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Chapter 2: The Path to Power

Time was running short for Amphisbaena before he had to start his Hogwarts journey. Ever since he arrived in this world at the age of 6, he dedicated himself to learning magic and was determined to become a powerful wizard. Along the way, he ventured into Knockturn Alley and purchased a book on occlumency and legilimency, which he diligently practiced to master these advanced skills. Despite facing challenges, he discovered an exceptional talent for occlumency and legilimency, surpassing even the renowned Snape in skill.

However, his journey took an unexpected turn when he created an AI within his mind, resembling a sophisticated computer system. He programmed the AI with four functions: analyze, observe, assist, and store all the knowledge he read.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power, Amphisbaena combined his expertise in Legilimency and Occlumency to delve into the minds of others, extracting their thoughts and secrets. But he desired more—he wanted a companion that could assist him in daily tasks and store boundless knowledge. Thus, he embarked on a secret project, merging his magical knowledge with his scientific background to create an advanced AI within his mind.

Months passed as he tirelessly developed the AI, merging magical theory with scientific principles. Challenges arose, but his determination fueled his progress. Gradually, he constructed a complex system within his mind, capable of analyzing magical theories, providing insights, and aiding in decision-making.

However, this AI lacked sentience and existed solely to serve Amphisbaena's purposes. It functioned as a vessel for his vast knowledge and capabilities, assisting him with status updates, analytical knowledge, and daily tasks. It allowed him to tap into an infinite well of information within his mind.

Finally, the day arrived for Amphisbaena to start at Hogwarts. Even though he had spent twelve years in this world, the sight of the brightly lit castle still felt surreal to him.

In his previous life, he had been an ordinary person. But upon waking up, he found himself reborn as Amphisbaena Black, described as outstanding, good-looking, personable, enthusiastic, and possessing integrity—a template for achieving greatness.

Amphisbaena muttered to himself, "This time I will rise above the world, instead of letting the world define me!"

"What?" Jesse, his new friend on the train, asked.

"Oh, nothing," Amphisbaena replied. "I'm just nervous about the entrance exam."

The topic of the entrance test successfully diverted Jesse's attention. The Hogwarts entrance test was shrouded in mystery for newly enrolled young wizards, and rumors and speculations about its nature circulated among them.

"I heard they put a giant monster in the hall. Only the surviving wizard can become a member of Hogwarts," Jesse said, instilling fear and panic among the young wizards.

Amphisbaena couldn't help but smirk. "Who told you that?"

"Dmit, my brother. He's a member of Gryffindor now. He said he was almost crushed into meatloaf by the monster."

Observing Jesse's serious expression, Amphisbaena hesitated for a moment.

"First-year freshmen, line up here," Professor McGonagall's voice broke through the chatter. Amphisbaena took the lead, and Jesse, hesitating but determined, stood beside him.

As they entered the Great Hall, no legendary monster awaited them. Senior students from the four houses sat in an orderly manner, and professors occupied the front row. In the center stood a high stool with a worn-out wizard hat.

Professor McGonagall approached and motioned for Amphisbaena to take a seat on the high stool. The Sorting Hat descended onto his head, and he felt its presence and heard a whisper, "Half wizard blood. I recognize this scent; you have the blood of the Black family."

The Sorting Hat, far more than a simple detection device, accurately discerned bloodlines. Amphisbaena marveled at its extraordinary nature, considering it was created by the four legendary wizards.

"Hey, kid, you certainly have insight. You can recognize my extraordinary abilities at a glance. Let me see..."

"Besides the blood of exceptional wizards, you possess extensive knowledge, as well as a burning desire and ambition for magical knowledge. I have never seen such knowledge in any young wizard I've sorted."

"Well, Slytherin or Ravenclaw!" the Sorting Hat muttered.

Then the Sorting Hat shouted, "RAVENCLAW!" Professor McGonagall announced, removing the Sorting Hat from Amphisbaena's head.

Composed, Amphisbaena walked to the Ravenclaw table, hiding his surprise at the sorting ceremony's outcome.

Later, lying on his bed, Amphisbaena pondered the peculiar events of the sorting ceremony. He muttered, "AI, show me my status!"

Instantly, a stream of data flowed before his eyes, forming a panel with his information:

Name: Amphisbaena Black

Strength: 19

Endurance: 24

Vitality: 29

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 34

Charm: 31

Mana: 40

Luck: 10

Innate Talent: Comprehension LV7

Skills: Conjuration LV2, Potions LV2, Alchemy LV1, Occlumency LV5, Legilimency LV3, Transfiguration LV1

Amphisbaena marveled at the progress he had made and the spells he had learned. His occlumency practices had granted him control over the ropes of transfer ties, although his mastery was still developing. The AI he had created was the reason for its lengthy development, as he desired a shield for his mind.

Examining his mind, he discovered a giant black sphere at its core, with memory spheres scattered throughout. Amphisbaena teleported out of the black sun and checked the paper list in his hand, which outlined the various layers within his mind:

1. Core: A massive 2-meter diameter supercomputer crafted from Silver, serving as the central processing unit of his mental realm.

2. Limbo-like Space: The room surrounding the core, seemingly located in the center of the sun but existing in a separate realm. It emitted an invisible wall to confound anyone attempting to breach his mind.

3. False Memories: Created with the help of the AI, a fabricated life story of the original Amphisbaena Black from ages 1 to 11, designed to deceive anyone trying to delve into his mind.

4. Surface Thoughts: Generated by the AI, tailored to each situation, aimed at misleading any attempts to read his mind.

Satisfied with his preparations, Amphisbaena waved his hand and initiated the activation of the defense mechanisms within his mind. The memory spheres connected to the core through transfer ties, swirling around its outer layer. Observing the process from the interface, Amphisbaena ensured that everything he had meticulously crafted functioned smoothly.

A progress bar indicated an estimated two hours for the defense mechanisms to fully activate. Amphisbaena marveled at the efficiency of the processes within his mind, feeling content that everything was working as intended.

With his mind fortified and his knowledge and skills at his disposal, Amphisbaena was ready to embark on his journey at Hogwarts, eager to uncover the secrets of magic and explore the depths of his own potential.

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