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Chapter 2: Paranoia

I opened my eyes to the sound of my little sister, Lily, jumping on my bed. "Kane, Kane, wake up! It's time for breakfast!" she exclaimed, her tiny hands shaking my shoulder. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, forcing myself to sit up. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was already past 8 am. I had overslept again. I got out of bed and walked towards the door, Lily and my little brother, Jack, following me. They were both dressed in their school uniforms, their backpacks hanging on their shoulders.

"Good morning, Kane," my mom greeted me as I entered the kitchen. She was already busy cooking breakfast, and the aroma of pancakes and bacon filled the air. "Sleep well?"

I nodded, taking a seat at the kitchen table. Lily and Jack joined me, eagerly waiting for their breakfast. My dad was already at work, so it's just us for breakfast.

As my mom brought out the plates of pancakes and bacon, Lily and Jack asked me the same question they always did. "Kane, are you going to kill monsters today?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "No, guys. I'm not a guardian. I can't use the light like they can."

"But you're still a light-bearer, right?" Lily asked, her big brown eyes looking up at me.

I nodded, taking a bite of my pancake. "Yeah, but it's not the same. I can't fight monsters like the guardians can."

Lily and Jack seemed disappointed, but they quickly moved on, excitedly talking about their day at school. I listened as they chattered away, enjoying the warmth of my family's company.

As we finished breakfast, my mom reminded me to pick up some groceries on my way home from school. I nodded, promising to do so.

I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door, waving goodbye to my mom and siblings. As I walked towards school, I couldn't help but remember how I used to want to be a guardian...

But... I lack the ability to fragment the light efficiently enough to use it offensively. I can still wield it, but only about as well as most other lightbearers can.

I walk down the sidewalk, with the city bustling, and people walking around with urgency to get to either work or school. It's a Monday after all.....


People seem to have a misconception about lightbearers, not realizing how rare it is to have the affinity for the light to be able to become a guardian.

Only 85 million people born on earth are able to wield the light, which is roughly 1% of the total population of the people born on Earth.

Out of those 85 million people, only around 5 million are capable of wielding it effectively enough to become a guardian. Most of the time, it takes an awakening within the person for them to be able to wield the light that way...

Either way... out of those 5 million people, only around 10% actually become a guardian.... which isn't surprising, considering how dangerous the job is. Even though high ranking guardians easily become millionaires, and are seen as major celebrities, lower ranked guardians don't get rewarded nearly enough for the risk associated with entering rifts....

I take a look at the sky above, and stare into the vast expansive of blue... I sigh...

But it gets even more complicated. Due to the other worlds that are accesible through the world gate, there are more lightbearers than just the ones born here on earth.... some lightbearers aren't even human... that's also why the population is so low now, there's other places to live in other than here…

I take a look around me, and without having to look too far, I saw a group of beastfolk in the street corner, their fur and tails distinguishing them from normal humans. They were laughing and joking around, their sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. Further down the street, I saw a group of elves, their pointed ears and graceful movements making them stand out from the crowd. They were deep in conversation, their voices melodic and soothing. I turn my head, and notice a group of dwarves assisting with construction. I couldn't help but notice their sturdy builds and their impressive beards. They were examining a new building that was being constructed, their keen eyes taking in every detail.

My annoyance at how people mix up lightbearers and guardians begins to fade away. I couldn't help but notice the small interactions between everyone. A pat on the back, a wave hello, a smile of recognition. It was the little things that made the difference, the simple acts of kindness that bridged the gaps between us.

It was a reminder that, despite our differences, we were all part of the same world. We were all united by the light, and that was what truly mattered.

I sigh once again, realizing that I need to be more open-minded towards those who aren't lightbearers. They don't really understand how it works, and I don't blame them.

I continue walking, taking in the sights of the cities. The large digital buildboards, displaying different kinds of ads, the smell of street food being cooked up by some gnomes, the sound of some lion-beast folk laughing loudly.

My eyes wandered to the different type of signs and build boards. Some of them were fashion designers that used eleves as models. Others were aquariums featuring shows starring some mermaids. There were also announcements revealing the next rift stream, which I wasn't too excited for.

I couldn't say the same for other people, however. The rifts, as well as guardians, have become a massive industry in society in nearly every aspect.

Rift streams in particular is how they take over the entertainment industry. They are live broadcasts that are streamed from the labyrinths, the otherworldly realms that are accessed through the rifts. These streams document the expeditions of the guardians, and other individuals who venture into the labyrinths to battle the monsters that reside there. The streams are a source of fascination for many people, as they provide a glimpse into these otherworldly realms and the dangers that lie within. They are often broadcasted on various platforms, including social media and news channels, and are watched by millions of people worldwide.

