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50% the adventure of Azathoth / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 story and mark of Azathoth

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 story and mark of Azathoth

Once Azathoth reappears back in the arena he sees his wives standing waiting for him "So you finally finished your perfect body we love it but what's wrong with the links" his wives ask he looks at the links to see "Oh look at that they mutated" Azathoth says "how can the links mutate" Athena asks

"I have all my power at my fingertips I did in the other body but if I used too much of it it would destroy the body but with this one, I can use it all and not worry about that" Azathoth explains

"The links I created between us our different from the ones we have with our children those are family links that have changed to eldritch family bonds same as the ones I have with my children that I created" Azathoth explains

"Our links on the other hand changed to mate bonds the highest tier of mate bonds are called eldritch mate bonds you need to be an eldritch being to have that" Azathoth explains

"When are we gonna become eldritch beings" Artemis asks

"I already explained what an eldritch being is but let's go over it again an eldritch being is a singular being but they can be in multiple places at once It's still a singular entity but only the high-tier ones and some of the medium and low tiers have that power" Azathoth explains

"But we are getting off track to become an eldritch being when you weren't born one you will need to absorb some void energy only way to get some void energy Is either to go to the void or find an eldritch being for them to give you they're mark symbol whatever you want to call it but let's go for mark" Azathoth continues to explain

"Do you have a mark" Hestia asks "Yes I do mine are the strongest and the more difficult to handle but my mark of Azathoth is the strongest most potent and most dangerous for a human but since you are my wives and goddesses well you're closer to Titans since well I wasn't exactly gone for just seven years" Azathoth explains

"What do you mean it wasn't 7 years exactly," they ask

"Stuff just kept happening for three thousand years every time I wanted to return" Azathoth explains

"What happened while you were there," Artemis asks Azathoth smiles

"I went to this town called Mystic Falls and since I wanted a break I turned down my senses to only around me I didn't sense what beings were in the town" Azathoth explains

"So when I saw out the corner of my eye a girl about to be raped In an Alleyway I used a minimum amount of speed and appears behind the guy and lifted him off the ground and told the girl to run once she reached the exit of the alleyway she ran into what I would find out later when I was invited to a party the original family the mikaelson the two that she ran into was Elijah and Klaus" Azathoth continues to explain

"What did they do" Hestia asks "Elijah and Klaus could smell the fear on the girl so Elijah took the girl back to her mother while Klaus went down the Alleyway to find me beating the men who dared to try to rape a girl I was beating the man face I to the wall while saying you dare try to rape a child Klaus just stood by and watched I then summoned my sword well my old one now" Azathoth explains

"Anyways Klaus immediately knew I wasn't human and I cut the man clean down the center from his head to his crotch and burnt the body to ash then I unsummoned my sword and turned to see Both Elijah and Klaus standing there and for me to just go hi" Azathoth explains

"You just said hi," Athena asks "Yes I just said hi continuing on I explained who I was they didn't believe me at first so I took them to a realm big enough to show my lord of all dragons form, and after I showed them that form they believed me" Azathoth explains

Tina runs into the Arena and goes to azathoth's side and climbs up so she's on azathoth's back

"What are you talking about" Tina asks "I'm telling them a story so be quiet until I'm finished" Azathoth says "Okay Daddy" Tina says

"Continuing after a while of Klaus and Elijah keeping me a secret from their family I finally met them I'm not going to say their names for reasons of my own we got along well we basically became best of friends but I was closer to Elijah and Klaus" Azathoth explains

"Fast forward many years I sensed something because only at the beginning do I have my senses down low anyways I told them I had something to check out and left to handle it" Azathoth explains

"After a couple of years I returned to find out Klaus got a girl called Harley pregnant I told him I handle everything to make sure the baby will be okay" Azathoth explains

"During the pregnancy, We all became protective of Harley Klaus more than Any of us fast forward to the time she was giving birth, and once I got the baby out of Harley my Wolf form went crazy" Azathoth explains

"So I quickly did everything I needed to do and handed the baby to Harley and left the room with Elijah following because he realized something was wrong" Azathoth explains

