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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

"Whoah!"  Makoto exclaimed, looking towards the building before his eyes.

A Building with a sign that somehow resembled a dragon with a sharp tail stood before our heroes.

"I still can't believe that Natsu is a Fairy Tail mage."

Lucy and Makoto were surprised to hear that Natsu and Happy were members of Fairy Tail after successfully returning from Hargeon.

Though it was more surprising to hear that Natsu was a dragon slayer, even more surprising than that was the fact that Makoto was now practically a hero of Hargeon. People tried to call him by the nickname 'Ahoge Hero', which, well, embarrassed the Ahoge Luckster.

"Aye! Believe it or not, we are!" Happy placed his hands on his waist while getting out a big piece of raw fish. "And I am hungry now. Aye."

"Is it really time to eat fish!?"


While Lucy was trying to deal with Happy, who was annoying her, Natsu kicked the door open.


He practically screamed, gaining a frown from Makoto.

"You could have just opened the door normally."

"That's Natsu for ya." Happy added, with fish still in his mouth.

As Natsu opened the door, Makoto and Lucy couldn't help but be amazed by such a sight. Surely it seemed like a tavern to Lucy, while for Makoto,who lived his whole life in a stone jungle named City, it was a pleasant sight right out of a novel.

The wooden design, along with the smell of Alcohol, fights, and a pleasant atmosphere Makoto was in awe. His eyes were sparkling when he saw this scene.

While Makoto was enjoying the view, Lucy's attention was on Natsu, who, with a grumpy face, approached his guildmate.

"Heya,Natsu! Did you find the Salama—OOMPH!?"

Natsu kicked the guy, knocking him all the way towards the wall.

"You Bastard! You lied to me when you said that Salamander was in Hargeon!"

His face was full of veins that popped out from his anger.

The man, however, stood up unharmed with a face not any less angry than that of Natsu.

"I just tried to help you, Bastard!"

"What did you say?"

"Come on!"

In a matter of seconds, havoc spread across the guild. Nearly all the members started to fight.

"You bastards!"

"Shut up!"

"Fuck you!"

Makoto and Lucy had a cold sweat running down their faces.

"What the..."


Both said while looking at each other.

Chairs were flying from side to side; the floor had cracks, and in the middle of them stood a woman with white hair who was looking towards Lucy and Makoto.

"Oh my! Aren't you both our future guildmates?" She softly smiled, looking towards them.

It wasn't a secret that this girl was indeed beautiful—like a model or even more than that.

"Aren't you Mirajane Strauss!?"

Lucy was nearly jumping upon seeing this woman beside her, all while Makoto didn't know anything about what Lucy had talked about. It was something about a magazine or journal; he wasn't sure.

The woman, Mirajane, or, as she liked to be called,Mira, now turned her gaze towards Makoto.

"Hmmmmmmm???" She hummed, narrowing her eyes.

Makoto scratched his cheeks in nervousness. "Is something wrong...?" He said this, facing Mirajane, who was still humming observing him.

"Ah!" She suddenly yelled, hitting her right fist onto her palm. "Aren't you,Ahoge Hero?" She exclaimed, clasping his hands.

Makoto's face is reddened from the sudden touch of an older woman. It was a fact that Makoto was bad at communication with his opposite gender, especially when it came down to touching.


Mirajane's eyes lit up.

"Hey guys! It's him!" She exclaimed.


"Him? Do you mean...?"

The fight stopped almost immediately. It became so silent that it seemed that the fight and ruckus never happened in the first place.

"He is that boy who dealt with bandits and destroyed a whole ship!"

"He is the one who destroyed half of the forest just by throwing a stone towards a tree!"

"He is the one who became Hargeon's town hero!"

Guild members had their eyes widen, while Makoto was as surprised as them.

'What the hell is with those rumors!?" His sweat dropped from his forehead, going all the way down towards the floor.

"I am an Elfman, and I request a spar with you! Like a true man!"


Not even bothered by Makoto accepting the invitation to fight, Elfman jumped towards Makoto with his right hand covered with stones.

