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73.13% DRAGONSLAYER : IN MARVEL X DC [ ON HOLD ] / Chapter 49: CHAPTER - XLIV ( Final Battle )

Chapter 49: CHAPTER - XLIV ( Final Battle )

Derek got up hard from the melted ground noticing the look Yelena was giving him, he saw her surprise, confusion and fear in her eyes, he decided to ignore her.

Turning his attention to his friends who were lying on the ground except for Theo and Kamala who were combining their powers making their punches hit Abomination's but can't.

With a great blow of speed he ran towards him leaving a sonic Boom due to his recent augmentations without counting the great augmentation given by the Dragon Force.

Appearing in front of Abomination he covered his fingers in metal heating them to the maximum exceeding 3,000 degrees celcius like nothing else on his fingertips along with Iron Finger

He hit and pierced the pressure points on Abomination's body making him immobile.

"Ahhh..., but what the..." Emil screamed in pain barely reacting as he saw Derek with a more beastial appearance barely recognizing him causing many questions to form as his body fell.

Moving to the right so perfectly it looked like he used Flash Fire leaving residual images he delivered a direct blow to Abomination's jaw almost dislocating it with [ Fire Dragon Iron Fist ]

Making his brain bounce off his skull , as if it was a pinball game, following it up with a hook to the lower jaw with Fire Dragon Big Demolition Fist, taking advantage of the fall Derek gave him a spinning kick with a combination of [ Fire Dragon Claws and Ironkick. ]

"Theo get them out of here now" he commanded him, doing so theo teleported everyone in that instant leaving Derek to give his all without holding back..

Taking advantage of the state of his enemy he approached him, put his leg in the middle of his and with a push of his hand combined the Water and Adamantine Katas


The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon and Fist of the Metal Dragon hit Abomination's face with all their power, burying his face in the ground creating spider webs on the floor.

All that in ten seconds, not wanting to give him an active respite concentrated blow charging his fists with a ridiculous amount of mana thanks to his regeneration along with Crimson Lotus.

[Fist Of The Fire Dragon and Swimming Swallow] at great speed, each blow hit his face at a ridiculous speed making the moment he bounced Abomination's head off the ground he found out again, noticing that his flames were now doing damage.

Derek used Fire Manipulation creating a version of the Spell Scorched Earth with Dragon flames, managing to create an area in flames that reduced Abomination's health the longer he was there.

At some point despite his wounds Emil counterattacked with his fist or shooting bony bullets from his fingers at high speed.

But Derek like an animal that does not let go of its prey, dodged redirecting his own body to the sides tearing some muscles already healed but lashing out with more force.

Without more options Emil hit the ground with all his strength destroying the ground making Derek lose his balance and taking advantage of that to get away from the boy knowing how good he can get to do in a melee.

Even with what emil thought, along with the pain of the wounds that were healing to reappear, feeling his skin, flesh and blood burn just for being on this ground next to that damn kid, the one who took away his great strength, his great energy, his great power, he could not contain his hatred towards him surpassing the hatred he has against Hulk and Bruce.

He ignored all reasoning and threw himself against Derek, the mentioned made use of fire and metal manipulation, creating spheres of fire and metal spears spinning at high speed charged with mana.

Watching Abomination approach he responded with [Flashing Steel: Blast] with total precision as a counter "Craaaack" leaving the dent of his elbow on his chest.

He didn't let it go by grabbing his arm, without wasting a move he used a combination of Ironbreaker, muscle control on his back muscles, manipulated and transformed the scales on his arm with red and metal scales..

Transforming the metal ones, raising them as if they were the propellants of a rocket like the [Elder Dragon Valstrax], increasing his strength and speed to a ridiculous level, with a shockwave from Derek's fist.

The fist collided with Emil's face seeming to stretch his neck, already off balance he released it, moved to his back put his hands behind his back and grabbed his neck.

[Water Kata: Guillotine]

Catching an off-balance opponent off balance to grab his throat with both hands before lifting him over his shoulder using his neck as leverage, heavily damaging the neck.

Gritting his teeth hard Derek pressed down on Abomination's neck while using guillotine.

"Cough!" Emil spat green blood feeling his neck crunch, he gritted his teeth and used the spurs on his elbows stabbing Derek but he used heal on his wounds as well as using the metal wing tips transforming them into escapes thus releasing large amounts of fire burning at the same time.

Emil looking for a battle of attrition, seeing no other option he tightened his neck muscles, flexed his abs and threw Derek still clamped to his neck.

