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Reincarnation Of The Strongest Villain Reincarnation Of The Strongest Villain original

Reincarnation Of The Strongest Villain

Author: Hanand_Giri

© WebNovel


Regrets. They were the most detested thing by the human race.

Even the Strongest villain in history, the one who conquered the entire Earth in the shadows, experienced regrets in his final moments.

In a dimly lit, solitary room adorned with exquisite decorations and expensive furniture, an elderly man lay on a king-size bed, seeking respite.

The old man resembled a fading candle, with cracks covering his frail skin and a head full of long, white hair, leading anyone to believe that his days were numbered.

"I possessed everything the world had to offer. Yet, despite all my power, I still couldn't find you... Father," the old man muttered in a raspy voice.

The eyes that were typically brimming with immense coldness and indifference now displayed a multitude of complex emotions.

The experiences of the mightiest villain were no laughing matter. He was an individual who seized anything that even remotely intrigued him, until nothing in this world could elicit more than indifference.

He had experienced everything, from love to hate, from sadness to happiness. From satisfaction of conquering the whole world to pain from losing the loved ones.

However, the sole thing he lacked and failed achieve in his long 100 years of life... was to find his missing father.

"Will I perish before I have the chance to see you again?" The old man whispered to the empty room.

His eyes were now filled with reluctance, frustration, and sorrow.

He still couldn't erase the memory of his 15th birthday, the day his father was declared missing.

That was the day when his sufferings commenced, and it marked the beginning of the rise of the most powerful villain the world had ever known.

But... it had all been in vain.

No one in the world could understand what the old man was feeling. Having lived for so long, he no longer felt meaning in life.

Having been the undisputed conqueror of the earth, he no long felt anything special in Power.

Having tasted all kinds of women in his life, he no longer felt meaning in lust.

Having lost all of his loved ones and his love of the life, he never felt love again.

Fighting his way from the absolute bottom to the peak of power, he no longer felt any pain or excitement.

He no longer felt any emotions. He felt more like a robot than a human.


The only thing that made him feel alive, that gave him the drive to do something, the only thing that gave meaning to his colourless life, was the mystery behind his Father's disappearance.

But alas, that mystery will remain unsolved.

He let out a deep sigh of defeat, closing his eyes one last time, overwhelmed by sadness, reluctance, and defeat.

Taking his final breath, the world believed it had witnessed the demise of the strongest villain in history...

Or so it believed.






'What is this feeling?'

Suddenly, the old man felt a surge of youthfulness coursing through his body. Energy and vitality filled him, which he had previously lacked.

But even more more importantly, he was standing upright!

He distinctly remembered lying on his bed, breathing his final breaths. Yet, here he stood, on his own two feet, feeling youthful once again.

With a sense of suspicion, he slowly opened his eyes...

"Why am I crying?"

...only to realize tears streaming down his cheeks.

Suddenly, he felt the embrace of someone.

"Don't worry, Arnav. I promise you, your uncle will find your father as soon as possible!" a voice, belonging to a middle-aged person, reached Arnav's ears.

Within the comforting embrace of his "Uncle," Arnav's eyes widened in astonishment.

"That's right, I will also utilize all my connections to locate your father," an incredibly beautiful woman vowed in a sweet voice.

Catching a glimpse from the corner of his eye, he instantly recognized her as his aunt, who was supposed to be deceased.

Arnav was utterly bewildered. He couldn't make sense of the situation he found himself in. While he had a clue about what was happening, he didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Trying his hardest to remain calm, he looked around to observe his surroundings.

As he did, Arnav realized that he was in the room he received as a gift on his 12th birthday.

The room was far from small, despite being intended for a twelve-year-old. It was filled with items one would expect to find in a teenager's space.

Various things were scattered haphazardly throughout the room, showcasing the owner's lack of tidiness. In the center, there was a double-sized bed with a disheveled bedspread, empty chip packets, and juice bottles.

To the right of the bed, a gaming setup adorned the space, featuring top-of-the-line models. Each of the device in the setup would make any gaming enthusiast drool with envy. However, upon closer inspection, immense disappointment would set in.

The entire setup was cluttered with garbage—empty juice cans, discarded packets, and food stains. Not a single area was clean. Even the wires were tangled, and the devices were covered in a thin layer of dust, as if they hadn't been properly cleaned.

Observing the sorry state of the top-notch setup, anyone would have fought tooth and nail to have the opportunity to take this baby away from Arnav. He just didn't deserve it.

To the left of the bed, a large shelf displayed items that clearly indicated the owner's fondness for "Otaku" culture.

