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Chapter 8: Ryuu Group


Arran spent two days in my office working from the corner table, which he had turned into his desk. He looked busy with work, but I knew something was bothering him. Not wanting to press further I waited until he was ready to let me into his predicament.

He only went out to get the delivery and then back to the desk, and only took a small number of bathroom breaks.

It was late afternoon when the communications and public relations team walked in for a scheduled meeting.

“We better move the meeting to the boardroom,” I suggested.

“I would advise otherwise. Let us have a meeting in here.” Arran words seemed to be final as the team sat down on the couches.

I walked over to join them, and the communications manager introduced herself as Zelma Hans. She took us through the quarterly plans and the allocated budget.

“Does the budgets need my approval?” I asked her.

“The budgets are a collective responsibility of the directors,” she explained.

I nodded and leaned back in the chair. “But I am the final person who signs, right?”

She nodded after realizing that I was stamping authority.

“What is this event that is scheduled for tomorrow?” I inquired.

“The Ryuu group has been the number one supporter of the police force. The police equipment and electronics are funded and tested at the Ryuu group. Every year they donate millions of dollars as part of Corporate Social Responsibility to the force.”

“Why do I need to be there?”

“You are the new director. It is the mandate of the director, plus you are the face and image of the force,” she explained.

“Have this changed slowly. The communications department should be the face of the force. I should only come in when it is demanded by the governor or the president,” I snapped.

“Sir, you do understand that New York works differently than Washington D.C.?” one of the managers spoke.

“Are you assuming that Director Vance does not understand the protocols of the New York office?” Arran demanded.

“You misunderstood me,” he retreated.

“No, we did not. You clearly implied it,” Arran snapped.

I knew that they hated having someone from the Washington D.C. office, but I never knew to what extent.

“Sir, do you have time? I can take you through all the protocols,” Zelma politely spoke.

“Arran will go through the protocols with your team,” I instructed.

“Noted, sir,” Arran quickly responded before anyone could object.

“That is all for today, I guess. Send me the budget that was approved by the previous director. I want to see it. As for the event tomorrow, do I need to wear a suit?” I smirked.

She nodded, stood up, and extended her hand politely. “Thank you, Director Vance.” I accepted her hand and shook it.

The rest of the team hurriedly left the office and Arran’s face was full of disgust as he stared at each one of them.

The door closed and Arran stood up. “Those f*cking b*stards have been spreading rumors for the past few days. I had to hide in your office since the women in the police force are hovering around and asking for your number. It seems the junior staff and Director Dante must have informed them about your posh apartment.”


Arran heaved in a breath. “I am hiding from all the questions.”

Arran was innocent in his own way. I laughed out loud and muttered, “I thought it was something bad and I decided to give you time to handle it.”

“Don't you find it bothersome when people pry into your life? I feel that there should be boundaries that should never be crossed,” he affirmed.

I nodded. “What do the rumors say?”

“It's about the painting and the heist,” Arran whispered.

“Spit it out, Arran,” I demanded.

“They are saying that you have been in contact with Daxia before. That is why he is showing himself now. And that you might have known about the painting.”

“F*cking pieces of sh*t!” I yelled.

“That is not all,” Arran stated.

“What? There is more?”

“Someone leaked a picture of you and Madam Celeste from the high-end club in Washington. It was a field day in the office when they asked me if you have a fetish for older women.”

I laughed until I choked back a cough. Arran rushed over to rub my back. “Are you okay?”

“I know where the picture came from,” I stated after a while. The legal counsel for the Washington Dc office held a grudge. She is the only one who had the photo after the undercover job at the high-end club. I knew that she held a grudge after I rejected her advances.

“Of course, that scorned lip-loose woman did it,” Arran seethed.

His statement was too comical, and I knew that Arran was just looking out for me. The day flew by as we worked together in my office comfortably. I now understood why Arran was here and had no qualms about it.

Dressed in a suit, I fidgeted in the car as we headed to the Ryuu Group event. Arran had insisted on driving me to the event as part of the publicity that was needed by the PR department. I hated this kind of formality, but I just sucked it up and got out of the car.

The event was held in an open garden in a private hotel. Arran smirked when he saw how expensive the decor was.

“Are we here for a wedding or the agency event?” he drawled.

“Why would they go all out to do this?” I murmured.

“Because the agency supports part of their business,” Director Dante's voice sounded loud behind us.

Arran rolled his eyes and smirked while I pretended not to notice.

Turning around, we smiled pleasantly at Director Dante. “You are here.”

“I arrived early for the setup,” he explained. “The event is about to start, so let us join everyone in the main hall.”

We walked to the main hall and were directed to the table set for us. A tall man stood, and Director Dante introduced us to him.

“This is Nemesio Ryuu. He is one of the Directors of the Ryuu Group Holdings.”

He extended his hand in greetings. “Director Vance Adira. I have heard so much about you.”

Accepting his hand in greeting, I responded, “Good things, I hope. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ryuu.”

“Just Nemesio,” he responded with kindness.

Arran stood staring at the exchange. He whispered in my ear, “Please excuse me, boss.” He left the table without greeting Mr. Ryuu.

Director Dante smiled awkwardly, and I explained “That is my PA, Arran Doe. Forgive his manners, he is just not used to a large crowd.”

Nemesio Ryuu nodded and then gestured that we should have a seat. I politely responded and sat down.

“How is the transition for you so far?” Nemesio started the conversation.

“Great. I am happy to be in New York,” I lied.

