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Chapter 13: You are not Alone!

Chapter 13: You are not alone!

By the time Makoto defeated Erigor, Erza with others already caught up with them. What she and her colleagues saw made their jaw nearly drop. Half of the railroads were destroyed into nothingness while Makoto was standing near Erigor with his fists hissing with smoke.

Natsu also was near him and his jaw was twice dropped as everyone else as he was a real life witness to the crazy display of power from Makoto. Natsu saw various mages and fought many battles but he never saw someone use their own mana as technique. No, better word word would be; He never saw something like that anywhere before! The whole concept of using Mana release at one specific point was something that even he as Dragon Slayer couldn't do, not only him but even Gildarts with his crazy magic is not capable of that. His admiration rose towards Makoto.

"What happened in here…" Kage saw Erigor's beaten body laying near Makoto and his eyes wide opened like circles.

"As we told you, Makoto would never lose to someone like your Erigor!" Lucy proudly exclaimed in half-mocking tone.

Erza was one of the most impressed. Not only destruction but the mana traces in this place were too high. Every mage after using their magic leave faint traces of magic, they are almost unseen but what she was seeing in here was a seemingly too visible traces of the Mana and epitome of those traces was Makoto. An incredible amount of Mana flowing through him was overwhelming and almost...Infinite.

'Makoto-kun...just who the hell are you?' Scarlet-haired woman promptly questioned in her head.

Makoto on the other hand was barely holding himself together, it was already 4th time he used Juggernaut Punch for today, one or two more, and he will surely collapse.

Kage grited his teeth, was it really how it was supposed to be? Erigor out of all people losing to this guy?

He clenched his fists as grabbed the Lullaby from Erigor's unconscious body.

Pushing away both Lucy and Grey he sat on to the Magic car and sprinted towards the Clover. If not Erigor, than he will accomplish his guild's goals.

"You son of a...That's what you do to the ones who saved you!?" Grey screamed towards the car which disappeared in the horizon.

Makoto sighed.

"We should chase him down...Guild Masters are in great danger."

"Makoto is right, we should manage to get there in time!"

With that everyone started to run after Kage...all but not Makoto.

He coughed leaning down. His body was suffering a lot of pain at the moment and he was sure to collapse if not for soft female hand catching him.

"I am always by your side Master."

"V-Virgo? You didn't d-dissapeared yet?"

"Your Mana flow is enough to keep me in here 24/7 so no worries."

Makoto was too tired to think what she meant by those words over so he just gave in while she held him up in bridal style sprinting after the group.




Several minutes earlier Kageyama finally reached Clover. Now with lullaby on his hands he approached one of the buildings leading to the main hall where all Guild Masters were gathered. Now the only thing left to do was to play the song from this flute. He placed the flute near his mouth gathering air in his lungs. One blow and his mission will be blow and-

"Isn't it too late for you to be here young man?"


An old and grumpy voice called out to him as Kageyama turned his head maniacally to see he it was and *Poke* his cheeks were touched by a pointing finger of the old man who called out for him.

Inspecting the old man he noted that he was pretty short and...wait, he knows this geezer! 

Makarov Dreyar, the master of Fairy Tail guild. Great his luck was good enough to stumble to such a monster.

"U-Umm hello?" Kage said lost in thoughts of how he should have better responded to the old man.

Makarov on other hand just laughed.

"Quite polite to start with greeting...WAIT! I am late! I should stop those brats from whatever shit they are about to do!" A sweat rolled down his forehead as he tried to find the right way to head over to Hargeon. "You too, lad, go back to hospital."

Great, this geezer doesn't know him or his intentions.

"A-Actually…" He called out for the old man.

"Hm? What is that lad?"

"You see, I am a musician and they ban me from performing in the hospital so I was thinking that maybe you will like to listen to my song?"

Makarov had a thoughtful look before sighing to himself.

"Fine, just one song."

Great, the stupid old man fall the trick. The only thing left to do was to play the song and finish off those annoying Guild Masters!

Flute near his mouth he was ready to play the song but…


Out of nowhere Makoto appeared from under the ground being carried by pink haired beauty. Not wasting any time he slapped the lullaby out from Kage's hands with a serious glare on his eyes.

"Oh, Makoto-kun, you are here?" Makarov asked as Makoto bowed his head to his guild master.

"I-It is hard to explain Master but I want you to not interfere."

"Ho?" Makarov with vary look inspected Makoto and a smile appeared on his lips. 'This lad got stronger in such a short amount of time? Ha! This do seem kinda interesting.'

Saying no more words Makarov did as was requested by the luckster.

Makoto got the flute as extended it towards Kage.

"Huh? The heck you are doing?" Kage snarled confusedly.

"I want you to play the flute."

"!?" What the hell was this guy saying? Kageyama's face was filled with confusion and questions regarding Makoto's action was this guy willing to die or something.

Just at that time others caught up with luckster who used underground tunnels dug by Virgo to come here faster. The scene they saw was Makoto handing Kage the flute.

"Wh-What are you doing Mako-" Grey's lips were hushed by Bob and master of Cerberus who were also watching the luckster in action.

"Shh, don't ruin the moment now you all." Bob pouted pointing towards Makoto's side.

Kage was still hesitant.

"Don't worry it isn't trap, I sincerely want to hear you play this flute."

Kageyama gritted his teeth as grabbed the lullaby out from Makoto's hands.