The shelf housed a collection of figurines depicting diverse types of characters. Some were alien-like, while others were human, but the majority were demi-human characters, such as cat girls, dog girls, humanoid dragon milfs, and half-girl, half-snake figures.

Apart from that, the remaining parts of the room were furnished with simple furniture to fill the spacious area.

Taking in the entirety of the room, Arnav's memories of his dark past flooded back. He recollected the days when he was consumed by an obsession with games and... anime.

His expression grew somber as he slowly remembered his troubled past as a devoted otaku.

He wondered how he could recall events from decades ago, when he struggle to remember what he had for breakfast this morning.

Sensing that something was amiss, his uncle released him from the embrace and asked, "Are you alright, Arnav?"

Despite his mind being filled with a whirlwind of thoughts, Arnav continued to portray a broken heart. His face conveyed only immense pain and sadness, with tears streaming endlessly down his cheeks.

For the strongest villain, a little acting was child's play

"I'm fine, Uncle Ben," he replied in a barely audible voice.

Witnessing his nephew's pitiful display, Uncle Ben's heart clenched with anguish. He had always showered Arnav with love, constantly seeking ways to bring him happiness.

Even half of the figurines and games in the room were personally gifted by Uncle Ben.

Now, seeing Arnav consumed by grief, Uncle Ben made a solemn vow to find his missing brother and deliver a hard punch to his face for causing such sorrow and pain to his nephew.

Suddenly, a hand pressed firmly on Uncle Ben's shoulder, jolting him out of his thoughts. He realized that he had once again pulled Arnav into a tight embrace

"Come on, Ben. If you squeeze him too tightly, he might suffocate," Aunt Alice remarked playfully, trying to lighten the mood.

Ignoring her playful teasing, Uncle Ben apologized, "I'm sorry, Arnav. I guess I let my emotions get the better of me."

"It's okay, Uncle Ben," Arnav replied. "I'm sorry to ask this, but can I have some time alone for now?"

"Of course, of course. Alice, let's go and prepare for the search for my brother," Uncle Ben said to his wife, Alice. However, he paused just before leaving the room. "But Arnav, make sure to join us for dinner. You haven't eaten since this morning, and it's not good for your health."

"I will be there, Uncle Ben," Arnav agreed, closing the door to his room.

As soon as the door closed, his tears ceased, and his expression turned indifferent.

He settled into his gaming chair and powered on his high-performance PC. While it was booting up, he grabbed some tissues from the table and wiped away the traces of tears on his face.

It took less than a minute for the PC to start, and the first thing he checked was the date: December 29, 2023.

Arnav's eyes widened with disbelief. This was the day after his 15th birthday, the day when his father had been declared missing by the family.

To be certain, he decided to confirm the seemingly impossible situation he found himself in by conducting an internet search.

After ten minutes of searching, Arnav finally accepted the truth.

He had reincarnated and returned to his younger self!

He couldn't believe it. How could he? It seemed impossible, yet it was happening right before his eyes. He had no choice but to accept the reality.

The whole experience felt surreal to him. One moment he was lying in bed, taking his final breaths, and the next moment, he found himself transported back to his younger self.

It all felt like a dream, but a dream that he was savoring. If given the choice, he never wanted to wake up from it.

As for the reason behind his reincarnation and how it had happened, he didn't care in the slightest. He had a goal, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve it.

Regardless of the reason, he had been granted a second chance. He was absolutely determined not to squander it by fixating on trivial matters like the cause for his reincarnation.

What brought him a sense of relief was the fact that he now had an opportunity to search for his negligent father.

Arnav tightened his fist at the possibility of finding his father in this second chance at life. His eyes were now filled with determination, conviction, and hope.

After taking five minutes to gather his thoughts, Arnav was finally able to relax his tense body.

Since arriving here, he hadn't been able to relax even for a moment, as his cautious nature prevented him from doing so.

Now that he fully grasped his situation, he was ready to make plans for the future. Plans to find his father.

"I need to meticulously plan my future steps. I can't afford to waste a single day..."

Just as he was about to delve into further planning, the world suddenly began to tremble. His entire room shook, as if it could collapse at any moment.

Arnav swiftly leaped from his gaming chair and took cover under his double-sized bed. It was a safety measure for situations like these.

"Is it an earthquake? But I don't recall such an event occurring in the past," he wondered with heightened alertness.

However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted when an ethereal but commanding voice resonated in his mind.

But he wasn't alone in experiencing this. In fact, the whole world came to a standstill. Every individual heard a voice resounding in their minds, an authoritative voice demanding their undivided attention.

"Greetings, inhabitants of planet Earth. I am the Warden of the Universe."

Hanand_Giri Hanand_Giri

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