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75% The Dragon Tamer - A RWBY Fic / Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Aftermath and Magic

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Aftermath and Magic

"A life fueled by passions is like riding on the back of a dragon."

― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem


It was evening on the island when we came back.

Once on the island, I sent Pyra and Nixie to their Habitats, but not before I gave them lots of belly rubs and ear scratches along with some hand-fed berries and praises. They deserved nothing less.

Both Pyra and Nixie had worked hard, fighting Grimm and winning every single time. Pyra did suffer a few hits being the front liner of our group. Though it probably still hurt, even if a little, I found out that dragon skins—or scales—were incredibly hard to damage. It could tank pretty much all attacks the Grimm could throw on them and not even leave a scratch. But they were still tired from all the fighting.

To prove that claim, once they were in their habitats both of them immediately fell asleep.

'They must have been tired.'

It was understandable that they were.

They had fought a lot. There were cases where they had to enter melee and those times were stressful to me.

There were only two times when I had to fight myself, though I mostly dealt with the lone stragglers. And just that much was quite stressful, even if I managed to deal with the enemies without taking any serious hits. Fighting Grimm like that was very dangerous and a little nerve-wracking, yet I held on, probably thanks to that perk.

My made-up spear was barely usable at this point but it did its fair share of work.

But all of that fighting had led to our growth, and boy was it a good growth spurt.

I had no doubt I would wake up to see both Pyra and Nixie grow up further.

Yes, speaking of waking up… I was going to sleep now. Everything else could come later.

… Or so I had planned until I remembered something.

'Ah, but I should probably do that first. Ugh. Let's get it over with quickly so I don't have to wait for additional time later.'

And so, I opened up the [Shop] with a heavy sigh.

[Earth Dragon Habitat x1]

Tier: 1

A habitat for Earth Dragons. 

Can hold 1 Earth Dragon once built.

Earns 200 Gold/hour.

Upgrade to higher tiers to gain more Gold and hold more Dragons.

Requirements to build: 10 Construction Golems of Tier 1 or higher.

Time to build: 8 hours

Cost: 10000 Gold

[Wind Dragon Habitat x1]

Tier: 1

A habitat for Wind Dragons. 

Can hold 1 Wind Dragon once built.

Earns 200 Gold/hour.

Upgrade to higher tiers to gain more Gold and hold more Dragons.

Requirements to build: 10 Construction Golems of Tier 1 or higher.

Time to build: 8 hours

Cost: 10000 Gold

[Hatchery x1]

Tier: 1

Hatchery allows you to hatch your dragon eggs quickly.

At the current tier, it can store up to 2 dragon eggs of Common Rarity.

Reduces the hatching time of dragons by 50%.

Upgrade to higher tiers to increase the storage capacity and ability to hatch higher rarity dragons.

Requirements to build: 10 Construction Golems of Tier 1 or higher.

Time to build: 2 days

Cost: 125000


With the work done, I headed to my Hut and fell down on the mattress that I had figured out was made of jute fiber. Nowhere near as soft as cotton, but it was decent enough. Better than the floor any day.

It didn't take long before sleep enveloped me.


"Alright! Time to get started!"

I was standing in a clearing— in just my underwear and pants, my shirt currently drying on one of the tree branches near the Hut— watching as the last bits of stones and other 'obstacles' were being cleared by the handy Construction Golems.

Today's agenda was adding two new dragons to my fledgling but slowly growing collection.

With the [Shop] already opened and my purchases already marked, all I had to do was press the 'Buy' button.

[Earth Dragon Egg x1]

Element: Earth

Rarity: Common

Description: A rugged stone-like egg, embodying the very essence of the earth. It holds the potential to hatch into a mighty Earth Dragon. Can be hatched inside a Dragon Hatchery or near rocky terrain.

Cost: 5000 Gold

[Wind Dragon Egg x1]

Element: Air

Rarity: Common

Description: A delicate and ethereal egg that whispers of the boundless skies and holds the potential for a graceful and swift Wind Dragon. Can be hatched inside a Dragon Hatchery or near high-altitude areas.

Cost: 5000 Gold

I had already bought and placed the Habitats and the Hatchery before I went to bed which allowed me to sleep away the time required for it to finish building. But even now, there were 20 minutes left for the construction of the Habitats and over a day and a half left for the Hatchery to finish building.

It was only now I realized that I should have placed the Hatchery even sooner. I had the money but I was hesitant to use it since I wanted to have some Gold in case of an emergency.

