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93.75% Labonair Legacies / Chapter 15: Chapter 14

Chapter 15: Chapter 14

-In the morning-

The sun announcing a new day, brightly in the sky waking up Michel from the kingdom of dreams

Michel taking a look around, feels Hope in his arms, making him understand what it is to feel infinitely fulfilled, making him smile, he doesn't understand what happens to him, but he doesn't repel this feeling, for her, he can be like this, waiting for her.

Getting up, he decides to go for a running session around the school into the woods to look at those places, after all, he is new in this place he will call 'home' indefinitely.

Before that, he decided to establish contact with Marie again, after all, she mustn't be remembering now after having been on Malivore, the same for the twins.

-To Marie Ryans- Marie, my name is Michel Labonair, a client of London bank account xxxx, on a few deals with it, I have'd the pleasure of you doing some work for me, after checking my details and looking into it, was wondering if u would like to work for me on a more personal way, as a secretary of finance and personal life, if you are interested the workplace would be located currently on the site where you have helped to travel, place I am staying at this moment currently, check your actions and money balance during your last week of work. Michel Labonair

-To Luna&Alice- Hi girls, if u would like to know more about the mark u have suddenly on your body, strange things happening to you, and life changes, check your phone texts. Michel Labonair

And done, taking a peek at the bank current account after all the trades there is already a 10 digits number, enough to be all my life in California enjoying Hollywood and dying in women's skirts.

Passing by people he dont know or recognize waking up on the dorms to the shared bathrooms, after all its a boarding school, on there he sees Kaleb Hawkins a vampire, who look at him too

"Hey, whats up?" Michel

"Yo, bruh. You are one of the new guys eh?"

While Michel cleans up to go for the run, chats a little with him

"Yes, indeed" showing an evil smile " just like you " showing his fangs and veins under his eyes "and an insatiable hunger I am having with little to no control suddenly"

Kaleb looking at this dangerous and new guy, just smiles a little wary "Well dude, in the kitchen you can find some blood bags to kench the thirst"

Michel a little disgruntled and disgusted "I have smelled that yesterday in the kitchen, it disgusted me, I will not drink that vegan shit, and seems its the only thing around here, but above else unfortunately this body has a peculiar appetite for what kind of blood it likes"

"Well mate, there is nothing else around here for you then, and the rules of the school say u can't drink from humans"

"I see, well then, I must live with this agony for the moment, see you later Kaleb"

-- Later after having run around the lake in front of the school and then into the woods -

Glu Glu - drinking water from a bottle

Michel while drinking water, looks into the sky the sun being almost high, when suddenly

"Get out, you have followed me around like a stalker since I got outside the schools grounds, dont know who you are or what you are, but know, u will die even if I dont know where you are"

*snap* branch breaking


"Hello boy, that isn't good manners to address your elders, so violent, thinking about destroying the moment u don't like something" says a beautiful woman appearing between the trees in the wood

Was a tall, slim and beautiful woman, she has long natural blond hair and brown eyes. She had fine facial features, pale skin, which testified to her Scandinavian origins.

"Well, hello there, a beautiful 'bergatroll' and I presume, I am your Herr Mannelig, was thinking they were ugly first before transforming into your looks, but looking at your enchanting looks, I would not mind having a new wife" smiling sarcastically and lustfully to her

"Hah, careful there boy, maybe I am here for your hand, maybe for something else, what is true appearing cursed like a troll you will not give me the hour of the day and kill me first" smiling amused to Michel about his sudden charade

"Enough, what are u doing alive dear lovely grandmother, it musnt be possible that you are alive at this moment, above else you should not know me Esther Mikaelson" Looking at her more seriously now, she don't showed up on the lineage spell locator, or maybe she showed but like Hope was here too, only showed one.

"My dear grandson, you now look just like my husband back then, so many years have gone by since I have'd you in my arms when you were a baby just pulled from the belly of your hybrid mother and your sister's side"

"Later to just be betrayed by your 'family' "

"CAREFUL WITH YOUR CHOICE OF WORDS WOMAN" speeding to her side, taking with one hand her neck and having his fangs pulled out scratching the skin of her neck, bright blue eyes, and veins.

