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6.66% Emiya Shirou, Those Years In Honkai / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

After Shirou repeatedly stated that he would contact the police department if necessary, the regretful man finally drove away in a police car.

It can be seen that this man's worries are sincere.

Shirou watched the police car leave at the corner of the street, sighed softly, and then walked to the gate of his house.

After hesitating for a moment in front of the door, Shirou put his hand on the doorknob and turned it.

He didn't know if it was because of the urgency of what happened last night but the tightly closed door was not locked, which made Shirou heave a sigh of relief. It would be amusing if after saying goodbye to the only person I barely knew, I couldn't even get into my room.

Walking into the door, the room was empty, after roughly looking around his [home] in this world, Shirou walked to the corridor on the second floor.

On both sides of the corridor, there are doors to two bedrooms, corresponding to the two rooms, one large and one small, and at the end of the corridor is a smaller storage room.

People who are not from the same world, both living conditions and identities in society are completely different, but in some details, the two men who are both [Emiya Kiritsugu] still retain some extreme similarities and commonalities.

For example, no matter who he is, he is extremely bad at housework, and he as a child does all the housework, big and small

While most of the time he was away from home, he didn't seem too worried about leaving his adopted son at home alone.

Unreliable adults, it is always difficult to leave any sense of majesty in the psychology of children.

Even when he was exercising, he was always bruised and swollen by his father in the dojo. At other times, Shirou could still hold his chest, and put on airs without guilt or fear because of some life matters. Educate the father who is like a child.

'...Tsk, it's hopeless, why did I fall into these memories again? The problems in my body have not been resolved yet, so what am I thinking about?'

After shaking his head and temporarily putting aside these boring sentiments, Shirou went straight in the direction of the storage room.

The entire storage room did not store too many items. Before adopting him, Emiya Kiritsugu seemed to have been living alone in another single apartment and there were not many personal items for daily life.

Even after adopting him and moving to this relatively spacious building, the lives of the father and son did not produce much of that feeling of 'home'

It gave out the feeling that it will work someday in the future, but it probably won't happen in this lifetime

Although with Emiya Kiritsugu's salary level, adopting a child who will even take care of him, in turn, will not make life too difficult.

The father and son are not the kinds of people who spend too much, so including the living room on the first floor there are no extra decorations and household appliances in the whole house.

There are only some bathrooms in the utility room at the end of the corridor. There were also old clothes that Shirou can't wear and some toys for children.

According to the remaining memory of this body, if there is no accident of his father's sudden departure, maybe at the end of this month, he will set aside some time to carefully take care of the storage room, which was not originally a mess. However...

"... Tsk."

Buzzing - accompanied by ear-piercing tinnitus, the brain began to ache again.

Even though Shirou has been forcing himself to ignore those dark thin lines as much as possible, those thin lines are still swaying as if to deliberately remind him of their existence.

Even if you actively blur the vision, those lines will remain

'Honestly, it sucks.'

Leaving aside the visual impairment, the load that oppresses the brain all the time is the deadliest.

It's okay if it's only half a day, but if it keeps going on, Shirou won't even be able to effectively concentrate.

From the moment he walked into the house, memories of this body have been popping up in the back of his mind uncontrollably

After entering the storage room, Shirou closed the door, and then according to the memory of this body, he turned his gaze to a corner of the storage room, where there were several stacks of neatly stacked children's clothes.

Going there, you can even see a lot of clothes that are so new that even the labels have not been torn off.

He in this world was adopted by Emiya Kiritsugu about two years ago... when he was only five years old.

After adopting Shirou, Emiya Kiritsugu did not bring the things left by his parents to the new home. Except for the original decoration, almost everything in this house has been repurchased.

Obviously, at that time, Emiya Kiritsugu didn't have any experience in raising children, so after deciding to adopt Shirou, he went to the department store alone to buy a lot of things that he thought children would use.

Like clothes, toys or something.

Although many clothes were too small to be worn, and the toys on the ground have not been touched by Shirou, these things piled up in the storage room are still left in this world

"..." Thinking of this, Shirou involuntarily put aside his affairs for the time being.

No matter what will happen in the future, even if all of this is just a dream I'll do my best to accomplish what [Emiya Shirou] wants to do.

First, sort out all these clothes, and then send them to the recycling bin at the door of the clothing store.

Doing what he said, Shirou squatted down and sorted out the sundries in the storage room while still thinking a little confused.

Then again, since both of them are Shirou, it shouldn't matter if he regards the kid in Negazora City as another self. I just don't know what kind of situation I am in Fuyuki City now.

If the self over there is also replaced by the [Emiya Shirou] of this world, it would be okay but in the case where the soul conversion is only one-sided and there is only an empty shell left over there, sister Fuji-nee should be very anxious...

At the moment when Shirou's attention became slack again because of thinking about these things


Accompanied by the feeling of the cloth slipping from the palm of his hand, something fell from the ground.


'Did I not hold the thing in my hand firmly?'

It was the first time that I was so careless when tidying up a room.

But when Shirou was about to pick up the clothes that fell on the ground, he was suddenly stunned.

Two pieces of fabric that can be pieced together to form a complete jacket, lay quietly like a dead body in Shirou's field of vision.

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