There's even people who make a living off reacting to them, providing commentary or analysis on them, either in real time, or in an edited video.

The streams are usually recorded using drones . These drones send electromagnetic pulses infused with light, acting as a sort of broadcast signal that can travel through rifts. These signals are then picked up my news and video provides in the same way other signals are received.

Official rift streams are ran by guardian divisions, and are overlooked by a host. The hosts will often narrate their experiences, providing commentary on the creatures they encounter and the challenges they face. Viewers can also interact with the hosts, asking questions and providing encouragement.



As I'm thinking about how much the rifts have impacted society, I noticed a commotion up ahead. A group of humans had cornered a small goblin, and they were throwing rocks and insults at it. The goblin was squealing in fear, trying to protected itself by curling up.

My heart sank as I saw the scene unfolding before me. I knew that goblins were often seen as pests, but this was no way to treat another living being.

Without thinking, I lifted my hand, and it was enveloped by an earthly aura. The rock that was hurtling towards the goblin stopped mid-air, gently floating in place.

The humans turned to me, surprised by my sudden appearance. They seemed to recognize me as a light-bearer, and they quickly backed away, muttering apologies.

I approached the goblin, who was now staring at me in awe. It was small, barely reaching my waist, with green skin and beady eyes. It was wearing tattered clothes, and it looked like it had been through a lot.

I gently lowered the rock to the ground, and the goblin looked up at me with gratitude in its eyes. It thanked me in broken language, but I could make out the words "may the light provide."

I smiled, nodding in acknowledgement. It was a common saying among those who worshipped the light as a deity, and it was surprising to hear the goblin saying it.

I watched as the goblin scurried away, disappearing into the crowd. As I continued towards school, I couldn't help but think about the incident. It was a small act of kindness, but it meant the world to the goblin.

After a bit of walking, I finally make it to the school entrance. It was a grand and imposing structure, designed to convey a sense of prestige and importance. It was made of marble and had a large archway that led into the main courtyard.

The archway was adorned with intricate carvings that depicted scenes from the history of the school, including the founding of the institution and its most notable alumni. Above the archway was a large clock tower, its golden hands ticking away the time.

The courtyard itself was a large open space, surrounded by buildings that housed classrooms, labs, and other facilities. There were benches and tables scattered around, providing students with a place to sit and socialize.

The courtyard was also home to several statues, each one commemorating a different aspect of the school's history. One statue depicted the founder of the school, while another honored the first guardian.

The entrance was always bustling with activity, as students and faculty members hurried in and out of the buildings. There was a sense of purpose and energy in the air, as everyone went about their daily routines and pursued their goals.

I walk through the large, opened marble doors, which was part of the main building.



As I walked through the halls of my school, I couldn't help but overhear the conversations of other students, both human and non-human.

In one corner, a group of elves were discussing the latest fashion trends in their home world. They were comparing different fabrics and colors, their voices filled with excitement.

Further down the hall, a group of beastfolk were chatting about their favorite sports teams. They were animatedly discussing which team was the best, their tails swishing behind them in excitement.

As I passed a group of dwarves, I heard them talking about a new invention that they were working on. They were discussing different materials and designs, their voices filled with pride and enthusiasm.

I even overheard a conversation between a human and a merfolk, who were discussing the latest news about the rifts. They were exchanging ideas and theories, their voices filled with a sense of urgency and purpose.

After walking past several classes, I finally reach my own. I entered my classroom and took my usual seat next to my childhood friend, Hina. She was a human, like me, with brown hair and bright eyes. She was staring intently at her tablet, which was playing a video of a v-tuber reacting to a recording of a rift stream that took place the night before.

"Hey, Hina," I greeted her, trying to get her attention.

No response.

I stare at her blankly, and then I get an idea. I raised my hand, forming a finger gun with my fingers. A slight frigid fog began to surround my hand, and a puff of freezing air shot out from my fingers, hitting the back of Hina's neck.

She yelped in surprise, dropping her phone in shock. She turned to me, her eyes wide with surprise. "Kane, what was that for?" she exclaimed.

I stare at her blankly as I respond. "Just trying to get your attention, Hina. You were completely ignoring me." I said with a sarcastic tone.

Hina rolled her eyes, knowing that I was being petty to annoy her, but I could see a hint of amusement in them. "Sorry, Kane. I was just watching a really interesting stream. You know how it is."

I nodded, understanding. "Yeah, I get it. But sometimes you need to put the phone down and pay attention to the world around you," I said, a little more seriously.

She rubs the back of her neck , whether it was from embarrassment or her trying to check if the back of her neck froze, I have no idea.

"Anyways, what are you watching?" I ask as I point to her phone.

She picks her phone back up, and shows me. "Take a look for yourself!" She said in an excited tone.

