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33.33% A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World / Chapter 6: Drinks, and a show. How fun.

Chapter 6: Drinks, and a show. How fun.

I think I've found it, after a week of sailing with Luffy, I've finally found a way to get him to stop his begging. And to think I never would have found out if I wouldn't have stole*cough* found, sorry, all of those supplies.

I just had to get him full and then give him a bit of jerky every few hours. I know pat me on the back, I deserve it. In all seriousness though the last 2 days have been mostly the same, as I'm sure you could expect. All we really did was get to know each other a little better.

And the best part is that that Luffy is actually able to hold a full conversation when he's full, and when what your talking about is at least kind of entertaining. I told them a believable story of being a small time smuggler for a mafia family in paradise. Even showed off my ring to give more credibility to my story. I didn't tell all lies either just made the truth to fit this new world I'm in. And answered any questions they had all the while.

Luffy told us about him growing up on Dawn island and how he had met Shanks. He also told us about how grandfather trained him to be a marine. He didn't didn't go into much detail, I guess it's where he already knew what happened. So he really couldn't keep still long enough to tell us more than he did. He's got a super high case of ADHD if I've ever seen one.

Zorro talked about how she was trained at Isshen's dojo and how her best friend and rival had accidentally fallen down the stairs. And up till that point her story was the same as Zoro's. It seems this Kuina didn't die, she was just paralyzed from the waist down. So Zorro decided to add her will to her own. From then on she trained even harder with Kuina always watching near by. Then she left to hone her skills at sea, but never could find her way home.

Ok so I know not everything will be the same as what I was expecting. But that in itself is better in my opinion. I didn't decide to join Luffy to live his life, I want to make changes to the world. At least I won't be trapped and afraid to change things just because I want to keep the future intact, I just don't want people that we would save otherwise to die. 'Welp no point on worrying about it I'll just live this life the best I can.'


"John. John. Hey John"

"Yes Captain what do you need. Zorro has the bag of jerky, I'm doing something right now. I'm pretty sure we're close to Orange town so I'm a bit busy." I say with a light sweat on my brow. It's been mostly me rowing the boat the last two days. Luffy tries to go too fast and gets tiered way too quickly, and Zorro, bless her heart, just can't keep us in the right direction.

"No I still have a few pieces, I'm just bored."

"Well the only livings thing here besides you, is me, Zorro, and that bird in front of us. And Zorro looks like she's gonna cut you if you try to get her to play I spy again." Like seriously, I don't know how she even played with him as long as she did. I nearly snapped after the third game.

"Shishishi, hey there is a bird. Ima grab it. Maybe we can keep it as a pet,Gum Gum Rocket." Says Luffy as he flies towards said bird. You know there's a whistling noise as he flies and I can't tell if it's the wind or his laughter.

"Did he really just do that?" Asked a dumbfounded Zorro.

"Did your really think he wouldn't do anything less." I deadpanned.

"Yea your right, nothing else we can do but go after him. Just keep rowing I'll tell you when I lose him." She sighed exasperated.

As we made our way to the island neither me nor Zorro noticed the three clowns floating in the water. Nope not at all. We couldn't hear the calls for help either. But one thing we did see was Luffy falling from about 100 feet. That was a sight to behold, I've always wondered if he bounces when he is the ground. Well now I know, it's kinda like a rubber ball.

"So we made it and the captain didn't get dropped in the water, so I see it as a win." I say while storing the boat. Can't be to careful near a thief. And yes I know she calms down after Arlong is beat but until then, everything we own is going in the ring.

"Let's just go fine the captain. It looks like we weren't the first ones here. So be ready." And yes I know fallowing the directionality challenged swordsman is a bad idea. Let's just say it's a curiosity I'm trying to figure out. I mean really, why stop and go the direction you came from and then take a left.

"Zorro, I'm genuinely impressed. I don't think I have ever seen someone get so lost that they end up where they started. And you my friend have done it three times already." I say with actual awe.

"Damn it. I really did work on that. Kuina made me walk around my home island to the point I couldn't get lost." She said with a slight blush, cute.

"Let just go over there, I really thought you had seen the pirate flag. I guess I was wrong." I pointed out with a shit eating grin just to mess with her.

"You bastard, why didn't you say so first." Ohh looks like she's a little mad. Ehh looks like I was right, that is a way to get on her nerves. Good to know.

"Hahaha, let's just find Luffy. He'll let us know what to do afterwards." She just ignored me and kept walking. 'She's a feisty one. Good, I'm sure the crew will be more fun this way.' I can't help but think with a small grin.


So everything progressed mostly how it would have naturally just without Zorro being stabbed. I filled her in on The Clown Kings underrated fruit. And shot the man in the foot. While they were distracted me and Zorro grabbed the cage , then took off with our captain. Nami fallowing close behind.

