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89.77% Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher / Chapter 79: Intimate assistance

Chapter 79: Intimate assistance


Her voice broke through his musings, which had been drifting freely without the aid of [Thought Acceleration].

"You guessed it right. I wouldn't mind if you accelerated my progression." Rias nodded, her expression slightly weird at his accurate 'guess'. "Now that you mention it... I realize I can also ask my brother for help when I return to my world."

Adam's lips curled into a slight smile

"What about your mom?"

The redhead paused, giving him a puzzled look "What about mother??"

"Yes, your mother" The silver-haired repeated, crossing his hands in front of his chest "Now that I think about it... She gave birth to the strongest devil, so she could probably teach you a few tricks"

"Ah..." She blinked, realization dawning on her features. "Right! I didn't think of that! She is also far older than my brother, so she should have more experience on this matter"

"Hey..." He called out for her, a teasing light sparkling in his blue eyes "You should also introduce me to your mother, I'm quite sure that there are many 'tricks' she could teach me"

Adam was smirking, his voice surprisingly serious for someone who just said this sentence with such an expression


Rias froze, her greenish-blue eyes snapping to him with an intense light

"You..!" She took a deep breath, a red, destructive aura flickering around her as she tried to calm down from what she just heard

"Y-you don't want to meet my mother for the reasons I'm thinking... Right?!"

Her voice trembled, hands placed defensively under her bust as she looked at him with a faint light of hope in her eyes, as if wanting him to confirm that he had no ulterior motives for meeting her mother

"Hm...." The silver-haired boy let out as he put a hand under his chin thoughtfully "From what I know, your mother cares a lot about her children. It would be quite a shame to let such a MILF- Ahem- caring mother be so lonely, especially so given that her husband doesn't pay attention to her"

.... What? Venelana Gremory was hot- she was also a lonely MILF, one whom her husband didn't pay attention to as he was too preoccupied playing with his harem.

While Adam is definitely a no better man than that guy, he would still give attention to his first woman- especially someone like Venelana, who was beautiful, had a good personality, and was relatively powerful

Sure, he was a hypocrite saying this, but if he had a wife for hundreds of years, he would definitely grow to care about her, so he would still pay attention to her, even if he went with other women

Harems in the DxD world were common, and the honkai world also allowed such practices. While it wasn't impossible to have multiple women, one still had to have sufficient attractiveness, money, and.... stamina

"What's with the sudden interest in my mother?!"

Rias shouted once again, a mix of exasperation and resignation in her voice

"Ahem" Adam coughed dryly "Nothing, I'm just jesting"


The redhead clenched her fists, taking a deep breath to calm herself

"Can we please just continue training?" She pleaded, a small frown on her face as her turbulent emotions finally settled





"A-admin-san... A-are you sure this is appropriate?"

A shy, tentative voice reached his ears

"Perhaps not... But you do want help, right Rias?"

Adam smiled at the redhead devil, acting like nothing is wrong

"But isn't this position a bit....?"

The silver-haired boy looked down on himself after hearing her voice, trying to see what she found so inappropriate

Both Adam and Rias were close, facing each other- in fact, they were so close that one of them only needed to lean in a little for their lips to touch.

The silver-haired boy's strong hands enveloped the red-haired girl's own tender hands, cupping them with his palms as he exerted a small amount of pressure


Adam tilted his to the side, looking at the busty devil opposite of him and mimicking a certain 'innocent' girl he knows

"What is it, Rias? I don't see anything wrong"

His voice was innocent, and his expression was clueless, as if he didn't notice how intimate their position seemed to be... And yet, his blue eyes held a depth of emotion that betrayed his faux innocence.

"Mou~" The aforementioned redhead pouted, a faint pink hue on her cheeks "You are doing this on purpose, aren't you? You're just teasing me!"

"Heh" He chuckled, mirth in his voice

"This is the best position for this method. It's easier to connect our senses this way."

This was true, but.... He mainly wanted to use this position for old time's sake.

After all, in a certain game he played in his previous life, two certain protagonists used such a position to help each other break through the restrictions binding them

"Hmph" She snorted, shifting her gaze away from him

Adam continued to stare at her with the most sincere look he could muster.

"Fine, fine....."

The girl close to him shook her head, looking resigned as she seemingly gave up her protests, letting him take the lead and finish this so she could get back to her training

"Very well, shall we start?"


Her cheeks puffed even further, her voiced approval impatiently hurrying him to start the process

"Alright, alright"

Adam rolled his eyes at her impatience. He was just asking out of concern that this girl wasn't ready, and yet she had the nerve to complain?

Without wasting any more time, the silver-haired boy tightened his grip on her hands, his eyes glowing golden as he stared at her greenish-blue eyes

"Now... This is my first time trying this, so try to relax and don't resist."