Makoto didn't know what to do. He wanted to run. He started to back down, hitting the table that was in his back and falling down, while Elfman, who was midway about to hit Makoto, missed, causing a huge amount of dust to rise, blinding them.

"Cough! Can anyone see anything!?"

"What just happened!?"

People were confused about what happened as they saw a huge figure coming out of the dust—it was Elfman.

"Did Elfman win!?"

"As expected of our Man!"

"Ahoge hero, my ass,haha!"

People were starting to cheer for Elfman as, upon coming out of the dust, his face was full of blood with his bosom bleeding uncontrollably.

"He is a true man!"

He said this before collapsing to the floor, face-on.

The people's faces paled.

"I heard Elfman was one of our toughest members...!"

"N-No way...."

The dust had cleared completely in the middle of the guild hall, leaving Makoto completely unharmed and with no idea what had happened.

"I didn't even feel a punch. Phew."

Makoto said he was relieved to get out unharmed, but for people in the guild, it seemed like he said that it was nothing to defeat an Elfman.

"He is a demon!"

"I am scared!"

People, one by one, started to back down.

"Aye! That's Makoto for you!"

"Makoto is actually stronger than that!" Lucy exclaimed. "He defeated around 50 thugs without even laying a finger on them!"

"Yeh!" Natsu agreed while hitting his fist into his open palm. "That's why I want to fight you,Makoto!"

"Wh-What?? I don't want to fight my friends!" Makoto was getting nervous while shaking his hands in dismissal.

Sadly, it didn't have any effect on Natsu.

"Stop it,pyro!"

Suddenly, from nowhere to be seen, a naked man with only his pants on appeared, stopping Natsu.

"I want to be the one to challenge him!"

Gray Fullbuster. Respected member of Fairy Tail as well as Natsu's so-called nemesis... well, considering their elements, it is a fact that they were rivals.

"The fuck!? Ya wanna fight ya naked freak?"

"Try me,bitch!"

They glared at each other for a brief moment until they dashed towards Makoto.

"The first one who is going to take him down wins!"

"Seems fair!"

Poor Makoto sighed, awaiting the moment of being punched. He closed his eyes, waiting for pain to come, but pain never did come, as while running, Gray's pants somehow slipped off, making him trip and hit Natsu with his Ice magic, which collided with Natsu's flame magic, causing a steam to appear, blinding everyone again.

Makoto sighed. He knew what was going to happen next.

As he expected, the steam from mixing Ice and Flame disappeared, showing unconscious Natsu and completely naked Gray lying on the ground with their eyes white.

"Even Natsu and Gray... my god!"

"Cheers for the new star of our guild!"

"Drinking till the night!"

Makoto wasn't sure what to say, but regardless, he smiled.

"As expensive of you, Makoto!" Lucy exclaimed, giving him a high five.

"But I didn't do anything."

"No need to be modest! We all saw your performance,Makoto-kun!" Mirajane grabbed his hands, dragging him towards herself. "It was amazing!" She smiled with a soft smile, making Makoto's cheeks redden at the sudden attention.

"Th-Th-Thanks...I guess...?"

"Hm? Why are you red all of a sudden?"

"N-No reason! J-Just because I am not used to talking with girls,

"Oh my, that's so cute." She quitely giggled, still holding his hand.

Lucy seeing this felt She didn't know what the feeling was, but she didn't like it when Makoto was with another woman. Wait! What is she thinking about? She thought to herself.




After some time, many residents of Fairy Tail woke up, and Makoto was surrounded by people.

"Haha! You are so young yet so strong! Mira! Get him a beer; I am paying!" Elfman was sitting near Makoto while laughing and screaming 'MAN' with his lungs on maximum.

"N-No,thanks! I don't drink...."

"Eh!? No way!" Elfman slapped Makoto's back. "Every man should drink, you know?"

Makoto waved again. "In the place where I am from, people are not allowed to drink until they are 18 years old, so..."

