idly, Koneko spreads her senses out, as fast as she possibly can.

There are no barriers, no wards trapping her in here. Merely an illusion in place to keep the mundane from looking or heading this way.

She could run, if she wanted to.

But, the way Noriaki just sat there, slightly more tense now sure, but rather unperturbed…

So he's not a hostage then? This isn't a trick by her then!?

What…what is this?

Neither of the girls would speak, not even move, so Noriaki seemed to take that as his cue, beckoning her over.

With a simple wave of his hand, her attention snaps to him, yet her eyes don't leave her, "Hey there, Koneko-chan~!" He says in his usual, stupid, cheerful voice, "Please, take a seat?"

After a moment, she stiffly obliged, walking over to the blanket, and sitting right at the edge, nearly on the grass.

Noriaki chuckled half-heartedly, and rubbed the back of his head, while her gaze merely turned a degree more pained, something she recognized, finally.


Noriaki fake coughed, before clapping his hands together, "Well. This is certainly…going, I think?" He starts, unsure, "At least the first thing to happen wasn't violence." He stresses.

"Senpai," Koneko began, it was automatic at this point, "the fuck?"

Both of them flinched at that.

Truly, it was. Why does every single time they see each other, he does something that makes her think he wishes for death by cat girl?

Truly, out of all things, this probably takes the cake though.

Wisely, Noriaki decided to keep his fucking mouth shut and waved to her.

Her sister.

The source of, at least as far as she can remember, everything first going wrong.

Hesitantly, her eyes flicker between them before she meekly starts, "S-Shirone, I—"

"And you," she spat out, interrupting her with ease, prompting her to flinch violently, "what the hell are you doing here…?"

Honestly, it's surprising to her, just how little fear she feels right now.

It's not like it's completely gone or anything, it's still there, biting at the back of her mind.

But really, the one thing she feels right now at the forefront?

Overwhelming, sheer spite and hatred.

For the 'sister' who killed their master, their kind master who took them in, then abandoned her to die at the hands of the devil government.

Maybe it's because Noriaki is here. Maybe it's because, for some reason, she just can't see the woman she saw that day across from her right now.

She still remembers it, her sister, coated in the blood of the household and other peerage members, turning to her with that sly bloodthirsty grin.

She didn't say anything before she left, not that she could remember, all she could tell besides her was the sheer amount of blood.

Compared to that image, the black-haired, golden-eyed woman right across from her might as well be a different person altogether.

She merely stared at her once more after her question, her lip quivering, eyes positively shaking.

She was about to call her out, say exactly what she saw at the moment, a very pathetic woman who really should leave.

But then she moved.

Koneko's eyes widened into disks, as her sister practically leaped for her.

Noriaki's eyes widened all the same, and he quickly moved to get up, but he wouldn't make it in time.

All at once, all of Koneko's hatred, her anger, her spite, erupted and turned into fear.

Truthfully, she thought it was over.

It was all a trick. She's done.

But instead of more blood like that night from so long ago coating her vision, softness impacted her face.

Koneko snapped back to reality, pushing past her emotions as she found her face smooshed into her sister's chest, her arms wrapped tightly around her small back, clinging onto her desperately.

But then she began to speak.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry…"

All she could do was sit there, staring vacantly into her sister's chest as her broken mumbling filtered through her head.

At first, it was apologies. Constant and what felt like unending.

But eventually, after what felt like far too long, she started talking about something else.

"The experiments, Shirone…he w-was going to try and experiment on you, and I just…"


It felt like a waterfall was crashing down upon and around her.

And she's not thinking that because her sister is practically crying and sobbing a waterfall's worth of tears.

Those words, like freezing water, doused her emotions still.

What the hell is she going on about? Their former master? Experimenting on her? That's not…

Somehow, somewhere, Koneko found some strength and managed to reach up to grab her sister right back, halting her constant stream of word vomit.

"That's not true!" She managed to croak out and fire back, "He took us in, he wouldn't have done that!"

Her sister flinched as if struck, her face shifting between pain, sadness, and anger.

"Shirone…how much do you remember of h-him?" She bit back out, through gritted teeth, her composure barely contained.

She instantly opened her mouth to speak, only to find whatever she was about to say died before it could truly take shape.

Her earliest memories are of living in their King's Estate, but, most of that time was spent in a room, with her sister.

She doesn't remember much about him, hell, they barely talked, and what little they did interact he treated her with polite distance.

He was always so busy, something about his work.

A pang of deja vu hit Koneko hard in the chest, yet she couldn't get why that just happened.

"He was never interested in taking us in out of the kindness of his heart," her sister spat out, "in the end, all he cared about was completing the research our parents started." She let out a choked sob, "A-And I didn't figure that out until it was far too late."

Their parents?

She doesn't remember her parents, she was far too young.

Still, that doesn't help anything! And, besides!

It was Koneko's turn to grit her teeth, as the next thing to come to her mind spilled unbidden.

