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65.85% Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul (Transferred) / Chapter 27: CH 27: Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 27: CH 27: Zhu Zhuqing

<The Shrek part won't be detailed and will end quickly, alright? Making things detailed and such is for building up relationships and such. Since all Shrek members, except Zhu Zhuqing, will be enemies, there's no reason for detailed scenarios. Also, Zhu Zhuqing won't become a love interest in this volume>


Outside of the Suo Tuo City, in silence, Ah Li was walking towards the address of Shrek Academy given to him. He had gotten it from the Martial Soul Hall Branch in the city. And as always, Bibi Dong was sitting on his shoulder, just chilling. Although neither of them were saying anything, they had learned to enjoy each other's company in silence as well.

After walking quite a distance away from the city, they finally saw a line of people :"Huff, finally." Ah Li breathed out in annoyance, causing Bibi Dong to chuckle :"Come on, it wasn't that far away. You're overreacting."

"(No, I'm not. Why would an Advanced Soul Master Academy be in such a place anyway?)" He grumbled in confusion. But after walking closer and seeing the academy's tattered and old gate, Bibi Dong answered :"Guess that's why..."

She had heard that Shrek Academy was a rundown academy on its last legs before joining the Blue Tyrant Academy, but this had still surprised her. An Advanced Soul Master Academy, but this is the condition. Who would've expected?

"... Li'er, you sure you wanna go there? You know there are a lot of different academies that will happily take you in, right?" The gorgeous goddess couldn't help but ask. Although she respected Ah Li's decisions, she was still worried about his situation here.

"(... Let's just trust my gut feeling. Who knows, maybe this school will be interesting. Also, other academies don't have a Tang San and a Yu Xiaogang for me to abuse. But don't worry. I'm not planning to stay here. I have some plans for the future.)" He reassured her, causing her to raise an eyebrow :"What plans? I don't think you've told me."

"(Hehe, don't worry, you'll know. And I'm sure you'll love them.)" He chuckled before walking towards the line. While walking, he saw the old man who was working as the receptionist say some things. Releasing some scope of his actual senses, he heard what the old man was saying. Bibi Dong heightened her senses and listened as well.

"The meaning of Shrek School... Is a monster school. We only accept "monsters" and not ordinary people." The old man explained :"Anyone who exceeds the age of admission of 12 years old or has a Soul Power Level below Lv 21, you don't have to waste your time here." After explaining the requirements, he directly summoned his Martial Soul, a black staff, and his Soul Rings.

White, yellow, purple, purple, purple, black! Lv 60 Soul Emperor with 6 Soul Rings!

After releasing his Martial Soul and Soul Rings to warn the people, he took them back and walked back to where he was sitting. Immediately afterwards, quite a number of people exited the line and walked away.

"(Well damn. A Soul Emperor as a receptionist?)" Ah Li looked impressed, and so did Bibi Dong. But only slightly :"Yeah, not bad at all. This school is either trying to show off by deliberately putting one of the strongest teachers in it as a receptionist, or the strength of the teachers here is around his Level. But still, even if that's the case, they are too arrogant and ignorant."

"(Hm? Why do you say that, Sister Goddess?)"

"He said that the two requirements are for the students to not be over 12 years old, and for them to be over Lv 21. But isn't that an amazing genius? Why would such geniuses come to such a rundown school when they could go to those famous Advanced Soul Master Academies? This place is so old, it obviously doesn't have the facilities to train and develop the students right. So why would those kinds of geniuses come to this place? I'm pretty sure the reason why this school is in this condition is because of not being able to accept any students."

"(Ohhh, I see. Yeah, that makes sense.)" The noiret nodded in understanding. After several people walked out of the line from the back, his eyes landed on a familiar figure. Bibi Dong noticed his gaze, and hummed curiously :"Isn't that the girl you saved on your way?"

"(Only one way to find out.)" He smirked and walked towards her. Once he reached the line and stood behind her, he gently tapped her on the shoulder :"Excuse me." Upon getting called, the girl looked over her shoulder to see Ah Li smiling at her :"Hey, it is you."

She was a beauty with black eyes and black hair that reached the middle of her back. Despite seeming to be the same age as Ah Li, about 12 years old, she had a body that didn't suit her age at all. Despite being so young, her body had developed so nicely that older girls would be jealous of her. Heck, even the mothers in the line who had brought their children didn't have a figure comparable to hers. With long legs that made her only slightly shorter than Ah Li, plump hips, fat ass, thin waist, and specially attractive and big breasts that attracted the most attention, she would be mistaken as an adult young lady if not for her face that revealed her age. Before calling out to her, Ah Li couldn't help but steal a glance at her plump ass.

"Oh, hello." Seeing Ah Li, she nodded politely, a small blush on her face from seeing Ah Li's handsome appearance :"It's nice to meet you again." And the noiret nodded back with a smile :"It's nice to see you too. Didn't expect to see you here. How have you been?"

"I'm alright, thanks. Thank you again for helping me back then." As she greeted, a small smile made it to her cold face :"I would've probably died if not for your help. Or maybe even worse..." Recalling the gazes that the assassins were giving her, a trace of anger appeared in her heart.

