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Complexities Of Noah Part 11

I levitated off the ground and I thought of testing the protections placed on the thing I mean the protections were designed by the overmind the most knowledgeable thing I know of in all of the known mind and to add to the novelty of the building's protections, they were directly powered by the mind

So I decided on doing a test and I knew the perfect way to do it and I summoned the twin guns of destruction into my hands they looked like 17th century flintlock pistol one was in black the other was in white the black one released explosive matter whereas the white one used energy in it's attacks these two were not that special they were made along with thousands of mass produced guns they were a bit unique from the other guns cause of it's aesthetic that I was trying to copy from two guns that were made during the primordial age ofcourse those would be able to break the protections atleast halfway so I think that all the primordial artifacts need to be kept under lock and key I could keep those anyway willy nilly what with me being the only one but now with the future intelligent sentience of Angela and the emergence of another and its subsequent intelligence actually maybe it would be better to do both of those at the sametime the ritual would need some modifications and the essence core of Alexander Von Barron Sley Noah's roguish older brother can be incorporated into the ritual

After making slight alterations to my plan, I pressed the white pistols trigger and a white ball started to form at the tip of the gun it was small at first but then suddenly it grew into a white ball with a radius of twenty meters then it leaped off the gun and hurtled towards the library And as it came close to a meter from the building then protections activated the backdrop of a clear blue sky changed from its ethereal state into a physical state one and like how cloth wraps up an object it wrapped up the library as soon as it was done the sphere hit the shield and it turned golden but it held strong against the onslaught attack of the sphere until it dispersed normally the protections of the library would have retaliated with a nuclear blast attack spanning a large distance but since I disabled for the test no such thing happened

Then I lowered the white and raised the black gun and pulled the trigger and a bullet spewed out from the barrel of the gun and as it hit the sheild and inferno of bright orange flames it raged for a time trying to eat away at the sheild to get to the library so as to burn it down but four whirlpools started to form in the flames and they started to absorb the wild inferno until all of it was absorbed

I would have liked to test out the enchantments pertaining to the black ooze but it would take too much time to prepare a test with the black ooze and I have to go and prepare for the ritual

I then deactivated the protections and flew off to pick up the essence core of Alexander for the new personality that I am going to name as Alexander


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