"So what if you did," she cried out in cold fury, tears for some reason pricking the corner of her eyes, "if that's so true, why did you abandon me!? You left me there to nearly die!"

She knew she shouldn't feel so good about the sheer pain those words etched into her sister's face, but she did.

"After I killed them all, Shirone, I knew I was going to be h-hunted down like some rabid animal, and I didn't want that life for you…" she explained, brokenly, solemnly, "I didn't think they'd try and make you pay for my crimes, I'm s-sorry…" she trails off repeating, over and over again.

Koneko merely sat there, her mouth half open, gaping up at her in sheer…she doesn't know anymore.

Because that sounds reasonable, yet, still!

She didn't want to think anymore, she didn't want to feel anymore. This day has been annoying since the sun rose, and now this!?

How the hell is she supposed to deal with this? Think of this? Make of any of this!?

She wants to call her sister a liar. Write it all off, and go right back to hating her.

Yet. Thinking about it, even for a second, it makes sense.

And Noriaki, senpai, he's not objecting to any of this.

That has to mean something, right? At the very least, she isn't insane, bloodthirsty over her power, trying to kill everyone in the park.

She's just broken. Sad. A little pathetic right now.

Honestly, she doesn't know which personality she'd prefer more right now.

Both sisters suddenly pause momentarily as a pair of arms wrap firmly around the both of them.

"It's alright, you two, this is a long time coming," Noriaki says softly and soothingly down between the two, "so I know it may be hard for either of you to think right now. But, it's okay to just cry it out, you know?"

Her sister already had a head start in that department.

Yet, Koneko found that she didn't need to.

Right? Why would she?

It's just her big sister, her big sister who left her several years ago, and she hasn't seen her since.

Her big sister, who was the only one actively taking care of her from her earliest memories.

Who would curl up around her when she was scared at night when she'd have trouble sleeping. Who was always there when she was hurt, or sad, or hungry, or…or…

Why is she shaking?

Why are there tears suddenly streaming down her cheeks?

Why can't she let go!?

Needless to say, Noriaki was soon patting and rubbing the backs of them both, as the sisters' crying synced up and resonated with each other.

~ A New Sun ~

Well, that happened.

As I hold two crying cat girls in my arms, I can't believe it went mostly non-violent.

I expected Koneko to be terrified and attack at first or something, but she just went right in on the offensive fearlessly, huh?

I sigh internally at it all.

I wish this could been made simple, what with Koneko's artificial Super Devil research hairpin.

Showing her that would have proved what Kuroka was talking about instantly.

But I can't know about that, and it's not like she wears that same hairpin around all the time anyway!

I distinctly remember how the hairpin her mother gave her was stored away for safekeeping, and how Rias made replicas for her.

Considering how often Koneko's clothes get blown off during a fight, it was probably for the best.

Granted, that doesn't solve everything, there are still abandonment issues and the fact that she nearly got killed because of Kuroka's actions.

But it would have been a start.

I don't know how long it was exactly I just sat there, holding the two.

But eventually, around the same time, the two finally ran out of tears.

And for a long, eerily tense moment, the two didn't say anything to each other, or even move.

Then Koneko drove her fist into Kuroka's gut.

Ah. There's the violence.

Kuroka gasped and keeled over slightly, the punch wasn't all that fast, so I knew Kuroka saw it all coming.

She didn't seem surprised, just resigned.

"I…deserved that." Kuroka admitted tersely.

"You deserve more than that," Koneko bit back, "but nothing I do will truly hurt you, so it'll have to do, for now."

Kuroka blinked at that, "For n-now? Shirone, does that mean—"

"Don't get your hopes up." Koneko interrupted curtly, as she gently reached up, and started pushing Kuroka off her.

I quickly let go of both of them and after a moment of intense hesitation, Kuroka let go of Koneko as well.

"Also," she huffs, continuing, "don't touch me without permission, got it?

Kuroka gave a pained nod at that and started muttering apologies again.

Only to get a small sigh from Koneko as she pinches the bridge of her nose, and looks up at the sky.

"Yeah. I don't know what to think or do about this situation." Then she turns to me.

I already knew what was coming.

My head snapped backward as her small fist impacted my nose, cracking it instantly.

"That's for putting me in this situation, idiot senpai. And probably other things I'm not thinking of at the moment." She explained rather curtly as she cracked her knuckles.

I grimace, then nod to that, as my nose cracks again upon fixing itself.

She then turns her head back to Kuroka, staring dead at her, "I…don't know if I can forgive you, big sister."

Kuroka's eyes started watering again at that, but before she could do anything, Koneko continued.

"But, at the very least, you don't seem like a bloodthirsty psychopath, so…there's that at least." She adds plainly, "In fact, you seem kinda pathetic right now."

Damn, Koneko. Even I winced at that. Kuroka just seemed stunned.

"But…I am willing…to see how it goes…seeing you again…" Koneko said slowly, painfully, "And we'll see how it goes from there, alright?"

Kuroka's forehead practically hit the floor immediately after Koneko finished speaking.

