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Domain of the Calm Sleepers

[Supernatural Enigma]

A special EX-Grade title, it's given to a player that had undergone an unexpected racial error route outside the Lunaris game's system. Supernatural Enigma title makes it possible for the player to bypass the amount limit on races and also gain two unique skills, Adaptable Mutation, and Order of the Enigma.

'Ok, this is pretty OP...' Blake thought, gasping in shock.

Based on the description, players could only have one race as expected.

But with the Supernatural Enigma title, the limit doesn't apply to him as he can get as many races as he wants, allowing him to effectively harness the unlocked Racial Quests to the fullest extent.

Furthermore, it also comes with two unique skills.

As he was dwelling inside his mind about the title, another notification appeared.

[Player MoonDespoiler received 1 Racial Completion Ticket]

Upon seeing this notification, Blake could already tell what the ticket is for. A smile appeared on his face as this is a great welcoming gift for him. Pondering for a moment, he decided to save the ticket and use it after he assessed his current situation first.

Now, he was curious about the two unique skills that he gained.

Hovering back to his status window, he clicked on the two unique skills to check them.

[Adaptable Mutation Lvl.1]

A unique skill that can only be gained through possessing the Supernatural Enigma title. It allows the player to change race at will with a slight delay. Transformation delay and cooldown will decrease the higher the player's mastery over this skill.

[Order of the Enigma]

It's the second unique skill that can only be gained through possessing the Supernatural Enigma title. It provides the player a 100% exp boost in killing rival races as well as prey monsters associated with the current activated race. Furthermore, this skill also increases 50% of the player's aura display against the same race or rival races.

Even though he has high-expectation, these unique skills didn't fail to amaze him.

'Out of the two unique skills, the Adaptable Mutation is really good. I can now have multiple races and even change races at will, that's practically a cheat, isn't it?' Blake was quite excited about these two unique skills.

Salana who was also reading the description from the side has the same reaction.

Despite the bad and weird start the two of them experienced, fearing that they are not able to play the Lunaris game, the end result is very much outstanding. Having these blessings, it's hard for Blake to be weak.

But then, a warning notification appeared, surprising the two.

[Attention all players, the First Act will begin in one minute!]

[Novice cities are going to be turned into a temporary Safe Zone as the First Act started. Players outside of Novice cities can go to the other Safe Zones that would be marked with a ray of green light shooting to the sky which will act as a shelter until the event is finished]

[Good luck to all players!]

[From this moment, your action will determine your destiny]



Looking at the timer counting down, Blake can't help but frown in worry.

Not only does the timer is only set for one minute before the First Act will begin, but the 'good luck' on the announcement gives a cue that it's going to be bad if he doesn't reach a Safe Zone.

No matter where he looks at it, this doesn't seem to be a good sign.

"What's this First Act? Is it something really bad to be out here?" Blake asked.

Salana also frowned and shakes her head, "I'm your Persona, but that doesn't mean I know everything that's going to happen. But if I had to guess, the Lunaris game revolves around beating Seven Moon Gods, so it could be the descension of the first God"

Upon hearing this, Blake didn't waste any time and looked around the place he was in.

Blake is in the middle of nowhere, standing in a barren dead place with only a couple of black scorched trees around him. Slowly, he became nervous. It was not the eeriness of the place that worries him, but it was the fact that he can't see the end of the barren place on the far horizon.

Just then, at his far right, a sudden ray of green light shoots into the sky.

"Safe Zone! That must be the Safe Zone! I don't know what the First Act will be, but I'm not going to stand around and find out" Blake said firmly, he decided that he would heed the announcement's warning and go to the Safe Zone.

In an instant, Blake started sprinting toward the green light.

Along the way, while he was running, he finds a small box on the left corner of his vision.

[Domain of the Calm Sleepers]

"Oh, no... this is a bad place to be in" Salana suddenly commented while running beside him.

Glancing at her with a creased forehead, he gave her a questioning look before she pointed at the name of the place they were in. "Similar to the color of quests, Hunting Grounds or Dungeons are also written in a specific color depending on the difficulty. And this place is definitely not for level 1 players like you"

Blake looks back at the small box, the name of the place is written in yellow color.

"Again, if it's the same as my world, the color yellow means C-rank difficulty that in no way, a level 1 player like you can survive. Novice places should be colored either White or Grey" Salana explained, her voice showing the crisis of the situation. But seeing Blake is still not following, she then continued, "It means the mobs in this area are advanced mobs that peaked around level 50 or possibly beyond"

Upon hearing this, Blake instantly sucked in a cold breath, "Fuck me..."

