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A Request and A Joke

An extended hand, that's all she had to take.

She was someone whom I wanted with me; no, I NEEDED her with me.

Magic was something I wasn't too good at dealing with – Klarion was the proof of it.

And with Zatanna's presence, I can learn about magic and adapt my Enchantment ability to compete with it.

All while also obtaining a great addition to my arsenal.

But most importantly, she was genuinely a nice person, and her presence was pleasant.

"If you are going to keep that promise," she stared right into my eyes, "I will do whatever you want, and I will give you whatever you want."

"That's a dangerous promise," I said, aware of what she was risking.

She was making a deal with the devil, even without realizing it.

"I am willing to give up everything to keep the Zatara name and circus alive."

It was possibly the greatest outcome someone could ask for.

Unfortunately, I did see something in her that disappointed me.

She was still living under her father's shadow.

To her, the entire world revolved around the circus, and nothing meant more than that.

It was something that she had to grow out of if she ever wanted to grow stronger and achieve greatness.

"I will ask you once again to think this through," I said, "Do not be impulsive and make hasty decisions. You are risking a lot."

But she was determined. "I know this, and I want this."

With a sigh, I looked at her.

"If that is what you want," I showed her a promising smile, "I promise to help you revive the Zatara name. Zatara Circus will not be lost."

With this… Wow.

This… was the first time I saw her smile so brightly.

With my words, her face softened, an expression that was bright, and a smile that felt radiant.

"Then… Let me show you a glimpse of true magic."

And that was when I witnessed beauty.


The night sky that lit up only by the moon and stars, turned colorful – green, red, and purple covering the skies – a phenomenon experienced only in the polar regions.


A miracle of nature.

"Magic is a force of nature," she explained, "A fundamental concept that binds reality together. Yet, people do not know its truth."

"And it should be kept that way…" I muttered, looking at the beautiful sky.

"Yeah," she smiled, "Or the beauty that we are witnessing will forever be lost."

It will be a shame if that happens.

Magic is unexplainable; it is a phenomenon that calms a person while possessing destructiveness that is far greater than any nuke that humans possess.

Humans will play with forces that they are not meant to and turn that into forces of destruction that swallow them.

The atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, and many of the nuclear warheads are some of the examples.

"Please don't use my magic to harm others," she didn't ask for a promise.

It was just a request, a request she knew would not be easy to keep.

But she still hoped I would.

"I will try," I said, not wanting to make a promise.

She gave a soft smile when she saw me not making a promise. She wanted me to refrain from making her cast destructive magic, but her love for the circus was greater than that wish.

"How do you plan to rebuild that bridge area?" She finally asked.

"Mostly, I will be using my powers to make the constructs, and the money will mostly be spent on pipelining and electricity."

This made her curious, "Do you have to pay for water and electricity?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do we have to do it the scientific way?" She asked, "If we are making it a place of attraction and hoping to earn from it, and possibly use it as a base, we can use magic for lighting and water supply."


Was a very simple way that I totally glossed over.

Now that she mentioned it.

I was worried about having to make the pipes, then start the flow of water, plus redirecting it… But with magic, it would be much simpler.

And for the lighting, I can use my enchantment to enchant elements with a luminous property.

There was still the issue with turning the light on and off, but I can figure it out.

"Do you want to go and look at the place?" I asked, "Maybe we can decide on something?"

"Alright," She smiled, "Guide me."

As she said that, she made us both float.


This made me smile and extend my hand towards her, which she happily took.

"Then follow me."

While the heroes were busy with a certain Conqueror, and the Enchanter was busy with his hideout, a certain crazed villain was brewing plans of his own.

"Whatcha' doin', puddin'?"

Harley was in a good mood; she had been with Ivy and spent the whole day annoying the cops. And while she did get injured, possibly even shot because of it – it was still fun for her.

But while she was busy having fun and making petty jokes, her partner in crime – her boss – was busy with something entirely different.

"Do you know a joke that most hate, kiddo?"

Harley tilted her head, confused by his question, "I don't think so, Mistah J."

"People hate a joke where they are the clown," He had a wide grin plastered across his face, "When they are the ones being laughed at."

Harley still didn't get what he was getting at.

"What do you mean, puddin'?"

Joker laughed, quite horrifying for any sane person – yet for Harley, it was the sweetest thing ever.

"But that joke is what makes other people, the people called the audience, laugh."

Joker was a psychopathic, but he was a genius psychopath.

He was able to design intricate plans, jokes as he would say, that were capable of ruining anyone – be it a hero, villain, or even a simple citizen. He could ruin them all, all in the name of a joke.

"Harley," he looked at his sidekick, suddenly becoming serious.

He grabbed her by her arms, gripped them hard.

"Y-You are hurting me, M-Mistah J–"

"Do you know a joke that I love?" He asked, staring straight at her, "I love a joke of suffering."

"There is nothing funnier than tears, raw tears." He laughed, "And the funniest joke for me is when the heroes suffer! When the Bat suffers!"

"Mi-Mistah J-J"

Harley was already wounded from the cop chase, and Joker pushing her around made her feel even more pain.

Yet the Joker didn't care.

"We will make them suffer, Harl!" He grinned, "We will make the Bat suffer! It will be joyous, it will be fun! It will be the greatest joke!"

Saying that, he pushed her away – making her stumble and fall because of her injuries.

"I WILL MAKE THE GREATEST JOKE EVER!" He announced, laughing a laugh that echoed through the empty room, "THE LAST JOKE!"

All while being unaware, that it truly was going to be his last joke – the joke where everyone would laugh, except him.


[[A/N: Read 25+ chapters ahead on:


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