A few days ago, when she was escaping from the assassins her older sister had sent to kill her, she fell into a disadvantage. Being outnumbered, and the assassins having the same strength as her or even higher, she was pretty positive about dying this time. However, unexpectedly, Ah Li, who was passing by, recognized her and saved her.

She didn't stick around with her at that time though. After helping her to fix her wounds, they went their separate ways. Who would've known that their destination was the same in the end? Surely not Ah Li.

"You're welcome. I'm happy to see you safe and sound." The noiret chuckled, shaking his head dismissively :"So what brings you here? You here to enter the Shrek School too?"

"Um, that's right." She nodded lightly :"Are you here for that as well? I really didn't expect to see you so soon again. Especially not here. With your strength, I was sure you'd be on your way to one of those top Advanced Soul Master Academies. I'm pretty sure even the Martial Soul Hall Academy would gladly accept you with your strength."

"Hahaha, I can say the same thing about you, no?" He gave a small smile :"Your Soul Power Level is so high despite being so young. I'm pretty sure you'd be accepted with open arms too. So why have you come here?"

"I... I've come here to find someone." She replied without a change. However, with Ah Li's perception caused by his Spiritual Power, how could he not notice the flash of sadness and disappointment in her voice and eyes? He didn't pry or act nosy though :"Oh. I hope you find that person then."

"Um, thank you." Zhu Zhuqing flashed a small smile :"What about you? Why have you come here?" And the taller boy shrugged :"I heard this school is pretty interesting, so I thought I might as well check it out. Even if I don't like it, I can just find somewhere else."

"That's true." As they chatted lightly, Dai Mubai, who had led Ning Rongrong, Tang San and Xiao Wu to the next test, returned to figure out what his Martial Soul had reacted to. And upon returning, he immediately saw Zhu Zhuqing. Seeing her, and seeing her amazing growth, he was immediately happy. However, upon seeing her chatting comfortably and happily with another guy, immediately turned his mood sour.

Especially when he saw her chatting with Ah Li, the person who humiliated and embarrassed him so much a few days ago, he was immediately enraged. He was about to turn around and just go to Tang and the others, but he decided against it and stayed. The furrowed eyebrows and the frown on his face weren't hidden though.

Finally, it was Ah Li and Zhu Zhuqing's turn. "Let me pay for yours." Surprisingly, Zhu Zhuqing said before immediately taking out 20 gold coins from her storage tool. As she paid the fee, the noiret couldn't help the pleasant surprise that bloomed in his heart :'Surprisingly, this girl knows how to treat the people who've helped her kindly. She actually paid for me instead.'

Although it wasn't much, it still did manage to surprise him. Although it wasn't uncommon in his previous life for women to treat men too, it was always expected from men to pay everything here. So seeing her taking the initiative to pay for him was surprising. A pleasant one though.

"Thanks." He smiled gently at her, and she nodded with a small smile :"It's alright, you're welcome. It's the least I could do to repay you." However, Dai Mubai, away from them, mistook the act of Zhu Zhuqing simply trying to repay a bit of the favor of Ah Li saving her, as an intimate act. His anger boiled even more, but he still held back to not cause trouble now.

"Alright, release your Martial Souls." The old receptionist, upon sensing that both of them were above Lv 20, instructed. Both of them nodded before releasing their Martial Souls and Soul Rings. Zhu Zhuqing's Martial Soul, Hell Civet, after being possessed, not only turned her fingers into deadly claws, but it also actually gave her cute and fluffy cat ears and a cat tail!

Ah Li actually had to put effort into keeping his hands to himself. Showing him an actual cat girl who he can't cuddle and pamper, such a cruel, cruel world this is. 'No, it's alright. I will be patient! Mark my words, one day, I will have this cat girl! I've been patient with Sister Goddess for years now, this will be nothing!' With another one of his goals noted down, he released his Martial Soul with her.

Yellow, yellow. Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster with 2 Soul Rings.

Black, black. Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster with 2 Soul Rings.

The old man, expecting this Soul Ring Configuration from Zhu Zhuqing, wasn't surprised. However, the moment Ah Li released his Martial Soul and Soul Rings, his jaw and eyes immediately flew wide open. The appearance of the Abyssal Centipede was shocking somewhat, but it was nowhere near as shocking as his Soul Ring Configuration!

"T-this... 10,000-year Soul Rings?! Two of them?! How is this possible?!" He immediately let out in shock. In all his life, he had never seen such a shocking Soul Ring Configuration. He himself only had a single 10,000-year black Soul Ring despite being a Lv 60 Soul Emperor. But the kid in front of him, despite being only a Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster, actually had two of them.

And because of the aura they were both giving out, an aura that only a real 10,000-year Soul Ring could let out, his thoughts of them being fake also disappeared. The remaining people in the line were shocked as well.


"A-am I seeing things...? Black Soul Rings...?"

"How is this possible?! Aren't black Soul Rings 10,000-years-old?!"

"That's right! How can a Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster have not one, but two of them?!"


Zhu Zhuqing, despite also being shocked, wasn't as shocked as the other people. After all, when Ah Li saved her, she had seen them as well. The same was true for Dai Mubai. But even if they had seen them, they still couldn't hold back the shock in their hearts. Ah Li smirked :"So, sir, can we enter?"

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