No matter what kind of games he played in the past, there's no record that a level 1 player with no equipment and no skills can defeat a level 50 mob. It's simply impossible, like a toddler fighting against a dragon.

Contemplating for a moment, Blake then asked, "What happened if I die here?"

"Normally, you would wake up and can't log in for the penalty time. Additionally, your avatar's level will be reduced by 1, and you will be in pain a little. But since you're still level 1, it's going to really hurt if you die right now" Salana replied, conveying the penalties.

As the two of them are running, the cloudy sky above them suddenly dispersed.

Knowing that the odds of Blake surviving are pretty damn low, Salana then said, "Since I'm still at the first rank, still don't have a physical presence, and couldn't help you fight, I'll go on ahead. I'll scout to make sure nothing is at the front"

"What about the power you gave me earlier, the Persona Harmony?" Blake asked.

Salana shakes her head firmly, "Using that skill in your current state is very dangerous, I can't let you use it again or there will be permanent damage to your actual body. Even if I want to, I can't, I have no energy left"

Cutting the conversation short, Salana quickly picks up her pace and head on ahead.

'So fast...' Blake commented, seeing her back getting further away.

Shifting his gaze back to the clear sky again, he saw the sky is not only decorated with the shining bright sun but there are also seven moons beside it. Outshine by the sun, but can still be seen.

It was then, one of the full moons with a yellowish-gold hue glow brighter.

A moment later, the yellowish-gold moon overtakes the bright sun completely. Even Blake was forced to look away from the sky due to how bright that moon has become, glowing with blinding light.

Following that, a high-pitched cracking sound rings in his ears like a loud siren.

Blake tries to look skywards again and finds shattered fragments of the sky started falling down, almost as if the sky was glass that shattered after being hit by some unknown force. He feels the ground trembling underneath his feet as a beam of light shot down and hits the world.

Even though it was far away, the impact reaches here.

'Salana might be right on her guess, that must be one of the Seven Moon Gods. So the First Act will be taking that thing down' Blake thought, nodding his head firmly as was quite curious about how the world will progress.

If he wanted to become stronger, he would need to confront that God sooner than others.

Albeit that is the case, the distance between him and the place where the light beam landed is quite far, and it's very unlikely for him to get there first. Taking on the lower end, the place should be thousands of kilometers away.

Just as he was witnessing the light beat, his eyes caught sight of a forest.

It was at the end of his vision, and this made his eyes light up since that must be the end of the Domain of the Calm Sleepers. Now he can only hope that the forest is not as difficult as this place, he needs to start leveling up soon.

Blake was about to pick up his pace but he abruptly stop in his tracks.

Countless rough cackling and growling sounds penetrated his ears, and his eyes bear witness to many holes started appearing on the ground in front of him. It didn't take long for him to realize that something are crawling out of the ground.

Looking back at the Safe Zone, he seems to be about two kilometers away from it.

'Shit, shit, shit... this is very, very bad!'

Blake slowly steps back when he finds countless information tabs that started appearing in his vision. Mentally counting, there are at least thirty or so of these tabs, meaning that there are at least thirty mobs crawling out of the ground.

Additionally, his expression paled seeing the levels of these Mobs.

[Ivory Armored Skeleton]

Level: 41

Grade: Wild

Hp: 51,000 / 51,000


Bonecrusher Strike - Delivers a powerful melee strike with its massive weapon, causing heavy damage to a single target. Has a chance to stun and knock back the target.

Unyielding Fortress - Enter a fortified state, increasing 50% physical defense as well as decreasing 20% incoming damage.

[Zombie Sleepers]

Level: 49

Grade: Elite

Hp: 67,000 / 67,000


Vile Vomit - Regurgitates putrid, toxic bile onto its enemies, melting anything it touches, and has a chance to inflict poison and disease effect that deals damage over time.

Decay Barrage - Fling pieces of its own decomposing flesh at ranged targets, dealing moderate damage.

Comparing the two types of mobs that are crawling out of the ground, Blake finds that the Ivory Armored Skeletons are written in blue color while the Zombie Sleepers are written in purple color.

It's clear that the Zombie Sleepers should be stronger, purple color should be very high.

But both have one thing in common, and that is none of them Blake is able to kill.

Just from their information tabs alone, Blake can wipe away the hopeful thought of killing them. 'Even if I choose a powerful race, I don't think I can close the gap. So I need to focus on picking a race that can help me escape'

With that in mind, Blake turns around intending to run away as he tries to pick a race.

Despite having a plan in mind, his expression paled when a huge arm blasted from the ground followed by an ear-shattering roar. It was another mob, and this one emit a more horrifying aura than the others.

'Man... screw this. Should I just kill myself here and hope for the best next time?'

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