I glanced at the screen, seeing a v-tuber reacting to a recording of a rift stream that had taken place the night before. I wasn't really interested in v-tubers or streams, but I tried to go along with it for Hina's sake.

I noticed that she was reacting to a rift stream recording from last night. The video showed a group of guardians closing off an A-Tier rift. The v-tuber was watching the video, her models eyes widening as she saw the different monsters and tactics that the guardians used. She would pause the video every once in a while to make a comment, her voice filled with excitement and wonder.

As she watched, I noticed that there was a chat box on the side of the screen. People from all over the world were commenting on the video, sharing their own experiences and opinions.

I couldn't help but glance at the chat, reading through some of the comments. There were people who were spamming emotes when a guardian used a flashy ability, and others who were speculating on the different types of monsters that they had encountered.

As Hina and I were watching the v-tuber, we suddenly heard a loud noise coming from behind us. We turned around to see one of our friends, Akio, sneaking up on us.

He had a mischievous grin on his face and was trying to scare me. I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was always up to some kind of prank.

Akio was a mischievous and outgoing guy, always looking for ways to have fun and make people laugh. He had a lean build, with short, spiky black hair and bright blue eyes. He was always dressed in casual clothes, usually wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

Despite his playful nature, Akio was also fiercely loyal to his friends, and he would do anything to protect them. He had a quick wit and a sharp tongue, and he was never afraid to speak his mind.

But... he's still annoying...

I turned back to the v-tuber, trying to ignore him. But Akio was persistent, and he continued to make noise and try to startle me.

Finally, I had enough. I turned to him, giving him a stern look. "What do you want, Akio?" I asked, trying to keep my patience.

Akio just laughed, taking a step back. "Nothing, nothing! Just thought I'd scare you a bit," he said, still grinning.

Hina rolled her eyes, but she was also smiling. "You're such a joker, Akio," she said, shaking her head.

Akio just shrugged, still looking pleased with himself. "Hey, I gotta keep things interesting around here," he said, winking at us.

I couldn't help but smile, despite myself. Even though Akio could be annoying at times, he was still a good friend.

As Akio finished his attempt at scaring me, he sat down next to us, still grinning from ear to ear. He turned to me and asked, "Hey, Kane, are you interested in stopping by the blacksmithing classroom later? I made a sword that I don't really have a use for, and I thought you might want it."

I thought about it for a moment, but I ultimately declined. "Thanks, Akio, but I don't really have a use for a sword," I said, trying to be polite.

Akio shrugged, looking a bit disappointed. "No problem, man. Just thought I'd offer. Let me know if you change your mind," he said, still grinning.

Just then, we looked to the front of the room as teacher got up and began to speak. Akio went back to his seat with his other friends, and Hina put her phone away.

As the class began, I tried to focus on the lesson, but my mind kept wandering. I found myself staring out the window, lost in thought. The teacher's words were a blur, and I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything. I felt a sense of restlessness, like I was meant to be doing something else. I glanced around the classroom, trying to distract myself. But nothing seemed to hold my attention. The other students were taking notes and listening attentively, but I couldn't seem to focus.

As the minutes ticked by, I felt myself growing more and more agitated. I knew that I should be paying attention, but I just couldn't seem to shake this feeling of restlessness. I tried to shake myself out of my stupor, but it was like there was a fog in my mind, preventing me from thinking clearly.

Hina noticed that I was zoning out, and she grew concerned. She knew that I was usually a focused and attentive student, so my behavior was out of character.

She passed me a note, asking if I was okay. I glanced at her, feeling a pang of guilt. I didn't want to worry her, but I also didn't want to lie.

I quickly scribbled a response on the note, passing it back to her. "I'm fine, just feeling a bit paranoid for some reason," I wrote, hoping that it would be enough to reassure her.

Hina looked at me with concern, but she didn't press the issue. Instead, she gave me a reassuring smile, letting me know that she was there for me if I needed her.

As the class continued, I tried to focus on the lesson, but my mind kept drifting. I couldn't shake this feeling of unease, like something was off.

As my paranoia began to reach a breaking point, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. I gathered my things and prepared to head to my next class. Hina and Akio both had classes in the same direction, so we decided to walk together.

As we walked, both Akio and Hina seemed to notice that I still looked off. They exchanged a concerned glance, and I could tell that they were worried about me.

"Hey, Kane, is everything okay?" Hina asked, looking at me with a furrowed brow.

Akio nodded in agreement. "Yeah bud, you seem kind of out of it," he added, looking at me with a puzzled expression.

I shrugged, feeling equally as confused. "I don't know, I just feel kind of weird today," I admitted, hoping they realize I'm not trying to hide anything.

Hina gave me a sympathetic smile. "Is there anything we can do to help?" she asked, her voice filled with compassion.