Derek Transforming the tip of his tail into that of a spear with absorbing metal, he thrust it into Abomination's shoulder as he used at the same time spheres of fire and spears of metal flew towards the enemy without a thought.

The spears stuck in his legs and feet, the spheres hit emil's face exploding on contact then followed the spears in his legs and feet which exploded causing him to fall to his knees being able to observe the muscles in his face from the fire spheres exploding, yet in a second his legs healed except for his face making him look like a monster from a horror movie running towards Derek.

"Huff...huff...huff...huff...huff...huff..." Derek was breathing like crazy he was almost out of energy, if it wasn't for the potions he drank and his Dragon Vitality working at maximum

Waiting for the perfect moment he contracted [Flashing Steel: Smash with Fire Dragon Iron Fist] to the jaw dodging Abomination's fist, even with his face bloodied and burned abomination responded with a kick, which Derek protected himself with his forearms and using his enemy's strength with Weeping Willow he threw him to the ground face first applying a headlock.

[Water Kata: Screw Cutter Jizo]

Derek showed no mercy, breaking and dislocating the shoulder arm and elbow Crack! Crack! "Guooogh", as if in slow motion he watched as bones began to grow out of the fingertips, releasing said limb he rolled away in an instant rolling on the ground.



It was heard when the bony bullets came out of Abomination's broken arm, falling to the ground

Emil stood up with his eyes red in fury, Derek also stood up surrounded by fire "Fsssss..." exhaling, inhaling remembering what Nat told him when she was training him.



In a forest we can see Nat sitting on the back of a boy who was doing pushups

"Why can't I do this the normal way instead of you sitting on top of me" complained the boy being Derek.

"Because inhumans can improve their physical abilities through training, don't you think it's a waste that you don't train them" Nat replied.

Derek : "Ok I understand that part, but wouldn't it be better to use a rock heavier than you".

Natasha : "O, thank you for saying in your own way that I'm not heavy" smiled Nat in mockery.

"No, you are heavy and a lot, I'm just saying I'd rather have a rock than you on top of me" replied Derek sarcastically causing a twitch to form on Nat's eyebrow.

"Do you want me to increase your push ups in another set?" asked Nat

"No ma'am" answered without hesitation Derek and without answering or criticizing anything Natasha said so time passed, a few minutes later we see little Derek lying on the floor struggling to breathe

Derek : "Nat you know I have always had this question what do I do if at some point I am badly hurt and my opponent is still attacking me or if my leg or arm is broken or hurt, without having a way to attack what do I do?"

Nat looked at him for a moment and answered "Well you use that to your advantage, if your opponent thinking of killing you to death maybe he will approach you or maybe not, if he does take advantage of it to deliver a final blow, if your arm or leg is broken use it to attack a vital area when he least expect it, that's how I invented my own kick, something that even Taskmaster didn't expect when he dislocated my leg."

"Would you seriously show it to me" asked Derek.

"Sure why not" she said approaching a tree spinning on one leg jumping like a ballet dancer hitting the tree hearing a dry Thump!" Derek was surprised to see the mark left on the tree.

"This is my spinning kick and I have only taught it to two people Barton and you Derek, I hope it will come in handy one day and you will really make it your own" ending the memory.



Derek and Abomination stood up being the second one standing up with one arm hanging.

"I will kill you... I will kill you insect" roared Emil starting to recover his musculature little by little, noticing this Derek decided to provoke him

Derek : "Come and try it you idiot, you have been saying it every moment and I am still here bitch" already at a short distance Derek ran towards Emil at maximum speed, this turn he swung his arm wanting to crush him, combining Flame Kata and Redirection.

Flickering Flame: [A combination of Flame and Redirection Kata, using a special style of footwork designed to maximize the displacement of the user's center of gravity, allows the user to instantly change directions mid-board while maintaining maximum speed.]

Using Flickering Flame as a fulcrum he spun as he stood in front of Abomination, with his arms clutched to his chest he leapt like a ballet dancer applying an axe kick distributing all his weight, speed and strength into a single point

Transformed into a saw-toothed metal and fire sword spinning at high speeds which came down when Emil's arm hit the ground instead of Derek

Abomination smiled believing he had crushed Derek like a bug only to feel his limb lighter, noticing that where his limb was there was only molten metal where his arm should be connected,

preventing it from regenerating.

