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94.28% DC: Son of Samael / Chapter 30: Favor for Artemis

Chapter 30: Favor for Artemis

Sorry for the delay, I've had terrible days of work and family situations.


"I don't know why you are like this. It is normal to be defeated. Just learn from defeat and stop licking your wounds," I told everyone while they looked at each other seriously.

"Man, they kicked us hard while you were having fun," Wally said, annoyed.

"If for fun you mean they will shoot me with grenades, lasers, a car, and condiments like mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup, then yes," I said, remembering everything that happened and the last idiot who attacked me.

"The king of condiments," Robin said, laughing.

"Man attacked a jewelry store halfway. I stopped him, but seriously, condiments? But getting back to the topic, let's all take the day off and rest, reflect on what they've done wrong," I said. Robin and Wally left, Conner went to train, and Megan left to cook. Only Artemis was left.

"What are you worried about, Artemis?" I asked her when I saw her standing indecisively.

"I have something. I don't know if I can talk to you privately," she said, standing up with her bag.

"Sure, let's grab a coffee while we talk," I said, to which she nodded. We went to a coffee shop in Puerto Feliz.

After buying the two coffees and sitting at a table, I said, "Now, what are you worried about?" I looked at her seriously.

"It's a family problem. You already know who my sister is; she was the murderer from a few missions ago," she said, afraid that I would judge her for some reason.

"Yes, I know. I also know that your father is Sportsmaster and your mother is a hunter. And?" I said as I drank my coffee. She froze.

"Like," she said, looking at me and squeezing the cup.

"I looked into it, and stop worrying. My father is Lucifer. You're not as bad as me," I said, laughing, to which she was surprised and sighed.

"I forgot about that. Do you think I'm a spy or something?" She said.

"No, just a woman who wants to change for the better and leave everything behind," I said, offering her a tissue. "Now, tell me what's happening to you since Nelson. You've been acting strange."

"She's my mother. I wanted to ask you if you can cure her. She's been in a wheelchair for a long time. She used to be a criminal, like you said, she was called Hunter. But when she was arrested and left in that chair, she changed, and she cares about me," Artemis said, holding the coffee cup tightly, waiting for my response.

"If you're asking me, I will help you, Artemis, just as I will help anyone if they ask for it," I said, finishing my coffee.

Artemis was surprised and cried again, saying, "Really, thank you very much, Ethan," as she wiped away her tears. "Now she knows you're a hero," I told her, to which she nodded.

"Well, that means I'll have to explain who I am," I said, laughing. "Oh, he's going to have a heart attack," Artemis said, laughing, and we went to the boom tube at my house to go to her apartment in Gotham.

"Hey Ethan, I didn't ask you who that woman was that called you 'Little Brother' this afternoon," Artemis said, remembering the event of this afternoon.

I sighed, thinking everyone had forgotten the call. "My half-sister Mazikeen is the daughter of Lucifer with Lilith, the first woman to exist, which makes her a half-sister, one of the most terrifying demons in hell. They know her as the most terrifying torturer in hell. She was in charge of torturing Abel and my grandmother for thousands of years. And you thought you had family problems," I said, laughing, but Artemis looked dismayed.

"Well, I admit it, your family is worse. And what was I looking for with you?" Artemis said.

"Let me tell you that my father is living in Los Angeles and is the owner of Club LUX. In addition to looking for a dagger that I've been searching for for 5 years," I said sadly.

"The Devil on Earth? An invasion is being prepared, and the Dagger unleashes it?" Artemis said with fear.

"Oh no, he wants a vacation. The Dagger is something complicated and takes a long time to explain," I said as we walked through the streets.

"It's time for the boom tube to my apartment," Ella said as we walked.

"Well, I was born in Gotham 15 years ago. My mother was persecuted by a group of witches called the Witchcraft. When she went into labor, they found her in the general hospital," I said, remembering the past.

"It can't be the Gotham massacre. Almost 2,500 people died," Artemis said, remembering the news.

"Yes, it was the day I was born. The witches came in with abominations. Mom asked for Grandpa or him, but the Witchcraft got ahead. They closed the area so that no one would see anything. When I was born, my mother was slit with a somewhat special Dagger, starting... The soul of the murdered person cannot go to heaven or hell since it is trapped in that weapon," I said, clenching my fist tightly.

Artemis looked at me with pity. "You are looking for the dagger to free your mother's soul," she said.

I nodded, "Yes, I'm looking for it to get her out of that dagger or whatever is left of her soul. I've been looking for it for 5 whole years, with every moment that my grandfather let me see the Earth," I said, remembering the past.

"Your father seeks the same thing, destroying the dagger to free his soul," Artemis said, with me nodding.

"Yes, but that dagger seems to have disappeared from the world. Not a single trace. I found one in Japan, it is owned by a woman named Tatsu Yamashiro, but it is a Katana with the soul of her husband inside and that of the people who murdered him," I said, remembering I found one, but it was not the weapon I was looking for.

"Who knows, Ethan, the world is big. Maybe we'll find it on a mission. We're already there," Artemis said, and we went up the stairs until we reached Artemis's apartment.

She opened the door, and we walked in. "Mom, you're home," she said.

"Yes, Artemis, I'm how it went," said a woman who arrived in a wheelchair.

"Oh, you bring a boyfriend home. Look at my daughter, a handsome boy," the mother said, looking at me.

"Mom!!!, he's not my boyfriend, he's my teammate, Ethan," Artemis said, embarrassed.

"Ah, the boy with the pretty wings. I don't see any feathers on him. By the way, I'm Paula Crock," her mother said, laughing.

"Mom, please, it's serious. Ethan can help you," Artemis said, embarrassed.

Her mother looked at her seriously, "Artemis, enough. We already went to the doctor, there is no way she will walk again," her mother responded seriously.

"Well, that's on the science side, but I'm on the other side, which is the Divine Mrs. Crock," I said calmly.

The woman looked at me surprised. "That you are a magician like Zatara or Dr. Destiny?" She said.

"More complicated. I am something much more terrible than them. Half Angel and half Human," I said, unfolding my wings that had changed a little. Now they had more crystalline golden feathers.

Mrs. Crock was impressed. "Angel like those in the Bible?" She said, surprised.

"To my Uncles and Aunts, yes, those Angels," I said softly. The truth was that I was thankful to my grandfather that it didn't appear in the Bible, even though he admitted that there were things that were more outdated and written by man.

"You didn't mention that, Artemis," Mrs. Crock said, looking at her daughter.

"If, as if I could say. If, Mom, there is a half-Angel boy on my team, you would treat me like I'm crazy," she said, frustrated.

"Then it is possible to cure my spine," said Mrs. Crock.

"Yes, it will hurt a little, but yes," I said, pulling out a golden feather from my wings.

"I don't understand why you always use your feathers and why they change," Artemis said, looking at her.

"According to my grandfather, wings are a source of our power. It is even possible to travel through the universe in seconds. The truth is that it is complicated," I said, showing the pen.

"That's great, but now you have to beat her to dust like always," Artemis said.

"Not only do you have to place it on her spine, but it will be painful," I said with Artemis's mother nodding. Artemis helped her get settled on her bed and placed the feather on her back.

It was quite a painful process. Artemisa's mother shook from the pain, and after a few minutes, she fell asleep.

"That's it, she's cured," Artemis said anxiously.

I looked at her for a few seconds. "Yes, she's cured, but she has to walk on her own again and do exercises. Keep in mind that she hasn't used her legs in a long time," I told her, with Artemis crying again.

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