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93.18% I'm just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, nothing more. / Chapter 164: Chapter 164: Auror Headquarters

Chapter 164: Chapter 164: Auror Headquarters

Sherlock Forester, the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, sauntered down the bustling streets of Sheffield in his summer attire of shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. His sunglasses clung to the bridge of his nose, and his connection to his active Patronus Charm remained constant. The charm did not provide real-time sensory details, but it served as an extension of his awareness, dutifully tracing the path of a cloaked wizard from above. Even as the raven-shaped Patronus flew high, Sherlock permitted the likely wizard to lead, keeping his distance strategically.

With his keen observation, Sherlock discerned that the wizard was not merely wandering aimlessly, but patrolling a specific area encompassing three interlinking streets—a pattern indicated either an allegiance with the Aurors or with the Death Eaters. With this understanding, he retreated into a café and began his patient vigil, tracking the wizard's next steps with a relentless gaze from the window.

The cloak of evening fell, and just when Sherlock was beginning to wonder if his hunch might be incorrect, the cloaked figure deviated from his regular path. Sensing the change via his Patronus' redirected trajectory, he discarded his leisurely demeanor and exited the café. As his gaze scanned the cityscape, he caught sight of a ponytailed woman in a baseball cap, a new patrolling wizard replacing her predecessor and allowing him to retire for the night.

Looking away nonchalantly, Sherlock followed the path charted by his Patronus. He was on high alert, despite his seeming casualness. The strict patrolling schedule indicated a high likelihood of Auror, rather than Death Eater activity, a prospect that fundamentally shifted his priorities. His biggest challenge now was to maintain discreet and hope that a group of Death Eaters would show up.

Sherlock maintained his internal composure as he followed the wizard, silently hoping that administrative headquarters would be close and reachable without resorting to Disapparition, which would bamboozle his tracking efforts. His prayers, thankfully deemed fit by the higher powers or perhaps due to the populous Muggle crowd in Sheffield, seemed to be answered—the cloaked wizard continued on foot. Following him further, Sherlock reached a small courtyard, where the wizard disappeared.

His raven Patronus perched on the two-story building in the courtyard, peering into the living area through a slightly open curtain. The relieved wizard, an Auror named Nelson, had finally completed his daily patrol duty—a task delegated by the headquarters from their temporary base in Sheffield.

Inside the quaint living room, a gathering of witches and wizards huddled in earnest conversation. A younger version of Alastor Moody, this one still possessing two functional eyes and legs, commanded the attention in the room.

"Still no signs of any other wizards, just our own folk," Nelson grumbled as soon as he entered the room, frustrated about having to walk all over and then back to the base. "When can we finally disguise ourselves, Captain?"

Moody, though his voice was hoarse and worn, responded resolutely, "We continue without the disguises for another day. Using it directly would stir unnecessary chaos and possibly alert the Death Eaters."

Nelson, against the top rank Auror, merely grumbled under his breath before retreating upstairs while Moody absorbed the day's reports from the other wizards present.

"Tris' team have just sent their reports; they have still found no suspicious activity in York and neither have the teams in Leeds, Harrogate, Barnsley and Doncaster."

Moody furrowed his brow and asked, "That's not too surprising.. What about Eddie? Any updates from him?"

The witch shook her head. "No, Captain, still no contact from Eddie. Even though we have left him contacts in all of the six cities, he hasn't reached out..."

At this point, she had a hesitant look on her face. Moody, with his hoarse voice, said, "Out with it, what are you thinking?"

The witch hesitated and stuttered, "Could it be- I mean is it possible that, as the department said, Eddie has switched sides and joined the Death Eaters? Or maybe he was a spy for Voldemort all along..."

Moody fell silent for a moment, then slowly spoke, "Eddie ain't one of my Aurors, but the whole department knows he's got talent and grit. Now if a wizard like him was truly bent on serving Voldemort, they wouldn't be turnin' tail now of all times. But if he really is playin' the spy, I'll have to nab him and interrogate him before I pass any judgments!"

One of the wizards standing by couldn't help but speak, "But they said that when and if we see Eddie, we should not hold back and kill him..."

"What?" Moody's voice thundered, his growl intensifying. "Even in the heat of battle against those Death Eaters scum, we've never stooped to using the Killing Curse. How dare they suggest we use it against one of our own before we can even be bloody certain of betrayal!"

