In the heart of a room which looked like a high-tech security control center, a figure leisurely reclined in a comfy chair. The room included an intricate web of monitors, and cutting-edge technology that would rival anything that had ever been shown in sci-fi movies.
Rows upon rows of screens depicted the world's events in real-time – a parade of live feeds that showed both chaos and serenity.
Amid this large network of displays, this being reclined in a chair tailor-made for someone who would spend most of their hours sitting. With his legs perched nonchalantly upon the central console, he surveyed the world through the eyes of countless surveillance cameras and sensors. He exuded an aura of cool detachment, his face covered by a plain mask.
Mysterious chapter, what could it mean?
I love writing chapters like this full of mystery. I hope in a few months we can all come back and appreciate chapters like this when we understand a few more things!
1 more chapter to go tonight.