Akio nodded, looking serious. "Yeah bro, if you need anything, just let us know," he said, his tone firm and supportive.

I felt a surge of gratitude towards my friends. "Thanks, guys, I appreciate it," I said, feeling slightly better.



After a bit more walking, we made it the point where we all split off. Hina keeps walking even further down the hall, until she walks through some doors that lead to the outdoor class area. I'm fairly certain she has environmental science.

Meanwhile, Akio is diagonal from me, since we both have electives. He has blacksmithing, while I have luxology, which is the study of the light, and how it interacts with other fields such as biology, chemistry, medicine, etc.

We all said our goodbyes and wished each other luck, promising to meet up later and catch up.

I walked into my class, and sat at my usual seat. I knew I had a test, so I got my stuff out. The teacher then began to hand out tests. When she got to me, she gave me a slight nod.

As I began the, I felt a sense of focus wash over me. Luxology was one of my favorite subjects, and I was confident in my knowledge of the material.

The questions were straightforward, testing my understanding of various different equations and theories. With each question, I analyzed the information given and used my knowledge to deduce the correct answer. My mind seemed to be working at an accelerated pace, and I found myself finishing the test in only a few minutes.

As the other students continued to work on the test, I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I was exhausted mentally, and I felt like resting. As I drifted off to sleep, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. For a few moments, the paranoia and unease that had been plaguing me earlier seemed to fade away.

But as the minutes ticked by, the feeling of unease returned, stronger than ever. I felt like I was being watched, like something was lurking just beyond the edge of my perception. I tried to shake off the feeling, but it was like a weight on my chest. I felt like I was suffocating, like the walls were closing in around me. As the class ended and the other students began to file out of the room, I stayed behind, feeling like I couldn't move. The sense of paranoia was overwhelming, and I didn't know what to do.

As the other students began to leave the classroom, an announcement blared over the intercom, causing everyone to freeze in place.

"Attention all students and faculty, please remain in your classrooms under all circumstances. A rift has opened up within the school, and we are currently investigating the situation. Please do not attempt to leave your classrooms until further notice."

I was surprised. Although rifts can open virtually anywhere with open space, the chances of one opening inside of a building is pretty rare.

As the students began to slowly walk back inside the classroom, the sense of unease in the air was palpable. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, which caused everyone to jump.

Without warning, the students began to panic, rushing back inside the classroom. Everyone was shouting and pushing, trying to get inside the room.

The teacher, who had been standing by the door, quickly ushered everyone inside, slamming the door shut behind her. She locked the door, and then turned to face the class.

"Everyone, please remain calm," she said, her voice firm but soothing. "We don't know what's happening yet, but we will be safe in here."

The other students were still panicking, but the teacher's words seemed to have a calming effect. Slowly, the noise died down, and everyone settled into their seats.

As we waited in silence, the sense of unease in the room grew stronger. We could hear muffled voices and footsteps outside the door, and it was clear that something was happening.

The minutes ticked by, and we waited in silence, not knowing what was happening outside of the classroom.

As we waited in the classroom, the silence was broken by a strange noise. It was a clicking sound, like the sound of insects crawling across a hard surface. The noise was faint at first, barely audible over the sound of our breathing. But as the minutes ticked by, the clicking grew louder and more insistent.

I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized that the noise was coming from outside the door. It was like something was crawling around out there, something that we couldn't see. The other students were starting to get restless, murmuring and fidgeting in their seats. The sense of unease in the room was growing stronger, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

Suddenly, there was a loud banging on the door, causing everyone to jump.

As the banging on the door continued, the teacher cautiously approached it, calling out to whoever was on the other side.

"Who is it? What's going on out there?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

"It's me, Yuki," came the muffled response. "Please, let me in. Something's after me."

The teacher hesitated for a moment, her hand hovering over the lock. And then, just as she was about to open the door, there was a sudden burst of noise.

A large pair of ant like pincers had burst through the door, its pincers snapping and clicking, flicking blood within the classroom as it was tearing the door up. Yuki, who had been standing just outside the door, was caught off guard and was torn apart by the creature before he could even scream.

Everyone was paralyzed as the pair of pincers continues to snap, damaging the doors more and more. Finally, the pincers retracted, and everything fell silent.

The sound of people hyperventilating started, and it was clear that some people have reached their breaking point. Multiple girls have covered their mouth to try and not scream, while some of the other guys looked away from the pool of blood that was dripping onto the floor from the door.

As I watch the pool of blood slowly grow, it hit me. The feeling of unease and paranoia that I had been experiencing earlier, it wasn't just a coincidence. It was like I had somehow sensed that something was wrong, like I had known that the rift was going to open up before it had even happened.



We need to escape.....


I need to find Hina and Akio.

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