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17.14% Cultivation! But I have Minecraft Cheats ON / Chapter 6: Self-Inspection and Introspection

Chapter 6: Self-Inspection and Introspection

Although Shen Wang wanted to get rid of this disadvantage quickly he did not have much idea on how to. 

He did have a few vague clues however nothing was clear. 

" Seems like I can only give up for the time being.... " 

" Although the condition did get better when I broke through, it's obvious that other cultivators also deepen their perception after breaking through " 

" If it continues then I wouldn't even be the match of an average of the same realm " 

" Nonetheless, sitting down and lamenting would definitely not help! " 

Shen Wang kept thinking, processing the memories of the previous 'him' to find any clue on fixing his condition. 

But to no avail, the life of the previous him was rather simple. 

He came to the sect, interacted with few cultivators, learned about general cultivation terms like spiritual qi, cultivation realms, cultivation techniques, immortality, alchemy pills, battle techniques, qi deviation etc.

He then received a cultivation technique suitable for him and had spent the previous 6 months in isolation. 

To the old Shen Wang battle-strength was never a priority, he only cultivated. 

According to the Outer sect elders, he only had a little time before he exited his teenage and he had to make use of it to cultivate as much as possible.

After all he could learn battle techniques later, he needed to firm his foundation as soon as possible.

After analyzing that information over and over again Shen Wang kept getting more and more used to his current situation.

Once he got over this, it was time to check his 'support' resources.

" System! "

Nothing happened.... 

" Status Window! " 

Nothing happened....

" Inventory " 

Immediately Shen felt him perception go dark as his mine arrived in the dark space again. 

Seeing his place again, a chill ran down his spine, he felt that he had difficulty breathing.

This place had confined his soul for so long! 

He never wanted to go back to this place!

However these worries were for naught, as the dark space started to lighten itself, in moments it turned completely white. 

Then it started to have vibrant colors as they started to converge in front of Shen.

As soon as that happened Shen's perception changed again and he came back to reality. 

However, now he could see a translucent keyboard in front of him, it had an azure color. 

Shen's mind wandered to the 2 benefits the system had provided him, 

" Tempering of his consciousness, a physique seedling .... and Minecraft's cheats! Then that means..."

Without wasting too much time Shen Wang started to type on the keyboard.

He had a wide grin on his face as he started typing.

[ /gamemode creative ] 



Shen Wang went into creative mode. 

Shen felt elated, he felt unmoved by the physical forces of the world, he felt intangible,  it gave him a feeling of extreme high. 

It was the most wonderful feeling ever. 

" Hahaha, aren't I already invincible! "

Another crazy idea popped into his mind as his focus turned onto his keyboard.

[ e ] 

As soon as he did that, the inventory interface of Minecraft was presented in front of him. 

" Infinite resources as well ! " 

Shen Wang kept giggling and smiling as he started to browse through the inventory in front of him. 

" Building Blocks ... Decorations .... Redstone .... Rails .... Elements.... Food .... Tools .... " 

" Huh? what the heck, where are the items which would aid me in cultivation? " 

Thinking that he missed something he started to go through the items again, but it didn't change anything. 

" It seems there are only earthly items here... " 

Shen was speechless for a few minutes, it was as if someone had poured ice water on him. 

His excitement of a few minutes ago had already dampened. 

He did not want to believe it thus checked again, that's when he noticed a new section. 

" Elements? " 

The first thought that came into Shen's mind was that it would be something related to elements like fire, water, lightening or something related. 

Curious to what it contained Shen couldn't help but click on that sub-section

However, what he saw dampened his mood. 

Yes there were elements, in fact all of the elements were there however....

" Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, 

Chlorine, Argon, Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Ferrous(Iron), Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, ........Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium, Dubnium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Hassium, Meiternium"

Shen was baffled, these were all of the elements present on Earth!

' Does it have something to do with the fact that I transmigrated into a modded version of Minecraft rather than the actual one ' 

It was the only reasonable explanation he could come up with. 

However it didn't change the fact that there was literally nothing that could help with his cultivation directly.

Nonetheless, there were still a bunch of things which could help with some miscellaneous tasks, so it wasn't all that bad. 

" Now then, to the next phase of my cheats, It's time to fly! " 

It only took a few moments for Shen to become excited again. 