"Damn,what a bummer. Well, rather than get yourself anything you want,I am paying."

"Thank you, but I want warm Milk."

Members who heard him order warm milk laughed at it.

"Haha! So cute!" Most of the female members screamed when they saw his antics.

"Damn, for such a strong dude, you are surely an innocent fella." Gray added that he was drinking his beer with his torso completely naked.

"I am not strong, and why are you naked?"

"Whoah! Where are my clothes!?"

Makoto didn't know him for long, but one thing was clear: this guy has a knack for getting naked out of the blue, and it was weird.

"That's it! Makoto, let's spar again!

Natsu jumped towards Makoto, trying to get him off guard. Too bad Makoto's luck was permanent all the time. As Natsu was about to jump at Makoto, a giant foot stomped Natsu down, making a crack in the floor.

Standing atop a huge monster, he was glaring at Makoto and Lucy, who nearly yelled seeing him.


The monster screamed, shaking the guild, while getting his feet off Natsu's body.

Mira, seeing the monster, ran towards him. "Master, you are finally back?"

"M-Master!?" Lucy asked a question that Makoto was about to ask.

The monster looked at Makoto with a long glare.


Makoto was scared to the point of his face muscles giving in and his expression being completely stoic.

"Yes." He said it in a calm voice while inside screaming in horror.

"Look at him! He is not even scared!"

"That's Ahoge hero for ya!"

"Man is so strong that even his master can't faze him!"

Makoto could only frown at the new misunderstanding that had formed in their heads.


Suddenly the enormous master started to diminish to the point of looking like an old man who was as tall as a kid.

"Hoho! I am glad we have new recruits!"

A completely normal-looking, small old man was standing before Lucy and Makoto, who were confused to no end.

"Lucy, did you see that?"

"Yeah, it is freaky...."

"I am Makarov, the Fairy Tail's master. Nice to meet you!" He raised his hands before jumping up.

Now, standing on top of the railing on the second floor, he took out a huge pile of papers.

"You morons! Do you know what kind of messages I received from those freaks in the Magic Council!?" His voice was strict enough to make the mages in Fairy Tail look down. "Several broken buildings! Assaults! And morgenals of all kinds! Seriously, you guys know that Council one day won't let us go, ya know?"

Everyone in Fairy Tail looked down in embarrassment.

Makarov's expression was angry, but it quickly changed when piles of papers on his hands lit up. "But you know what I say? Fuck Magic Council!"

"Huh?" Makoto looked confused towards Makarov.

"The magic roots from nature, but you know that it isn't true. Magic roots from feelings and emotions, so live your life to the fullest and be proud to be part of Fairy Tail!" He raised his hand with his index finger pointing up. It was a sign of Fairy Tail magic.

Everyone grinned as they did, shouting 'YEAH!'

Makoto couldn't help but smile at the sight before him. Fairy Tail, despite being such a chaotic guild, was quite friendly. Probably Lucy felt the same.




"And...Done!" Mira exclaimed, pressing something metallic on Makoto's hand.

"So this is the Fairy Tail emblem? It looks kind of cool!" Makoto said, looking towards his hand.

A green fairy tail mark was tattooed on his hand, meaning that he officially became a mage of Fairy Tail, though through misunderstanding.

As he glanced sideways, he saw Lucy staring at her emblem.

"You also got one,Makoto?"

"Yup! Though yours looks cute with the pink color, haha!"

Lucy was reddened hearing this.


"No problem! Also, what are we going to do now?"

"Hmm. I would say I would love to gain some money. Maybe a quest? Wanna come along?"

"Seems good, and I would like to go on a quest with you; after all, you are my first friend in here,haha."

"You flatter me. So yep! Let's go on a quest!" She said she was approaching the wooden desk full of quest papers pinned on it.

Beside her was Natsu, who was also trying to find something in order to gain some jewels.

"Oh, Luigi,how is that going?"

"I'm Lucy!" She cried angrily.

"Are you trying to find a quest too,Natsu?" Makoto asked curiously.