"Shishishi, man am I glad to see you guys. Nami's plan didn't work out too well."

"Yea I can see that. You don't happen to have a key do ya Miss." I ask while turning to the orange haired girl. I just realized Oda's naming sense is really on the nose ain't it. Dawn island for the start of the journey. And now orange when we're meeting our navigator. I wonder what else is like that.

"The names Nami, and yea here, take it." She says giving me a once over and turning her head up at me.

'Yep, I really don't think me and her will get along for quite a while. At least I've got the key so Luffy won't have to be tossed like a salad.' Turning my attention back to my captain I see that I just missed him being bit by that one dog. Ignoring that for the time being I unlock the cage and step back.

"Shishishi, thanks guys. It was getting kinda cramped in there." He said while once again getting bit by the dog. Man he must really want to pet him.

"Hey you youngens, what are you doing. There's pirates in town it's not safe." Came an old man from what I assume is thin air. Because I was looking for him and he just popped out of nowhere.

He then went on to tell us what's been going on around town. As well as about the dog, I now remember the name of, Chouchou. And even I'm touched by it and I've heard it once before. Damn dog gonna make me cry.

"Hey look here Richie, there's a pet shop. Sounds like we've found you lunch." Said a middle aged furry.

As he said that we all tensed up, and me, as I'm now learning about myself, act a little unhinged, and let out a full magazine from my pistol into the lion's face. As it fall over dead everyone comes back to their senses and stares at me.

"What. Dogs are always better than cats. Plus I was just faster, you all were thinking of doing the same thing." I defended my self looking kind of offended. Don't look at me like I'm crazy. Anyone would have done the same in my shoes, right. Right?

"You little fucker, how dare you kill my Richie." Mohji? Screamed while charging towards us.

"Gum Gum pistol." Damn Luffy didn't even give the guy a chance. "Hey old guy leave it to us. We'll take care of those clowns before we leave. Just stay here with the doggy."

"What's the formation captain. Same as usual or?"

"No John, let Zorro and Nami fight. Just get us ready to leave. The same way you always do Shishishi." He said with a knowing smirk. Huh good to know, he's learning. I feel so proud.

"What, hey no. I don't fight. That's not what I do." And Zorro grabs the back of her shirt before she can argue to much more. Dragging her as they head out to fight.

'Ohh that's just great I don't even have to fight for the treasure with Nami. I just have to be quick before she sneaks away.' I think with a smile.

Making my way onto their ship was pretty easy there were only two guards. And a quick punch to the face put them down pretty quickly. And get the ship ready I did, I looted every nook and cranny of the boat. Food, booze and gold, I took it all. And when I was done with that I went to the house they were staying at. It was pretty easy as there weren't any one looking at the backside of the building. Then I did my same routine and took everything not bolted down, within reason of course. I'm not going pick up trash, I don't have that bad of a problem.

As I finish restocking our supplies I head out the front door and pick off the few stragglers hiding behind the rubble. I soon notice the state of everyone of my crew mates. Zorro is fine like you would expect, a few cuts here and there, but over all in good health. Nami is fine as well, she just looks like she's ran a 10k but she doesn't have a bruise on her. She must have just lead all of her opponents to either Luffy or Zorro. He's just standing there looking at his hat. It doesn't have the three gashes it had in the anime, but the rim was still cut. And that's enough for Luffy to not be smiling at his victory.

And me being the saint I am decided to cheer him up a bit. "Hey nice. Good job captain, you just beat a member of Rogers crew. A cabin boy but still. Not many can say that in this day and age." I say with a smirk as I see his eyes light up putting his hat back on his head.

"Shishishi, yea that is kinda cool. Thanks John."

"No problem captain, welp let go see the mayor real quick before we leave. I've got something I need to give 'em."

Soon after I had given the town about half the cash I found from my supply run. We found ourselves leaving towards Syrup village, with a whole town waving behind us wishing us a safe journey. 'You know, I think I'm starting to like this kinda life more and more.' I think while sharing some of the stronger stuff I found in Buggy's captain quarters. It's some good stuff to. All for the navigator to bring my mood down just a bit.

"So how much did I get out of that money we stole." She asked while hiking up her chest.

I didn't even responded as I threw about 50 thousand berries at her, and go back to drinking with Zorro who let's out a bark of laughter. I knew she was a smart girl. She's already caught on to how she plays.

"Humf." Seeing how I'm not gonna play her games she goes back to sailing the ships.

"Shishishi, I hope we have just as much fun on the next island." Luffy says with his hat covering his face

You know what, I'm just not gonna say anything. 'Me to Luffy me to.' I can't help but think looking towards the horizon.

ShadyGames ShadyGames

I went through and read it beforehand and didn’t see any bad problems but if you see anything let me know. And no I’m not bashing Nami, but we all know she can be a bitch early on.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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