Anyway, with that I had finally finished the last task on my first to-do list and all the tasks of my second to-do list which just required me to buy the two new dragons.

… And had run dry of Gold. Even the additional Gold I earned was gone. I was left with 0 Gold to my name. It was almost sad to be so poor, but I knew it was only temporary.

I had everything I wanted so it wasn't a big deal. All I had to do now was wait for the Gold to generate back from my Dragons. My gains would be almost doubled now that I had two more dragons.

With that thought…

'Maybe I'll take a small nap…'

I had woken up early today despite being pretty tired yesterday and had gotten to work while my dragons were still sleeping.

But with some time left for the Habitats to finish, I didn't really have much else to do for the time being. So, I decided to take a nap.


It was past mid-day when I woke up from my 'nap', with the sun's position already in the second half of its day cycle.

Both the habitats I had placed had long since finished building, so without much fanfare, I went ahead to check them out.

The Earth Habitat looked like a stony desert with almost no vegetation other than the occasional dead bush and a singular large cactus plant in the top left corner. I had placed the habitat adjacent to the Fire Habitat with a fair gap in between them for future growth so they didn't intrude on each other. I learned that Habitats would grow in size once I upgraded them. So, it wasn't smart to place them side by side, even if that way would be more space-efficient for the time being.

Also, I didn't know if my dragons were territorial or not, but I had space so I could allow them space. I didn't want them to fight over their homes. 

However, if I continued to grow and place more Habitats in this manner, I reckoned I'd soon run out of space. Not sure what I'd do then. Hopefully, the solution would present itself or else I'd have to write a [Feedback] to the Admin and ask for more space. Maybe a bigger island or something. The ocean around the island was pretty vast and empty as far as I could see. Hmm, there was a potential pun there. Anyway… there was plenty of space available.

The light brown egg with a stone texture containing the Earth Dragon was placed near the center of the Habitat with warm sand surrounding it. I figured it would be a decent place to hatch it given its description. The Hatchery was still a long way from done.

That said, there wasn't much else to say about the Earth Habitat. It was pretty basic and mostly barren.

The Wind Habitat, on the other hand, was much more interesting in my opinion.

It added a dark grey mini-mountain range to the island. Well, mountains minus their top parts which were flattened. The actual habitat for dragons was located on the flat mountaintop where, for whatever reason, the winds were quite strong. 

I say so because that wasn't the case with the original mountain of the island when I had climbed on top of it for exploration purposes. Not to mention it was much taller compared to the Wind Habitat's miniature-sized mountains.

The island had a very moderate temperature and calm winds in general. But the Habitats each had their unique features and biomes that could somehow exist independently within the island's plains biome system. The Fire Habitat, for instance, was quite hot. The Water Habitat was more or less similar to the island. The Earth Habitat had that dry desert feel to it. I could feel the temperature rise and humidity evaporate when I entered the place.

There was a clear disruption of the flow of nature on the island because of the additions of these Habitats, but nothing seemed to cause any problem. The Habitats never leaked their contents outside of the designated area. I found that quite curious.

In a way, it was as if these Habitats were their own sub-dimensions despite existing there physically. It was a curious phenomenon that I had pondered on a few times in my lonesome with no conclusion other than it just being a 'Game Mechanics'. But I digress.

The top surface of the main mini-mountain in the center had a large smooth stone-like plate in the center with carvings that looked like one of those Zen places. It even had a green Bonzai tree and a tiny pond with white lotuses floating on clear water that was flowing out of a crevice on one of the large stones. I wasn't sure where the water was actually coming from since there were no snow or larger water bodies nearby. 

It was a quaint place if you ignored the strong winds. It gave off a mystical feel.

And to add to its mystic feeling, the air in the Wind Habitat also defied logic. All the winds blew up from the ground towards the sky. Like someone had installed large fans on the surface. There was nothing of the sort, of course. 

… I checked.

I placed the Wind Dragon egg near the center of the stone plate and the timer started ticking.

"And done. Now I just have to wait for 30 minutes…" 

I cupped my chin in thought.

"Hmm, guess I'll go back to the Earth Habitat. It's almost time for my Earth Dragon to hatch. Haa… I'd have to climb to this place again, won't I?"

With a resigned sigh, I started to make my way down the stone stairs built on the mountainside, finalizing the names of the two new additions to my growing hoard of dragons.


I learned a neat little trick about building structures and Construction Golems. I could allot more Golems than was required in its Requirements, and each addition reduced its time to build by a certain amount. So, I allotted all the spare Construction Golems to the Hatchery. And so now I had to wait only a couple of hours for the Hatchery to finish building. It would still take the whole remaining day, but I wasn't in any hurry.