"What was wrong" Artemis asks "When I exited the room and house with Elijah following my wolf form was still going nuts once I got far enough away though it stopped I set down on a rock with Elijah sitting beside me and he asked what's wrong" Azathoth explains

"So I explained when I picked up the baby my wolf form went crazy I didn't know the reason why until I checked with my wolf form after I set down I didn't I could have mates and when I picked up the baby which would be called hope my wolf form wanted to mark her immediately so I had to hurry up and leave" Azathoth explains

"Once I explained that and he knew I wasn't lying because that was not something I would lie about so he told me to sit here while he went to Explain what was wrong to Klaus and Harley they didn't get upset because they knew I could be trusted with their daughter" Azathoth explains

"I stayed there and meditated there for three days until Klaus came to me and pulled me out of it by saying your one of my best friends I know this isn't your fault so don't blame yourself you basically my brother that I never had you pulled from my darkness and made me who i am today why don't you come and see Harley" Azathoth explains

"And so I went and saw Harley with Hope and once I saw Hope my Wolf form started Acting up and so did Hopes but since she wasn't just a Werewolf" Azathoth explains "What do you mean she wasn't just a Werewolf" Athena asks

"Right I should explain that Klaus is a hybrid between a vampire and a werewolf while Harley is a werewolf to Hope is a tribrid she got her werewolf genes from both her parents while she gained her vampire and witch genes from Klaus who's the original hybrid and the son of the original witch shes also royalty" Azathoth explains

"Anyways continuing since she's first of her kind she's powerful let's just say that but her vampire genes aren't active unless she drinks blood then it would activate anyways when she and I locked eyes my eyes turned to my Wolf form eyes and hers turned yellow wolf eyes then something weird happened my power that controls my form activated and turned me into a baby" Azathoth explains making them start to laugh

"Yeah yeah laugh it up" Azathoth says and they continue to laugh for a few minutes "You done good continuing when that happened I was shocked at first then I started to fall since I turned into a baby but I didn't shrink downwards I shrunk upwards so I was floating in mid-air so I activated my flying power" Azathoth explains

"When I started floating they knew I still had my memories so they asked can you speak Azathoth and I looked at them and said yes I can and they started laughing I was like really after a few minutes they stopped and asked can you change back and I could but I decided to leave" Azathoth explains

"Why" Artemis asks "Because I knew I couldn't control myself but I didn't tell them that but they knew why I did tell them this I will return but I will give you a protector each but it will leave when something happens that I can't stop that was a thousand and 17 years ago time is frozen there now" Azathoth explains

"Since I couldn't allow her to be alone she knows who I am after all she's my mate like you are now she never dated there was a boy who liked her but she told him no I did visit every birthday in secret and delivered a gift" Azathoth explains

"Why didn't you save them unless" Artemis says "Yeah their deaths are fixed points If I stopped that the world would have been destroyed Elijah knew that that's why he didn't stop Harley's death" Azathoth explains "You told him" Artemis asks "Yeah can we move on please" Azathoth asks

"Is there anyone alive" Hestia asks "There's Kol, Davina, Freya. Keelin, Marcel, and Rebekah but the only ones that kept seeing her were Freya and Rebekah but when we go back there I will give them a talking and to might also give them a thrashing " Azathoth explains

"When are you returning" Athena asks "we you mean after I'm done here but that won't be for a long while" Azathoth says

"Once I give you my mark you will be strong enough to survive crossing the barriers of creation once we leave the so first question is where do you want the mark" Azathoth

"Back of our hands" his wives says Azathoth summons four of his tentacles that come from his sides and touches their hands he makes his mark appear on the back of they're hands which is an eye surrounded by tentacles he retracts his tentacle

(Mark of Azathoth image here)

Once the mark fully manifests they get surrounded by a black aura after a few minutes it shrinks into them and disappears

"You girls okay" Azathoth asks "yeah we feel different are we Titans now" they ask

"Yes and no you are part goddess and part titan once your body gets more void energy you will be a titan but for now you're just part titan now I got to go to Japan to handle some things I'll be back tomorrow night I want you to train with your new powers that come with the marks" Azathoth says

"Can I come Dad" Tina asks "Sure Tina" Azathoth says "You two have fun" Athena says and Azathoth disappears and infront of a sword

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