“It must be different from Washington D.C.,” he stated with a smile. His meaning was clear. I could tell that he was being sarcastically polite.

Arran walked in at that exact moment to save the day. “Is this a line that everyone in New York practices on newbies?”

Director Dante's eyes blazed, and Uncle Nemesio laughed. “You remind me of my son. He is cutthroat and blatant like you. A smart kid.”

“You have perfectly described Arran. He should meet your son one day.” I laughed while Arran blushed and looked away.

“He rarely comes to these events. He is at university studying computer engineering with a focus on AI. He is in his final year,” Nemesio Ryuu informed us.

That seemed to pique the interest of Arran. He murmured, “That is an interesting course. He will excel in the future.” It was rare for Arran to praise anyone.

The announcement on the microphone caught our attention as the MC of the event welcomed us.

“That is my daughter, Zoya Mio,” Nemesio Ryuu whispered.

Arran and I looked surprised, and Dante nodded. Twenty minutes into the event, she announced on the stage that I was the next speaker of the event.

Arran leaned against my side and whispered, “Thank them and say you appreciate the partnership.”

I stood and walked to the stage, taking the microphone from Zoya Mio. She smiled politely but I felt her deep stare at me. I had become used to how people stared at my face with wonder and hated it at times.

Standing on the stage, I said, “Thank you all for being here. I am Director Vance Adira of the CIA. I must take this opportunity to thank the Ryuu Group for its support and cooperation with the CIA. As the new Director, I am looking forward to working together in the future.” I ended the speed and the whole crowd stood up to cheer while the media went crazy, snapping pictures until I returned to my seat. I heard the murmurs of the reporters and people in the open hall.

“CIA director?”

“He looks like a model.”

“Does the CIA have someone who looks like that?”

The grin that Arran had on his face made me scowl. “Shut up,” I whispered to him.

He nodded and then Zoya Mio ended the event, indicating that we had a photo shoot at the entrance once we finished the lunch that was prepared.

She walked over and stood at our table. “Director Vance, thank you for coming.” Her eyes sparked as she spoke.

Arran cleared his throat and responded, “It was mandated of him to be here.”

Zoya walked over to Arran and extended her hand. “Zoya Mio.”

“Arran Deo. PA to Director Vance. I am sorry, Miss Zoya. I don’t shake hands,” Arran responded curtly.

“That is fine. The reporters would like to have an interview with Director Vance,” she stated.

Arran stood and said, “Let’s go.”

At first Zoya Mio looked confused and then Arran drawled, “I need to vet which media house is suitable and complies with the agency rules.”

Zoya looked at Arran in surprise and then nodded.

Nemesio Ryuu shook his head. “Arran is a very interesting man.”

“How so?” Director Dante huffed.

“You need to look past his exterior. It is just a defense mechanism. He puts up a wall to keep people away from him.”

“You are right.” I support his analysis.

There was a commotion at the entrance of the event hall. The journalist rushed over, and the waiters stood in line. Then suddenly a man appeared. His stance and walk were that of someone sure of himself. As he approached my heart was beating fast and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Both Director Dante and Nemesio Ryuu stood up in respect.

The man was in his mid-thirties, handsome and well-built. His broad shoulders were vast, and his face was unreadable as he stood at the table. Next to him stood a man slightly shorter and leaner, and then the bodyguards who kept the journalist at bay.

His eyes bore into mine and I felt uneasiness creep into my skin. Arran and Zoya Mio joined us at the table and then Nemesio spoke.

“Director Vance Adira, this is Chairman Killian Ryuu.”

Killian Ryuu extended his hand in greeting. “Director Vance Adira, it's such a pleasure to meet you.”

That voice. I blinked twice, stood up, and accepted his hand. The minute it was engulfed in his, I felt the electricity zing and pulled my hand away hurriedly. My mind and body stared at him in confusion.

“I apologize for being late,” his deep voice boomed over all of us, and my brain registered the sound in shock. I knew that voice very well.

After the formalities, we were back in our seats to be served lunch. Arran leaned to whisper, “What is it?”

“Later,” I responded. When I turned to look at Killian Ryuu, his eyes blazed, and he stared at Arran with discord.

I stared at the food in my place and opted to drink the glass of water next to me. Killian Ryuu shamelessly watched my every move, and his demeanor made the whole table tense.

When lunch was done, we all stood up and headed to the photo shoot. It required that I stand next to Killian Ryuu for the photos. The smell of sandalwood hit my nose and my body was on high alert at the realization that all the signs rushed through my brain.

After the photo shoot, I excused myself and headed to the bathroom. My body trembled as I tried to understand all these feelings and emotions that has risen. After washing my face, I walked out of the bathroom and noted the corridors were empty unlike when I walked in.

At the end of the hall stood Killian Ryuu. Leaning back on the wall, he looked like he was waiting for me. His breath hitched when he saw me, and my steps faltered.

He walked over to me and stood towering over me as my body trembled again. He smiled down at me, and I was helpless as I stared at his mouth. The scent of sandalwood hit my nose.

Killian Ryuu whispered, “I have been waiting for you, Vance Adira” His hand went around my waist, and his body pressed against mine.

The same voice, the same demeanor, how his body pressed to mine, and the smell of my sandalwood shampoo.

“Y-You-” I stuttered, my eyes widening.

“Me?” he smirked with a quirked brow.

I finally confirmed my suspicions.

Chairman Killian Ryuu was Daxia. 

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