I had no real need for it for the time being since my eggs had already hatched. But it was still good to know this tidbit for future uses.

On another note, I now had 4 dragons in my collection.

Terrin and Cyclis were the names I came up with for my Earth Dragon and Wind Dragon, respectively.

Terrin was a fairly straightforward name that I came up with by modifying Terra which I knew related to Earth. 

Terrin was a light brown wingless dragon that resembled a dinosaur more than an actual dragon due to its body type and legs. Though, I suppose the two species had some similarities at times. His—because yes, I decided it would be referred to as a male— head had crown-like ridges and plates that were made up of light brown scales, which I thought were his defining trait. It looked like spiky hair if you really extended your imagination.

Terrin was a light brown wingless dragon that bore a striking resemblance to a dinosaur, particularly in its body structure and legs. His—yes, I decided to refer to Terrin as male— head featured crown-like ridges and plates composed of those same light brown scales extending over his head, which I deemed to be his most defining characteristic. The crown-like scales looked like spiky brown hair like those of characters from the Dragon Ball universe if you were to be very liberal. His legs, reminiscent of those found in dinosaurs, were sturdy and powerful, supporting his form with an almost prehistoric grace.

Even as a baby, Terrin was quite heavy when I placed him on my lap once I tamed him.

His moments were slow and steady and he seemed quite sleepy. After eating just a few Berries, he immediately fell asleep on my lap. So, I gently picked him up and placed him in his Habitat to rest and went to my other new Dragon. Of course, I collected its broken shell just in case.

The name 'Cyclis' wasn't really related to Wind at all. At least not to my knowledge.

It came up because of the curious habit of the serpentine-like light blue dragon that I observed from it.

When I came back to the place where Cyclis' egg was kept, I had just missed its hatching and found it floating near the ground aimlessly, close to its broken egg. As for the curious fact that it didn't require the rubbing the others had required so far, I had no idea. For whatever reason, this one just came out on its own. Something that surprised me a little, but it wasn't something I felt was too big of a deal.

With its light blue scales that were a tone different from Nixie's and serpentine eyes that resembled Pyra's, I could have mistaken it for a water dragon if not for its sharper, more triangular facial features, a longer, more slender body and the small wings sprouting out of its back. Cyclis resembled an eastern dragon in many ways. I suspected it would grow up to resemble one.

Anyway, I was expecting a Wind Dragon to be able to fly, but it still surprised me to see it flying the moment it broke out of its shell.


Every now and then it would loop vertically a couple of times, a habit I found quite interesting and which led to its name.

I slowly reached it and pulled out a Dragon berry, which was now my go-to approach to lure—ahem, I mean to attract the attention of baby dragons.

And it worked as usual and before long I had my fourth Dragon tamed.

Like with Terrin, I opened up its Status page and renamed it Cyclis.

Though, I couldn't decide on its gender.

"Is Cyclis a feminine name or a masculine name?"

I pondered while I petted the serpentine-like dragon's back and fed it Dragon Berries.

Unlike Terrin who stopped after eating just 5 Berries, allowing it to level up just once, Cyclis ate a fair bit, reaching Level 4 before it stopped and yawned, finally getting sleepy.

'I'll go check up on others.'

"Alright, then. If you're sleepy, you can rest here."

I spoke softly as I set Cyclis down in a cozy-looking spot. Just as I was about to turn away, however, it unexpectedly lifted off the ground with a cheerful 'kuu' and playfully somersaulted in the air a couple of times before gliding over to me. It effortlessly perched on my shoulders, and after wiggling to get into a comfortable position, it fell asleep.

"Hah, guess I'll be your bed then."

I chuckled lightly and after making sure it was secured on my shoulders, I slowly made my way back down.


With everything else done, it was finally time.

Pyra and Nixie were both awake and were lying nearby, their sizes now closer to an adult horse. They'd finished their growth spurt and boy were they looking fearsome.

Pyra's wings had grown larger once again, along with her whole body, though she was fairly lean when compared to a typical Western dragon that she resembled.

She was starting to look quite threatening with her rugged ruby-red scales, large talons, and razor-sharp teeth. Not that she acted in any threatening way in front of me. Nope, she was still into scratches and would roll over in a moment like an adorable pet when she wanted belly rubs.