Leaning forward, his forehead made contact with hers as he closed his eyes. He focused inwards, drawing upon the power of Psionics to form a deeper mental link with Rias


The redhead muttered out without any complaints, trusting him

And then... He utilized the power of corruption, invading Rias' body and touching upon her demonic power.

With the mental link he temporarily brought up, the busty devil herself could feel everything that was happening in her body

And then, feeling the chaotic and destruction-infused demonic power of Rias Gremory... The silver-haired boy touched it, intertwining his own energy with hers

Without the red-haired girl resisting, there was no rejection, and this went surprisingly smoothly, although considering the fact that he turned into a devil using her DNA as a base, it might not be all too wonderful that he was not rejected by her body and energy

Purple five-pointed stars emerging around his irises as his [Alpha stigma] activated instinctively, Adam peered deeper upon this phenomenon, observing how his energy touched Rias's own, and started gaining control of it

Wanting to experiment a bit, he leaned his head back, guiding the redhead's demonic power to form something

In front of them, a thin pointed needle-like shape of destruction emerged, hovering between them, its reddish-black color crackling with a malicious light


Rias stared blankly at the needle of destruction in front of her, looking as though she was dumbfounded

No, Rias stared at the construct in front of her that was made out of her own energy reserves with wide eyes. She never prompted her power to do something like this, so....

"It worked?!"

She shouted out with surprise, her eyes lighting up in joy. She didn't have much hope, and even if it did work, she didn't think it would help her much

... But as she felt him control her energy in order to form something normally impossible for her... She realized that this could accelerate her training a lot, and it could also help her in perfecting her energy control!

"It... did?"

Adam muttered with an equally surprised tone, his expression shifting with confusion. He, on the other hand, didn't actually expect it to work... not on the first try, at least

In truth, when [Great sage] suggested this, he thought back to what he did when Rimuru granted him access to Veldora's Magicules. Could such an experience have helped him indirectly? Did that make it easier for him to control other people's energy reserves?

.... Or did [Great Sage] help him without him noticing?


Oh, now that he thinks about it, this could be useful in the Honkai world too

The silver-haired boy hasn't forgotten what's going to happen to his 'main' universe.

Now, instead of seducing the Herscher of Thunder, wouldn't it be possible to control the Herscher core's energy to help Mei get back control from her other self?

Or maybe…. He can just pull a Shido Itsuka- seduce the Herrscher, kiss her, and then control her power and use it for himself

Adam shook his head, trying to clear away those thoughts. This situation was far away, and in fact, for this case, he would prefer to experience the event first-hand, and then make a judgment based on the specific situation


Rias once again shouted out in joy, a smile enveloping her face at this success

"Hey, Adam!"

She broke their position, her hands grasping his shoulders eagerly as her face leaned in, getting closer

"Hurry up and control my energy! I want to control my power of destruction right now!"

The busty devil squeezed his shoulders aggressively, looking at him with eyes filled with anticipation. Their faces were a few centimeters apart, and if he moved his face slightly, their lips would touch

"Tsk, so demanding"

Adam clicked his tongue, shaking his head at her enthusiasm

"Did you forget your manners?" His golden eyes with five-pointed stars looked at her sarcastically, a smug expression beginning to form on his face "Although your identity doesn't matter in this world, you still grew up as a noble, where did your elegance go?"

Why was she so more enthusiastic than him about training? The silver-haired boy pondered in his head, but the answer came to him instantly

'Don't think too much, she is an anime girl, this is probably her character development'

That is what came to him when he thought about her enthusiasm, and he won't think about this matter further, as Rias should be like this instead of her lazy and spoiled self

"Hmph" The red-haired girl snorted, not taking his words seriously after what happened "Even if I asked you like a princess, it would make no difference"

"Well, you are right"

He nodded, agreeing with her speculation. Although it is cute sometimes, it gets annoying when she is like that at all times

"But... Let's start training together, pleeeeaaaseeee?"

Rias clasped her hands in front of her chest- where her heart is supposed to be. She looked at him pleadingly, her puppy dog eyes begging for him to start


His lips twitched. Seeing the normally prideful otaku princess begging him to have his way with her…. demonic power

…. it made him feel something unnatural deep inside


Rolling his eyes, Adam finally relented under her pitiful but cute persuasion. He brought one of his hands up, as if to request a handshake with her


Rias smiled, quickly grasping his hand and intertwining her fingers with his own. She wasn't stupid, with her vast knowledge in anime, Admin-san would surely be able to control her demonic power better with skin contact.... probably?



Exams suck

My upload schedule might be a bit chaotic until they finish, but I will try my best to have at least one chapter a week

AdamFlores AdamFlores

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