He pounded the floor heavily with his cane. "In these damn near ten years of battling Voldemort's lackeys, I've witnessed every breed of turncoat! The ones whose convictions wavered could often be pulled back from the brink. I won't buy into the notion that a wizard as talented as Eddie would willingly plunge into darkness!" he declared, his voice filled with conviction.

"The nerve of these self-righteous prats, strutting around like peacocks in the Ministry because they've got influential fathers," Moody grumbled, his rough voice echoing in the solemn room. The two men and solitary witch in his presence shifted uncomfortably at his words, trading hesitant glances before one decided to dissent, gingerly advising Moody.

"Control your tongue, Captain Moody. Among those returning from Wales, some have indeed proven their worth using their own abilities, like Crouch Jr. for example."

Moody scoffed, jutting out his lower lip in stubborn fierceness. "I won't deny that the Minister's whelp has some skill, but the rest of these ninnies wouldn't have even seen the insides of the Ministry if their daddy dearests weren't pulling strings and rigging the system."

In the midst of his bitter tirade, Moody's eyes around the room before fixating upon a curtain-shrouded window. Before the pair of wizards or the witch could discern his sudden alertness, Moody brandished his wand in one swift motion.

"Stupefy!" he bellowed. 

The wand aimed accurately at the glass hidden behind the thick drapes, and the potent red beam materialized into a projectile that reached its intended target in a heartbeat. The shattering sound echoed through the room, glass splintering and scattering in all directions. The three trained Aurors reacted reflexively, swiftly raising their wands and moving fearlessly towards the shattered window ledge, but they found nothing, as if no intruder had dared to venture into their vicinity. The tense male Auror holding his wand aloft, eyes narrowed in suspicion, questioned Moody.

"What did you see, Captain?"

All this while, Moody's eyes whirred around busily, seemingly scanning the empty space outside the window. "Some kind of bird, kinda looked like a Patronus," he growled, tightening his grip around his wand. (E/N.: Author keeps saying Moody's magical eye is what allows him to see this shit, like tf are you talking about it's 1977, he lost his eye after the war...)

As Moody had cast the Stunning Spell at Sherlock's Patronus, the spectral protector had effectively neutralized the offensive and had then dissipated into thin air. This was why the Aurors uncovering the curtains were greeted by nothing but shards of broken glass. After the Patronus disappeared, Sherlock had been alerted to its discoveries and the information it had gathered. Based on the exchange it had overheard, the wizards were undoubtedly Aurors who had been stationed in Sheffield a couple of days ago, and weren't solely focusing on the city, but keeping a watchful eye on the outskirts as well. 

Given the sheer number of Aurors present, it was clear that almost the entirety of the Auror Headquarters was involved. Sherlock was most surprised by Moody's keen senses, he always believed it was his magical eye, that allowed him to see through walls, that made him such an attentive and discerning person, but it seemed even without prosthetics he had incredibly keen sense that were beyond the perception of ordinary people. It was through his incredible sensitivity to danger that Sherlock's Patronus was detected. However, Sherlock had gleaned enough information, and despite Moody's hints of suspicion, he did not intend to continue prying into the affairs at the Auror Headquarters in Sheffield.

All Sherlock needed was to keep watch on the Aurors who were patrolling the streets. If the Aurors were preparing to make a move, these patrolling members would be the first to spring into action. With Voldemort and the Death Eaters instigating chaos, Sherlock's priority was to get himself recognized by the Ministry of Magic. He aimed to assist them in their fight and ultimately join their ranks. Continual monitoring of the Auror's headquarters wouldn't serve his purpose any further, and any misinterpretation of his intentions could turn the tide against him.

Upon returning to his hotel room, Sherlock summoned his Patronus once more to keep tabs on the patrolling Aurors. Using his free time to dive into academic pursuits, Sherlock documented the Soul Protection Charm that he had discovered in Sally's secret study onto a notebook. While he didn't possess eidetic memory, his understanding of magic allowed him to transcribe the charm accurately, not missing a single note.

Sally's charm was powerful but held extensive limitations. It required the protector to have an intense love for the protected individual. Moreover, the charm worked best when the soul being protected was relatively young. Thus, it essentially operated as a parent's protective charm for their child. Sherlock wanted to study it to assist Snape. While it was unlikely for Snape to reunite with Lily, Sherlock hoped to find a way to keep Lily from falling completely under Voldemort's control. If possible, to give Harry a chance to spend time with his mother in the future. The only method Sherlock could come up with at the moment was the Soul Protection Charm that Sally had left behind, which would likely be used on Harry in the future by Lily.

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