But one could no longer call her appearance 'cute'. Just from her presence alone, she could now arouse fear in the hearts of our opponents with her sharp and deadly features.

Comparing her to the time she had hatched, it was a day and night difference. But I supposed that was to be expected. She was a dragon. A creature of might and strength.

On another note, Pyra had finally learned to fly! It wouldn't be long before I would be able to ride her as she soared through the skies. Oh, how much I longed for that day.

Nixie's case was similar— though in her case, she had grown almost double my height now, with a streamlined body and glossy blue scales. She could still both swim fast and walk on land at a decent speed but was now starting to lean much more towards the water.

Both of my dragons had grown up fairly large.

I was pretty sure I would be crushed by either of them if they accidentally sat on top of me now though.

… So, I was going to have to make sure they understood not to do that anymore.

Without further ado, I opened up their Statuses to see their growth.


Fire Dragon

Rarity: Common

Level: 20

HP: 1050

MP: 9500

Abilities unlocked: [Ignite] [Flame Burst]

Pyra hadn't gained any new abilities, but her stat increase was still substantial. She probably gained the most XP out of the three of us due to her being the front guard of our group. In fact, she had reached her level cap during our fights and would have probably leveled up even more if not for that. I wasn't sure if the excess XP she gained after that was lost or if she would get it once I upgraded the Fire Temple. Either way, I had to do it once I had enough money on me. The higher tier-ups were exponentially more costly.


Water Dragon

Rarity: Common

Level: 19

HP: 1000

MP: 9000

Abilities unlocked: [Aqua Blast] [Aqua Surge]

Nixie had quickly crossed the level 15 threshold and then some, gaining her new ability. It was basically a stronger version of her first ability.

[Aqua Surge]

Cost: 50 MP

Description: Channels a concentrated burst of pressurized water, striking the target with force and dealing damage. The impact might knock the target back slightly and decrease their movement speed. Furthermore, the target gains the [Soaked] status effect.

And finally, there was my progress.


Name: Damian Pendragon

Age: 18

Race: Human(Magical)

Class: Dragon Tamer(Novice)


Tier: II

Level: 3/50


HP: 760/760

MP: 170 (INT*10)

Aura: -Locked-


STR: 10

END: 13

AGI: 15

DEX: 10

INT: 17

WIS: 12

CHA: 10

LUC: 15


SP: 25

DP: 10


Gold: 0







Pyra (Lvl 23)

Nixie (Lvl 19)

Terrin(Lvl 1)

Cyclis(Lvl 4)


I had reached Tier 2, unlocking my Mana and apparently getting a race change. Also, my HP had literally doubled to what it was before I left the island for our little action adventure.

[Current Tier: II]

[You are currently a Tier II Human. A human with an enhanced affinity for magic and supernatural energies. This tier gives you +1 INT and +1WIS at every level in addition to the +5 Free Stat Points gained previously.

Level up to the max to reach the next Tier.]

[Next Tier: III Human(Prime)]

Thinking of the Tier list brought up the screen I had seen before.

[Tier I: Human(Normal)]

[Tier II: Human(Magical)]

[Tier III: Human(Prime)]

[Tier IV: ???]

[Tier V: ???]

[Tier VI: ???]

The next tier, Human(Prime) sounded like the peak of Humanity. But the existence of three more unknown Tiers made me wonder what kind of Human-based higher tier races were there… assuming the 'Human' part stayed as it is.

Considering I had a whole 50 levels to go—47, actually— before I could Tier up further, it was all still a distant dream. Especially since I noticed a spike in the XP requirements once I became Tier 2. It wasn't an absurd jump, per se. But it was definitely noticeable since I didn't level up as fast.

So, to level up, I would likely have to do more quests and defeat more enemies with the help of my Dragons.

I pondered on it while imagining possible deviations.

'I wouldn't be turned into a Humanoid Dragon or something, would I? It would be pretty cool, though, but I am quite comfortable with my Humanity. Oh well, guess only the time will tell what'll happen. I'll keep an open mind on that front. As long as it isn't something ridiculous, it should be fine… Hmm, I didn't feel any different when I tiered up from Normal to Magical Human and unlocked my Mana. I should test to see if I can do magic and stuff once I'm done here.'

Glancing at the Affinities tab, which was a new addition to my [Status] page when I became Tier 2, I could see the two affinities I had gained from Pyra and Nixie.

'Guess I'll start with those two elements… once I figure out how to use Mana.'

