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100% Douluo Dalu: Becoming the golden dragon king / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A new beginning

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A new beginning

"You got to be kidding me right?" Long shen yelled out loud or rather he tried to as Instead what came out of his mouth was a loud squeal

"Did I really get transferred into another world, as a lizard?" He asked himself as he looked down at his scaly legs

"Where am I anyway?" He asked as he looked around at the endless forest

[You're currently located in the sunset forest]

{You're currently located in the sunset forest}

Two mechanical female voices replied to his question

"Huh! Who said that?" Long shen jumped up and looked around in caution

[That would be us host] One of the voices replied

[I am the myriad world summoning system]

{And I am the infinite editing system}

The two voices introduced themselves to shen

"Huh, Systems? Wait hold on a minute did you just say that i was in the sunset forest a moment ago?" Shen asked

[{Affirmative}] the two voices replied in unison

"Don't tell me then, am I in the world of Douluo Dalu?" Shen asked

[That would be correct host.]

{Specifically in the world of Douluo Dalu 1, during tang sans era}

They both replied

"No way, Im so dead" Long shen replied as he slumped down in defeat

[Don't worry host you still have us by your side]

"Yeah, that's right" Long shen got back up and yelled out in realization

" Then tell me you two what are both of your functions." He quickly asked

[Before that host would you please give us a name first?]

"Oh, that's right I can't just keep calling you both systems now can I? That would be too confusing." Long shen said

"Then how about Eve and Luna? Does that sound good to you two?" He asked



[I like it]

{Me too}

[*Ding* you have received a beginners gift package for completing a hidden achievement]

{*Ding* you have received a free edit and 500 edit points for completing a hidden achievement}

[Do you wish to open your gift package now host?] Eve asked Shen

"Not right now. I want to first know both of your functions first before I do anything and by the way please just call me Shen"

{OK Shen} Luna replied

"Well then can you two go on and explain both of your functions" Shen said

[Well you could probably have already guessed by our names by now but I have the ability to summon almost anything from any world. Be it character, items, and abilities. With the use of currency called summoning points which you can get daily by signing in.]

"Does that include fictional worlds like anime?" Shen asked eagerly

[Yes] Eve replied

[Summons are classified by these following ranks: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mystic, and Divine]

{As for me, I have the capability to change or upgrade anything with the use of edit points. Which you can also get daily by signing in. Be warned however that the greater the change or upgrade you're trying to make the more edit points you will need to spend. I am also capable of showing you anyone's stat}

"Can you show me mine then?" Shen asked

{Of course} Luna replied as she went on and showed Shen his stats


Name: Long Shen

Race: Lizard

Age: 10

Strength: 1

Defense: 2

Agility: 8

Vitality: 5

Luck: 20

Rank: None


"That bad huh? Luck is the highest out of all my stats. By the way what does it mean when my rank is none?" Shen asked

{Well your rank as well others is ranked according to this world's power ranking. Spirit Scholar(1-10), Spirit Master(11-20), Spirit Grandmaster(21-30), Spirit Elder(31-40), Spirit Ancestor(41-50), Spirit King(51-60), Spirit Emperor(61-70), Spirit Saint(71-80), Spirit Douluo(81-90), and Title Douluo(91-100. As for items, they'ranked the same way as Eve's}

"Shouldn't I be a spirit scholar then. Seeing as my age is 10 which is the age a spirit beast is required to have to reach that rank?" Shen replied

{That's not how it works. Just because your age reaches that age doesn't mean that you automatically have power associated with it. Besides you'll need to be an açtual spirit beast first.}

"Huh, what do you mean? Am I not a spirit beast?" Shen asked in disbelief.


"Then what am I?" Shen asked

{A normal lizard}

"You got to be kidding me" Shen yelled out

{Don't worry Shen, if you want to you could change your race at any time using the free edit you received.} Luna replied

"Sigh, no need. I have another use for it instead. By the way can I upgrade anything to the highest grade with this free edit or is there a limit?," Shen asked

{No, there is no limit} Luna replied

"Is that so, then can you go on and upgrade the gift package I received from Eve to the highest grade?"

{Yes, but I will need Eve's permission first} Luna replied

"Is that alright with you Eve?" Shen asked


"Alright then go on ahead and upgrade my gift package Luna."


{Using free edit to upgrade gift package. Pending...}

{*Ding*, process complete. Would you like to look at the changes made?} Luna asked

"Yeah go ahead" shen replied excitedly


Item: Ultimate gift package

Rank: Divine

Description: A gift package that contains a variety of items ranked from Epic to divine.


"Great, go on and open it." Shen went on and said

[Understood] Eve replied

[Opening up gift package...]

[You have received...]

[Intermediate random plunder card (Mystic)]

[Spirit spear basquias (Divine)]

[Boosted gear (Divine)]

[Divine dividing (Divine)]

[Conqueror's Haki (Legendary)]

[Observation Haki (Epic)]

[Armament Haki (Epic)]

[Shave (Epic)]

[Fist of flowing water (Legendary)]

[x1 random martial soul (Legendary)]

[Defensive clothing (Epic)]

[Transformation pill (Epic)]

[+1000 luck]

[10,000 sp]

"I hit the Jackpot" Shen yelled out loud

"I already know what most of these items are and do but can you explain what the plunder card and transformation pill do." Shen asked Eve

[The random plunder card allows you to randomly plunder everything from a random person. Be it their memories, power, soul, race, and bloodline. As for the transformation pill, it allows you to assume a human form.] Eve replied to Shen's question

"Cool, can I take the transformation pill now then. I don't want to continue staying a lizard for too long if I can." Shen asked

[Understood] Eve replied as the next moment a small blue pill appeared in front of Shen.

"is this it?" Shen looked at it carefully and couldn't help but ask.

[Yes, all you have to do is eat it and you'll be able to turn into a human] Eve responded

"Alright then bottoms up" shen said as he went ahead and took the pill

The next moment his body glowed as he slowly began to get bigger and took on a human form and as his body finally stopped glowing his new appearance finally came into view

What appeared then was a small boy with short black hair and clear blue eyes. With an uparallel appearance standing there fully naked

"Umm, can you give me some clothing?" Shen asked embarrassedly

[Of course. You still have the clothing you received from your gift package] Eve replied as she went on and gave him the clothes to put on.

"Better" Shen said now fully clothed

"So I'm a kid again" he asked as he looked down at his new body


"Well I guess I always wanted to know what it felt like to be a kid again." Shen said

"Ok then now let's use the random plunder card."


"How exactly do I use this though" Shen asked, holding the card in his hand"

[You just have to crush it]

"Simple enough. Just to make sure though this won't affect me in any way will it? Like for example completely change my personality. Seeing as I'm absorbing another person's soul and memories ." Shen asked

[No, it'll have no forceful effects on you. You'll still be yourself. It will however cause some slight changes in you depending on whether or not you let the memories affect you.] Eve replied

"Got it" shen said as the next moment he crushed the card in his hand

[*Ding* you have drawn the golden dragon king as the character to plunder.]

"What!" Shen yelled out in shock

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