Natsu turned to him with a toothy grin.

"Yup! Need some money for living, ya know?"

"Me and Lucy were going to find a quest, so maybe we all will go together?" He wasn't really familiar with anyone in the guild except Lucy and Natsu, along with Happy, so he kind of wanted to tag along.

"Aye! With Makoto around, it will be easy to take on the quests!"

No, really, I am nothing much."

"Ehhh? But you are so I don't know." Happy said, tilting his head sideways.

Makoto chuckled while he felt something collide with his body. He looked down, seeing a kid who, while running, bumped into Makoto.

"S-Sorry! Are you alright?" He gave the kid his hand, helping him stand up.

Looking at him closely, Makoto noticed his intense look towards him.

"Are you the rumored Ahoge hero?"

"Uhm..." He didn't like his new nickname; even 'Luckster' was a much cooler-sounding name than this. "...Yeh?"

The kid's eyes sparkled.

"Great! Please, can you save my dad?"

"Oka—Huh?" He gave the kid a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

The boy looked down with a sad look. "My dad went on a mission, but he never came back. I fear that he... The boy started to tear up, and Makoto couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Hey, calm down." Makoto placed his palm on top of the boy's head and started to pat it. "Everything is going to be fine. And, um, can you tell me where your dad went off to?"

For people hearing Makoto, this wasn't good news.

"Sheesh, Romeo, have some faith in your dad." Makarov said this while drinking a beer from his mug. "He is a Fairy Tail mage, so he should be alright."

The kid,Romeo, angrily looked towards the old man. "Don't lie! It's been a week, and he is not back yet." Romeo was on the verge of tearing again.

"Can't be helped... I repeat, he is a mage, so he should be fine. Now, shoo shoo, go drink some milk or something."

Romeo's glare became angry as he punched Makarov while running towards the exit.

"You all are useless! Bastards! I hate you all!" He said I was running away.

Makoto, while watching the scene, had a sad look. He knew better than many people that the feeling of missing a person, especially a parent, is one of the worst.

"Why did you say such mean words towards him?" Makoto said, looking towards the Fairy Tail master.

Makarov didn't answer, as Mira decided to answer instead.

"Please don't be mad... Master said those things in order to keep Macao's face. He is the mage after all, and if someone would save him, it would be a total shame to him."

"But still..." He clenched his fists. "Lucy,Natsu, Happy..." He looked toward his friends.

They were all smiling, with grins reaching their ears.

"I know what you are going to say," Lucy said with a smile.

"Dude, you think I will leave the old man in danger?" Natsu grinned.

"Aye! Let's head out now!"

Makoto smiled, thinking that he had met really good friends.

Going forward, he approached Romeo while patting his head.

"Don't worry! We will save your dad!"


"Yes, but I need you to promise me something."

Romeo curiously looked towards Makoto. "What is that?" He was confused.

Makoto smiled widely. "Never lose hope!"

With that, they headed out to Macao's rescue.




"I hate transportation—BLEWGH!!" Natsu was fighting his urge to puke while barely holding himself.

Makoto and Lucy worriedly looked towards him. Makoto was near Natsu, patting his back and trying to help his Dragon Slayer friend.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

"Of course—Bleeeew! Actually, I don't know." Natsu was literally fighting with every ounce of power he had, but it wasn't effective.

"Oi cat, what's happening to him?" Lucy pointed towards Natsu.

"Sigh... Natsu seems to have a rough type of motion sickness. Every time he sits on a transport, he loses it like he does it now."

Makoto worriedly looked at Natsu again. "Must be hard..."

The rest of the journey passed pretty smoothly. Happy eating fish, Natsu fighting his urges to puke, and Makoto, along with Lucy, looking out of the window and seeing their destination—a snowy mountain.

As the cart was moving, it suddenly hit a small rock, making it jump up slightly. Makoto lost his balance as he fell down.

"Ahh..." He groaned, trying to stand up, but he felt something soft. It was round, soft, and comfy to touch—too bad he noticed what it was.

