As our eyes met against each other, I couldn't help but glance over our surroundings.It was too heavenly for me. It was too pristine, similar to a self-nurtured nature garden gleeming with radiance and a nostalgic fragrance. It was captivating. Sitting before the elf princess in front of me, I coughed.
"Umm, so..." as I hesitated to continue, Fitzerland nodded and spoke in a condemning yet melodic tone. "I... I mean, our kingdom does not wish to make you an enemy, sir Heinz. It was solely a mistake on my brother's stupidity."
I stared at her as she explained everything—when it began and how we ended up meeting.
A week ago, the elf prince felt deeply bored within the kingdom. A kingdom far away from human lands was too peaceful for an ambitious and greedy prince such as Florenz Wis Tesserac.
Peace was never an option for these prideful beings, and so, to preserve their honor, Florenz wanted to go and visit the human territories.
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