Then he saw Derek with his leg transformed into a sword returning to normal, what Derek didn't expect was that Emil responded with a knee thrust nailing the bone spur in his guts "Cough", with blood coming out of his mouth

He gritted his teeth and hit the enemy's neck with a concentrated punch sounding a Crack! Emil fell to the ground still conscious, standing up

Derek pressed Abomination's chest with his foot "How does it feel to look at this insect from below Garbage" he said as the fire began to expand creating a sphere enveloping them and increasing the temperature, on the outside of the sphere of fire a magic circle was formed with the stigma of a Dragon figure.

3.000.... 3.500.... 4.000.... 4.500.... 5.000.... 5.500.... 5.505.... 6,000 Degrees Celcius, exploding without expanding thanks to the control and manipulation of its elements.


Everything was a sea of flames as epicenter of all this were Derek and Abomination who was not known if he was alive as he was buried in the lava, at the same time the space elevator exploded, lightning and thunder began to accumulate as the sky darkened, along with the roar of a raging vest accompanied by a blue trail left by an armor.


System: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1 remain.... The effect of Dragon Force is over.]

So with the countdown Derek staggered and his body returned to normal falling into the sea of lava sinking little by little barely conscious, until a large red and gold armor flew and pulled him out

Tony : "Easy boy we are here, hang in there, we will take you to a doctor and you will be as good as new" said Tony in his Hulkbuster armor carrying him.

Jarvis: "Sir dodge to your right."

He reflexively did as Jarvis told him and a hand whose muscles and bones could be seen barely regenerating as it touched the armor's reactor.

Jarvis: "Sir the Gamma energy is being absorbed."

"Abomination came out of the lava with most of his body charred and no trace of skin showing his muscles, but thanks to the energy he absorbed from the Hulkbuster he recovered much of his musculature, managing to regenerate to an acceptable state, at that moment both Thor, Hulk and Cap arrived, being looked at by people with complete anger towards him, with Hulk ready to crush him into a pulp of blood and Thor wanting to pierce him with his hammer.

"Roarr, what are you waiting for..." shouted Abomination running towards them, but a few meters before he reached them he hit the ground with the only arm he had creating a large curtain of smoke and rocks.

By the time Thor and Hulk broke through the smoke curtain Abomination was no longer there, only a small figure could be seen miles away jumping and walking away, Thor was ready to go for him but Cap stopped him.

Captain : "No let him go we don't have time for that remember Nat and Derek are in danger we have to get them to the Chimera as soon as possible" he explained seeing Tony land next to him with a bloodied Derek who was having trouble breathing.

Thor just sighed trying to control himself, Hulk just looked at Derek "Roaaarrr" roaring in fury he hit the ground several times with his fists trying to calm himself "Hulk will avenge friend next time".

They quickly approached the Quinjet and entered.

Tony and Steve being Tony and Steve who sighed seeing the injured people

Cassie had a broken leg as well as being unconscious

Dante was unconscious from overusing his powers

Kamala was only with some scrapes, bruises and a swollen face and Theo was the only one who didn't have any injuries from Derek's group.

Natasha was the one who was in a critical state being attended by Lucy who was injecting her with a red liquid being a healing potion at the same level as the infinite regenerative potion capable of regenerating limbs or organs and saving a person's life while alive, single use, something Derek had earned from his daily bounties.

Lucy all this time was debating whether to use it on Natasha or Derek, in the end she decided to use it on Natasha since this was the last order Derek gave her, instantly it was seen how the hole she had started to regenerate along with her organs at a glance surprising those who saw it especially Yelena.

Tony : "Phew, looks like the kid already had it all planned, very good Lucy now do the same with Derek" said Stark.

Lucy: "I can't..."

"What do you mean?" asked Steve

Lucy: "What I used to save Natasha was the only thing there was, I was saving it to use it on Derek but he ordered me to do it without giving me the option to refuse."

Lucy answered causing everyone to fall silent, being broken by Kamala who started to cry.

"Sniff... Sniff... Sniff... there has to be a way... sniff" no one knew what to do, they could only lay Derek on a stretcher, Steve piloted the ship, Tony sat next to him, Thor sat in one corner and Hulk in another.

Even though they had managed to complete the mission, they had also lost and they knew it, everyone was silent only Lucy who was trying to stabilize Derek and Kamala who was still shedding tears seeing all his wounds.

It went on like this for a while until an extreme heat signal was identified along with a ship coming closer and closer to them until they saw it, seeing the figure known as the Human Torch or Johnny Storm and behind him the unknown ship of the Fantastic Four, piloted by Susan behind her was Ben and Jennifer aka She Hulk.

Up to here


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