He was on top of a fully red Lucy with his hand on her chest.

"SORRY!" He jumped up, apologizing.

Crimson-red  Lucy started to wave her hands, saying that it was alright. At some point, she didn't mind but didn't admit her point.

Makoto wanted her to hit him because it would be fair, but Lucy dismissed this idea.

"You shouldn't apologize. Really, I am fine."

"Aye! Makoto is a lucky pervert!"

"Hey! I am not!"




"I AM FINALLY FREE!" Natsu exclaimed, his hands pointing towards the sky. "Man, I love fresh air!"

Makoto chuckled, looking at his friend's delighted face. He didn't expect the Dragon Slayer to be this happy after just getting out of the cart.

"Guess Dragon Slayers really do hate carts..." Lucy commented with a frown.

"Well, it seems to be one hell of an experience."

As they approached the mountains, the first thing they noticed was the extremely cold weather.

"W-W-W-Why is it so cold!!!?" Lucy said she was nearly sneezing from the chill.

"Then you shouldn't have come."


Both Happy and Natsu were alright, as Happy was a cat with fur while Natsu was a Fire Dragon Slayer, meaning that he was resistant to cold weather. As for Makoto, well, he had his lovely green hoodie on him, so he didn't feel much of a cold.

Noticing that his blonde friend was freezing, Makoto took off his hoodie and handed it to Lucy.


"I don't want you to get sick, so better put it on."

Lucy's cheeks reddened as she got the hoodie and wore it. It was comfortable, she thought—no wonder Makoto was wearing it practically always.

"Th-Thanks..." She said.

Now Makoto was actually getting really cold, but he never gave it a look, as he could possibly foresee Lucy handing back his hoodie.

"Wh-why is it still cold? Hah, no helping it than!" She reached for her key holder, getting out a silver key. "Help me out, Horolorgium!"

Suddenly, as her key started to glow, a creature similar to a clock appeared with Lucy inside of it.

" 'I will stay here, she says." Horologium stated that she was repeating Lucy's words.

"Whoah! You even got these kinds of keys!" Makoto's eyes were sparkling while seeing Horolorgium.

" 'Of course! I am the best Celestial Spirit mage after all!' She says. " Horolorgium said. " 'Speaking of which, what kind of monsters did Macao go to subjugate?"

Natsu stopped as he looked back towards Lucy. "You came without knowing?" He said this as his expression changed. "He went on a mission to subjugate a monster named Vulcan."

Lucy was terrified, while Makoto had a thoughtful look in his eyes. He wasn't that surprised now, considering that this new world had dragons and gods and even freaking magic, so this was nothing at all, but still, he was curious about it.

Going on, it had already been 10 minutes since their arrival.

"MACAO WHERE THE HELL ADE YOU!?!?" Natsu screamed, shaking Lucy and Makoto.

" 'Hey, stop it, fool! What if you make an Avalanche drop! she says. Horolgium said

Natsu walked towards her with a face as light as it could be. "Ah, you are right, Luigi!"

"That's Lucy!"

Well, that's aside. Maybe there is some kind of cave nearby? We can probably find Macao there."

"Hey, that's a good idea." Natsu turned his head in another direction. "CAVE! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?"

Makoto facepalmed as Lucy frowned at that.

"That's Natsu for you,yup yup!" Happy commented.

"MACAO—!?" Suddenly, from nowhere to be seen, an unknown figure tried to attack Natsu, who dodged the upcoming impact.

"Human territory does not pass!" The giant gorilla-like monster with white fur was facing Natsu along with Happy, Lucy, and Makoto.

"It's a Vulacan!" Happy exclaimed.

Makoto looked at it wide-eyed. This Vulcan monster looked like a yeti of some sort.

" 'It looks like a buffed-up monkey!' She says."

"Now that I look at it, it really does!"

Vulcan didn't waste any moment as he jumped towards Horolorgium, looking towards Lucy.

"Human Woman! I love Women! Hoo! Hoo!"

Vulcan grabbed Horologium and started to sprint in an unknown direction.