"So wild, just like Mikael, it seems you have more of him than just his looks, after all, you have his blood in you, but you are so... so much more than he can be in all his life." says Esther a little weak from his grandson breathing down in her neck and his hand around it

"You know, your dear grandson is dead, I am something else in this husk, that knows things, but you are an incognite right now, so please tell me why you are still alive, and careful, sudden moves make me jumpy and homicidal" says Michel liking her neck a little, being more uncontrollable and bloodlust each passing second, something is wrong with him, the same happened before being near Hope and Lizzie.

"Explosive and arrogant too, don't worry my boy, I am not here to hurt you or your dear sister, don't worry, I am alive here because of you actually, your blood on the road guided me here"

Hearing that Michel eyes dilated a little and bited her, sinking his fang on her a little tasting her sweet and divine blood, like drug, growling in extasis after savoring her

"How do you know"

"I was part of the people looking for a target to eliminate on Richmond, I like other powerful witches and vampires, were resurrected with a impulse to participate in eliminating someone at orders pointed by a organization called "triad", after completing this task we would be free to do as we please, it seems this triad isnt the one calling the shots, there is someone or something from above to remove the target, 'you' "

"After we took notice of triad telling the hunting group of supernatural beings that, the objetive was going away from Richmond into the south we followed to intercept but we were late, the battle to stop you long enough was done already, so I with two other powerful witches transported the vampires lead by Marcel, Klaus adopted son and other witches and werewolf to your position making use of your blood on the explosion location of the mine."

"With you being here they obviously failed, but I, preserved a little of your blood from the place, trying to do the task far away as possible but couldn't do magic to it, nothing happened, I cant place hex or anything to damage you with magic, later I tried to combine my blood with those drops to try to locate you and was possible wich was weird, later wanted to know more about this 'unknown target', where I got your face and looks, so similar to my later husband, to Mikael "

"But here my surprise, when the world stopped for a moment hours later, making anyone dont remember anything about this target, it was at that moment that I knew, I was unaffected and remembered memories that I dont know haved until that moment, it seems having your blood on my system have done other things than intended, my dear grandson"

Michel bothered hearing this, sinks his fangs feasting on Esther blood, sucking with no limit on sight, enjoying it to the limit, first time tasting blood because of his impulse, not knowing why at other times where blood was present dont happened, but now was something uncontrollable..

Separating from her not intending to kill her "What a predicament we have here, 'grandma' , I am undecided if kill you or have you for myself to satiate my thirst, you are putting me on a bad position"

"You have little information of use worth to me, I dont care too much about the past, but the one ploting against me, oh , that I would like to know, who or who are they, I am in the light and them on the dark"

"I dont know who is plotting against you besides being resurrected to kill you, but I can talk you more about your family and life story"

"Pf, I dont care about what you have to say, like I have said, I am something else now, with no memories prior to a week ago about my life story, besides isnt yet the time for that, but here is the thing, I know enough about you or anyone of your bloodline, maybe your sister is alive somewhere just like you, looking for a new firstborn now."

"There are things a little distorted from what I know but donts matter, of the things u have told me dear grandma I got a few things of helpful"

Michel moves to her back caressing her face, biting his hand he moves to her face "Drink Esther, drink if you do not want to be a hollow of your self"

Esther eyes dilated and doubted what to do for a moment, she was feeling something outside of her control will happen that could not be changed, and confused that he knew things he should not and the same time don't quite.

"Drink and surrender to me, or I will make you my blood bag to feed on and nothing more" says Michel licking her neck where he bited before

Doubting about her fate she decides to surrender to Michel, after all magic cant do anything to him, she knows of nothing that can kill him on existence.

Michel seeing her drink, started to cast his magic, thinking about binding her as his slave in body and soul, forming on her a mark on her left breast

"Welcome to the dark side dear, we are 'family' now, we must take care of each other" says Michel smiling at her

"Lovely dear grandson, now what" a little dissatisfied Esther, but posing all high and mighty, not losing her demeanor.

"There is the house of your family around here, you can live there or go wherever u want, when I need you, I will contact you using this" points to her mark and in doing so touching her breast a little, making her feel the surrender of her soul and body.

"Don't you wonder, why they have done that to you? , I think they see something in you that they fear, they see your future and they know your power will be too strong to control they see you as a threat to their power"

"Indeed I wonder, that's why, while you do your things, u can try to investigate who or where is the one that resurrected you, having drunk my blood I think you no longer are under anyone connection besides mine, I can feel now how you feel, what you are. "

We will continue this chat at a later date.

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