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The Unexpected Encounter

He stared at her shocked for a minute and then the shock on his face turned into disappointment and he could not hide it as he looked her over. He was expecting the head lawyer but then he felt the head lawyer does not regard the case as serious and as such had sent his subordinate and the thought made him angry.

He looked up at her wanting an introduction and noticed her smile slowly turning to resentment as she stood there staring at him and he just looked her over. 'You're from the Law department?' Seongchol asked her again because he wasn't too convinced. ' Yes, sir' she replied nonchalantly. 'Where is this attitude coming from' Seongchol thought to himself, 'I was expecting to see the head of the department he said to her in a tone that showed he was not very satisfied with what he was seeing. 'Well sir he had a family emergency and sent me in his stead since I prepared the case together with him but if you are not satisfied with me I might just as well go and you wait for whenever he comes back' she said angrily. 'Have I done anything to upset you?' He asked her because he was shocked by her display of anger.

She paused for a minute and then looked up at him, 'should I keep standing here or I should go? She asked clearly annoyed. 'Please do sit down' he said still unsure of the cause of her anger and he felt himself getting angry as well as though it was not enough that the head lawyer had to send his subordinate and now this subordinate clearly has terrible mood swings.

She sat down on one of the sofas in the office and he left his chair to join her sitting on the opposite side and facing her. They sat down facing each other as though having a silent battle that only they understood and finally he broke the silence. 'So you said you are what? he asked her. 'The assistant director she replied under her breath clearly irritated by the way he asked. 'And I did not quite catch your name' he said trying his best not to get angry and keeping his voice neutral, 'that's because I never told you my name she retorted.

Something was clearly wrong here he thought to himself and he was obviously not aware of what he had done wrong. 'Please then what is your name?' he asked now getting slightly irritated. 'My name is Oh Min-jae. 'Okay miss Oh Min-jae, let's hear what you have for me because I'm sure he would not have sent you if you were not competent enough'. 'I'll take that as a compliment' she said, 'very well, now let's hear it'.

So she started explaining the processes they had to go through to indict him and the charges they would most likely be able to present and have it accepted based on the business laws. As she was talking and explaining the procedures, he found himself getting lost in her voice and the seriousness in her eyes, the anger he saw earlier had disappeared and in it's place he could see the passion she had for her job. He listened attentively and looked at the papers she gave him noting down points he wanted to go back to, she seemed to know her stuff very well and he was quite pleased with what he heard , he tried not to think about anything or give it more thought before he chickened out, they had wronged him and they deserved everything that was coming to them. Instead he focused on her voice and let it calm his nerves.

She loved the way he was paying attention to her, slightly encouraging her to keep going, and she just kept on explaining and as she stared at him she noticed how handsome he looked his nose was well proportioned to suit his face and even his eyes and single eyelid gave him a sexy appearance especially when he was concentrating like that as though weighing every single word she was saying. She really loved the way he was listening to her and her anger melted, maybe he wasn't really obnoxious she thought.

After she was done explaining, he thanked her and told her to proceed with the plan. They exchanged their farewells and she left while he sat there feeling a lot better than he had felt in a while. He had been torn about whether to proceed with the case but now he has never felt more certain.

She walked into her office better than she had left and her colleagues were looking at her suspiciously, 'did something good happen to you' one of them asked her and she just smiled and went to her sit and turned to her work bestie. 'I knew the C.E.O was handsome but being so close to him is another experience on it's own.

'What is wrong with you now? her friend asked her smiling, 'he seemed rude at first and I was almost regretting my decision but turns out he is really sweet and maybe this whole issue with his friend and partner is really weighing him down, I could totally understand him. 'You have really fallen for him, just be careful so he does not transfer his aggression on you, the last thing you'll need is to have a broken man in your hands, you definitely can't handle that.


Seongchol was on a call with his friend from U.S who was trying to look for possible foreign investors that were interested in a beauty brand. The friend was suggesting that he comes to U.S himself so they can go over it together because he was the only one that knew what he really wanted. His secretary came into the office to remind him that he had a meeting with some clients outside the office so he quickly ended his call and got ready to leave.

While he was about to leave the office he got a call and he looked at his phone only to realize that the call was from his ex, he hesitated but eventually pick, she was calling to find out when he would be free because she wanted to meet up and talk. He told her he did not have anything to say to her and then he hung up and walked out angrily ignoring the greeting from his secretary.

As he was driving out he saw Oh Min-jae waiting at the bus stop he drove away at first then drove back and wind down to ask her where she was headed and she told him she wanted to visit the district attorney to ask him some questions, he told her it was along his way and if she did not mind she was free to join him and she agreed and got into the car, seeing her had made him forget his anger.

Oh Min-jae got into the car and thanked him although he had passed her by before she was wondering why he came back, 'he seems to be having mood swings more than a woman on her period, or could he be bipolar' she thought to herself. He noticed the look on her face and asked her if everything was ok and she said it was fine at first but then she said she was just worried why he came back because he had passed by her initially. He told her he had a lot on his mind and he only realized it was her after he had passed by that's why he came back. 'Does that satisfy you he said? 'Yes she replied blushing slightly. He noticed her smile and smiled softly to himself before he caught himself smiling and stopped.

'How long have you been working in the company?' Seongchol asked her, 'I have been working her for almost four years now' she said although I just recently got promoted. 'But I can swear haven't seen you until today' He said, 'But all I could see was was you' she said before she caught herself. 'What did you say?' he asked thinking he did not hear well, 'I said I have seen you on multiple occasions both inside the company and outside, she said stopping herself from saying that she was at the restaurant the day he proposed to his fiancée. 'Well I guess we will be seeing each other more often from now on' she gave him a questioning look and then he added 'I mean since you will be in charge of the case we will be able to see each other more often. 'Oh, yes, sure she said smiling, 'you seem to smile a lot? he asked her, 'yes I do she said smiling and he smiled back.

He soon got to the bus stop leading to the district attorney's office and he asked to be dropped off and he dropped her off but before she got down she asked if he would let her treat him to dinner because she was grateful for the ride and he agreed to it. She thanked him and left and as he drove out of sight he realized not once did he think of his ex, he had totally forgotten she had called him earlier and almost ruined his day but right now he suddenly felt better.

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