Shen then tried to make his body curl down and put force into his thighs and his lower legs. 

After half a second his body responded to his thoughts and followed the action. 

The Shen send two orders simultaneously, in half a second his legs erupted with force and jumped. 

In a mid-air trance his body jumped again after a while, successfully following his thoughts.

Honestly if someone were to see him do this, they would probably take him for an idiot. 

Jumping again in the air physically, without using any spiritual qi technique ?

Do you not know the basics of physics ?

Such thoughts would be natural for anyone to have, however in Minecraft's creative mode they held a special meaning. 

" kekekekeke, I'm flying! " 

Shen's body hovered in air, it was as if he was just simply standing, there was no energy Shen could feel from this. 

Furthermore this simple act of standing in air thrilled Shen to no end. 

He was literally flying!

It's an obvious fact that mortal human beings can't fly, without the support of external factors. A human's body has evolved in such a way that it makes flying impossible, even our ancestors the good old apes couldn't fly. 

However Shen right here was simply flying, well maybe with the 'external' cheats, but those were a part of him. 

Shen simply felt thrilled. 

An exalted feeling sweeping into his very bones, he felt like his whole existence was elevated. 

Shen felt like he was a caterpillar before, a caterpillar who was in a cocoon for billions of years and now... 

And now he had finally come out as a butterfly, beautifully flying 

" Heh, the feeling coming from just a simple act of being able to fly freely is so great, haha I might even come in my pants just feeling this "

Shen chucked to himself. 

He was happy, very happy. 

After walking back and fro, up and down, left and right inside the small room Shen's emotions finally calmed down a bit. 

Although he still wanted to go out and fly to the clouds, he still needed to go over his cheats a bit longer. 

Shen's body gradually came down and his feet touched the ground. 

He was no longer floating.

Shen was still very happy, he was immune to physical attacks and he could fly. 

At least for a few realms, no one would be able to hurt him. 

He would just fly away, ignoring any attacks that landed on him. 

" Okay, enough of this now, I still need to check out more things. " 

After a few deep breaths, his emotions calmed down more and more. 

Shen thought for a while before his mouth started to mutter, 

" Chat open " 

A translucent image of a screen and keyboard appeared in front of him as his fingers started to slowly move after a delay between his mind and body.

' /effect give Shen Wang luck 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Speed 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Strength 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Instant_Health 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Jump_Boost 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Regeneration 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Resistance 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Fire_Resistance 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Water_Breathing 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Health_Boost 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Absorption 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Saturation 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Conduit_Power 255 1,000,000 '

' /effect give Shen Wang Dolphins_Grace 255 1,000,000 '

As he kept stacking all of these effects onto himself, his physical strength improved exponentially. 

" Haaahahahha, I'm just too strong " 

It was simple reasoning, a normal Minecraft character was quite strong, they could normally walk with a speed of about 18 km/h, jump a meter in air without problems. 

However that was only when they had no effects on, with effects their overall strength became at least twice... no rather around three times of what they originally were. 

Now Shen had those effects, however they were amplified by 255. 

This meant that compared to a normal muscular human, he was literally 765 times more powerful. 

This was simply just too good!

However since the standards of the effects being amplified were only at a normal Minecraft player's level, it did not amplify Shen's current base strength. 

Although this was a great trump card to Shen Wang right now, it would only accompany him to the level of a middle-stage of Foundation establishment at most. 

Even the 'luck' which had been amplified was not too great, it was a mortal's luck which was getting amplified by 255 times. 

Shen was already really lucky,

Firstly he had spiritual roots which was only found in around 1 out of 10,000 mortals.

Secondly he had a high grade lightening spirit root and a middle grade wood spirit root, this was only found in 1 out of 100 cultivators.

Even if a mortal had 255 times more luck than usual, it would still be quite insignificant in front of Shen Wang's luck. 

However, who would not mind being more lucky than usual? 

That being said, these effects only lasted for 1,000,000 seconds. 

This was around 11 days, after this Shen would have to re-acquire them.

However that wasn't too much of an issue, it would only take a minute or so to regain them. 

Other than this being slightly annoying, Shen couldn't find any other problems.

However, there was still a problem. 