" 'Somebody help me!' She says. Also, I would like that option as well."

Vulcan started to run, while Makoto started to chase him.

"Bring Lucy back!" He screamed, trying to catch up with the monkey. It was surprising to Makoto that he was able to run so fast; probably it was due to his power as God Slayer, though he still doubted them. Like, whenever he tried to use them, he either tripped, causing a lot of destruction, or suddenly slipped, hitting the traget with his momentum.

One of the most noticeable powers he got was his physical abilities—his strength and all his receptors had seemingly increased. He was able to hear sounds from long distances as well as smell things he never knew he could.

Vulacan entered the cave as Makoto predicted.

With that said, Makoto jumped up, grabbing Horolorgium with Lucy in it.

"Damn human! My woman,not yours!"

"I think it should be up to her to choose who is her partner, and beside, I don't like when someone kidnaps my friends." As he said, Horolorgium disappeared, with Lucy now resting on Makoto's hands in bridal style.

She reddened while looking at Makoto. He seemed taller and a bit more handsome in her eyes.

Vulacan, however, was getting angry.

"I will kill you!" Vulcan jumped towards Makoto again, but as he was about to approach Makoto, Natsu appeared, kicking the Vulcan towards the nearby wall.

"GAH!" Vulcan screamed as he was forced to step back.

"Sorry Makoto... I didn't know you were fighting him. I will leave the rest to you." He gave Makoto a thumbs up while Makoto frowned.

"N-No. You can deal with him yourself if you want, like—"

"No need to be modest, Makoto!" Lucy said she was getting off his hands. "You will deal with this shinpanze in no time!"

"Aye! Makoto defeated Natsu and Gray without even doing anything, so Vulcan is probably not worth a snack!"

"Go dude! I still couldn't see the way your fight nor your magic worked!"

The cheers started to erupt from their mouths as they cheered on Makoto.

'Dammit! How am I supposed to fight this thing?' He thought to himself. He was now strong physically, but it wasn't even equal to Natsu's strength. All he had was his luck, which he couldn't even predict. Wait! He couldn't predict his luck, but a thought appeared in his head. He remembered that his luck worked well when he was using his Lucky Godslayer Magic. He indeed couldn't predict it, but he knew when it appeared when he used his magic.

A bit hesitant, he approached Vulcan, who was staring at him, pissed.

Not even a second after it jumped towards Makoto with its fist ready to collide with Luckster's face.

'Now or never... Makoto thought as his hand started to glow with black particles.

Oooh, what is this magic?" Lucy exclaimed.

"It feels similar to mine," Natsu muttered under his breath.

Makoto waited for Vulcan to approach as he threw his punch towards the monster. 'God's Lucky Fist! he screamed as suddenly the big blocks of ice started to fall, blurring the vision and the sight of Vulcan, who was hit by the rock, which suddenly fell from nowhere to be seen imprinting him to the ground by the head with his torso stretching up from the ground.

'It worked!' Makoto screamed in his mind at the sight.

He knew that his luck was something else, but he never expected this level, and now he felt kind of weak. Maybe it was the thing that Fortuna told him long ago about the mana capacity, but regardless, he was glad.

As the fog cleared, the company looked at Vulcan, who lay unconscious with a horrified look, and Makoto, who was scratchless and completely fine.

What he didn't notice was the ground beneath him, which was completely broken from fallen ice blocks, making it look like a giant crater.

"Did you see anything?" Lucy exclaimed in a surprised tone.

Natsu and Happy sweated at the sight as they didn't say anything.

"Truly a monstrous strength... One day I will reach his level." Natsu said in awe.

Lucy, however, was blushing while looking at Makoto in his white shirt, which made him look even cooler. Her heart was pounding at a very fast rate. He was 'strong' and fearless, like a hero she had read about a long time ago.

Happy was thinking about fish.

"Hey guys!" He waved at them with a smile.

They all snapped out of their thoughts, looking at Lucky Boy.