"Thank you." On mumbling repeat, was all Kuroka could muster after that, I think.

Koneko gave her sister a pained look, before sighing and looking at the picnic baskets, "Food sounds nice right about now."

"That it does." I agree easily, sliding back over to my spot and leaning against the tree.

I prepared myself for the most awkward picnic of a lifetime before coming here, but damn I don't think I prepared enough.

I certainly wasn't prepared for Koneko to get up, and follow me, before plopping down right in my lap.

Kuroka just stared off to the side, a sly yet tired cat-like grin crossing her face for a split second.

Then Koneko shot her a glare, basically saying, 'Come on, tease me bitch, you won't.'

In the end, the small white cat won, and Kuroka aptly decided not to try anything.

For now, I bet. Just wait until she gets more comfortable.

I, meanwhile, looked down at the cat in my lap stunned, before Koneko tilted her head back slightly and looked up at me.

"Feed me." She commanded rather simply

I chuckled, "Fine fine, Princess, whatcha want?"

Koneko gave a short sniff to the air, her eyes narrowing slightly before stating, "The chicken."

"Ho? Got a craving?" I ask as I reach over for its basket.

Koneko glares off into the distance, "You could say that."

I chuckle as I bring it back, opening it up, I begin, "So, Koneko? You wanna hear about the stupid shit your sister has been up to ever since I met her?"

Kuroka, who was halfway through opening a basket of her own, no doubt to begin stress eating the sweets finally, suddenly stopped and shot me the greatest look of betrayal I've ever seen.

Rule number whatever when it comes to making something less awkward?

Insults, jokes, and shit-talking. Great way to break the ice.

Koneko's lips twitched between a steady frown and a stupid smile, "That's rich, coming from you, senpai."

See? Koneko gets it!

"But sure, why not?" She eventually decides, to a grief-stricken Kuroka rapidly eating off to the side.

Hmm, where to begin then? Should probably leave out all the copious amounts of sex and stuff…

Suddenly, Koneko leans herself up against me, and I hear a soft, "Thank you, senpai."

It was so quiet, I thought I was hearing things, only when I looked down and saw Koneko gazing off at the cherry trees in the distance, a small blush on her face, I know she had said it.

With a small smile, and holding a piece of chicken up to her, I begin to regale the tale of Kuroka, and the broken off chair leg.

Much to the subject of stories dismay.

~ A New Sun ~

It wasn't quite dark by the time we arrived back home via teleportation, but it was most certainly a few hours.

Almost as soon as we were inside, Kuroka whirled on me, leaped onto me with enough force to nearly knock me down, and held onto me for dear life as she started…making several different kinds of noises.

How does one describe a cat being depressed, hopeful, and horny all at once? That noise. Whatever that sounds like.

As for why she's like this? Well.

Koneko, after I regaled her with the tales of Kuroka continuing to make dumb decisions, seemed to 'take pity' on her sister, and let her have her phone number.

I grabbed Kuroka's waist, holding her still as she was practically rubbing all up against me.

"Well," I start simply, "what do you think, Kuroka? About all that?"

"I think it went way better than I thought it was going to go!" Kuroka started, a big grin across her face, "You were right, and since you were right, I want you to fuck me into a coma tonight, got it nya~?"

I simply stare at her.

Ah, sex does always help when one doesn't want to deal with emotions, huh?

"Also! We need to pick up the pace, after all, it's pretty clear Shirone has a thing for you, you know?" She rubs my chest as she continues, her grin turning lewder by the second, "And I don't plan on losing out you know?"

"Oh?" I lower my grip, grabbing her ass as I bring her over to the wall, and pin her against it, drawing a shocked lewd mew from her, "Losing out on what?" I start, huskily into her ear, "You think I'm going to take Shirone eventually as well?"

Kuroka shivers, "All strong beings in the supernatural world have harems,'s only a matter of time for you~..."

"Hmm, you know. If you told me you didn't want me to have one, I would be fine with that, right?" I say right on back.

Kuroka blinked, and softly breathed out, before giving me a genuine smile, "That's nice of you, Nori-kun~, but…I want you to have one."

"For your sister?" I guess aloud, "You wanna be sister wives?"

Kuroka shivers at that, as her smile grows.

Yeah, that figures.

"That's part of it," she confirms, "otherwise, I just don't care, as long as you don't stop loving me of course, and I trust you know your limits, Nori-kun~..." she starts kissing my cheeks softly, slowly going down to my neck.

So, don't pull an Issei, and I'll be fine?

Also, the lewd cat just said something sweet without prompting, holy shit.

I reach up with one hand, cupping her cheek and pulling her into a kiss proper.

Idly, as I began pulling off her clothes, I remembered that there was something else I was supposed to do this morning, but didn't as I got caught up in everything else.

Ah. My clone at Kuoh.

Eh. It'll be fine, I'll dispel it later, doubt I'm missing anything truly important anyhow.

After all, I have something far more important in my arms to deal with right now.

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