" A disciple went into seluction for a few days and emerged with the physical strength of a foundation establishment cultivator " 

" Then wouldn't I be questioned over and over again, after all this isn't normal at all ! " 

Maybe he could hide the effects after getting used to it, but he could definitely not control this eruption of strength in a short time span.

" Although this is a great trump card, I can't expose it too quickly. After all my body and mind have a delay of half a second, if this were to get exposed I would be quickly suppressed and interrogated !" 

" My acting skills are nowhere upto the level of being able to deceive experienced people who have been interacting with people their entire lives"

After considering the pros and cons, Shen decided to get rid of these buffs

' Minecraft inventory '

A screen appeared in front of Shen as he scrolled down to find a bucket of milk. 

As soon as he tried to pull the bucket out of the inventory, a bucket appeared in front of him, it was filled to the brim with white milk. 

Shen grabbed the bucket with his hands, lifted it as he put his mouth to the bucket and tilted the bucket slightly. 

Loads of white milk poured down his throat.

In a few minutes the bucket was empty, all the effect he had faded as if they were never there.

Shen felt a bit uneasy as all the amplified strength left his body but soon got used to his 5th stage Qi condensation strength.

As for the bucket Shen decided to put it back into the inventory as it was of no use now. 

For now Shen was done experimenting with his Minecraft cheats,

Although he had a few things in mind like the command block or other things, he wasn't in the mood to try out those things. 

Finally, Shen muttered a few words. 

" Inventory "

In just a moment Shen's mind was transported back into the ominous dark place. 

Although it gave him chills, he had his own reasons for coming here. 

For a while Shen looked around before a small spherical thing appeared in his vision. 

Shen grabbed it with his mind and his mind came back to reality. 

In his hand he was holding a small black sphere, it gave off a primordial and ancient feeling. 

This was the {physique seed}, it was the only 'item' he had gotten from the System. 

After looking at it for a while Shen put the seed it in his mouth.

As soon as it entered his mouth, it melted and Shen felt a cool breeze on his insides. 

According to what he knew, this seed merged with his soul and would become a physique after some conditions were met, it was said that it would become best suited for his path. 

Basically this was a long-term power-up. 

After inspecting his golden fingers, Shen was tired. 

Although it was fun, it felt suffocating sitting inside a small room all this time.

Shen looked at the door in a daze, as if he was thinking something. 

Then he decided to go back to survival mode.

The creative mode and the effects were his trump cards, he wouldn't just walk around with those equipped, risking getting exposed.

Especially when he was inside the sect where no one was trying to kill or assault him. 

There was no need to worry, he could slowly take his time. 

There was no pressure on him right now, he had just transmigrated. 

He enjoyed the feeling of freedom. 

With a smile on his face and a tranquil glimmer in his eyes Shen walked forward. 

In half of a second, he put his hand up and placed it on the door. 

He then mobilized his Spiritual Qi and guided the ethereal energy to his fingertips. 

Small sparks of electricity appeared around his fingers as the door started to react. 

Yellow runes glowed on the door, reacting to Shen's Qi and it started to shake. 

In a few seconds the door slid open as rays of azure pierced the dark cold room. 

Darkness expanded over the scenery and the surroundings were dead silent.

Shen's room was one of the many, which were dug into a small mountain. 

A full moon reigned over the dark night, partially covered by clouds as if it were bathing in a sea of clouds and luminous and bright stars were knitted into the dark sky. 

Cold breeze was blowing on the rocky hill as Shen's robes fluttered as if dancing in the rhymes of the wind. 

Shen felt touched, small tears welled into his eyes. 

It was too beautiful, he felt free. 

Free of all the loud noises of cities. 

Free of living under the pressure of government. 

Free of constant competition of Earth. 

Free of Earth's 'responsibilities' and expectations. 

Free of all the social and legal rules which suppressed him. 

Free of the constant fear of death. 

Free of his entire life being monitored by the government. 

This scenery would remain in his heart forever, this scenery meant that he had the opportunity to improve endlessly. 

He had the opportunity to live forever. 

He had the opportunity to not let himself be suppressed. 

He had the opportunity to fully govern his own life. 

A determined and resolute expression covered his face now. 


As his determined gaze fell on the sky above, his voice echoed in the surroundings. 

It was just him, his resolution and the dark night which remained.

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