I also had 25 free stat points which I decided to use on the spot on the stats which were being left behind after my last stat assignment. But once I started assigning them, I ended up using most of it and ended up spending some extra on my INT stat since it was linked directly to my total MP capacity. So, now INT was my highest stat.


Name: Damian Pendragon

Age: 18

Race: Human(Magical)

Class: Dragon Tamer(Novice)


Tier: II

Level: 3/50


HP: 760/760

MP: 200

Aura: -Locked-


STR: 15

END: 15

AGI: 15

DEX: 15

INT: 20

WIS: 15

CHA: 15

LUC: 15


SP: 2

DP: 10


Gold: 0







Pyra (Lvl 23)

Nixie (Lvl 19)

Terrin(Lvl 1)

Cyclis(Lvl 4)


With that done, I decided it was time to do my Magic testing. But to be able to do that, I had to put away the little dragon sleeping coiling around my neck. I didn't want to disturb it, or worse harm it accidentally while trying out my magic.

I caressed the smooth head of the Wind Dragon causing it to mewl in delight and opening one eye to look at me.

"Sorry little one, I need to put you back to your habitat. I need some time alone so I can test my Magic."

The little dragon protested with small 'kuu's and looked at me with its large eyes making me waver a little.

'Uh, I guess I'll let it rest for a little while and do something else.'

In the end, it won using the ultimate technique that should be been reserved for the young canine species.

'Why can baby dragons use puppy dog eyes? It's too OP, please nerf!'


A few hours later, I was standing on the southern beach facing a wall of stone and the endless ocean behind my back.

Seeing as I was going to test my magic and the first one was going to be the Fire element, I had decided to take some precautions. I didn't want to accidentally spread fire on the island.

It was the same precaution I used when testing and training Pyra's abilities.

Taking a deep breath, I sat down on the soft sand and closed my eyes, focusing inside.

I had pondered on Magic and how to access it and seeing as there was no guide or help from the System's end, I was on my own. I was going to try and use magic but if it didn't work out, I was ready to send a [Feedback] to the Admin.

There was a possibility that the tutorial for using Magic wasn't available to me even though it was meant to be.

Anyway, my plan was simple, even if there were multiple stages to it.

Firstly, from all the sources that I'd read and seen in my past life, almost all of them hinted or outright stated that there was a magical core inside most of the magical species. It came in myriad shapes and forms, physical and ethereal, and it was the magical powerhouse for all such magical beings.

So, I was going to look for that.

With the help of some basic meditation, my thoughts calmed down slowly as the constant sound of ocean waves and the gentle breeze became background noises and my mind focused on what was inside.

The constant beating of my heart, and the rhythmic breathing that caused my chest and upper stomach to expand and relax.

So far, it was pretty much what I expected to find.

However, after a moment of mentally roaming inside my body and searching for something new, I could feel something else. Something new.

It was a strange feeling of warmness, a pulse that wasn't quite physical or audible like the beating of my heart or the rising and relaxing of my chest. It came from my abdomen and seemed to spread around my whole body, dimming down in intensity as it went further from the core.

This feeling was different from anything else I had experienced in my body, but it was definitely an active feeling that resembled the other two in some ways.

The moment I found it, I began focusing exclusively on it— ignoring the slight rising of my heartbeat, likely from the excitement— trying to understand the new and strange feeling I was sensing for the first time.

It somehow felt so natural, like my heartbeat, and was an automatic action linked to my subconscious, similar to how I breathed without thinking, respectively. But like I could observe and control my breathing, I could control this warm feeling as well.

I opened my eyes for a moment, feeling relaxed and a little drowsy from the warm comforting feeling. The weather was pleasant as usual and if I hadn't already slept and taken hours long nap soon after, I would have been tempted to take a nap now.

Instead, I took deep breaths and tried to feel that sensation with my eyes open.

It didn't take me long to feel it once I started concentrating.

'Now, on to the second step.'

Once able to sense Mana—I was quite sure this was Mana that I was sensing, even if I had no proof of it— I had to now will it. Because after Magic sensing came Magic manipulation, followed finally by Magic casting… assuming there wasn't a mid-step where I had to create Magic circles or something. That would become an obstacle I couldn't cross since I had no clue where to even begin on it, so I had taken the 'imagination' route instead.

The magic manipulation step proved quite hard, however, since I had no clue how to 'will' the warm feeling inside me.

I tried to clench my abdomen and flex my arm muscles, hoping to physically 'guide' the Mana inside, but that didn't work.

The next attempt was imagining it to move, but sadly that didn't work either.

Nor did doing both at the same time.