"Dude, you are monstrously strong!" Natsu placed a hand over Makoto's shoulder.

"Like a hero from fairy tales!" This time it was Lucy who placed her hand over his shoulder.

"Aye! I will just join too!" Happy exclaimed, sitting on top of Makoto's head.

He laughed at his friends while being glad that things somehow worked out well, though he could tell that the rumors would be more intense in the future.

Just as the group was hugging each other, Vulcan started to glow yellow.

"What's going on?" Makoto asked, looking at the still glowing Vulcan.

As the light finished, the figure of a violet-haired man lay on the ground, all wounded up.

"Macao!" Natsu was the first to react as he ran towards his nakama. "Are you alright?"

Macao chuckled. "I am fine... I defeated 19 of these monsters when the 20th one caught me off guard. It's pathetic, isn't it?" He said it, laughing weakly.

Makoto felt bad for the old man as he clenched his fists. He saw the despair in Macao's eyes. He, as Ultimate Lucky Hope, couldn't let anyone feel despair.

No, you are wrong." Makoto exclaimed. "You are not pathetic, Mister Macao! You dealt with 19 of them, right? Doesn't that mean you are as strong as 19 strong monsters? Your son would be proud of you for sure!"

His words hit Macao, who looked at the ahoge-haired boy with a soft smile.

"If you say so..."





It was already evening, and the sun was starting to set.

Romeo sat on the stairs while waiting for his father's return. He remembered that he was mocked by kids about his father being weak, so he decided to yell at his dad, saying that he should do something great. Looking back, Romeo understood that he was foolish.

He would give anything to see his father again, and he hoped. He remembered the promise he made with a brown-haired boy who decided to help him, and he never wanted to lose hope.

"Hey Romeo!"

A sudden voice made a boy snap out of his dreams as, looking straight, he saw Makoto and Natsu carrying his dad towards him.

"Guess who is back?" Macao smirked at his son.

Romeo felt incredible emotions dwelling in him as he jumped at his dad.

"Dad!" Romeo exclaimed, pushing his dad to the ground.

He started to cry with tears of happiness, glad to see his dad again.

Macao patted his son's head and, with a smile, said, "Next time someone will say that your daddy is weak, ask them if their dads could defeat 19 monsters!"

Romeo grinned. "Sure!"

With that said, Makoto and his friends were smiling as they turned to take their leave.

"Makoto!" Romeo screamed, getting the attention of the ahoge-haired boy. "Thank you!"

Makoto smiled as he gave the boy a thumbs up.

"Natsu! Happy! Lucy! Thank you all!"

The trio smiled, waving to him.

Makoto felt a warmth dwelling in his heart. Maybe he should become someone who spreads hope?

He was going to save his friends for sure, and he had another mission: to spread hope to people in this world. He wanted to get rid of despair, and one day he would. Until then, I guess we have no choice but to wait."


Finally done! Dammit! It took me long enough to make it. In the past, I made each chapter of mine 2K words long, but now I want to make each chapter at least 5K or so.

Also, I am incredibly glad that people love this story. I mean, there aren't many Danganronpa fics nowadays. It is sad that people forgot about such a goatee game along with such a good MC. I won't lie, I love Makoto, as he is literally the perfect harem MC.

And regarding a harem, well, I decided not to tell the names of girls in the harem, but I will say that more than 90% of girls in Fairy Tail are included. Although if you want a certain girl in the harem, you just need to write it in a comment, and I will most definitely add her.

Anyway! I hope you liked the story and are willing to continue reading it in the future. Remember that your comments and reviews give me motivation to write, so I will be more than glad to hear your thoughts.

OH! And before I leave, I will answer one specific question: Will there be lemons?' Well, I will say that there won't be lemons. Sorry guys, but I don't make them. First, I don't like them, and second, I made quite a lot of them in my dark past, so I don't want to get back there. But worry not, as there will be echi scenes considering how lucky Naegi can be, so things like him falling on a girl and his face suddenly being imprinted on the girl's pants will be as occasional as our masturbating period.

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