"You think I can't do it, huh!?!?" Placing his mouth on it he was about to unleash the curse and kill the luckster, but still, something in his heart didn't wanted to do it. What was that? He was sure that he can kill anyone without hesitations but what was that in his heart that wanted the luckster to live so badly? Maybe because of the kindness he showed to Kage? Or because he saved him? Why? Just why he couldn't force himself to play the flute!?

"I knew it…" Makoto calmly said getting near towards Kageyama. "You are not as bad as you imagine yourself to be, Kage-san."

"Shut up! I am from the dark guild you hear me!?"

"So what?"


"So what if you are a part of Dark Guild? Was it written somewhere that your destiny is to be part of this guild? I just know that you are not who you think you are, Kage-san." Slowly approaching the mage he backed the lullaby down.

"I don't know the reason why you hate the legal guilds so much but I am sure that this reason is not worth you getting this sin of killing innocent over your soul."

Makoto's tone was as always calm and considerate while a slow and warm sensation coated Kage's body.

"You are the master of your destiny Kageyama-san and I am sure that killing Masters will do you good so please...just give up."

Kageyama fall onto his knees. What was wrong with his life? Why luckster's words did actually reached his heart? Why...just why did this guy forgave him for his doings so easily? He felt the warmth coming from Makoto as the boy shined in his eyes, looking towards Makoto, Kage, felt only one thing...'Hope', that's what Makoto looked if the pillar of everything positive in this world, that's how Kage viewed the boy.

Standing on his knees he burst into the tears.

People were stunned by this, Makoto, was really what rumors told about him...a hero no question.

Running towards him Erza was first to reveal her stockpiled amaze towards the mage. She hugged him with his face bumping into her metal armor.

"I am so impressed by you, Makoto-kun." A tear rolled dd=own her cheeks. "You are so amazing, a true Hero indeed!"

Makoto was glad to hear the praise towards himself and all but he was suffocating from the scarlet-haired girl's grip.

"Now Now Erza!" Natsu screamed. "You can't take Makoto to yourself only! I am also impressed by his power! I am a fan now!"

"Oi I am more amazed by him than all of you in here!" This time it was Grey who said that.

"M-Me too!" Lucy added herself.

"Aye! Makoto is coolest of cool! You can have half of this fish now."

Makoto's heart skipped at the amount of praise he was getting...did he deserved that? Was it really right thing for him to be happy when in his previous world people are suffering from despair? He felt uneasiness in his heart, uneasiness which soon disappeared after he saw smiling faces of the fairy tail mages. He didn't know whether it was right or not but he was sure that to let friends like them go is beyond stupidity.

The good atmosphere would have continued if not for the strange sound coming from lullaby, it took everyone's attention as the flute started to talk.

"You mages are always so useless." The sound escaped from the flute again as it started to glow brightly.

"This…" Makarov narrowed his eyes. The sight before everyone was a giant Monster piercing everyone with his gaze.

"I was hoping for grand fiesta but my plans were ruined by you damn punks so as token of gratitude I…" His eyes burning in strange colors he opened his disgusting mouth which was as long as two people standing on top of each-other. "…Will eat away your souls!"

Natsu's eyes lit.

"Souls!?" He turned towards Grey and Makoto. "Are they delicious!?"

Grey sweat dropped.

"Hell if I know, moron!?"

Jokes aside, however, the matters were serious.

"We need to deal with him quickly, you all know what to do." Erza commanded as everyone dashed forward towards the monster.

By that time Guild Masters of other guilds started to gather up to see what was going on and they weren't quite pleased to see the scenery before there eyes.

Regardless Fairy Tail continued it attacks jumping the demon.

First was Erza who using her requip magic sent hundreds of swords towards the monster's legs making it to lose Balance while Grey using ice magic pierced through the devil's hands and Last but not least was Natsu who delivered one last punch towards the creature.

"N-No way! I am getting humiliated by these flies!?" The devil thought falling towards the guild master's direction. "If I am going to die I will at least take with myself your puny souls!" 

While following he opened his mouth to devour Guild Masters but Makoto was there just at the right moment.

His hands starting to glow in white light, his infinite Mana started to flow through his veins towards his hands.

The punch being ready, Makoto pushed his hand forward yet again firing Juggernaut Punch.

The impact of raw mana collided with the remains of monster making an unbelievable explosion which wiped the devil to nothing but dust piercing night sky along the way.

People's eyes wide opened Makoto felt a burning sensation wash over him faster than it previously was. Counting this it was his 5th time this day, he was sure he will die if he would use one more punch like this.

"Phew! Now that's what I call a good finisher fight, right!?"

Natsu screamed only for nearby building to fall down causing a chain reaction, in matter of seconds Clover was gone from sight.

Guild Master's expressions wide opened Makarov started to laugh.

"Seems we overdid it again guys...welp, let's run away!"

With that the whole group started to run away from the horde of guild masters ready to kill their earlier saviors.

Makoto while running away with Virgo on his side only laughed. He didn't knew what might happen in future but he was sure as of now...his life was fun in this new world.


I am so fucking tired...I smh manage to publish everyday with about 3k words long stories...BUT good news are in the fact that we are finally finished with this fucking Eisenwald arc and next we gonna move into Deliora arc but before...there will be a promised fight between Natsu and Makoto. Interesting, who might win, right?

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