So, I was left confused and lost for a while, trying to figure how how to do it and remembering the questionable sources I was using as my basis for using Magic.

I tried a few different ways that I could remember from various anime and manga I had read but none seemed to work.

Sighing, I slumped down and then fell on my back, looking at the vibrant blue sky with a few white clouds, one of which was covering the sun currently.

"How do magic? Me want magic."

I silently uttered as I extended my arm, palm facing upwards, imagining casting a Fireball like I had seen MCs do effortlessly in all those stories.

Lies! All of them!

'Ugh, I guess real life Magic wouldn't be as eas—!'

My eyes widened in shock when felt my palm suddenly igniting, the hot sensation traveling from the sensors on my open palm to my brain in an instant, but before I could react to it, the fire had coagulated into a spherical ball and was launched straight in the sky, leaving my palm with just a slightly warm tingle.

"What the—"

I sat back up in surprise, my eyes tracking the small ball of fire that went straight toward the vast sky before evaporating into nothing after traveling a fair distance.

"—fuck? Did I just?!"

My lips curled up in surprise and joy as I looked at the now-empty sky and my palm that had no burn marks or hints that it was dangerously close to the fire I had somehow created.

Without wasting another moment, I remembered what I had thought about and repeated that action, and voila! Again, fire burst forth from my palm, quickly forming a ball of fire and then launching straight ahead toward the nearby rock formation.

"Hah! Haha! Woo! Magic! I can Magic!"

I lept to my feet and jumped in joy, feeling like a little child who had just received the best birthday present ever.

After my impromptu celebration, I once again raised my arm and aimed at a boulder, willing for a ball of water this time.

Water magically formed on my palm, followed by a slightly cool sensation before it too formed a sphere and was launched at a decent speed, splashing at the stone and soaking it.

I couldn't tell how strong the impact was but it probably wasn't enough to bruise.

Magic turned out to be a lot easier deal than I had made it out to be. I had expected some multi-layered approach to casting magic, involving solid imagination and mana manipulation but much to my delight, it was as easy as thinking and willing for it to exist.

Ah, I couldn't be more glad for that.

With it being so simple to cast, I could be a lot more confident and train it to become useful in combat.

I checked on my MP and found out I had used 15 MP casting the 2 Fireballs and a single Waterball. Testing with another Fireball and Waterball, it was easy to figure out their respective cost, that is, each cost 5 MP to cast.

Pretty reasonable.

With 200 MP, I could cast a whole bunch of these spells before I ran out.

'Oh, my MP is already regenerating. Neat.'

It didn't take long, maybe a few 10s of seconds before I recovered the lost MP and was back to full.

"Alright, then! Time to do R&D!"

With that, I began casting spells I could think of, trying out various things that I had seen or read about, and finding success in recreating most of the basic and some of the intermediate-level spells.

Things like Fire Arrow, Fire Wall, Fireball 2: Bigger is Better, Fireball 3: More FireBalls, etc., and the matching set of spells for the Water element.

Admittedly, I had a lot of fun and the fact that I couldn't cast any non-elemental spell or Earth and Wind elemental spells didn't disappoint me. I was going to get access to the latter two soon once I leveled up Terrin and Cyclis and the rest of the elements would come in due time. There were a lot of elements and multiple dragons based on them. I just had to progress through the tiers.

By the time I was done, I had already drained my MP, twice, recovering it once before I started throwing spells again and again like a crazed lunatic, all the while smiling in great joy.

This was probably one of my favorite days since I was transferred to this world and received this System.

With such a phenomenal gift, any remaining annoyance I might have held towards the Admin had completely disappeared.



Hello again! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

It took time to write this chapter during my busy schedule and I'm not very happy with it for some reason. I edited it a few times but it still felt lacking, despite being probably the second largest chapter so far. Maybe because it didn't have any RWBY elements.

Feel free to let me know your views. For all I know, I may be being overly critical of it.

Edit: I updated the chapter with two minor fixes. One related to Pyra's level which shouldn't have reached 23 because the Fire temple had her level capped at 20. Second, I improved the scene where Cyclis hatched from its egg without the need for rubbing. Adding MC's confusion and remarks on the matter. Only god(me) knows why that happened and god will likely keep that fact with himself for the time being, lol. It's totally not because I—ahem, I mean, God momentarily forgot about how he set the hatching process and now doesn't want to explain this contradictory phenomenon or change it. Definitely not.

Anyway, that's all. I'll see you guys in the next chapter, if it happens.

Until then, see ya!

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