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Chapter 2: Bite back and Bite back twice

Nothing is more scary than a man who has nothing to lose and no woman to protect and that is exactly what heartbroken Choi Seongchol is, in one day his entire world and everything he holds dear had come crashing down and it has left him bare and more importantly fearless and he was going to go at them with all that he has.

As Seongchol got up that morning to prepare for work, he checked his phone and saw a message from his secretary informing him that she has scheduled the board meeting for 9am and she had informed all the parties involved accordingly. He checked the time and confirmed it was just 7:30 am and he still had time to properly prepare.

He stood in front of the mirror looking at his reflection and he could not believe the mess that has become him in just a night. His hair looked like he just came out of a hair battle and his face showed the evidence of drinking so much wine late in the night. As he stood in front of the mirror thoughts of the previous day started coming back and in anger he punched the mirror causing his fist to bleed and bringing him back to his senses.

He grimaced in pain and he sucked his tongue in rushing to the bathroom to to wash off the blood on his hand. He went into the shower and had his bath and while in the shower he tried to collect his thought and figure out how he was going to proceed at the board meeting. He finally came out of the shower and proceeded to dress up and while he was dressing up he picked up a flowered tie that his now ex fiancée had bought for him at their second anniversary and he remembered how he had really cherished it and wore it only on special occasions. The thought made him more angry than sad, he angrily threw it on the floor and then proceeded to scattered his wardrobe throwing away everything he had gotten from her and his best friend as a gift with each one bringing with it it's own memory.

He was still throwing away stuff when his phone rang and he went to pick it up, it was his secretary trying to find out if he was awake and getting ready for the meeting. After the call ended he hurriedly dressed up and went into his car, pausing briefly to call the cleaner in charge of his house and giving him directions on what to do to the clothes on the floor and then he set out for the office.


At the board room every one of the board members were seated as though in groups talking in slow voices, their faces clearly showing their grievances. 'He needs to step down as the C.E.O because if he cannot manage his house he most certainly cannot manage this company' one of the board member was saying and a few others were supporting him.

Seongchol walked into the board room straight from the elevator without stopping to receive the coffee his secretary was offering him. He entered the room and immediately the chatter stopped and everyone turned to face him as he sat down at the center of the table he noticed a few empty chairs and looked up at his secretary who bent down to whisper to him that some people have migrated to his best friend's father's company and they would not be joining the meeting.

'I am sure you all are aware of the predicament I am in' Seongchol started saying when one of the board members cut him off. 'I am glad you said the predicament you're in, why is your personal problem affecting the company'. 'We don't need a C.E.O who's personal; problem is going to bring loss to the company' another board member chipped in. 'Will you just hear me out before you all come for my head' Seongchol said getting angry. 'Asides from the fact that Kim Se-jun was my friend he was also the deputy C.E.O of this company and everyone of you played a role in assigning him that position but because there is a problem you all want to put the blame on me, yes, we have lost a very important client and our main opportunity to lunch our beauty business abroad but what we should be thinking about now is what is the way forward, how do we remedy this situation'.

They all got silent for a while but finally one of the first board member spoke up, 'If you can put your personal feelings aside, the first thing we need to do is arrest former Deputy C.E.O. Kim Se-jun, why because he was still a staff here and went to the US under our company name and passed behind us to steal our client and joined his father to set up a similar company stealing most of our ideas'.

Seongchol looked a bit conflicted and stared from one corner of the room to the other in deep thought. 'What we should be considering right now are other possible ways to lunch our products in the US before theirs hit the market, we don't have the time right now for a court case.

'Stop getting your feelings involved' another board member said in anger, 'He even stole your fiancée' another was saying and you don't seem to be angry.

'If it wear up to me he won't be able to walk the surface of this earth' the first board member said in anger, 'if you're not fit to bring us out of this crisis why don't you step down honorably and save us the stress', ' You can take some time off to heal your wound', another board member added.

'I won't be stepping down anytime soon', Seongchol said in anger, 'and if you guys want us to arrest Kim Se-jun we will but we have to do it properly so he does not recover anytime soon. 'Now you are sounding like our C.E.O' they all seemed pleased with his decision. They decided to have the legal team look into the matter and arrive at the best possible way to go about it, he had made his mind to bite back and he must spill blood in every bite.


He got into his office and his secretary rushed to report the events of the day to him and also told him that some of their investors are threatening to pull out their investment if things did not go back to the way it was soon because their stock price had fallen a bit as a result of the news yesterday.

He looked over the report from the secretary and fresh anger started to build up inside of him. He instructed his secretary to call the head of his legal team into his office and he should bring the necessary documents before lunch.


Few minutes later as Seongchol was at his desk reading all the comments about him he got a call from his secretary telling him that someone from the legal team was here to see him and he told her to allow them him expecting to see Mr. Moon Gu-won the head of the legal team but instead a young beautiful woman walked into the office and he was left speechless by her beauty for a few seconds.

Lee Tae-ri was the assistant director of the legal team, ever since she had seen Choi Seongchol one morning she had fallen for him but fate had never really brought them together because he only dealt directly with the head director of the legal team. When news of what his best friend and fiancée had done to him became public her heart had gone out to him but they were practically strangers to each other even though they worked in the same company so there was nothing she could do even though she wanted to hold and comfort him.

She was very excited when she had gotten a message from the head director telling her to stand in for him as his child was undergoing surgery and he would not be available, since she had prepared the case with him he felt she was the best person to stand in for him and brief the C.E.O about it. She felt like a terrible because she almost thanked God that his child was undergoing surgery but she caught herself.

She had spent the next few hours after she got the call preparing herself on how to approach him and leave the best impression and she kept going over it while checking her time and and soon as it was time she had rushed out of her office to the elevator headed for his office but now as she stood in front of him the look of shock and horror on his face had shattered what little courage she had spent time building up.

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