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Complexities Of Noah Part 12

I flew at high speeds towards where I kept the the cores and quickly picked up the essence core of Alxander Von Barron Sley and catapulted back towards the white phallic shaped library

After I reached it I entered it was quite grand and magical when compared to the old library which looked like any ordinary American public library which may have been because of Noah's obsession on a country called the United States of America that ruled the entire world not through military might but that was also something that they excelled at but because they held the life blood of the globe in a strangle hold which were the global trade networks and the ancient Americans were masters in controlling the narrative the people saw and heard and they ruled the world in everything but name for hundreds of years but it fell due to increasing internal factionalism fueled by radical ideology which flourished with prevalence of social media and the aftereffects of late stage capitalism between the two major political parties the Republicans and the Democrats and like with the fall of Rome it took others with it but this time they took the entire world with it plunging the world into a fourth world war that left enough damage to devolve the technological and ideological progress humanity had enjoyed before the fall

Anyway the library consisted of circular floating platforms that were spinning in a circle around that held bookcases made of gold the platforms were also made of gold with the walls being white and made of marble and the floor was covered in a comfortable looking black carpet and in the middle of the library I could see the huge trunk of the tree standing there with three branches sprouting seven pointed green coloured leaf connected to the trunk spreading around the space and they colied around a platform of their own. The platforms projected a 3D holographic image and out of the three platforms two platforms were occupied with a holographic projection of myself and the other was occupied with an image of Angela

And around the base of the trunk spanned a circular modern looking computer which allowed the user of the machine to look up and choose any book they might want to read, this was put into the plans on my insistence cause I hated how inefficient the previous system of manually finding books was in the pervious library

I could not enter the emotion facility cause it was sealed underground and I did not feel like breaking the floor and rebuilding it to see the same thing I have seen so many times unlike how the library was changed in rebuilding. The blueprints of the facility stayed the same more or less it was just moved underground and its equipment was reinforced in both material and magical protections

After thinking about sealed underground facility I started to float upwards towards the glass deck I could have taken the elevator but I wanted to see the frescoes that was painted on the roof and the wall that separated the library from the glass deck the fresco depicted me and Erebus's fight and the destruction of the former library also it depicted my fight with Angela who was drawn as a half demon and half angel and then there was her sentience giving ritual which turned her into a full blown angel also in another place the emergence of the new personality was drawn with a blank space left in it where his image would be drawn as soon as he is born there was more space left to draw the other personalities cause the Overmind speculation leads me to think that there will be other personalities coming into existence in the future after some time of looking at the paintings I phased through the roof to find myself in the glass deck with a huge ritual circle that spanned the entire floor of the glass deck and above the inner circle of the ritual circle was Angela's unconscious form bound in golden chains which were tied to the steel frame of the deck and then there was a green glowing pod inside the inner circle with it being on the floor and it having branches jutting out of it and out through the glasses now I just need to wait for the pod to be ready and I can start so until that time came I went to my base and started to experiment on a new artifact a prototype dream bomb that will create a realistic feeling of dreaming and while I experimented rime passed and the time was upon me to start the ritual

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